Indestructible God King Chapter 256: Let’s quit, okay?

At the entrance of the Zhenmo Temple, above the Buddha’s Head Square!

The convoy of the King of the Great Zhou arrived, and the surrounding soldiers drove the crowd away, giving the Great King of the Great Zhou a quiet and safe environment in his carriage.

The people didn’t care too much. After all, that was the Great King of Zhou! Naturally there is a kingly bearing.

“Look, that’s the Great King of Zhou? And, that’s the national teacher who overpowered the monsters in the four directions. I heard that it is from Duxue Temple. It’s amazing!” A commoner who was stopped by the soldiers pointed and said. .

“What is the great master of the country? Does he have a good monk? The holy monk is a disciple of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!”

“But, the holy monk has no cultivation base!”

“What kind of cultivation does the holy monk need? He will cultivate in the world, how can he have time to practice magical skills? The holy monk is under the care of the Ksitigarbha. After he accumulates good deeds in the world, he will become an immortal directly after death!” /

“I heard that it was the national teacher who forced the holy monk to lecture last time! I heard that the national teacher came to make amends for the holy monk!”

“Impossible, he is a high monk of the Duxue Temple, how could he apologize to the holy monk?”

“Duxue Temple is a fart, can it be compared with the disciples of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?”




There was a lot of discussion in the surroundings. Although the people and the righteous disciples were not talking loudly, the teacher still listened to it. Even though the anger of the past was calm and relaxed, the face was unconsciously twitched at this moment.

“Guoji, they said, are you here to make amends to the holy monk?” Da Zhou asked curiously, standing beside him.

The national teacher had a black face: “Apologize? Humph, this holy monk is just a liar! How can I make amends for him?”

“Huh? Liar?” Zhou Wang’s eyes stared.

“Hmph, so courageous! Dare to come to Zhou Jingxing to make waves! Later, I will see me pierce him in public! Also, you will follow me closely, there may be demons appear at that time, don’t get caught!” The teacher looked at King Zhou.

“Ah, don’t worry, I will definitely follow the national teacher at all times!” Zhou Wang immediately said nervously.

Guo Shi and Zhou Wang looked at the gate outside the wall of the Demon Temple in that town, waiting for the holy monk and the king to invite in.

In the other corner, the Rat King and Blood-robed Patriarch also stared at the Buddha’s Head Square.

“Have you seen, the national teacher takes Zhou Wang step by step. It is not convenient for us to do it. After a while, a group of monks will force the national teacher to apologize to the holy monk! At that time, the national teacher will definitely become angry. When arguing with the holy monk, you and I immediately do it!” The blood-robed ancestor said solemnly.

The Rat King looked at the blood-robed ancestor, with a hint of surprise: “Are you really missing something?”

“No omissions? Of course! For today’s game, I don’t know how many connections were used!” The blood-robed ancestor said solemnly.

The Rat King nodded: “Okay, everything is waiting for them to enter the Zhenmo Temple!”

Just as everyone was waiting, the gate of Zhenma Temple opened. However, only half the door was opened. Wang Ke stepped out.

Guo Shi and Zhou Wang showed a chuckle.

The blood-robed ancestor and the rat king also showed confidence.

Everything is waiting for Wang Ke to introduce the national teacher and Zhou Wang into the Zhenmo Temple, and a big battle is about to start.

“Wang Zhou? National teacher? The holy monk is not seeing guests today, let’s go back!” Wang Ke suddenly said.

“Huh?” Guo Shi’s face became stiff.

The monks around who were preparing to add to the flames were taken aback.

The blood-robed ancestor and the rat king in the dark also had a meal.

What’s the matter, everything is arranged, this last step, stuck?

You rushed the National Teacher and King Zhou to leave? Let them go back? What about our plan?

Wang Ke didn’t realize the complexity of the surrounding situation. After he finished speaking, he nodded when no one spoke.

“Well, I have brought my words, so let’s do it!” Wang Ke was about to close the door to thank the guests.

In the Zhenmo Temple, there are two women in a play, and they have no time to deal with it. How can they have the time to entertain others?

Ke Guoshi, Rat King, and Blood Robe Ancestor looked at Wang Ke at the door, and they were really about to close the door. Everyone’s calculations would be completely empty. How embarrassing is this scene?

“Stop!” The national teacher cried out.

“What are you doing?” Wang Ke was taken aback.

The national teacher’s face was ugly: “Today, King Zhou and I came out from the palace in person to see the holy monk! What is the important thing about the holy monk and refuses to see us?”

“Yes, yeah, Wang Ke benefactor, the national teacher specially came to make amends to the holy monk, you let the national teacher meet the holy monk!” some monks arranged by the blood-robed ancestors shouted suddenly.

Wang Ke’s face froze. See you? Procrastinate, Gong Wei and Zi Bufan are about to fight, how can there be time to entertain you?

“Apologize? No need, the holy monk didn’t blame you, national teacher, don’t think too much, relax, go back to sleep, it will be fine tomorrow! Come back soon!” Wang Ke urged.

Guo Shi: “…………!”

The blood-robed ancestor: “…!”

Special, you Wang Ke, are you sick? Who will go back to sleep?

“Bold, what are you! Dare to stop the national teacher and my king in my Dazhou area?” King Zhou’s eyes stared.

“Wang Zhou, is your head broken?” Wang Ke stared.

“What did you say?” Zhou Wang’s eyes stared.

“Presumptuous!” a group of soldiers scolded Wang Ke.

“Aren’t you the Great King of Zhou? Yes, it’s great that you are the King of Humans? My big cousin is still the Great King, and you are not as arrogant as you are. I’m a disciple of the immortal disciple, I am a god! Can you be polite?” Wang Ke stared.

