Indestructible God King Chapter 242: Mahayana Buddhism

Zhou Jing, Zhen Devil Temple!

Under Wang Ke’s comfort, Bujie monk finally accepted this setting. The disciple of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s personal inheritance, it’s no good if he doesn’t accept it. The black and white contract is clearly written, and he can’t afford to pay for it. what!

Fortunately, he was only a direct disciple of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, not the uncle of the Tathagata Buddha. The Bujie monk hypnotized himself with fear.

Wang Ke persuaded the monk without quitting and went out to the square in front of him.

The huge Buddha’s head on the square is facing each other. It is no longer a vegetable market and various vendors, but countless believers have come. After all, this gimmick is a bit too scary for the reincarnated disciples of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

There are many Buddhist cultivators in these 100,000 mountains, but who dare to have a relationship with the legendary god? However, here is a stunned one who is a big figure in the Buddhist world. Many people who don’t understand come to visit. Of course, many people who are not convinced will also come to find fault. It is not so easy to pretend to be a disciple of a Bodhisattva.

“Come, come and take a look, the treasures of the Tiandi Bank, the holy monks personally appraise them, they can’t be bought anywhere else, buy a pile, and burn them to your deceased relatives, which are better than your paper ingots. It is valuable and easy to carry. It is an indispensable property for your ancestors! Come and take a look. Our treasured banknote is worth one million taels of gold!”

“You haven’t seen the normal, **** situation, what do you know? Only our holy monks know about the bank of heaven and earth? You don’t understand? You can find some immortals on the immortal gates, or immortal cultivators in major immortal towns Ask, who doesn’t know the bank? Now Shenwang Company has banking business!”

“Yes, the treasure banknotes of the Tiandi Bank are just like the deposit slips of the Shenwang Company Bank. You can withdraw money with them!”

“What do you know, there are many banks in the underworld, this is the most authoritative bank! World Bank!”

“Buying a stack will not cost you much! This is certified by the holy monk and has quality assurance! One burned to the underworld is worth one million taels of gold, which can buy a mansion in the underworld for your ancestors , Buy a luxury car, play mahjong, you can book the venue!”

“You too? Okay…!”




The cries on the square continued. Zhang Zhengdao saw Wang Ke come out and immediately surrounded him.

“Wang Ke, this trick of yours is absolutely impossible. I was still suspecting that you were trading at a loss. Now I know that you built this town demon temple to make money! You help the monk endorse it. , Bujie monk incarnate as a holy monk, to help you endorse, you don’t know, the bank notes you issued that day are selling crazy now! I heard one of your subordinates say that now many workshops are working overtime and printing money, it’s too late. ! This is completely stealing money! All the money you spent has been earned back.” Zhang Zhengdao said excitedly.

“A little money, I see you excited! This thing, without technical content, will be overwhelming after a while, and we will make a wave of quick money!” Wang Ke disdainfully said.

“No, we are different. We have the appraisal of the holy monk!” Zhang Zhengdao argued aside.

Wang Ke looked at Zhang Zhengdao, this thing, just look at it, can you really be a fool? They just buy a novelty, buy a peace of mind. Once countless treasure banknotes of Tiandi Bank are listed, who cares who appraise them? Anyway, it’s going to be burned.

Just as the two watched selling paper money everywhere, and countless believers who begged to see the holy monk to visit, some messy voices still sounded again.

“You all get up, they are a lie!”

“Yes, what kind of disciples of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva reincarnated? They are all fake!”

“Hmph, come out with the ability, the poor monk is also a monk, come out and compete with me!”




A group of monks shouted there. But it is to prevent believers from coming to worship, and at the same time constantly expose the identity of the monk.

Wang Ke’s face sank: “You haven’t gotten this group of people yet?”

“How do I get it? I can’t knock on the sap. They are also monks, and some of them are immortal disciples. You know, in addition to Duxue Temple, there are also some small immortal doors that also cultivate Buddha. They asked See the holy monk, if you don’t allow it, they will make trouble every day!” Zhang Zhengdao said.

