Indestructible God King Chapter 157: Serve the demon cult disciples

Longxian Town! Located on the shore of the Pleiades! It is surrounded by mist all year round.

Longxian Town was built very strangely. It is a ring-shaped market town, like a giant dragon, forming a large circle, enclosing a huge open space in the center.

Wang Ke led a group of subordinates and soon came to a mansion in Longxian Town.

“Wang Ke, your road is quite wild, Longxian Town, you also have a house? Wang’s mansion?” Zhu Nian asked in surprise.

“Nonsense, do you think I have been as addicted to female **** as you all these years? Who wouldn’t even stock up on houses these years!” Wang Ke believes.

“Hoard the house? Isn’t that sick? I can build as many as I want!” Zhu Wei said.

“Fart, how much is it worth to build a house in the mortal quarter? The point is, the location! The location! The location! Do you understand? Do you know how difficult it is to buy a house and land in the big fairy towns?” Wang Ke said with disdain.

Zhu Wei: “…………!”

Where does Zhu Wei know this? What did you miss when you used to be a great king?

Wang Ke didn’t bother to tell him more. When he arrived at his house, a group of subordinates immediately handed over with the subordinates here, and soon, new people came to greet him.

“Wang Ke, are you here so soon? I’ve only been here for half a month!” Zhang Zhengdao immediately greeted him.

“Patriarch!” Second cousin and others also greeted him.

“Oh, who’s this?” Zhang Zhengdao looked at Zhu Wei in surprise.

Zhu Wei has a dark face.

“He? Isn’t that Zhu Feiye, you have seen it before!” Wang Ke explained.

“Evil demon? Wang Ke, how did you bring him? If you are seen by a disciple of the right way, you can’t tell!” Zhang Zhengdao’s expression changed.

“What’s unclear? Okay, don’t talk nonsense. How much insurance have you sold recently?” Wang Ke said directly.

Zhang Zhengdao: “…………!”

“I haven’t sold a copy? Didn’t you come for half a month? On the way we were just now, we saw many immortal disciples arriving in Longxian Town, so many people, you didn’t sell it? “Wang Ke stared.

“Does it sell so well?” Zhang Zhengdao said depressed.

“What’s not easy to sell, we are such a good product, no one wants it?” Wang Ke glared.

“I went to find someone to persuade me. They called me crazy and said this stuff, who would believe it! There are also a few people who have bought insurance and have been slandering insurance. It is also very difficult for me!” Zhang Zhengdao Said with a wry smile.

“You won’t sell it! Look back at me!” Wang Ke said solemnly.

“Okay, okay, just waiting for you!” Zhang Zhengdao smiled.

“The insurance you sell is to treat people as idiots and spend five thousand catties of spirit stones to buy you a piece of waste paper?” Zhu Wei widened his eyes.

“What’s up with you!” Wang Ke glared.

Zhu Wei has a dark face.

“Choose a courtyard for Zhu Wei to rest, and ignore him normally! Also, he is a troublemaker, you avoid him, otherwise, when lightning strikes him, you may also suffer. Don’t run around. He wants to run around, just notify me!” Wang Ke ordered.

“Yes!” a group of Wang’s children said respectfully.

“Humph!” Zhu Wei let out a cold snort, and walked away.

Do you think I’m in the way? It’s not unusual for Lao Tzu to be with you.

Wang Ke looked at the second cousin: “Second cousin, it stands to reason that the major immortals recruit disciples during the Longmen Conference. Before the Longmen Conference, some talented and talented seedlings will be recruited in advance! You The five hundred of us who have brought us, are there any gains in this half a month?”

“There are already two hundred Jinyiwei teenagers with the best talents, who have been admitted in advance by the major immortals, but there are still three hundred, and it may take some time!” The second cousin respectfully said.

“Look, look at my second cousin, how many things have been done in the past half month, and then look at you! Zhang Zhengdao, I have high hopes for you by letting you be the general manager of the insurance business of Shenwang Company Ah, in the past half a month, you have achieved nothing?” Wang Ke said contemptuously.

