Indestructible God King Chapter 147: He doesn’t take much effort

Among the ruins of the Qingjing Palace!

Zhu Hongyi dragged the golden dragon’s tail with the red chains, and Zi Bufan took all the demons to suppress the dragon.


The golden dragon roared, but he couldn’t get out of it.

“Have you found the dragon chair?” Zi Bufan shouted at another ruin.

“Not yet!” Anxious voice from the demon cult disciple came from a distance.

“In the dragon chair, because it has been located at the dragon’s head for many years, it has been nourished by the dragon’s energy. It can make the golden dragon feel at ease. It can be used to seal the golden dragon! If you can’t find it, how to seal it? Go to some people and keep looking!” Zhu Hong Yi shouted coldly.

“Yes!” Another group of people went to the ruins to search.

Zi Bufan and Zhu Hongyi did not dare to press on the head of the golden dragon, fearing that the golden dragon would be completely desperate and end up in a big explosion.

Now, if you hold the Golden Dragon, the Golden Dragon can’t go away either. Jin Long was anxious, as if he was feeling something. Suddenly, Jin Long hit the ground with his head severely.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

The golden dragon smashed the ground with his head again and again, causing Zhu Hongyi, Zi Bufan and others to show their consternation.

“Zhu Hongyi, what is Jinlong doing? Is it self-mutilating?” Zi Bufan asked in confusion.

Vermilion clothes showed a strange look: “I, I don’t know! Maybe you want to escape to the ground, right?”

Escape to the bottom of the earth?

What’s the joke, how much energy did it take to get you this beast up, and want to go back to the soil?

“Look, look for the dragon chair!” Zi Bufan roared.

At the same time, Zi Bufan and Zhu Hongyi dragged the golden dragon’s tail and body with all their strength to keep it from moving.

Because most of the golden dragon’s body was suppressed, only the head was left, and it couldn’t hit much power. This also led to the fact that in the tunnel safe room, Wang Ke kept listening to the cause of the constant vibration from above.

In this way, there was a stalemate for a long time.

“Found it!” A demonic disciple said in surprise.


Suddenly, Jin Long knocked out a big hole in the ground, and Jin Long plunged his head into the big hole.

And Zhu Hongyi and Zi Bufan looked at the subordinate who found the dragon chair.

I saw that the subordinate took out a dragon chair armrest. Just a handrail. Gone?

A group of demon cult disciples nearby turned over, and soon they turned over to the legs of the dragon chair and the seat plate of the dragon chair.

The huge dragon chair has been torn apart and broken by the previous damage.

Zi Bufan and Vermilion’s complexion became stiff.

“Hall Master, is this dragon chair still useful?” The first person who found the arm of the dragon chair wanted to take credit.

“It’s useful to your uncle!” Zhu Hongyi said coldly.

“It’s over, it’s over, the dragon chair is broken? Then the golden dragon can’t be sealed?” Zi Bufan said depressed.

“Let’s find other things that have been moisturized by dragon energy!” Zhu Hongyi sighed.

The dragon chair is gone? Then, what has been around the dragon chair all these years? Everyone is thinking.

Suddenly felt an angry tremor of the suppressed Golden Dragon?

Ju Hongyi and Zi Bufan turned to look.

But I saw that Jinlong’s head was buried underground!

“Want to get into the soil?” Zi Bufan said depressed.

“Pull the dragon’s head up from the ground? Huh, do you still want to get into the ground and escape? Don’t think about it!” Zhu Hongyi shouted.

In an instant, everyone used all their strength and desperately pulled the golden dragon up.

Under the rumbling, finally, the dragon’s head of the golden dragon was pulled up from the big pit.


The golden dragon that was pulled out, perhaps because of the change in the direction of everyone’s force, suddenly got out of the trap, and instantly broke through everyone’s suppression.

“Hurry up, Golden Dragon is about to run, everyone follow me to hold down this beast!” Zhu Hongyi roared.


For a time, there was another fierce battle outside the palace.

“No, there seems to be someone in Jinlong’s mouth?” Zi Bufan asked in surprise.

“Zhu Wei?” Zhu Hongyi was also taken aback.

Where did this Zhu Wei come from? Why did it get into Jinlong’s mouth? Didn’t I tell you? Want you to hide far away?

“Hall Master, my subordinates seem to have seen that Zhu Wei was picked up from the soil by the Golden Dragon!” A demon cult disciple suddenly explained.

“Fart! Zhu Fei was buried alive? It was still digging out of the soil, what do you look at?” Zhu Hongyi glared at the subordinate.

“Really, I saw it with my own eyes! Hall Master! Zhu Wei was really picked up by the golden dragon from the pothole!” The demon cult disciple was anxious for a while.

Zhu Hongyi: “………………!”

“Zhu Hongyi, what is this golden dragon doing? Why do you always bite Zhu Tien and don’t let go?” Zi Bufan asked in surprise.

