Indestructible God King Chapter 211: Bank

The second product released by Shenwang Company is not only curious about the disciples of the Demon Cult, but also the disciples of the right way!

Insurance is such a weird thing. Throughout the ages, the king dared to sell it. From the beginning of buying with passion, until everyone came back to their senses and felt deceived, and then realized that it was really a good thing at the time of claims. Many people know this stuff like a roller coaster.

In the words of a sect lord, this insurance has three levels.

The first realm, the mountain is the mountain! Insurance is a good thing!

The second realm, the mountain is not a mountain! Insurance is rubbish! Deceptive!

The third level, the mountain is another mountain! Insurance is really good! what! It smells so good!

Now, the second product naturally arouses many people’s curiosity.

Wang Ke invited a righteous guest? Who is not afraid to run into the Devil’s Cave to speak out?

However, Wang Ke clapped his hands. Not far away, Tong Anan immediately commanded a group of subordinates to **** a chained prisoner onto the high platform.

“Who is this?” Many people were surprised.

Didn’t you invite a guest? Is it tied up?

In the distant Wang Family Mansion, Zhao Si and others suddenly recognized it.

“That is my righteous disciple. It seems to be a disciple of the Golden Core Realm of the Quicksand Sect. I have forgotten its name. However, some time ago, during the fall of Chuan Demon Venerable, he participated in the battle of righteous demon everywhere. Was caught?” Tie Liuyun frowned.

“Really my righteous disciple? A prisoner caught by the Demon Cult?” Zhao Si said with an ugly expression.

Zhang Zhengdao frowned: “He is the second child of Sha, right?”

“Lao Sha? Do you know?” Everyone looked at Zhang Zhengdao.

“I don’t know, but I have read his information recently!” Zhang Zhengdao shook his head.


Everyone was puzzled, and the disciples of the Demon Cult looked at the second Shah who was bound to the stage in a puzzled way!

“Everyone, this is the Immortal Sect of Righteous Path, a disciple of the Golden Core Realm of the Quicksand Sect, the second child of Sha! Participated in the battle of Righteous Demons a few months ago, was captured by a rudder master under Hall Master Zi Bufan, and was taken into custody. With true essence blood, I asked this rudder owner many times before he agreed to lend me one day!” Wang Ke explained.

“I thought some righteous disciple didn’t want to live anymore, dare to come to my magic sect gathering! It turned out to be just a prisoner!” A group of magic sect disciples were relieved for a while.

Wang Ke looked at the second Sha’s child with resentment in front of him, and took a deep breath: “The second Sha of the Quicksand Sect, you don’t have to look at me so fiercely, it’s not me who caught you! And, so The disciples of Polymorphism are here, and the Demon Lord and the three hall masters are watching upstairs. You don’t expect me to let you go, do you? I can’t do it!”

“Hahahaha!” The countless disciples of the demons burst out laughing.

The righteous disciples in Longxian Town in the distance sighed slightly. Brother Wang was right. You can’t embarrass Wang in full view, right? At this time, even if Chen Tianyuan came, he couldn’t let go of Sha’s second child!

Lao Sha also understood the situation at the moment, showing a bit of bitterness, and no longer resented Wang Ke.

“Second Sha, you must be very puzzled, why would I invite you to the stage!” Wang Ke said with a laugh.

“Let the whole world laugh at me? I don’t care, haha, for the sake of the right way, I don’t care!” Older Sha sneered.

“No, you were wrong! I asked you to come on stage to cash out a claim!” Wang Ke explained.

“Huh?” Everyone stared at Wang Ke.

Cash the claim payment? Are you cashing out for a prisoner? real or fake?

“I’m like this, what kind of compensation will you pay me?” Sha Lao Er was also taken aback.

Wang Ke took out an insurance policy.

“A year ago, Shenwang Company opened. At the product launch conference of the first Shenwang Building, go there!” Wang Ke asked.

“Yes, I went with my elder brother Sha Bo! But, I didn’t buy your insurance!” Sha Lao Er said solemnly.

“You didn’t buy it, but, your brother, Shah bought a copy of “Accidental Death Insurance”, and the beneficiary wrote your name! In other words, he died, you come to get the claim!” Wang Can explain.

“Me, my eldest brother?” Sha Lao Er’s expression changed.

“Yes, our God King Company takes a serious and responsible attitude towards customers and must clarify the identities of all insurance beneficiaries! It took me a lot of effort and a lot of relationships to find out where your beneficiary is At that, I invite you to come today just to cash out the claim payment!” Wang Ke said.

In all directions, countless disciples of the Demon Cult stared.

Are you kidding, you cashed out a claim for a prisoner, does he have his life to take it? Say it so loudly, are you trying to cheat him?

“My eldest brother is dead? My elder brother is dead?” Sha’s eyes suddenly became wet.

“Come, take a look, this is a claim for one hundred thousand catties of Lingshi, you only need to sign, and you can take the money at any time!” Wang Ke waved his hand.

Suddenly, Wang Ke’s subordinates carried one hundred thousand catties of spiritual stones to the stage.

One hundred thousand catties of spirit stones! Some people who have just entered the Golden Core Realm, all their savings may not have so much, this is suddenly placed in front of them, it is still very dazzling, many people are greedy, and their eyes are full of excitement when they look at the second child of Sha.

It’s just a prisoner, you deserve the money too?

It’s just that the Demon Lord and the hall masters are watching upstairs, and everyone is restraining their desires.

The righteous disciples of the Wang Family Mansion also frowned.

“Brother Wang, what is this, can he take the second child?”

“Yes, I won’t be a cheap demon disciple later!”

“One hundred thousand catties of Lingshi, it’s too late to settle the claim!”




Many righteous disciples are anxious for Sha Lao Er.

