Indestructible God King Chapter 165: Persuade the demon to cut the ribbon

Wang Ke swiftly took the money into his arms, and the atmosphere in the room was strangely quiet for a while!

Mo Sanshan’s face was black, and Demon Lord stared at Wang Ke, as if to see, why is Wang Ke so stinky and shameless.

Wang could see that the two of them looked at themselves strangely, swallowed, and took out a mirror to illuminate themselves.

“There is nothing dirty on my face, why are you looking at me like this?” Wang Ke pushed his nose hair into the mirror.

Mo Sanshan: “…………!”

The devil took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to hit someone. Turned around and stopped looking at the two.

“Mo Sanshan, you told me to come to Longxian Town this time, have you found anything?” Demon Lord said solemnly.

Wang Ke’s expression moved aside, Mo Sanshan invited Mo Sanshan to come this time?

“Yes, there is a clue, I would like to invite the demon to witness it together!” Mo Sanshan respectfully said.

“Oh?” The Demon Lord doubted.

“The Demon Lord asked his subordinates to thoroughly investigate the Demon Cult and oppose your forces! I used Tong An’an as bait to let him go and find the people he had contact with! The first object of suspicion is Zi Bufan!” Mo Sanshan explained.

“The third hall master, Zi Bufan?” Mo Zun narrowed his eyes.

“Yes, Tong An’an was caught by Wang Ke, and Wang Ke was going to ask Zhu Hongyi to give it to you! As a result, Zi Bufan jumped in and wanted to go, and I also found out , Zi Bufan placed Tong An, she has no suspicion, who is suspected?” Mo Sanshan explained.

Mozun said in a deep voice: “Wang Ke, is Mo Sanshan right?”

Mo Sanshan showed confidence on the side, this is a fact.

“That’s not right!” Wang Ke said from the side.

Mo Sanshan’s face froze: “What’s wrong? Wang Ke, don’t think that you had a conversation in the Qingjing Palace that day, I can’t find it!”

“Mozun, that day, Zi Bufan wanted Tong An’an, it was not that simple! Zi Bufan promised me and invited Mozun to join me to cut the ribbon for my Shenwang company, and she said that I was attending the ribbon cutting with Mozun. Only then promised to give Tong An’an to her!” Wang Ke explained.

Mo Sanshan looked strange.

Mozun also froze for a moment: “cut the ribbon?”

“Yes! Mozun, you know, I, the Shenwang Mansion in Longxian Town, specializes in serving the disciples of the Demon Cult. This is a milestone building, and its opening will surely cause a sensation in one hundred thousand mountains! Purple Bufan Ye I think this building is of extraordinary significance, and promised me to invite the demon to cut the ribbon. I am only a rudder after all. It is not convenient to invite leapfrog. She took it down. I thought about it, it gave me such a face. What is a Tong An’an? I just gave it to her. At the beginning, I gave it to Mo Sanshan. Anyway, it is not difficult to catch Tong An’an. If she loses her, I will catch it again and it will be fine!” Wang Ke explained.

Mo Sanshan’s face blackened: “That Tong An’an, is that easy to grasp?”

Wang Ke stared for a moment: “Isn’t it easy to catch? I’ve caught it four times! It doesn’t take much effort at all!”

Mo Sanshan: “…………!”

What’s the matter, Tong An’an is also insane, always stumbling in Wang Ke’s hands, what is it going to do? There is no excuse for me to suppress Wang Ke!

Mozun looked strange: “Who said I was here to cut the ribbon?”

“No one said, but Zi Bufan promised to persuade you, I don’t know where she is confident!” Wang Ke explained.

Mozun: “…………!”

Also, Zi Bufan is not here. If you hear what Wang Ke said just now, he will definitely kill Wang Ke with anger. Who said he promised you to persuade him? Didn’t you say it at the beginning, as long as you mentioned it yourself? How did it become persuasion?

“Mozun, don’t rush to the conclusion now, don’t worry, think about it again, anyway, the construction of the Shenwang Building will take a long time, I promise, it’s not worse than the Shenwang Building in Langxian Town. !” Wang Ke patted his chest and said.

Mozun: “…………!”

Are you sick? I will cut the ribbon for you? Go dreaming!

