Indestructible God King Chapter 229: Da Luo Fa Mantra

Outside the Zhenmo Temple!

“Zichongshan, you old immortal, it’s not enough to stun my grandfather, and you blow up my grandfather’s temple? If my old lady didn’t help me with this bad breath today, I would be too sorry for the anger that I’ve been holding for half a year Go, die!” Gong Wei roared.

“You crazy woman, there’s no end to it? Conquerors, Tianleihe!” Zi Chongshan shouted.


The sky thunder exploded violently, and in the middle of the thunderstorm, Gong Wei and Zizhongshan fought fiercely.

Suddenly, all the mountains and forests were suddenly devastated. There were thunder and lightning everywhere, earth and rocks were flying, trees blown up, and even Zhen Demon Temple exploded in this thunderstorm.

The three Wang Ke retired carrying the comatose rebooting monk.

“Zichongshan is a humanoid bomber! This bombardment almost blew us up!” Wang Ke said in astonishment.

“It’s not Gong Wei’s endless attack. She wants to stop, and the Sect Master won’t be so full of firepower!” Zhang Shenxu frowned and defended.

“Fart, it was Zizhongshan who attacked first! As me, I am the same as Gong Wei, and his mother doesn’t recognize him who beat him!” Wang Ke defended Gong Wei.

The two scolded each other, both standing at the angle of their own sect and scolding each other.

Only Zhang Zhengdao, carrying the shoulders of the rebooting monk, suddenly widened his eyes.

“He, he, he is waking up!” Zhang Zhengdao said in horror.

“Wake up when you wake up, why do you look like this?” Wang Ke frowned.

“He is hot all over, ah, it’s hot!” Zhang Zhengdao immediately threw the rebooting monk on the ground.

At this moment, the rebooting monk seemed to burst out red flames all over his body, burning most of the rebooting monk’s robe, and he saw the rosary in the hands of the rebooting monk suddenly blending into his body and his skin. Slowly turning into a bright red color, a blood dragon tattoo emerged from his back, and then swimming around on his back.

“Master of Mercy, has become a social man?” Wang Ke stared.

However, the reboot monk slowly opened his eyes, and the surrounding red flames slowly converged into the blood dragon tattoo. He slowly stood up, naked to the top, looking around with a puzzled look.

“Wang Ke?” The reboot monk suddenly stared.

“Uh, reboot master, why are you so surprised? You didn’t just meet Wang Ke!” Zhang Zhengdao curiously asked.

“Why am I here? Shouldn’t I be in the lotus blood cave?” The reboot monk stared around.

Looking up, the rebooting monk saw Gong Wei and Zizhongshan in battle in the distance.

“Is this crazy woman again? And Zizhong Mountain? Huh, Zizhong Mountain must be a treasure that covets me, chasing me?” The reboot monk stared.

“Master rebooting, are you hysteria? She is your wife, don’t you remember?” Zhang Zhengdao stared blankly.

“No, he is not a rebooting master, he is a lust!” Wang Ke’s expression changed, and he grabbed Zhang Zhengdao who was about to step forward.

“What?” Zhang Zhengdao’s expression changed.

“Lust?” Zhang Shenxu also changed his expression.

But I saw **** and squinted at Wang Ke: “Wang Ke, why am I here? Say!”

The three of Wang Ke: “…………!”

Why are you here, how do we know? We are just passing by!

“Lust, have you forgotten everything before? You have lived here for half a year!” Wang Ke curiously asked.

“Fart! I just woke up, why is my body so weak? The true essence blood in the lotus blood pool didn’t help me heal?” Lu Yutian’s face sank.

Wang Ke and the three looked at each other.

“Wang Ke, what should I do now? He has changed a different person? Lust does not remember rebooting things, rebooting does not remember things about lusty days, what’s the situation?” Zhang Zhengdao worried.

“This is a disease, called schizophrenia. In my hometown, people who want to be caught in a mental hospital are here, no one cares!” Wang Ke explained.