Zhang Zhengdao’s face is black, your second cousin shoves good talents with extraordinary talents to the great immortals, and the great immortals are naturally happy. My empty glove white wolf, do you think it’s easy?

“Then what do you say? I tried my best!” Zhang Zhengdao said with an ugly expression.

“Second elder brother Tie Liuyun, and what kind of village Zhao Si, are you here?” Wang Ke asked.

“It’s Xiang Cunzong, not a village! They have arrived long ago, and I have met them. They helped me sell insurance, but…!” Zhang Zhengdao smiled bitterly.

“Tomorrow, send me a greeting note and invite them to come to my house for a drink! Just say, I have something to ask them for help!” Wang Ke ordered.

“Yes!” a group of Wang’s children said respectfully.

Longxian Town wants to open the Longmen Conference, so except for the ordinary residents in Xianzhen, all major immortal gates have their residences here.

Wang Ke entered the hall to rest, and Zhang Zhengdao immediately surrounded him.

“Wang Ke, would you like to treat someone to dinner?” Zhang Zhengdao asked curiously.

“Of course, the money is not enough recently!” Wang Ke frowned.

Zhang Zhengdao: “………………!”

Not enough money?

“What are you kidding? The God King Company opened, didn’t you just fish more than 10 million catties of spirit stones? You are richer than many Nascent Soul Stages, and you are not enough?” Zhang Zhengdao looked disbelief .

“Nonsense, you didn’t see how many people I want to raise! Let’s not say, the five hundred teenagers brought by the second cousin will be big households of spirit stone in the future! Join the big fairy gates , Practice is advancing by leaps and bounds, and more spirit stones need to be consumed!” Wang Ke said after taking a sip of tea.

“They? They worshipped the immortal gate, do you still care about them?” Zhang Zhengdao asked in surprise.

“They are employees of my God King Company. What’s wrong with entering the fairy gate? No salary when entering the fairy gate? If you enter the fairy gate, you won’t recognize me? I will work in the major fairy gates in the future! What should I do if it falls?” Wang Ke said.

“But, it’s not necessary! How much money does this cost you? How can you be willing? Are you not an iron cock?”

“How many times have I told you, I’m thrifty, not stingy! Capital market, early investment is necessary, the early stage is to burn money, wait for the weather to reap! They are losing money now, waiting to make money When the time comes, you are on the right track. Do you understand finance?” Wang Ke said with disdain.

Zhang Zhengdao’s face is black: “I don’t know anything about finance, but I probably guess what you think!”

“Oh?” Wang Ke was taken aback, can you guess my mind?

“You are staring at the Lingshan in the major immortal gates, right? Send someone to be an undercover agent, and later, will the Lingshan of the immortal gate be housed in a nest?” Zhang Zhengdao pointed to Wang Ke and said.

Wang Ke was taken aback, what’s the point? Zhang Zhengdao still understands me, my ultimate goal is still a little bit seen by him?

“Haha, am I right?” Zhang Zhengdao said proudly.

“Humph!” Wang Ke drank his tea, ignoring Zhang Zhengdao’s pride.

“The key is, what is the use of asking Tie Liuyun and Zhao Si to come? They have all bought your insurance. Can you still get some wool from them again?” Zhang Zhengdao asked curiously.

“I thought about it, you haven’t sold an insurance for half a month, I’m afraid I can’t blame you all!” Wang Ke frowned.


“On the one hand, you have no sales experience, on the other hand, there is still a chance!” Wang Ke frowned.


“It should be soon, don’t worry! However, before this opportunity appears, I want to expand the influence of Shenwang Company! Increase market share!” Wang Ke explained.

“Many people say that Shenwang Company is a scam company. How can we expand its influence? How can we increase market share?” Zhang Zhengdao said in a daze.

“Fart, who said a scam company? We are a regular company!” Wang Ke glared.