Mo Sanshan also said solemnly: “Wang Ke, what you just said, isn’t it the same as what I said?”

“Where is the same? Mo Sanshan, how can you report to the Demon Lord? You must explain the details clearly, not just the part that is beneficial to you, but objectively describe the whole thing! How to judge the specifics , It’s up to the demon to judge, not for you to help judge!” Wang Ke said suddenly.

Mo Sanshan’s face is black, you fart! I’m telling the main point concisely! You cut the ribbon for the opening of Shenwang Mansion, it has nothing to do with what I want to say! You are clearly carrying private goods!

“Mozun, Tong Anan was indeed released by Zi Bufan again, and I also found out that Zi Bufan went to Qingjing to capture the dragon veins for this Dragon Gate Conference! Maybe there will be a big move!” Mo Sanshan Respectfully said.

“Oh?” Demon Lord said solemnly.

“Zi Bufan caught the dragon veins, but did not personally **** them. It can be seen that she is not so diligent about the dragon veins. I guess that apart from Zi Bufan, there are other hall masters participating! This dragon gate conference may be an important part of the event. , I don’t know exactly what they are going to do, but I keenly feel that this Longmen Conference is not easy! Perhaps it was a fuse for the Demon Lord!” Mo Sanshan explained.

“Dragon Gate Conference? Dragon Vein Golden Dragon?” The Demon Lord muttered.

“Yes, Mozun, you happen to be here. I also have something to say. The venue of the Longmen Conference may be the next key place. I think it is inappropriate for Wang Ke to build a building in this key place, so as not to affect the connection. For the next judgement, I implore the Demon Lord to order the leveling of Wang Ke’s building, in case we failed in the early days!” Mo Sanshan solemnly said.

Mozun looked at the distant building, but Wang Ke was suddenly anxious.

“Mo Sanshan, what do you mean? I built a building to serve the people of the Demon Cult. How can there be a problem? I have already built it to the 20th floor. You asked me to push it? What did you ask the students of the Demon Cult to do? Think?” Wang Ke suddenly stared.

What’s the joke, how much manpower and material resources have been invested, and how much money has been invested, just waiting for the building to be built to make money? You told me it was an illegal building and you want to push it? Are you kidding me?

“Wang Ke, how much money you spent on this building, I will help you make up!” Mo Sanshan said solemnly.

“Fart, is this a matter of money?” Wang Ke stared.

Of course this is a matter of money. The key is how much money is needed to build a building? The money I have to earn from the building in the future will be the big head, but now I’m pushing it? You are dreaming!

“Mo Sanshan, let me tell you, you didn’t have the ability to find out who the Demon Lord wanted, but you came to push my building? My building has a clear property right. The land I bought at a big price has a lot of plants and trees. It’s my painstaking effort! Oh, you pushed it with just one sentence? Why didn’t you push your own home! You are ashamed to bring it up in front of the Demon Venerable with your detrimental thoughts? The Demon Venerable just made the decision and disappeared. The grievances between us, you are going to be a demon again! Did you let the devil’s previous efforts be wasted? My building, let alone I can’t push it, and the devil’s can’t look at you here unscrupulously!” Wang Ke shouted angrily.

On the side, Demon Lord did not speak during the whole process. Who said I cared? I don’t care if I push the building or not!

“Wang Ke, don’t use chicken feathers as an arrow!” Mo Sanshan stared.

“Why use chicken feathers as an arrow! I just used Demon Venerable’s painstaking efforts to persuade you, but you actually said Demon Venerable’s painstaking efforts are chicken feathers? Mo Sanshan, are you going to rebel?” Wang Ke cried.

“You!” Mo Sanshan stared.

The devil’s face is also black.

“Also, my building has already been registered on the two roads of Zhengmo. The disciples of the demons know everything, and the disciples of the righteous way know all. You let me push now. When the time comes, the big guys will come over and ask Me, what do I say? I don’t want face? Even if I don’t want face! Don’t you doubt it? A thorough investigation will show you that you are pushing the building? Then the demon cult and righteous disciples are not on guard? You? The hall master who is going to be used for calculations, won’t he be guarded? By then, won’t it be empty with a bamboo basket?” Wang Ke said angrily.

Mo Sanshan’s face sank.