“Where is your hometown? Can this disease be cured?” Zhang Shenxu said blankly.

“I remember rebooting and saying, every time something happens in my sleep, and Lui Yutian just now wakes up after rebooting and fainting. Or, let’s knock him faint again and try?” Wang Can be analyzed.

“Knock to faint?” Zhang Zhengdao was taken aback.

“Yes, I knocked him out, and then wakes up, maybe he will become a rebooting monk!” Wang Ke said.

“Wang Ke, are you reliable in this way?” Zhang Shenxu asked with a weird face.

“I used to watch TV, I used to act like this! Let’s try it!” Wang Ke said.

“Try it?” Zhang Zhengdao and Zhang Shenxu were weird, always feeling unreliable.

I saw that Wang Ke cut off a branch from the side of the tree, cut it into three sticks, and handed one to Zhang Zhengdao and Zhang Shenxu.

“Knock him on the head!” Wang Ke ordered.

The two nodded.

The three people immediately surrounded the lust. It looks like he’s going to rush up and knock his head.

Lu Yutian’s face also stiffened when he saw the movements of the three. You guys, what are you going to do?

“Hmph, the ignorant rat generation, it seems that I didn’t put me in the eye at all. I don’t know the height of the sky and the earth is thick, look at my majestic dragon!” Lu Yutian cried out and took a step forward.

Dawei Tianlong?

The three Wang Ke’s expressions changed, and they were on alert for a while.


I saw Lu Yutian stepped on a big rock, fell face down, and fell a big somersault. Cross-flow of nosebleeds.

The three of Wang Ke: “…………!”

“Gong Wei was right, he is really imaginary now!” Wang Ke said with a weird face.

However, seeing Lu Yutian immediately got up, felt his weakness, and his face was ugly.

“It’s really a tiger falling to Pingyang and being bullied by a dog! I’m dignified and lustful, and I was actually teased by you guys!” lusty said with a nosebleed hate.

“We didn’t tease you, you fell yourself!” Zhang Zhengdao said with a weird face.

Let’s face was cold, and with a wave of probing hands, the nosebleed that had just been wiped off, quickly spent a symbol in the void, and at the same time formed a very strange handprint in his hand.

“Take blood as a guide, psychic Quartet, Da Luo Fa curse, Prajna Bama coax!” Lu Yutian cried out.

I saw that a lot of red light emerged from the handprints, rushing into the symbol that was just painted, and for a while, the whole body of Lutiantian was red!

“Be careful! He’s going to make a big move!” Wang Ke called out suddenly.

The three of them were on guard immediately. After all, everyone still knows the horror of the **** of the past. Is this going to cast a spell?

I saw the red light flashing for a while, then disappeared.

Wang Ke and the three were on guard, the wind was light and the clouds were light, the breeze blew, and there was no vision.

Wang Ke and the three stared at Lu Yutian in a daze.

Lust of Lust is finished?

“This, what’s the big trick?” Zhang Shenxu stared in confusion.

“You ask me, how do I know? It seems that the big move is over!” Zhang Zhengdao also said blankly.

But I saw that the lusty sky not far away smiled coldly: “A group of children, what do you know, I am a sound transmission spell of thousands of miles, although it has no attack power, but soon my subordinates…! “

Sexy Tian is about to taunt the three of them.


Wang Ke’s stick crashed on the head of Lu Yutian. Seeing Lulutian suddenly fell straight down. Fainted.

“Wang Ke, you are…!” Zhang Zhengdao and two of them said in astonishment.

Wang Ke ignored him. Instead, he looked at Lulutian who was stunned by himself, showing a trace of disdain: “If your body is weak, your body will be weak. Don’t make so many bells and whistles. Have a fart? It’s not me. The stick fell down?”

In the distance, Gong Wei and Zizhongshan in the battle also burst into anger.

“Gong Wei, you can’t protect the lusty heaven, and you will not end well with the demons! Today, I must win the lusty heaven!” Zi Zhongshan stared.

