Indestructible God King Chapter 189: I’m not a troublemaker

Snake cave!

The Snake King looked at the empty snake cave, thinking that all the money he had robbed from the house and robbed him before, was deceived by the king. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became!

What’s the matter, I worked so hard to rob, all of which failed for you? Can’t swallow this breath!

So much that, the snake king is not interested in going to other places to robbery.

The snake king is waiting.

Soon, a snake will come to report.

“My lord, the demons of Shenlong Island, all of them have gone by boat!” The snake will report.

“What? All gone by boat?” The Snake King didn’t understand.

“Yes, our snake saw that there were Nie Qingqing, Zhu Wei, and all the strong magicians of Shenlong Island, all gone, and Wang Ke also sat on the boat and followed away!” The snake Will report.

“Wang Ke is gone too?” The Snake King asked in astonishment.

Wang Ke has just arrived on Shenlong Island, right now, is he leaving? Why?

“Yes, didn’t the king let us stare at Shenlong Island, stare at Wang Ke! As soon as we have news, we will report it!” The snake will respectfully said.

“Where is the Demon Lord? Have you seen the Demon Lord?” The Snake King still worried.

“There is no Demon Lord, our snake hasn’t seen it!” The snake will respectfully said.

“There is no Demon Lord? Isn’t Demon Lord on the boat?” The Snake King asked in astonishment.

“I didn’t see it anyway! And from the expressions of the demon cult disciples, Nie Qingqing should be the head of the boat!” said the snake general.

“No Demon Lord? No Demon Lord? Good, good, good!” The Snake King said excitedly.

“My lord? What action do I need?” the snake will curiously asked.

“No need, you follow too much, but it is easy to expose! Wang Ke is on the order, good, good, I want to get all my belongings back, haha, Wang Ke, this time, you are dead!” Snake King The cheeky grim said.

“My lord doesn’t want us to follow?” The snake will worry.

“Don’t talk nonsense, where did they ship? Take me! Show me the way, hurry!” The Snake King said coldly.

“Yes!” The snake will respectfully said.

The Snake King heard that Wang Ke did not have Demon Lord by his side, so he became excited, rushed out in the miasma sea, chased after him, and quickly chased several ships in the miasma sea.

Because I saw Nie Qingqing on the boat from a distance, the Snake King did not presume either. Just following from a distance, occasionally showing a pair of eyes, looking coldly at Wang Ke on the boat.

Perhaps because Nie Qingqing and the others were concerned about the safety of the vermilion suit of Demon Dragon Island, no one noticed that a big snake was actually following the big ship.

It wasn’t until several large ships stopped outside the Devil Dragon Island that the snake king sank to the bottom of the sea and approached quietly, and wanted to hear what the people on the ship were talking about.

As the snake king lurked into the seabed, it happened that Nie Qingqing made the battle plan. Soon, Nie Qingqing, Wang Ke, Long Yu and others escorted Tong Anan’s group to leave.

On the big ship, only Zhu Wei and Shenlong Island group demons were waiting patiently.

At this moment, the Snake King didn’t know that Wang Ke had left, but, because of fear of Nie Qingqing, he did not rise up. He raised his ears and listened to the conversation on the boat.

“Zhu Wei, listen to them, you are a troublemaker, and now you are going to save Hall Master Zhu. Don’t cause trouble at this critical moment!”

“Yes, Nie Qingqing has already gone to Demon Dragon Island. There should be news soon! We have to prepare for the battle!”

“Keep your voice down, everyone, don’t be caught! The main thing is to save Zhu Tang!”

“Special you, Zhu Wei! Don’t make too much noise!”




A group of demon cult disciples are among the scowling.

Zhu Wei looked depressed and refused to accept: “Why, why do you say that I am a troublemaker? Who said I am a troublemaker?”

When the underwater snake king heard, Nie Qingqing went to Demon Dragon Island? Not on the boat? The King Snake’s eyes lit up suddenly. I don’t know if the king is there anymore.

How to confirm? rush out? If I fight alone, no one is my opponent, but I can’t beat a group of demonic disciples! What to do then?

Break the ship! As long as the boat is broken, everyone will fall into the sea. Even if someone can fly with a flying sword, I don’t want to entangle everyone. I just need to hold Wang Ke and run away! Just do it!

At the top, Zhu is tired of complaining about defeat.

“Why? How do I know why? Anyway, the brothers who came back from Qingjing said so!”

“Yes, that is, saying that you are troubled by Zhu Nai, no one is invincible, let us all stay away from you!”

“Hall Master, did you get caught this time because you caused trouble?”




A group of people babbled.

“Fart, what does it have to do with me? What does it have to do with me? Why did I become a troublemaker? I am standing in front of you now, why did I make trouble for you? They say I make trouble, come, make trouble Let me see, how did I get to the trouble?” Zhu said in irritation.

Just when Zhu Wei finished speaking.


A huge force pounded everyone on the ship.

“What?” a group of demons exclaimed.