“Well, if you say formality is formal, I can’t do anything about it, but how can I expand my influence now?” Zhang Zhengdao curiously asked.

“Build a building!” Wang Ke looked outside the door expectantly.



The next day, at the Wang Family Mansion in Longxian Town, Wang Ke invited Tie Liuyun and Zhao Si to a banquet. But I didn’t want to, a large number of people came to the banquet the next day.

“Hahaha, Junior Brother, you arrived yesterday? Don’t come and find me first!” Tie Liuyun walked forward with a laugh.

“Brother Wang, look, who did we bring?” Zhao Si also followed.

Behind Zhao Si is a group of people whom Wang does not know. The king who was watching was stunned.

“Hahaha, yesterday I heard that you also asked Zhao Si to have a banquet today. I specially arranged it so that everyone who knew each other in Longxian Town would come and gather together!” Tie Liuyun explained.

“Second brother, who are these?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

“I have seen Brother Wang, Brother Wang, and goodbye to Shenlong Island, don’t come here without problems!” said one of the group.

“You, are you all the prisoners of Shenlong Island?” Wang Ke was surprised.

“Hahahaha, thank you, Brother Wang, for your great kindness! Come here today, please forgive me, Brother Wang!” everyone laughed.

“Hahaha, wherever you guys said, it is my honor to see you again, please!” Wang Ke immediately said enthusiastically.

“Come here, prepare more dishes! Hurry!” Wang Ke immediately ordered enthusiastically.

Zhang Zhengdao looked surprised, saving his life? What do you mean? You are all in the Golden Core Realm. Could the king save you?

“Brother Wang, I just heard Tie Liuyun say, what kind of insurance are you selling? Come back and give me a copy!”

“Yes, I want a copy too!”

“Me too!”




A group of people shouted enthusiastically.

Wang Ke said well, and only Zhang Zhengdao was black all the time.

What’s special, I asked you to buy it before, but none of you paid any attention to me. When I saw Wang Ke today, I actually wanted to buy it? It’s really wicked. This Wang Ke is indeed a demon.

“Everyone please!” Wang Ke invited everyone to sit down.

Everyone didn’t dislike the simplicity here, but they sat down with a smile. They had been in jail together, and everyone was very good at chatting.

“I’m afraid you don’t know it yet. In Qingjing not long ago, Wang Ke went into the Demon Cave again in order to investigate the situation of the Demon Cult! At that time, regardless of the danger of his life, he stopped a group of demons for us and let me go first. Really, really, let me feel ashamed!” Zhao Si immediately embarrassed.

“Four brothers Zhao, what are you talking about? Everyone is the right way. In a special period, it is natural to choose something!” Wang Ke suddenly said politely.

“Fortunately, Brother Wang has come out safely, otherwise, I will be guilty for the rest of my life!” Zhao Si suddenly sighed.

“Four brothers Zhao, don’t say such things, okay, drink, drink!” Wang Ke suddenly smiled.

For an instant, the wine table was full of joy.

Zhang Zhengdao sat aside, his face froze, why, is Wang Ke so confused now? Why?

“Wang Ke, are you investigating the demons in Qingjing?” Tie Liuyun asked curiously.

Wang Ke nodded: “Yes, this time I came to the Longmen Conference to inform the second senior brother and you, you must be careful! I am afraid it is in great danger!”

“Oh?” Everyone looked solemn.

“Several hall masters of the Demon Cult, who didn’t know what they were going to do, launched the Dragon Vein Golden Dragon of Qingjing. I am afraid they will be caught off guard at the Longmen Conference!” Wang Ke said.

“Dragon veins are revealed?” Everyone looked serious.

“Yes, the Demon Cult has a lot of movement this time! I also used all my power to figure it out! During the period, I was almost beaten to death by demons!” Wang Ke explained.

“What?” Everyone’s expressions changed.