“Take a fart, if I am here, who dares to try to move my grandfather? Also, Wang Ke and they have taken my grandfather away, and they won’t let my grandfather suffer any harm!” Gong Wei said coldly.

“You are dreaming, uh!” Zi Zhongshan’s eyes suddenly stared when he was angry.

Because Zizhongshan saw that Wang Ke, Zhang Shenxu, and Zhang Zhengdao, holding wooden sticks, surrounded the lust. What are they doing? Didn’t they help Gong Wei take care of Lust? Why are you besieging Lust?

“What dream? Zizhongshan, you hurt my father-in-law, I want you to **** fist too!” Gong Wei stared angrily.

“Wait a minute, wait a minute, look!” Zi Zhongshan exclaimed.

Zi Chongshan saw again that Wang Ke knocked the lusty sky faint with a stick in the distance. What are you doing? Gong Wei asked you to protect Lust, how do you beat him?


With a punch from Gong Wei, Zizhongshan’s sleeves were smashed, and Zizhongshan flew upside down again in the thunderstorm.

“I want to avenge my Xiang Gong!” Gong Wei rushed forward reluctantly.


The battle continues.

In the grass in the distance, the three Wang Ke looked at the unconscious lust.

“Wang Ke, what should I do now?” Zhang Zhengdao worried.

“It’s fine when he wakes up naturally. I watch TV. People with schizophrenia switch accounts like this. No, they switch personalities like this!” Wang Ke explained.

“You won’t knock him stupid? What if Gong Wei blames it?” Zhang Shenxu asked.

“Why? I’m helping her wake up the rebooting monk! She should thank me!” Wang Ke frowned.

“No, you forgot? That Zizhongshan stunned the rebooting monk. She was bombarded by Gong Wei with an iron fist and hasn’t stopped. You stunned her mate with a stick. Isn’t it the same?” Zhang Zhengdao Asked.

“Is it the same?” Wang Ke’s face froze.

“It’s the same, I knocked her out!” Zhang Zhengdao said.

Wang Ke looked at the stick in his hand, and then at the mark of the stick on Lu Yutian’s head, and immediately put the stick in Zhang Zhengdao’s hand.

“Why do you give it to me, why do you give it to me, I don’t want it!” Zhang Zhengdao immediately threw the stick out in shock.

Zhang Shenxu looked at the stick in his hand, and flew out without hesitation.

In this way, the three have no evidence of committing the crime.

“It’s okay, the rebooting master will wake up in a while, he won’t remember anything, we didn’t do anything!” Wang Ke said to the two of them.

The two of them looked stiff, and they stood a distance from Wang Ke. It was your sap, not us, it’s our shit!

Wang Ke’s face went dark. At this moment, a slam dunk sounded not far away.

“The psychic message sent by the Lord just now is right here. It just so happens that we are not far away, look!” There was a broken drink.

“Who?” Wang Ke was taken aback, why are there still people?

But I saw that on a big tree not far away, five men in blood robes were standing at the moment, one of whom Wang Ke still knew.

“Murong Luguang?” Wang Ke asked in surprise.

The five people looked at the fainted lusty sky on the ground together.

“The Lord is over there, do it!” Murong Luguang stopped drinking.


The five immediately jumped not far from Wang Ke.

“What are you doing?” Zhang Shenxu stared, trying to stop in front.

“Zhu Devil draws swordsmanship!” Murong stopped drinking with a green light.

A sword of light slashed at the three of them, and the faces of the scared three changed, and their figures retreated.


There was a loud noise, a ditch appeared on the ground, and smoke was everywhere.

Murong Luguang stopped in front of Wang Ke and the three others, but the other four men in blood robes carried the lust.

“Withdraw! I’ll break it!” Murong said in a deep green light.

“Okay!” The four blood-robed men nodded and rushed towards the forest.

“Stop!” Wang Ke exclaimed.


Murong Luguang’s sword light once again stopped the three of them in an instant.

“Murong Luguang, you are crazy!” Wang Ke exclaimed.

ps: Three changes are over!

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