Indestructible God King Chapter 178: The temperament is so tight

“White-eyed wolf, the snake king! At the Dragon Gate Conference, relying on my face, how much dragon energy did you eat? If it weren’t for me, you would have died in the battle of ten thousand blood and dragons, I awakened you Yes! I will benefit you, save your life, do you still want to eat me? Are you crazy!”

Wang Ke watched the Snake King leave with an angry look!

“I can hear that the Snake King is very angry with you! Are you sure, he is crazy?” Long Yu asked puzzled.

“Of course, he is going to eat me, haven’t you heard?” Wang Ke stared.

“Then what do you want?” Long Yu asked curiously.

“By the way, do monsters like to expose their belongings and decorate their caves?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

“No, most monsters don’t use human storage bracelets! Space equipment cannot be used, only exposed!” Long Yu explained.

“No wonder, it’s no wonder that the King Snake put his belongings in the snake’s cave, other sea monsters also put his own cave, and, no wonder I picked up so many storage bracelets, the King Snake didn’t feel it, so he can’t use it! An excitement flashed in Wang Ke’s eyes.

“What do you mean?” Long Yu didn’t understand.

“Then you said, during this period of time, the Snake King robbed the house and robbed a lot of property? Put it in its snake cave?” A look of excitement flashed in Wang Ke’s eyes.

Long Yu couldn’t keep up with Wang Ke’s thinking.

“What on earth are you going to do?” Long Yu wondered.

“The Snake Cave is full of property. These are the black-hearted money that the Snake King robbed the house with his conscience! He committed evil! The spirit of the demon king who was robbed by him must not rest in peace! It’s too much!” Wang Keyi The pain of the face.

“Do you mean…?” Long Yu seemed to have guessed what Wang Ke was about to say.

“As the leader of the Snake King, how can I watch it fall like this? No, even if it wants to kill me, I will lead it into the right way!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“So what?” Long Yu looked at Wang Ke.

“So, I decided, I want to confiscate the black-hearted money from the house robbery! Let it know that God pays for the hard work, and it must rely on diligent hands and serious means to fight for it. This kind of house robbery is undesirable!” Wang But his eyes were firm.

Long Yu: “…………!”

You want to eat black, do you need to be so high-sounding?

“Why do you look at me like this? The snake king does bad things. It wants to eat me and smash me into pieces. I still think about how to educate it. Shouldn’t it be grateful to me?” Wang Ke stared at the dragon. jade.

Long Yu: “………………!”

There was a strange silence in the room. What you said makes sense, but I am so speechless.

“Although the Snake King is robbing outside, there must be snake generals guarding its snake cave. Snake generals are cultivated in the Golden Core Realm. You are the innate realm? How do you take the Snake King’s property from the snake generals? Confiscated?” Long Yu said solemnly.

“If we don’t use force, we can outsmart it!” Wang Ke smiled excitedly.

“Outsmart? Snake general, it’s impossible to allow someone to approach!” Long Yu said in disbelief.

Wang Ke suddenly looked at Longyu. From top to bottom, Wang Ke looked at it carefully.

“What do you want to do?” Long Yu’s expression changed.

I don’t have any cultivation skills now, is Wang Ke thinking badly about himself?

“Your height is about the same as that of Demon Venerable?” Wang Ke was surprised.

Long Yu’s face changed. Could it be that Wang Ke discovered his true identity?

“That’s great, just do it! I have a way!” Wang Ke immediately said happily.

Speaking, Wang Ke took a mask from the storage bracelet!

“This mask?” Long Yu’s face changed.

“This mask, you have seen a lot of it, you are the maid of the Demon Venerable, you must recognize it, how? My mask is fake? No, does it look like it?” Wang Ke looked at Longyu expectantly .

Long Yu picked up the evil ghost mask that Wang Ke had handed over with a weird expression, and looked at it weirdly.

“This is the mask of Demon Lord?” Long Jade’s expression was a little weird.

“High imitation! I asked the expert Gao Fang! Look, does it look like that? Does it look like the mask worn by Demon Lord?” Wang Ke looked forward to.

Long Yu: “…………!”

How could Longyu think that Wang Ke would take out a mask of Demon Lord?

“It looks like, but what are you doing for?” Long Yu curiously asked.

“Nonsense, high imitation masks! Of course I sell them, but I haven’t mass-produced them yet. In the future, I will shop around Shiwan Dashan and I will sell them crazy!” Wang Ke was excited. Tao.

“Selling crazy?” Long Yu looked at Wang Ke in astonishment.

“Don’t you know? Demon Venerable is a public figure. His every move will affect the eyes of all forces in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. How many people are staring at the Demon Venerable. He is the number one star in the Hundred Thousand Mountains! You are not Know what a fashion trend is, the same style worn by a big star will definitely become a hot style! This is the trend indicator! The number one star in the 100,000 Dashan Mountains, a mask worn all year round! The same style! You say, this gimmick is still Not enough for the immortal cultivators to pay for one? I’m secretly making it now, I’m afraid that someone will follow suit! When I make countless masks of this kind, I will quickly go on the market! I will have another hunger marketing at that time! It will definitely sell crazy, this is all Money, countless money!” Wang Ke said excitedly.

