Indestructible God King Chapter 238: Farewell to Dragon Jade


When Wang Ke rushed to the small courtyard where the Demon Sovereign came out, the small courtyard was once again covered by a layer of fog.

“Patriarch?” A group of Wang’s children stood respectfully outside.

“What’s the matter?” Wang Ke stared at one of Wang’s children.

“Just now you let the dragon jade girl enter this small courtyard. We don’t know what happened. We didn’t know what was wrong until Tian Zhen removed the fog we arranged. I have seen it too, and the subordinates won’t repeat them, but after the demon lord leaves, we want to go in again, as if there is a misty barrier! I can’t get in anyway!” a Wang family said respectfully.

“Enchantment?” Wang Ke stepped forward to touch it.

However, Wang Ke passed through in an instant. There is no enchantment at all.

“Patriarch, there was obviously before!” a Wang family kid said in surprise.

Why did the enchantment suddenly disappear?

“How could this be?” Wang Ke’s face sank.

“We don’t know, Longyu Girl hasn’t come out, and Demon Venerable doesn’t know when she will go in!” Said the Wang family.

“Come in, the barrier, I have removed it!” Long Yu’s voice suddenly came from inside.

“Longyu?” Wang Ke was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly stepped in.

Although the interior is covered by the white mist again, everything is still the same. Just not far from the corner, Zhang Zhengdao and the Wang family’s children who led Longyu were fainted.

Long Yu stood alive and pretty.

“Long Yu, are you okay?” Wang Ke suddenly worried.

“I’m fine, but Zhang Zhengdao and the others may have to sleep for a while!” Long Yu smiled bitterly.

“Why, what’s the matter?” Wang Ke was surprised.

“I don’t know. Before being brought in by your subordinates, he fainted instantly. I was taken aback at the time, and I was about to shout that Zhang Zhengdao, who was sitting there impersonating Demon Venerable, was just going forward. I know, that is actually the True Demon Venerable! The demon Venerable waved his hand and threw your subordinate into this corner. I saw Zhang Zhengdao also fainted beside him!” Long Yu said.

“Mozun? I knocked out Zhang Zhengdao and my subordinates, what…!” Wang Ke said in surprise.

“The Demon Lord said that I was making a fool of myself this time and made me stand in the corner just now! Later, Tian Zhen lifted the fog away, and the Demon Lord chased Zizhong Mountain. Before leaving, he set up an enchantment and threw it away. He gave me an enchantment condensed bead! I just saw you come and opened the enchantment with the enchantment condensed bead!” Long Yu explained.

“Why, how could this happen? Oh! Will the Demon Lord be very angry?” Wang Ke suddenly became anxious.

Long Yu looked at Wang Ke anxiously, and smiled slightly: “I don’t know either!”

“You’re still laughing, I’m fine here, I can explain to Demon Venerable, Zhang Zhengdao just wears the same clothes! But what do you do? Demon Venerable has ordered you to stand, you must be blamed Come to play with me during this time!” Wang Ke frowned and worried.

“Don’t worry, the devil won’t care about these little things!” Long Yu smiled.

“Is this still a small matter?” Wang Ke stared.

Long Yu giggled, making Wang Ke annoyed for a while.

As the two chatted, Zhang Zhengdao and Wang Ke’s subordinates woke up quietly.

“Wake up?” Wang Ke was about to step forward and ask.

Long Yu suddenly frowned: “Wang Ke, I’m leaving now!”

“Go?” Wang Ke asked puzzled.

“Well, the Demon Sovereign has given me the sound transmission, let me go, the Demon Sovereign is waiting for me there!” Long Yu pointed to a roof in the distance.

Wang Ke looked, and sure enough, the demon lord in the distance, wearing a mask of evil spirits, came back again.

“Have you ever had a fight with Zizhongshan? So fast?” Wang Ke was surprised.

“Wang Ke, the devil called me, I’m leaving!” Long Yu took out the flying sword and drove away immediately.