“There are monsters under the ship!” A disciple exclaimed.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”…………

Snake Tail slammed the big ship before the demon disciples defended it. In a blink of an eye, all the big ships broke apart and opened.

“Ah!” “I can’t swim, who will save me!”

“It’s a monster, it’s a snake!”

“Bold evil animals, dare to destroy our Pleiades ships!”




A series of angry sounds resounded through the sea.

A flying sword slashed towards the snake king in the sea.

The King Snake suffered a few swords and immediately sank away.

“No? Why not? What about Wang Ke? When I was chasing all the way, did I see Wang Ke’s? People?” The snake king looked at everyone who fell into the water in astonishment and depression.

There is no King Ke at all, what can we do?

The snake king was furious, but he did not dare to stay. He immediately dived into the sea, fled, and stayed to bear the anger of all the disciples of the demon cult? Go, go!

The snake king is gone!

A group of demon cult disciples scolded their mothers one after another.

“What’s so special, where’s the monster beast!”

“We ruined our ship, and we ran away? Don’t run if you have the ability!”

“Evil barrier, don’t sneak into the bottom of the sea to escape if you have the ability. Come on! Come on!”




The group of demons shouted cursingly, no matter what, the snake king has long disappeared.

The disciple of the Demon Cult, who can’t swim, hugged pieces of broken wood depressedly and floated on the surface of the sea.

Soon, the curse of the demons slowly calmed down, and gradually, they looked at Zhu Wei on a wooden board together.

Zhu Yan twitched his face: “Look, what am I doing? It’s none of my business, I don’t know where the monster came from! It’s not me!”

The faces of the disciples of the demons were ugly.

Isn’t it your fault?

“Problem the spirits? Isn’t it your business?” A demonic rudder master said with an ugly face.

Although there is no evidence to prove that Zhu Nian caused the trouble, everyone thought of the troublemaker. It wasn’t him, who was it?

In the eyes of everyone killing people, Zhu Wei was also a little scared.

“Don’t worry, everyone, I think we can go ashore first and get on the edge of Demon Dragon Island. Waiting for the news, it’s good too, isn’t it? Just be careful, so you won’t disturb others on the island People?” Zhu Wei changed the subject.

Everyone looked at Zhu Wei with black faces.

Of course you have to move to the island, are you floating in this sea together? Even if there is a flying sword to fly, don’t you feel tired if you keep hovering in the gap?

“Let’s go, let’s go! Troublesome!” a demon said angrily.

“It’s none of my business!” Zhu Nian said depressed.

“Everyone whispered, don’t disturb the people on the island when you go ashore, let’s go ashore and wait for Nie Qingqing and the others to send a signal!” a demon said.

“But, what if Nie Qingqing and the others come back quietly to find us? What if they can’t find us?” a demon asked.

Everyone’s expressions darkened, yes, we are here waiting for news, what if Nie Qingqing and the others come back and can’t find us if they leave?

“Leave one person here and wait, and the others will go ashore first!” a rudder master said solemnly.

“Who will stay?” asked another person.

“Or, leave the culprit behind, or follow us ashore, if we make a big movement again, aren’t we…?” said a demon.

“Okay, that’s it!” Everyone immediately approved.

Zhu Wei: “………………!”

I’m not a troublemaker, you are crazy!

Even if Zhu Wei keeps explaining, it’s useless, everyone doesn’t believe it! In the end, Zhu Wei could only stand on the largest wooden board, watching a group of vermilion men come ashore.

“Remember, we are in that location. In case Nie Qingqing comes back to find you, you will bring her to us!” a demon said before leaving.

Zhu Wei: “………………!”

Why am I so unlucky? It’s none of my business? I am a disaster free!

Zhu Nian wants to reason, no one listens at all!

In depression, Zhu Wei could only squat on the wooden board alone, drew circles and cursed everyone, what a great deal!

Everyone has gone far, covered by the dense fog, and can no longer see everyone, Zhu Fei thinks more and more angry.

“What kind of broken monster, smashed our boat, just run, and let me be in a scapegoat. If you have the ability, don’t run, if you have the ability, don’t run, what the hell!” Zhu was disgusted, but yelled again.


Just as Zhu Wei finished cursing, the water in front of him was churning, and then a huge snake head emerged from the sea.

The monster of the broken ship is back! Right in front of Zhu Wei.

Zhu Wei showed a look of horror: “I, I, I said to play, why did you really answer and come back?”

The Snake King is back. It was the Snake King who didn’t go far at all. He found that the group of demons had left and left one person here. The Snake King was surprised and full of surprises. What a surprise!

The Snake King emerged, and Zhu Fei was inexplicably horrified.

“Zhu Wei? It’s been a long time!” Snake King said grimly.

“Snake King? Why are you here? I didn’t provoke you! I don’t have a golden dragon in my stomach anymore! Uncle, what are you doing? I’m innocent!” Zhu Nai said in horror.