“Of course, it was also to save a group of righteous disciples of the Golden Crow Sect. I bet with the masters of the Demon Church that in order to save them, I was slapped a hundred palms by an evil demon! But luckily, I saved the disciples of the Golden Crow Sect. Only by taking the opportunity to win the trust of the demon cult disciples can they come out with news!” Wang Ke explained.

“You got a hundred palms? They just watched? These wild demons!” Tie Liuyun said angrily.

“Master, you don’t have to be angry, this is what I should do! Of course, maybe there will be news soon, you know it! Don’t tell me!” Wang Ke persuaded.

Wang Ke was also vaccinated. Soon after the province was planted, someone planted himself.

“Brother Wang, you have suffered!” Zhao Si was moved suddenly.

“Nothing! Isn’t I good? Besides, I also found out that the Demon Cult is practicing some evil method!” Wang Ke said.

“Evil method?” Everyone was taken aback.

“Yes, we are going to catch some people with special birthdays and make magic pills!” Wang Ke explained.

“Magic Pill? What is that?” Everyone was taken aback.

“I don’t know, anyway, it is to use living people to refine alchemy, which is extremely evil and very important to the demon cult!” Wang Ke said.

“Who of the Demon Cult?” Tie Liuyun asked curiously.

“I don’t know, the level is very high, I can’t find out!” Wang Ke blew.

“Is it the Demon Lord?” Everyone’s expressions changed.

Mozun wants to refine magic pill? This is no small matter!

“Brother Wang, do you know who the Demon Cult will use for alchemy?” Zhao Si asked.

“I know something, and I told Zhang Zhengdao yesterday. Looking back, I asked Zhang Zhengdao to summarize a list. Please help me persuade these righteous disciples and let them be careful. Recently, it’s best to go back to the mountain gate to retreat! “Wang Ke explained.

“Is it so dangerous?” Zhao Si said solemnly.

“By the way, Brother Zhao, your name is also on the list! You have to be careful, it’s best to avoid it during this time!” Wang Ke said immediately.

“Me?” Zhao Si’s expression changed.

Being stared at by the devil is more than dangerous! Zhao Si was shocked in a cold sweat.

“Thank you, Brother Wang, for letting me know!” Zhao Si said gratefully.

“Brother Wang, you have worked hard!” Everyone nodded.

Only Zhang Zhengdao was confused. Magic Pill? What kind of routine is this? You didn’t tell me yesterday.

Wang Ke squeezed his eyes at Zhang Zhengdao. Zhang Zhengdao saw the nervous Zhao Si, and suddenly he understood everything.

Magic Pill? The magic pill of fart! This is to drive people away, and Wang Ke will scare all those who have bought insurance back to the mountain gate to escape.

Because there is a big battle at the Dragon Gate Conference, many people will definitely die by then. If, by any chance, these people who have bought insurance die, wouldn’t the God King Company lose out?

The best way is to let them roll away, no, let them retreat for a while!

Wang Ke, can you be more shameless with this excuse?

“Yes, Wang Ke told me yesterday that I will draw up a list at that time, please help me to persuade you!” Zhang Zhengdao immediately cooperated with Wang Ke’s and patted his chest in fear.

Everyone nodded.

“Everyone, I invite you to come today, and I want to ask everyone to help!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“Brother Wang, if you have anything, just say it!” Everyone looked at Wang Ke.

“Everyone knows that I am now mixed into the Demon Cult. Although I have not yet exposed, I have been targeted by many demons! I am not for my own safety! I just want to rescue more righteous disciples! So , The magic sect, I will re-enter!” Wang Ke said.

“Wang Ke, you are very dangerous like this!” Tie Liuyun worried.

“I know the danger, but I have to do this! I have already stepped into this step and can’t look back, but it may cause a lot of people to not understand. You can understand me, I am already grateful That’s it!” Wang Ke said.

“Is there anything I can’t understand, if anyone dares to slander you, I, Zhao Si, will be the first to end with him!” Zhao Si stared.