The king of Zhou’s face became stiff, and he looked at the national teacher to the side, as if asking the national teacher to help him teach Wang Ke.

“Don’t look at the national teacher, the national teacher is great? He is from Duxue Temple. Great? Duxue Temple is as famous as the Sirius Sect. I am the lord of the Sirius Sect. Who is the national teacher from Duxue Temple? As far as the administrative level is concerned, he may not be as high as mine! Wherever he goes, he can’t do anything to me for no reason! Do you still expect him to trouble me?” Wang Ke stared at King Zhou and asked.

Zhou Wang’s face became stiff.

“Amitabha Buddha, Wang Ke, are you too much!” The national teacher said in a deep voice.

“What’s the matter? You want to enter my house. I don’t want you to come in. Why is it too much? Oh, forcing you to break into the private house, you are justified? You still want to break in? So many colleagues are watching, I How can I be wrong if I don’t let others into my house? When it comes to Duxue Temple, you have nothing to do!” Wang Ke scolded, staring.

Guo Shi: “………………!”

The blood-robed ancestor: “…!”

Zhou Wang: “………………!”

What’s the matter, this king is determined not to let the national teacher and the king of Zhou enter the door?

“This is the mortal world, the Great Zhou Dynasty, the whole world is the land of the king, the coast of the earth is the court! Wang Ke, this is Zhou Jing, the king of Zhou can pass anywhere without any obstruction, not to mention the poor monks and Zhou Wang treated each other with courtesy, just begging to meet the holy monk, how can you be so reckless?” the national teacher said coldly.

“Who is reckless and rude? You want to enter my house without telling me in advance. What do you mean by treating with courtesy? Treating with courtesy means that you should send someone to negotiate with us at least one day in advance? You didn’t! I’m going to break in today with a bunch of people! Why should I let you in? I’m not reasonable! Zhou Wang? Is Zhou Wang great? You can do whatever you want? The holy monk travels thousands of miles, come to the Great Zhou Dynasty, give The people who died in the Great Zhou Dynasty are overwhelmed, and you have repeatedly come to hinder them. You are taking the kindness of the holy monk as donkey liver and lungs! The holy monk has broken his heart for the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Just a moment, no guest! What else do you want?” Wang Ke stared.

On ‘reasonable’, Wang Ke hasn’t lost yet.

“Is this your home? This is clearly the Zhenmo Temple! The holy monk should be the master!” Zhou Wang scolded.

“I bought the land, and I built the temple. I lent the Zhenmo Temple to the holy monk. Why isn’t it my home? King Zhou, you should take the national teacher and go back! As for the fairy gate, You secular world, don’t intervene indiscriminately!” Wang Ke urged.

Zhou Wang’s face froze: “Presumptuous, Wang Ke, I am now questioning the holy monk as a scam! Do you dare to speak up in front of us? Today, I will accompany the national teacher to expose you!”

The faces of the monks all around became stiff, you king this week, what are you doing?

Including the national teacher also looked at King Zhou with a weird face, what is it, you haven’t started to expose it yet, why are you calling out in advance?

Wang Ke stared at King Zhou and took a deep breath.

“Okay, okay, okay, you all suspect that the holy monk is fake? Are you all suspicious? Yes, okay, okay! The holy monk came to Zhoujing, and he never wanted to get anything, and he didn’t want to show up for fear. Disturb everyone’s life! Such great virtues and monks are just for the common people! You actually doubt the intentions of the holy monks! Okay, you are good! You question the holy monks, question the world’s infinite super meeting! Then we will withdraw!” Wang Ke drink Soundtrack.


What do you mean?

Everyone looked at Wang Ke in confusion.

“Holy monk, they suspect that our intentions are too hurtful! Let’s quit, I will take you to the Daqing Dynasty. My eldest cousin will definitely welcome you, can you?” Wang Ke turned his head and shouted at the Zhenmo Temple in the courtyard. One sentence.

“Amitabha Buddha, yes!” The holy monk’s voice came.

All around, everyone stared at Wang Ke. No one thought that Wang Ke was so amazing, so he just stopped playing.

“Okay, it’s a big deal! You don’t use it to expose us anymore, the national teacher and the king of the week, I can tell you, what you say is what you say! You say that the holy monk is fake, then it is fake I don’t want to stay here, we have a place to stay! What’s more, we traveled a long way to help the Great Zhou Dynasty, but in exchange for such indifferent doubts, goodbye, we will move immediately! Here, we don’t want it!” Wang Ke scolded.

Guo Shi: “………………!”

The blood-robed ancestor: “………………!”

A group of monks: “………………!”

Special, the script is not like this, how can you quit? How can you pat your **** and leave? As you leave, what do we plan to do next?

The blood-robed ancestor’s organization has done everything, but never expected that Wang Ke and the holy monk have been promoting for so long, saying that they will leave after shaking their faces. Can’t you hold on? At least wait for us to fight before you quit again! What a special thing!

It’s not that Wang didn’t insist on it, but it’s completely unnecessary!

The original intention of building the Zhenmo Temple was to find Gong Wei! Now that I have found it, why do I still need to town the Demon Temple? I was thinking about continuing to find a rebooting master, but Zi Bufan helped us find it! Why are you still staying at the Demon Temple in this town? Waiting for others to show through?

The holy monk is fake! Wang Ke knows better than anyone! Now someone is coming to tear down the stage, am I sick, stretch out my face to give you a face? Stay to accompany you in acting? What if the acting fails?

Just take it when you see it! It’s time to pat your **** and leave! By the way, return the black pot to you! I’m so witty!

ps: Three changes are over!

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