“Wait for me, I’ll visit Demon Lord too! Wait a minute!” Wang Ke suddenly anxiously said.

Wang Ke immediately ran towards the distance. After all, he was too timid to be sure, and he didn’t want to fly with the sword.

However, the demon lord in the distance ignored the king. He didn’t even look at Wang Ke at all.

When Long Yu flew to the front, Demon Lord stepped and took Long Yu to the sky, and instantly shot towards the horizon.

“Mozun, wait a minute! Longyu!” Wang Ke shouted anxiously.

No matter what, the two of them in the distance have long gone. The only thing Wang Ke saw was when Long Yu was flying away, he turned his head and looked at Wang Ke.

Longyu and Mozun flew into the sky and disappeared. Soon I arrived in a forest.

There is no one here, Long Yu took a deep breath and looked at the demon lun aside, and waved his hand.


I saw that Demon Venerable instantly collapsed. It turned out that it was not Demon Venerable at all, it was just a set of clothes and a mask! That’s it for a human figure propped up by magic! With a wave of Long Yu’s detective hand, this black robe and mask were put on himself.

The devil stepped and disappeared in this mountain forest.


Qingjing, the palace.

Zhang Zhengdao woke up and ran in front of Wang Ke with a look of despair.

“Wang Ke, I was stunned by Demon Venerable? Your subordinate said, I was stunned by Demon Venerable? What should I do? It’s over, I was targeted by Demon Venerable! It’s not that I want to pretend to be Demon Venerable. Yes, you let me pretend to be, you can explain it to me, I refuse!” Zhang Zhengdao said in horror.

I just woke up with a pain in my head, and I was ready to find the murderer for revenge, but when I heard the Wang family’s explanation, I was shocked and stupid. I still have revenge? What happened to the Demon Lord? It is already a great gift for not taking my head off! I’m looking for death!

Wang Ke looked at Zhang Zhengdao: “Explain what?”

“Explain the matter of pretending to be the Demon Venerable! Don’t you know what the end of being targeted by the Demon Venerable?” Zhang Zhengdao said in horror.

“Who said you pretended to be a demon? I didn’t say you were pretending again! You didn’t say you were pretending to be! You didn’t pretend to be a demon!” Wang Ke said.

“Fart, are you deceiving yourself? Then Tian Zhen said it in front of many people, and I have found out. Others don’t know the situation, don’t the devil do not know the situation?” Zhang Zhengdao anxiously said.

“Relax, the Demon Lord didn’t kill you before, didn’t it mean you didn’t take it seriously? The Demon Lord didn’t think you were impersonating him, what are you yelling around for? For fear that others might not know?” Wang Ke asked.

Zhang Zhengdao’s face became stiff, and he immediately covered his mouth.

“It’s okay, it’s gone!” Wang Ke patted Zhang Zhengdao on the shoulder and comforted.

“No, I’m going to be scared to death. You must compensate me for mental damage!” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed, staring.

“It turns out that you shouted for a long time to corrupt my money? Do you think my money can be corrupted?” Wang Ke glared.

Zhang Zhengdao: “………………!”

“As I said at the beginning, it’s only half a month’s performance fee. Do you want love?” Wang Ke stared.

“I was really scared, you have to make up for me!” Zhang Zhengdao suddenly became anxious.

Wang Ke turned his head and left!

“Hey! If you don’t give more money, I will tell you what you did before, and then the devil will definitely ask you to settle the account!” Zhang Zhengdao shouted.

Wang Ke didn’t look back: “Go ahead, anyway, it’s not my pretending Demon Lord!”

Zhang Zhengdao: “………………!”

What’s the matter, why is it so difficult to misuse two dollars from your hands? I’m scared to death, this time is really not a waste of money!


Daqing Dynasty, the dust settled.

Wang Ke invited all the righteous disciples to warmly entertain each other, and slowly sent everyone away.