Ju Hongyi only noticed Zhu Wei who was bitten by the golden dragon.

Zhu Nai passed out, Jin Long did not kill him or eat him, so he just dangled in his mouth and refused to let go. Even if you are hit hard by your own party, don’t let go?

“Could it be…!” Zhu Hongyi’s face sank.

“Dragon Qi? I see, it is dragon Qi! In the past few decades, apart from the dragon chair being nourished by the dragon Qi, Zhu Wei has been sitting on the dragon chair. Zhu Wei has also been nourished by the dragon Qi for decades. Jinlong looked for Dragon Qi, so he focused on Zhu Wei! Right?” Zi Bufan looked at Zhu Hongyi excitedly.

Ju Hongyi’s face twitched, acquiescing to this fact.

“Since there is something that contains dragon energy, no, there are people with dragon energy, then seal it! Zhu Hongyi, seal the dragon vein golden dragon, hurry!” Zi Bufan said anxiously.

Zhu Hongyi’s face was ugly, and the golden dragon was sealed in Zhu Yan’s body?

“Quick!” Zi Bufan said anxiously.


In the big hole just pulled out of the faucet.

Wang Ke looked at the red ball that had just been pulled out of the golden dragon’s mouth in his palm, and felt a burst of energy in it. Wang Ke was surprised and looked at the big hole above his head with a strange expression on his face.

“This golden dragon? Is it here to give me warmth?” Wang Ke held the red ball into his arms with a weird face.

Looking down, Wang Ke looked at the two masked men who were half buried in the ruins. Wang Ke looked strange for a while.

“What did these two hapless guys do?” Wang Ke looked surprised.

The outside roared everywhere, Wang Ke instinctively felt the danger and wanted to leave, but before leaving, he lifted the headgear and hat of two masked men.

Seeing their faces clearly, Wang Ke opened his mouth wide.

“Zhang Li’er? Tong An’an? How could it be the two of you?” Wang Ke said in astonishment.

In consternation, he groaned for a moment, and suddenly pulled the two out of the ruins, and quickly left along the only remaining passage on the other side, following the passage where the Jinwuzong disciples escaped, and went straight to the outside of the palace. Away from the General’s Mansion.

Along the way, Wang Ke was lost in thought.

“Tong An’an? Why? Didn’t you give Tong An’an to Mo Sanshan last time? Why is Tong An’an here again? Is it a twin brother? It’s not possible, I haven’t heard that Tong An’an has twin brothers. There is only one possibility, Mo Sanshan let it go!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

Mo Sanshan released Tong An’an? Wang Ke’s face changed.

“There is something wrong with this old thing in Mo Sanshan, what’s the matter, why did you accidentally let Tong Anan run away? I ran for Tong Anan in the mountain gate last time, and now I let Tong Anan run away again? It must be Mo Sanshan. On purpose! Old thing, fortunately, I kept my eyes on it, bah! I can see your essence clearly, Mo Sanshan, you bastard, must be related to the demon sect!” Wang Kexin said with lingering fear.

A problem with Mo Sanshan? Why does Tong An’an appear here?

“Tong An’an must have come to chase me this time, and want to get back my lightning whip? Hmph, dreaming, no one will want to take out the things in my pocket again!” Wang Can disdain.

“But, what is Zhang Li’er doing here? Still covering her face? Didn’t she go with the disciples of the Golden Crow Sect first?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

There was a moment of silence, and Wang Ke’s expression changed.

“I understand, I understand all! Although I saved them earlier and the grievances have been cleared up, Zhang Lier was too persistent and wanted to chase me frantically. Even when I went to the bathroom, I followed him. When Tong An’an wanted to kill me, the two started fighting? Is this the reason? Oh! What are you doing so persistently? It’s impossible for us!” Wang Ke was helpless.

Soon, Wang Ke reached the General’s Mansion from the bottom of the earth.

“Patriarch?” Big cousin asked curiously at the exit of the General’s Mansion.

Patriarch is here in a hurry, why is it carrying two people?

“Where are the disciples of the Golden Crow Sect? Quickly, call them over and take Zhang Li’er away!” Wang Ke ordered.

“The disciples of the Golden Crow Sect? They have already left!” Big cousin explained.

Wang Ke: “………………!”

Special, can’t wait so much? gone? Zhang Li’er doesn’t care anymore?

“They said that Zhang Shenxu wanted to go back for treatment immediately, and they were all seriously injured. This Qingjing couldn’t stay, so he left first, and said he went out to find where the injured cranes fell! Go back first. , Oh, there is something for me to tell the owner of the house!” said the big cousin.

“Tell me?” Wang Ke was taken aback.