“Yes, Brother Wang is on Shenlong Island. Save us first. Not long ago, in Qingjing, he saved the disciples of the Golden Crow Sect. Brother Wang, who dares to slander, I’ll fight him!” One person suddenly said eagerly.

“Thank you for your understanding. On the right side, I am relieved. The key is that I am worried that the magic road will doubt my identity! So, I want to cover up! I’m here to trouble you!” Wang Ke explained.

“How to cover up?” Tie Liuyun asked curiously.

Zhang Zhengdao also widened his eyes, why do you want to hide it? You are already blatant now, you almost shouted around with a loud speaker.

“I want to build a second God King Building to confuse the demons!” Wang Ke said.

“Oh?” everyone puzzled.

“It was built in the middle of Longxian Town!” Wang Ke explained.

“Longxian Town is a circle, and the center is the Longmen Conference venue. Are you going to build it?” Tie Liuyun stared in astonishment.

“Yes! The land in Longxian Town is extremely complicated. It involves the interests of the residents of Longxian Town, and also involves the game of the various immortal gates! I want to build a building to confuse the demons! And building a building, that piece of land, will definitely cause Many people are disgusted, especially the major immortal gates, I am afraid they will resist!” Wang Ke explained.

“Our immortal gate will certainly not contradict Brother Wang. As for other righteous immortal gates, we also have friends who can help Brother Wang to make peace, but what is your purpose for building this building?” Zhao Si asked curiously.

“Serve the demons!” Wang Ke explained.

“Oh?” Everyone frowned.

Serving the demon cult disciples?

“In this way, the disciples of the Demon Cult who doubted my identity can once again confuse me. After all, I am building a building to serve the Demon Cult! They must think that I am for the Demon Cult! But how can they possibly be? I would think that I built the mansion just to monitor their every move. At the same time, I monitored the conversations of the demon cult disciples in the new mansion and found out all their secrets for my righteous disciples to use!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

Everyone heard, this new building is actually to contain, paralyze, and monitor the demon cult? This is great!

“Brother Wang, this is very dangerous!” Zhao Si worried.

“I know, but there will be a lot of benefits! In the future, my righteous disciple will be safer. I think everything is worthwhile, but it is very troublesome! I would like to ask you to help me go to the various righteous immortal gates to stop. Don’t stop them!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“Brother Wang, for the sake of righteousness, went deep into the devil’s cave and built a building to monitor the demon cult, such as setting up a prison for the demon cult! Who would dare to stop it? I asked him to reason!” a man said in a deep voice.

“Brother Wang, this matter is on my body!” Zhao Si said.

“Brother, I still have the face of my Sirius Sect. Don’t worry, with me, during the construction of your second building, no disciples of the righteous way would dare to make trouble!” Tie Liuyun also patted his chest.

Only Zhang Zhengdao looked at Wang Ke with a cold breath.

Others don’t understand Wang Ke Shen’s meaning, how could Zhang Zhengdao not understand? Especially, where is this to monitor the disciples of the Demon Cult? Wang Ke’s phrase “Serve the disciples of the Demon Cult”, Zhang Zhengdao understood everything, this is to start making money from the disciples of the Demon Cult?

Wang Ke’s money-making claws are finally reaching out to the demon sect?

He, how dare he! Special, after eating the right way, go to eat the magic way?

No wonder it was said earlier that it was to expand its influence, expand its market share, and build a building. How can this be building a building? This is building a building for swallowing money! The disciples of the Demon Cult, it’s unlucky to follow along!

ps: Special thanks to the book banner account for Qitianmeng-Panpan, Qitianmeng. My name is Deng is the boss of Qitianmeng, Qitianmeng-Zhelan, Maotianyun, Qitianmeng-little brother, Yincha, Book friends 1700671489, book friends 1326996716, and book friends from the Qitian League-Guantian, actively participate in the “read new books, post book reviews” activity organized by the book friends group. Please contact the owner of the book friends group to redeem awards. Thank you everyone for advancing “The Immortal King” with Guanqi! Please continue to support!

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