Entertaining the righteous disciples, Wang Ke naturally also found the demon cult disciples based in Qingjing, and played a few rounds of mahjong, saying that this time I was negligent, so that everyone should not take it to heart, and at the same time trouble everyone to take care of this great royal family. .

All the disciples of the magic teaching who accompanied Wang Ke to play mahjong naturally agreed.

What’s the joke, Wang Ke established the country with secular relatives. Although he invited a lot of righteous disciples, he didn’t invite disciples of the devil to teach him, but the devil lived in the palace.

The devil is here, who dares not give this face?

Although the Demon Lord didn’t say anything, but if you can come this time, it can be considered as support for Wang Ke. Who dares to complain? Everyone is very happy playing mahjong.

The Daqing Dynasty is officially on the right track!

After living in Qingjing for a few days, Tie Liuyun arranged for someone to bring news to Wang Ke.

“Zi Chongshan escaped from Demon Venerable after all?” Zhang Zhengdao frowned and looked at the letter from Wang Ke.

“Yes, the demon respected Zizhongshan and left. Look at that, it is impossible for Zizhongshan to trouble me in a short time!” Wang Ke said.

“What about Tian Zhen?” Zhang Zhengdao asked curiously.

“Tian Zhen? With that tragic appearance, it must be impossible to come to me in a short time! But…!” Wang Ke frowned.

“But what?” Zhang Zhengdao asked curiously.

“However, the Golden Crow Sect’s neurosis, maybe they will find me trouble in the future!” Wang Ke said depressed.

“You have the protection of the Sky Wolf Sect, what are you afraid of?” Zhang Zhengdao said.

Wang Ke’s face is ugly. I was not afraid of anything. I have the blessing of Master Chen Tianyuan. I am afraid of a fart! But, Master is going to be promoted, who will bless yourself?

Although I have the Great Sun Immortal Sword, I can still give a trick to the troublemaker. But this is not a long-term solution!

“Oh, I forgot, you said earlier that Chen Tianyuan wanted…, the new Sirius Sect Master, wouldn’t it really fall on the top of Mosan Mountain, right?” Zhang Zhengdao asked.

Wang Ke’s face froze: “How can this work, what’s special, I’m going to get Gong Wei back!”

“Hallmaster Southern Wolf? She sees the dragon but does not see the end. You have asked Tie Liuyun before, is there no news yet?” Zhang Zhengdao disdainfully said.

“No, this morning, there is news!” Wang Ke’s eyes flashed with expectation.

“Is there any news?” Zhang Zhengdao asked curiously.

“Yes, the news from my eldest cousin! The portrait I posted some time ago finally let my subordinates see Gong Wei’s side and know her exact location!” Wang Ke looked forward to.

“Your big cousin?” Zhang Zhengdao stared.

“You have seen it!” Wang Ke looked at Zhang Zhengdao.

Zhang Zhengdao’s face stiffened: “That’s the big cousin who is full of scumbag and pie, like a fierce man?”

“Yes, last time you saved Youyue, you also played a rivalry with your big cousin. Your emotional drama was very well performed!” Wang Ke said.

“Bah, can you forget about the emotional drama?” Zhang Zhengdao scolded shiveringly.

“What’s the matter!” Wang Ke disapproved.

Zhang Zhengdao: “………………!”

“The big cousin is in charge of the Daqing Dynasty. The big cousin is also in the mortal area. She has been responsible for the affairs of the Great Zhou Dynasty for several years! Now in the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Jing! You clean up, tomorrow Let’s get on the road! Go to Zhoujing and ask the palace lord to return to the Sirius Sect to bless me, no, return to the Sirius Sect to preside over the overall situation!” Wang Ke said.

“Zhou Jing? The capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty? I remember, this Great Zhou Dynasty was blessed by the two ways of righteous demon. The way of demon was blessed by the **** of lust, and the righteous way was blessed by Duxue Temple?” Zhang Zhengdao curiously asked.

“Yes, but the Great Zhou Dynasty at this moment is a mess!” Wang Ke shook his head.

ps; Three more complete!

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