“Well, this building built by Wang Ke doesn’t get in the way, so don’t worry about it!” Demon Lord said solemnly.

The devil is right to think about it, the building is easy to push, but if you pull the head and move your whole body, it will be bad if you start to stun the snake.

“But…!” Mo Sanshan was anxious.

“But what is it, Demon Venerable has said everything, and what he said is the imperial decree. Do you still want the Demon Venerable’s words to be changed in the morning?” Wang Ke stared at Mo Sanshan.

Mo Sanshan gave Wang Ke a fierce look, and could only suppress this breath in the trembling of breath.

“By the way, did the golden dragons revealed by Vermilion Yi and Zi Bufan condense Dragon Balls this time?” asked the Demon Lord.

“The devil also knows about Dragon Ball?” Mo Sanshan asked in surprise.

“Huh?” Demon Lord said solemnly.

Mo Sanshan suddenly realized that he was talking too much, and immediately bowed his head in silence.

“Dragon Ball? What is it?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

“Some golden dragons with dragon veins will condense Dragon Balls, and some will not! Golden dragons that can condense Dragon Balls are unique! I hear you describe that when Vermilion and Zi Bufan caught the dragon, they were scrapped. Great strength, this golden dragon may have already produced agile wisdom, this kind of agile golden dragon will basically have a dragon ball!” The demon said in a deep voice.

“I, I don’t know!” Wang Ke curiously asked.

Dragon Ball? what is that? I just took out a sarcoma from Jinlong’s mouth, uh, no, is that a sarcoma? Isn’t it Dragon Ball?

Wang Ke was surprised, Mozun also looked at Wang Ke: “The golden dragon is in your hands?”

“Ah, yes, they sealed the golden dragon in Zhu Nai’s belly. I escorted him in the mansion of my royal family!” Wang Ke said immediately.

“Take me to see!” Demon Lord said solemnly.

“Good!” Wang Ke agreed immediately.

“Hmph, Wang Ke, don’t talk nonsense, I’ve checked your royal mansion a long time ago. There is no Zhu Wei at all. If you take the Demon Venerable, if you can’t see Zhu Wei, it’s a great sin to deceive him. !” Mo Sanshan sneered.

In Mo Sanshan’s heart, I caught Zhu Wei, you can see a fart.

“Mo Sanshan, what do you mean? Are you there, I don’t know you?” Wang Ke said with disdain.

“Then bet it, if it is, I will pay you 500,000 catties of spirit stone, if it is not, you immediately pushed the newly built building, how about it?” Mo Sanshan sneered.

“Five hundred thousand catties of spirit stones? Pushed my building?” Wang Ke was taken aback.

“Mo Sanshan? Didn’t you hear what I just said?” Mozun said coldly.

Wang Ke suddenly shouted: “Mozun, you don’t have to be angry. Mo Sanshan feels that he didn’t pay enough for me just now, so he gave me money! Yes, yes, I take this bet!”

Mozun looked at Wang Ke strangely for a while, what’s the point? How many reasons did you not want to demolish the building just now, how many reasons, co-author, the real reason is that the money is not in place?

“A word is definite, and the demon is a witness!” Mo Sanshan laughed excitedly.

Wang Ke has a weird look on his face, Mo Sanshan is too abnormal, or should I raise the price again?

“Zhu Wei is in my house. You pay me 500,000 spiritual stones! Zhu Wei is not in my house. I pushed the building. At the same time, you want to give me one hundred thousand catties of spiritual stones. Expenses!” Wang Ke fought again.

If I lose, I can’t lose money, right? You can’t do this business. I want you to have one hundred thousand catties of spiritual stones. The big deal is for me to rebuild it in another place, as long as I don’t lose money. The rough semi-finished building, one hundred thousand catties of spiritual stone, not only does not lose, but also earns.

“Deal!” Mo Sanshan laughed.

“Haha, let’s go! I’ll take you to see!” Wang Ke also laughed happily.

I have misunderstood Mo Sanshan before, this is my God of Wealth! What a special thing, how close you will be in the future! I was negligent before, alas, I’m so stupid, he alone is enough for me to gather wool many times, why am I angry with him! Good people!

ps: After three shifts, the outbreak will continue tomorrow!

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