Indestructible God King Chapter 243: I am doing this for your own good!

Zhou Jing, in the Demon Temple!

While Wang Ke met a group of monks who came to find fault in the front square, Murong Luguang had already arrived at Zhenmo Temple.

Murong Luguang is already in the Nascent Soul Stage, what strength? Entered the Zhenmo Temple quietly, and no one noticed it.

Murong Luguang was hit by the **** for the sky, like being hypnotized, forgetting everything in the past, and only loyal to the **** for the sky. At this moment, in order to find the Lord’s lustful desire, I came here as soon as I saw the leaflet.

The strength of the Nascent Soul Realm, isn’t it coming and going like wind when entering the Demon Temple? When Wang Ke and the monks were confronting each other, Murong Luguang had already found the monk Bujie.

The Bujie monk sits alone in the main hall of the Zhenmo Temple and meditates. At the same time, he constantly hypnotizes himself and accepts the fact that he is a disciple of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

At this moment, Murong Luguang burst into the hall in an instant.

“Master, it’s too late to come down! Are you OK?” Murong Luguang rushed forward eagerly.

After seeing the monk’s face clearly, Murong Luguang was suddenly shocked and took two steps back in a row.

“This, is this still a human face?” Murong Luguang said in horror.

The Bujie monk who entered the concentration also felt that someone was coming. He seemed to be someone who was not Wang Ke, and his heart sank suddenly, pretending that he was asleep.

The monk who pretends to be asleep is also depressed, do you think I want to disfigure? Special, it’s all Wang Kehuo. I signed the contract, what can I do?

“Lord, it’s me! Are you okay?” Murong Luguang asked tentatively again.

Don’t stop the monk and continue to pretend to sleep.

Murong’s green light expression was complicated, and he stood up and looked around Monk Bujie.

“The figure is a bit like the master! But, the face has become like this? It shouldn’t be the master, right?” Murong Luguang fell into thought.

Want to wake up the monk who does not quit. However, after pondering for a moment, he still endured it. Because Murong Luguang felt that someone was coming in.


The door of the main hall was pushed open.

“Remember, the monk’s holy practice is Mahayana Buddhism, don’t keep getting it wrong!” Wang Ke said solemnly.

“But, Mahayana Buddhism, do you always have to say something? What if someone asks?” Zhang Zhengdao worried.

“How do I know what to say? Okay, don’t talk nonsense, I will let the monk make up later!” Wang Ke said.

“Huh? No monk, why are you asleep?” Zhang Zhengdao curiously asked.

At this time, Monk Bujie slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

“What are you looking at?” Zhang Zhengdao asked puzzledly.

“Where is the person? Someone came in just now!” Bujie monk frowned.

“Someone has been here?” Wang Ke said in astonishment.

“Yes, just now, someone came in quietly and called my lord, if I didn’t pretend to sleep, maybe I would dress to help!” Bujie said with an ugly face.

“Someone came in and called you Lord?” Zhang Zhengdao said in astonishment.

At this moment, on the roof, Murong Luguang did not leave, but went to the roof outside the main hall, staring at him with divine consciousness.

“Fake? It’s not a rebooting monk. This monk calls “No Quit”? Why does he pretend to be the Lord?” Murong said with an ugly face.

Speaking of which, I ran away in vain? Didn’t find the Lord again? How can this be good?

Although depressed, Murong Luguang still looked at the three in the palace. After all, these three pretending to be the master, it’s too weird, right? What are they going to do?

At this moment, Wang Ke searched around the main hall and found no Murong Luguang hiding outside the roof.

“Well, just the three of us, we can say something, okay, today this is a good sign!” Wang Ke suddenly laughed.

“What’s a good sign? I was scared to death just now!” Bujie said suddenly.

“What do you know? Why do we want you to impersonate a rebooting master? The purpose is to attract some related personnel to come over. Just now someone sneaked in and called you up, stating that people related to rebooting masters have already noticed Our leaflet! Has been attracted one after another! The person may have discovered that you are not a rebooting master, so you are gone! But, in the coming days, there will definitely be a lot of people coming over, even those I want to find, Was attracted to it too!” Wang Ke said excitedly.

“Huh? Who are you looking for?” Bujie Monk said blankly.

“Don’t worry about who you are looking for, you will meet again next time, don’t be afraid, just call us to come and have a look! That person calling you Lord, should not be the person I am looking for! However, it may not be the next time! Be sure to notify us!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“Uh? But…!” The Bujie monk grumbled.

“Don’t you…, we signed the contract, do you still want to breach the contract?” Wang Ke stared.

Monk Bujie: “………………!”

Are you using a contract to scare me again?

“What if someone wants to hurt me?” Bujie monk worried.

“Don’t worry, you won’t! We are still guarding outside! This time I am here with the subordinates of the rebooting master. Next time, maybe the rebooting master will come in person. Alright!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“Uh? Rebooting? He came in person?” Bujie monk said in astonishment.

“Of course, we have spent so much effort to attract the attention of people who are related to rebooting? If rebooting knows that we are here pretending to be him, shouldn’t he come back to find out? Don’t worry!” Wang Ke said .

“But I, I can’t worry about it now!” The Bujie monk grumbled.