“Hmph, our account, after looking back, I don’t need any golden dragons! I ask you, where is Wang Ke?” Snake King said grimly.

“Wang Ke?” Zhu Nian said in astonishment.

“Yes, where is Wang Ke? Who was on the boat just now, why is it gone now?” Snake King said grimly.

Zhu Wei’s expression changed: “What’s the matter, I’m carrying a scapegoat for Wang Ke! This time it is Wang Ke?”

“Do you dare to scold me?” The Snake King showed his **** mouth.

“No, no, Snake King, it’s none of my business! Wang Ke has gone ashore! I don’t know!” Zhu Nai begged for mercy in horror.

“Wang Ke went to Devil Dragon Island? Why?” The Snake King pressed.

Zhu Wei didn’t dare to conceal it, and told the previous story again.

“Wait, you mean, the Demon Lord has fallen, the Demon Cult is in a civil strife, are you here to save Zhu Hongyi? Then, before on Shenlong Island, Wang Ke still has a wife?” The snake king stared at Zhu. Bored.

“Yes!” Zhu Wei nodded.

The Snake King’s face looked ugly: “The Demon Venerable has long since fallen? Wang Ke has been drifting on the sea for more than a month, and has been with a woman, a lone man and a widow! It’s fake? Isn’t it the Demon Venerable? I was deceived? Wang Ke, Wang Ke, you bastard, roar~~~~~~~~!”

The Snake King understands that it is not the Demon Lord that threatens him! No wonder you still have to take an ice sculpture boat!

What’s the matter, when is the devil going to take a boat? It’s just fake, fake!


The snake king yelled at Zhu Fei, savagely as if he wanted to eat Zhu Fei.

Too angry, too angry!

If you were taken away by the Demon Lord, then forget it, but you were deceived by the king, how can you swallow this breath?

“Snake King, what did you ask, what did I say, don’t eat me!” Zhu Nian cried out in horror.

“Wang Ke, where is Wang Ke? Where is Wang Ke? Roar!” Snake King roared.

“I, I don’t know, I remember, last time in Longxian Town, didn’t you find me and Wang Ke in Longxian Town by smell? You use your nose to sniff and see!” Zhu Wei Nervously said.

“That’s what you left a mark along the way! I can only find a rough location! Now, the sea and sea breeze has blown away all the breath, how can I find it? Besides, they have just arrived on the island, how can I find it? Roar! “The Snake King yelled at Zhu Wei.

“Don’t, don’t eat me, I don’t know! I, I have a sack, which Tong An’an used to hold me before, sniff and see if there is any clue, Tong An’an and Wang Ke are together Yes, you can try it!” Zhu Nai said in horror.

The snake king stared at Zhu Wei ferociously.

After watching for a long time, the King Snake finally squinted his eyes: “Okay, I will give it a try. You come ashore with me. If you dare to lie to me, I will eat you right away!”

“Ah? I, I have to wait here!” Zhu Nian said in horror.

“Then I will eat you first!” Snake King roared.

“I, I listen to you, listen to you, follow you!” Zhu Nian said in horror.

The Snake King suddenly lifted up Zhu Fei, swam in the middle of the sea, and quickly swam to the shore not far away.

On the other side, a demon went to report.

“I said it was Zhu Nai’s fault. Come and see!”

“What’s the matter, what’s the matter?”

“Who? The snake that smashed our ship just now, with Zhu Wei, look at it!”

“Where is it?”

“There, look, I just said, trouble the spirits, trouble the spirits, what’s the matter, what is this Zhu boring?”




A group of demons is furious.

“There is something wrong, definitely something wrong, Zhu Yan is destroying Nie Qingqing’s plan? Why?”

“Shall we go catch them and ask?”

“No, don’t make trouble, I guess, it’s definitely not as simple as we thought, or else, let’s go and take a look?”





A group of people followed and suddenly walked to the entrance of a cave.

“That’s the King of Snake? He took Zhu Wei and made a hole in the ground? What did he drill down the underground river for?” a demon curiously asked.

“Follow, follow along, hum, Zhu is tired of this troublesome spirit, don’t let me know that you betrayed the hall master, otherwise, I will kill you!”

“Go, let’s go down to the underground hole and chase down the underground river!”




A group of demons went underground and soon disappeared.

At the same time, on Devil Dragon Island, the Valley of the Ten Thousand Blood Pond was roaring.

After the war, Tong An’an was reported. Tong An’an pointed to the direction of the previous ship and said that the evidence was there. For a while, Lustful’s subordinates went to investigate one after another.

Unfortunately, there are no big ships in that sea area!

Tong Anan lied! Suddenly spurned by everyone! Lulutian is even more murderous towards Tong An’an! Didn’t you say that the subordinates of Zhu Hongyi are here? People? Find dead things! Dare you lie to me?

ps: Many friends make watching chess add more. The key is that there are so many code words for watching chess every day. This book has been very hard. I can only say that I will try my best to update it! Break out tomorrow!

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