Long Yu: “………………!”

The face twitched for a while, and Long Yu looked strange and said: “I’ve seen it for the first time. Someone dares to make money with the image of Demon Lord! Are you not afraid of death?”

“What’s afraid of death? The Demon Lord did not say that I was not allowed to imitate his mask! Maybe the Demon Lord still hopes to become the King of Pop! I didn’t do anything wrong!” Wang Ke looked confident.

Long Yu: “…………!”

Long Yu can see it, it’s not that this king doesn’t understand, but that he is too thick-skinned!

“Of course, if the Demon Sovereign wants to say that he is not allowed to issue his mask, that’s okay. My first batch of quick money has already been collected. There will definitely be a lot of copycats in the follow-up. I just change my career! People do not have me, people have me better, people are better and I am cheap, and people are cheap and I abandon! Just make a wave of quick money, and then close the mountain!” Wang Ke proudly said.

Long Yu: “…………!”

What is special, this is not too thick-skinned, this is shameless!

“Come on, put it on and show it to me!” Wang Ke handed the mask to Long Yu expectantly.

“What are you doing now?” Long Yu frowned.

“You put it on first!” Wang Ke urged.

Long Yu wore a mask in doubt.

“Absolutely, that’s it, that’s great!” Wang Ke clapped his hands and applauded.

Long Yu: “…………!”

“Wang Ke, what on earth are you going to do? Put me on the high imitation mask of Demon Venerable? For what?” Long Yu frowned.

“You are about the same height as the devil, wearing this evil mask, and then put on a black robe, tusk…!” Wang Ke showed a look of excitement.

Long Yu was suddenly excited: “Do you want me to impersonate Demon Lord?”

What’s so special, Long Yu finally understands, this king is uneasy and kind, letting himself pretend to be the devil, is this to scare the snake to take them away?

“What do you mean by impersonating the Demon Lord? You are just wearing the same clothes and mask as the Demon Lord! I didn’t say that you are the Demon Lord, you are the Snake King, the Snake General and they insist that you are the Demon Lord. Can you blame me for this?” Wang Ke stared.

Long Yu: “…………!”

Isn’t this the same?

“This is different, there is a fundamental difference! I asked you to pretend to be the devil, that’s disrespect to the devil! But, I didn’t let you pretend to be the devil, I just found you a new dress to wear , I found a mask to wear! It was the snake and they insisted that you were the demon venerable. What is it to me? To say that you are disrespectful, it is also that they are disrespectful! I don’t have one!” Wang Ke stared.

Long Yu: “…………!”

Special, does the devil want to thank you?

“Come, come, come, you try, let’s go to the snake cave and get a big ticket!” Wang Ke said excitedly.

“I can’t do anything!” Long Yu said with an ugly face.

“You don’t have to do anything, just stand there, I’ll blow…, no, I’ll do it! Are you not the maid of the Demon Lord? Does the Demon Lord usually walk, do you have a specific shape? No specific posture? Just follow along!” Wang Ke explained.

Long Yu: “…………!”

“Don’t worry, it’s good, I’ll take you to divide it! I’m a very generous person, although you can just put on a pose, but I’m eighty you two! How about?” Wang Ke laughed.

Long Yu: “…………!”

“What’s wrong? What’s your expression?” Wang Ke frowned.

“You, you are so generous!” Long Yu said with a strange expression.

You get 80%! I only get 20%?

“Haha, of course, when the time comes, I will fight against the snakes, you just have to stand there and pose! If you change to someone else, you can only get 10%! But, you saved me I’ll give you 20% of the life of the man! You don’t have to praise me! This is what I should do!” Wang Ke said with a smile.

Long Yu: “…………!”

Which eye did you see that I was complimenting you?

In this way, at Wang Ke’s urging, Longyu wore the black robe and evil ghost mask prepared by Wang Ke.

“Tsk tsk, it’s worthy of being the maid of the demon lord who used to pinch the demon lord’s temperament to death. This move reveals the demon lord’s temperament, yes, it is to be such a proud and unruly appearance! Yes, God, so alike, so alike! Longyu, how much money you can make this time depends on you!” Wang Ke said excitedly.

Long Yu: “………………!”

At the urging of Wang Ke, the two quickly got out of the ice cave.

The king can chisel an ice boat with a flying sword.

“This boat, it should be possible to hurry up, I’ll row the boat, you show the way, in which direction Shenlong Island is, and in which direction the snake cave is, you can show the way!” Wang Ke urged.

Long Yu, wearing the clothes of the demon zun, pondered for a moment, and finally pointed a direction.

“Okay, sit firmly!” Wang Ke said excitedly.


Under Wang Ke’s crazy rowing, the boat was like a sharp arrow shooting in one direction.

Long Yu, sitting on the bow of the ship, was heartbroken at this moment. Long Yu couldn’t even imagine that one day he would impersonate Demon Lord? The purpose of impersonating Demon Venerable is to cheat money? Lie a group of beasts’ money? I don’t want face?

What the **** is going on with me! This Wang Ke, where did the wonderful work come out!

ps: First!

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