“Why, they are crazy, I didn’t provoke them!” Wang Ke said with an ugly face.

You kill demons and demons to gain merit. We are just doing propaganda work in the world of secular mortals. You are also going to smash the scene?

“You are slandering their beliefs, why didn’t you provoke them?” Zhang Zhengdao said with a strange expression.

“Over there, let them come!” Wang Ke frowned and shouted into the distance.

“Yes!” A group of Wang’s children suddenly gave way.

Suddenly, a group of monks rushed up fiercely, and there were countless purchases of money around, and the worshippers were curious.

“You are Wang Ke? I have long heard that you cheated on the Shiwan Dashan Mountain, but now you have come to the mortal area? You are so bold!” The leader of the monk said fiercely.

“Cheat? Why did you lie? Who lied to you?” Wang Ke stared.

“Look, what is written on your leaflet, what kind of holy monk’s reboot, is a direct disciple of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, huh, you are nonsense, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, how exist , How could it be possible to accept him as a direct disciple? He looks like a liar!” The monk said aggressively.

“You mean you are jealous?” Wang Ke asked.

“Jealous? What’s the jealousy? I just don’t want a liar to tarnish the reputation of the Bodhisattva!” The monk said aggressively.

“Yes, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, you can arrange it?” a group of monks suddenly angrily asked.

“We didn’t arrange it. The holy monk is indeed a direct disciple of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva! Uh, who told you that the holy monk is not a disciple of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva? Where did you get the news from? Did the Tibetan Bodhisattva tell you?” Wang Ke asked.

The monks’ faces became stiff, who told me? Who else tells this?

“That said, no one told you that the holy monk is not a disciple of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva! Everything, you guessed it yourself?” Wang Ke curiously asked.


The monks are so angry, do you still have to guess? In this world, there has never been a disciple of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

“The holy monks have said that everyone has a predestined way for everyone to practice. A holy monk has a predestined relationship with the Buddha, what happened to a disciple of a Bodhisattva? You have cultivated the Buddha for a lifetime, but have no relationship with the Buddha. Do you have the face to question others? Besides, just slandering the holy monk will never be favored by the Bodhisattva! To cultivate the Buddha, first cultivate the mind, Amitabha!” Wang Ke persuaded.

The monks’ faces stiffened. What are you disciples of the Sirius Sect, what Amitabha Buddha do you call?

“Hmph, Wang Ke, even if you can speak eloquently, you can’t change the facts. I’m a disciple of Buddhism, and most people slander Buddhism! The monk of rebooting, since he is said to be a disciple of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, then Just come out and have a try with us. If the Dharma can surpass me, I will leave immediately, and I won’t make trouble again!” The headed monk said solemnly.

“Competition? Fight?” Wang Ke asked.

“What’s the matter?” The head monk stared.

“What are you kidding about, the Dharma of the holy monk, is it used to fight? Humph, you have to fight, there are demons out there to kill demons for you, and go out and make use of them, I can tell you, holy monk The holy monk is a disciple of a bodhisattva who has never practiced fighting styles before. This time he reincarnated in the world to save all living beings, to save suffering, to save the spirits of the world, and to make the world peaceful! It is not all day to think about shouting and fighting. Calling to kill is not for the courage of a man! You monks, have all forgotten the Buddha’s original intent of compassion? Buddha, is to save the common people, not to be the leader of the society! You fake monks!” Wang Ke said suddenly. Scolded.

For a time, countless believers in the surrounding area immediately cast unkind eyes on the monks.

You want to fight with the holy monk? Show the courage of a man? How could the holy monk promise you?

A group of monks stared at Wang Ke.