But Murong’s eyes lit up with green light hiding outside the roof.

“I can’t find the master looking for a needle in a haystack! It’s better for this group of people. Although they pretend to be the master, they can lead the master to show up! I don’t have to go anywhere, just wait here. Then, can you wait for the Lord to appear? Okay, okay, okay, then I’ll just wait here!” An excitement flashed in Murong’s green light eyes.

Next to Wang Ke’s words, Murong Luguang stopped listening, and looked up to the sky. There was a white cloud in the sky.


Murong’s green light turned into a stream of light, and instantly rushed into the white clouds in the sky.

White clouds cover Murong’s green light figure. Murong Green sits on her knees, sitting in the air, quietly staring at the Zhenmo Temple below.

No one knows, Murong Luguang is hidden in the white clouds above Zhenmo Temple.

In the Demon Temple below.

“Wang Ke, what should I do if I come to a rebooting enemy next time?” Bujie monk worried.

“That’s right! This time I am a subordinate of rebooting, so it’s okay if you don’t quit the monk, but it may not be the next time!” Zhang Zhengdao said.

“Then set up a mechanism!” Wang Ke frowned.

“Organization?” The two were puzzled.

“Like the institution in Zhuxian Town last time, we dig an underground palace directly below the main hall of the Zhenmo Temple. At that time, it will be convenient for monks to escape, and it can also be used as an ambush! Don’t worry about this. Just hand it over to my subordinate for reform!” Wang Ke said.

“Uh? Is the mechanism useful?” Bujie monk worried.

“Why it’s useless? Last time I was down and used the lightning whip to bring down a group of Golden Core Realm powerhouses in Tong An’an, don’t worry!” Zhang Zhengdao immediately comforted.

“Okay, okay!” Monk Bujie nodded with some suspicion.

“By the way, talk about our Mahayana Buddhism!” Wang Ke said immediately.

Zhang Zhengdao also described the scene of Wang Ke confronting the monks outside just now.

“Mahayana Buddhism?” Bujie monk stared at Wang Ke.

“Yes, don’t you know some Buddhist scriptures? Just make use of what you have learned. During this period of time, I compiled a book of Mahayana Buddhism on the spot. I guess that the group of monks will not be able to give up easily, and they will come to us for trouble. , You just spray them with the newly compiled scriptures!” Wang Ke said.

“The scriptures now compiled?” Bujie monk’s face became stiff.

“Yeah! I don’t know what Mahayana Buddhism is! If you don’t make up, where is the bragging capital?” Wang Ke stared.

“I am familiar with scriptures, ordinary scriptures, I can argue with them!” Bujie monk looked at Wang Ke.

“How many scriptures can you read? What’s the point of telling me? You only have one mouth, how many mouths do other monks have? In a field that everyone knows, how can you argue against them? You want to reduce dimensionality ! Debate with them in areas they don’t understand! They doubt life if they argue! Do you understand?” Wang Ke said.

“Dimensional reduction blow? But, I don’t understand the Mahayana Buddhism you said!” Bujie said with an ugly face.

“So, let you compile it! You compile it. You are the original author of Mahayana Buddhism. You have the right to interpret all scriptures. How do they argue with you?” Wang Ke stared.

Monk Bujie: “………………!”

“You can’t make up, then I’ll give you a hint, you can blow up pictures in hell! What eighteen layers of hell, what a dead city! What old black mountain demon, etc.! These things, in ordinary scriptures, Definitely not! But you can use your imagination to compose a world. Have you ever read a novel? Just treat it as a novel story and compose it casually!” Wang Ke explained.

Monk Bujie: “………………!”

“Don’t you understand?” Wang Ke frowned.

“No, I mean, if they come, if they come to defend the common scriptures, I may not lose. I have confidence in my knowledge reserve!” Bujie monk emphasized.

“Why don’t you understand me? Forget it, don’t brag to me, just follow what I said, if they ask you to argue, they can only brag about the little stories in hell! Special! Yes, tell you the trick, you still admit the truth, if you don’t listen to me, you will follow the contract, and you will have to pay liquidated damages!” Wang Ke stared.

Monk Bujie: “………………!”

Am I on the thief ship? Not only pretending to be a disciple of a Bodhisattva, but also compiling Buddhist scriptures? Special, what did I do? I signed a contract with you!

“No monk, don’t have a mentality of resistance. I’m also doing it for your good. I know you know some scriptures, but these can be used as the bottom cards of the box. These are summed up as Theravada Buddhism. And you have compiled it now. It’s Mahayana Buddhism. At that time, you can use Mahayana Buddhism to stun them. Then, if you use Hinayana Buddhism to point a few words, it will appear that you are very high-end! Look, Mahayana Buddhism, you can, You know the Hinayana Buddhism again! At that time, no one will dare to come to you! You are a holy monk, so you must come up with the knowledge reserve of dimensionality reduction and combat! I am doing it for your good!” Wang Ke persuaded with bitterness.

“Yeah, don’t give up monks, Wang Ke rarely teaches others how to brag so patiently, he is for your good!” Zhang Zhengdao nodded to help.

Bujie monk: “…………!”

Thank you so much for teaching me how to write Mahayana Buddhism!

ps: This is the second update, and there is the third update!

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