“Yes, a female disciple of the Golden Crow sect said like this, “I can see that Grand Sister is looking for you Wang Ke. Grand Sister has no feelings for Wang Ke. Therefore, we will not wait for Grand Sister Wang Ke. , Let me tell you, although the master sister is usually a bit savage, it is just a cover for her appearance. The master sister is cold outside and hot inside, and has a knife-mouthed tofu heart. What have you said, don’t go to your heart! Let’s go back first, take care of her Senior sister! Senior sister is the treasure of my Golden Crow Sect. Even the lord can’t spoil her. If you dare to disappoint the master and make the senior sister sad, I guarantee that the golden crow sect will go up to the lord and down to the ordinary disciples, and you will do your best Humph!'” the big cousin repeated.

Wang Ke’s face changed: “This, what is this?”

Let me take care of Zhang Li’er, you all ran away? Run your sister! I have nothing to do with Zhang Lier! Oh, no, it’s her crazy pursuit of me, it’s none of my business!

Am I letting down your elder sister? fart! Let me down, I made it clear from the beginning! Your elder sister is sad, going up to the golden crow sect master, down to the ordinary disciple, will go all out to chase and kill me? Why?

Wang Ke looked depressed, so what’s the matter?

“Patriarch, this is…?” Big cousin asked curiously.

Wang Ke looked at Zhang Li’er with a complex expression, such a stunning beauty, if she hadn’t met Princess Youyue, she might have reluctantly followed, but what should I do now? Smashed your hand?

“Okay, it’s nothing to do with you, call my little cousin and let her take care of Zhang Li’er first!” Wang Ke said depressed.

“Yes!” The big cousin left immediately, and the little cousin was soon called.

“Patriarch?” Little cousin said respectfully.

“Well, you are responsible for taking care of Zhang Li’er. Remember, she may wake up at any time. If you wake up, if you ask me where I am, just say you don’t know, you don’t know! She can’t see me, Maybe I will return to the Golden Crow Sect soon!” Wang Ke said solemnly.

“Yes!” The little cousin respectfully helped Zhang Li’er away.

Turning his head, Wang Ke looked at Tong An’an again.

Looking at Tong Anan, Wang Ke had another headache.

“Patriarch, you gave us a portrait. This person is Tong An’an? Golden Core? Very dangerous?” The big cousin looked at Tong An’an with a solemn expression.

“Dangerous? No, he is not dangerous!” Wang Ke shook his head.

“Isn’t it dangerous? He is a strong man in the Golden Core Realm! And he is also a high-level strong man in the Golden Core Realm!” The big cousin was surprised.

“He also has a nickname called ‘No Effort’!” Wang Ke shook his head.

“No effort?” Big cousin didn’t understand for a while.

“Well, he has carried me five or six times, and I have arrested him four times! It doesn’t take much effort to catch him, so I guess he doesn’t take much effort!” Wang Ke explained.

“Uh? Catch him, no effort?” The big cousin was taken aback.

“Yes, he is not threatening! I was thinking, what should I do?” Wang Ke frowned.

“Kill, isn’t he a demon? Kill him, he has the merit of punishing the devil!” The big cousin asked curiously.

“Killed? But, this is not value maximization!” Wang Ke frowned and thought.


“If it is an ordinary evil demon, he is influential in the Demon Cult and is wanted by the Demon Lord. I will think about how to maximize his value!” Wang Ke frowned.

“The devil is wanted? How about giving it to the devil?” the cousin asked curiously.

Wang Ke’s eyes lit up: “Yeah, why didn’t I expect it? Hahaha!”

“Patriarch, isn’t it hard to think?” Big cousin asked in confusion.

“No, I’m not talking about this, I mean, how can the insurance business of God King’s company be carried out on the side of Mojiao? If so, I can ask Domozun to come to the branch to cut the ribbon! Then not just start the business. Isn’t it? This Tong Anan, isn’t it an excuse for me to ask the Demon Zun to cut the ribbon? Haha!” Wang Ke was overjoyed immediately.

The big cousin was taken aback for a moment: “Insurance, can you still sell the magic sect?”

“Yes! But, don’t think about it too much. You first handle the affairs of the Daqing Dynasty. I have already laid the foundation for you. I have also recruited generals from the innate realm from the major fairy towns, and make good use of them. , Hurry up and take down the Daqing Dynasty, don’t have many dreams!” Wang Ke said solemnly.

“Yes!” Big cousin said respectfully.

Wang Ke confessed again, carrying Tong An’an who was in a coma, and walked towards the palace. Wang Ke looked forward to how to use Tong An’an to persuade the Demon Venerable.

And in the palace, the war has come to an end.

“Daomai Mantra, those who are coming to fight! Seal!” Zi Bufan cried out.


A dragon chant sounded, and the dragon vein golden dragon, this spirit-shaped golden dragon, unexpectedly all got into Zhu Wei’s stomach strangely.

Zi Bufan and Zhu Hongyi tried their best to restrain Zhu Wei.

Zhu Nian passed out, but his jacket had been torn apart, and he saw that a golden dragon pattern appeared on Zhu Nian’s stomach. It’s not so hideous and domineering.

“Okay, the dragon veins are sealed!” Zhu Hongyi hissed.

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