“Wang Ke, what are you talking about? I practice Buddhism in Buddhism, which is used to destroy demons and demons. He is a holy monk who knows no Dharma at all? What kind of holy monk is that? My Buddhism, the higher the Dharma, The greater the power, he is a holy monk who has never practiced force? It must be fake!” The head monk stared.

“What are you talking about? You are fake! Also, Buddhism? Can you represent Buddhism?” Wang Ke stared.

“Why can’t I? The poor monk has been practicing Buddha at the age of three. He has been practicing Buddhism for fifty years. He has used the Dharma to conquer countless demons and demons. I dare not say that he is induced to **** in the underworld. He reboots and says that he can communicate on whatever basis. Underworld hell? It’s a lie? In this world, who can communicate with underworld hell?” The headed monk stared.

“You can’t, it doesn’t mean that others can’t! Besides, the holy monk’s practice is different from yours. You are practicing Hinayana Buddhism, and the holy monk is Mahayana Buddhism! It’s not a level, you know?” Wang Can stare.

“The Hinayana Buddhism? Mahayana Buddhism?” The monk was taken aback.

“Yes, you don’t even know the distinction between Mahayana and Hinayana, what kind of Buddha do you still cultivate? Now the holy monk is preparing to open the Heaven and Earth Promise Transcendence Conference, which is the Mahayana Dharma. You don’t understand, you can learn it! It’s time to come and see, what are you doing here when it’s time to save all living beings? The holy monk saves all living beings, saves the dead in the world, saves suffering, and lives for the world! Doing your own things will cost you a penny? I didn’t ask you for money, what are you talking about? Is it preventing you from scamming money, and you are so angry that you want to ruin this super meeting?” Wang Ke asked with a stare.

“You, me, he…!” The monk’s face suddenly turned blue.

Obviously, it’s worse than bragging, no, it’s worse than being reasonable.

“Come on! The holy monk doesn’t care about you, so don’t be uncomfortable. Go and kill demons and practice your Hinayana Buddhism. The Mahayana Buddhism of the holy monk is not a system with you. What are you arguing about? You don’t understand Mahayana Buddhism. What are you calling for? Do you know how much suffering the holy monk suffers in order to save the dead? All day long, he knows how to fight and fight fiercely! I really don’t know what you cultivated. What Dharma, do you want to show that you can fight and step on the upper position of the holy monk? I can tell you clearly that the holy monk will not fight, and it is impossible to fight with you! Where do you come from, where do you go back!” Wang Ke waved his hand. .

The monk was irritated by Wang Ke, and his face was flushed, his blood was surging, as if he had suffered internal injuries: “I’ll kill you evildoer!”

“Brother, no, brother, calm down, you can’t commit anger!” A group of monks suddenly pulled him back quickly.

Wang Ke, in the eyes of a group of Buddhist believers who came to see him, successfully scolded these ‘fake monks’ away. Every believer is full of respect for the Mahayana Buddhism of the holy monk. This also led to the fact that the treasures of the Tiandi Bank were once again out of stock.

Wang Ke finished scolding, and after scolding cool, he went back to the temple with Zhang Zhengdao.

“Wang Ke, what is Mahayana and Hinayana? How do you understand this?” Zhang Zhengdao asked in surprise.

“I don’t understand, I’m talking nonsense!” Wang Ke waved his hand.

Zhang Zhengdao: “………………!”

After holding back for a long time, Zhang Zhengdao didn’t know how to continue this topic. After all, he couldn’t hold it back before he said: “Wang Ke, you are really bragging!”

“Learn a little bit, and then there will be monks who come to see the Buddhist monks to debate the scriptures, you just go back to them and ask them if they understand Mahayana Buddhism! Then spray him! He doubts life, and then it’s okay!” Wang But he said after drinking.

Zhang Zhengdao was silent for a while: “You are really shameless!”

“By the way, let’s go, we have to unify the slogan with the Bujie monk, don’t let go of his mouth when he arrives!” Wang Ke immediately hurriedly walked towards the main hall.

ps: First!

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