The second child of Sha was sad for a while, looking at the one hundred thousand catties of spirit stone, showing a bitterness: “I have been arrested now, what is the use of asking for this money?”

“You brothers, do you have relatives?” Wang Ke looked at the second child of Sha.

“Yes, my eldest brother also has a son, and we still have parents. Our parents are inadequate and unable to practice spiritual practice. They are also old now, and the eldest brother’s son is still young. They have no source of income, Wang Ke, Wang Ke , Can you help me give this money to my parents and my nephew? Please, please!” The second child of Sha knelt down suddenly excited.

“No!” The demons below suddenly stared.

You give the money to Lao Sha, and we can **** it. If you transfer it to someone else, how do we **** it?

However, Wang Ke ignored the calls of the people below.

“Second Sha, don’t rush to kneel, I’ll just ask you a question! Such a large sum of money! Do you think they can hold it in the hands of old and weak women and children?” Wang Ke looked at Old Sha two.

Sha Lao Er’s face changed.

“I sent someone to inquire. After your brothers were killed and arrested, your parents, and your nephew! In the Quicksand Sect, they were not treated as orphans of martyrs. On the contrary, they have already passed from the gate of the Quicksand Sect. I moved into a fairy town outside! What do you think is the reason?” Wang Ke asked.

“What? What? It must be the malicious Eighth Brother. When our brother was in the sect, he didn’t dare to embarrass us. Whenever we had an accident, he would harm my relatives!” Sha Lao Er was frightened.

“So, do you think that these 100,000 catties of spiritual stones will be handed over to your parents and nephew abruptly! What will be the result?” Wang Ke asked.

“What could be the result, haha, my demonic disciple didn’t get it. His eighth brother, or other brothers, quietly killed his parents, and then quietly snatched the money! “A demon laughed.

Sha Lao Er was suddenly shocked in a cold sweat.

“Thank you, thank you for telling me, otherwise, I will kill my parents and nephew!” Sha Lao Er said in horror.

“Well, now, do you think about how to deal with this claim payment?” Wang Ke looked at the second child of Sha.

Sha Lao Er’s face changed, what should I do? How to do? Take it now, it’s cheaper for these demons! To my parents and nephews, it hurts them.

“Calling you today is to solve the problem for you! Sha second, I can’t save you! But, I can help you solve a little financial problem! This is also the next second product of Shenwang Company It can perfectly solve all your troubles!” Wang Ke said.

“What do you mean?” Sha Lao Er was taken aback.

All the demon cult disciples also showed curiosity.

Wang Ke waved his hand. Not far away, Tong An immediately commanded the staff of the building and let go of the huge banner on the side.


Open the banner, and it says the word ‘Bank’!

“This is…?” Old Shah looked at these two words in a puzzled way.

“The first product of our Shenwang company is called’insurance’! Insurance business! Today, the second product of our Shenwang company is called’banking’! Banking business!” Wang Ke explained.

“Banking?” Sha Lao Er asked puzzled.

“Yes, banking, providing loans! Providing storage! As long as you pay a little interest management fee, you can solve countless problems in everyone’s lives!” Wang Ke said.

“What, what do you mean?” Older Shah stared in confusion.

“Take your one hundred thousand catties of spiritual stones as an example! You can handle storage business! In other words, if you store these hundred thousand catties of spiritual stones in our God King Company, no one can take them away! Only you can come. Take it away! As long as you pay a certain amount of interest for the management fee, our Shenwang company will keep the money for you! Even, you can also deposit and withdraw! As long as a little management fee, you can appoint your parents and nephews , Every month, withdraw a small amount of spirit stones from the banking department of the King’s company for life and cultivation! Big money, they can’t take it away! There will be no too much danger! And if one day, the magic teaches which rudder The Lord is merciful, and let you out, you can also come to Shenwang Company, with your identity, after paying the management fee, withdraw the remaining amount! Storage business, solve all your problems! Storage business is your wisest Choice!” Wang Ke explained with a laugh.

Said Lao Er immediately trembled! Wang Ke’s bank storage business seems to be tailor-made for himself. Can this money be slowly enjoyed by his parents and nephews? It’s so sweet! Sha Lao Er’s eyes suddenly became wet.

“Second Sha, you don’t doubt the credibility of my Shenwang company, do you?” Wang Ke said with a smile.

“No, don’t doubt, if Shenwang Company has no credibility, this one hundred thousand catty spirit stone will not be given to me, thank you, thank you Wang Ke! I will deposit this one hundred thousand catty spirit stone in your bank , There is the King of God Company. It is enough to give my parents and nephew a little living expenses every month. Thank you, thank you!” Sha Lao Er was trembling with excitement.

For a while, the demons in the audience opened their eyes. What does this mean? bank? storage? What the hell?

Many people are still in a daze. In the distance, the Wang Family Mansion was boiled with excitement.

“Brother Wang, this is a product specially designed for Sha Lao Er? Bank storage? Brother Wang is really thoughtful!”

“Yes, I am right. I need someone with such a sense of responsibility. Brother Wang really didn’t let us down!”

“Although the second child of Sha could not be saved, he did save his parents and nephew!”

“Shenwang Company, as Wang Ke said, has a sense of social responsibility!”




A group of people admired.

Only Zhang Zhengdao opened his mouth wide.

“What’s the matter, Wang Ke, you are too dark! Buy insurance, there is a process of gambling, and you can ask for compensation if you die! But what is the bank storage? Others put all the money in In your pocket! Do you still have the face to charge management fees? Which neuropathy would do this? Don’t kill you yet!” Zhang Zhengdao stared into the distance.

“I want to save, I want to store one hundred thousand catties of spirit stones in Shenwang Company! Thank you, Wang Ke!” Sha Lao Er shouted from a distance.

ps: First!

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