Indestructible God King Chapter 146: Golden Dragon gives warmth

The palace, in the tunnel!

Wang Ke sent away the disciples of the Golden Crow Sect, turned around and walked back, in a great mood!

“It’s all Zhang Li’er woman, if you pursue me, please pursue me. Everyone knows what they are doing? It made me risk my death to save you! Otherwise, I will lose my reputation? Oh! Forget it! Finally! Sent away, these plague gods! Do evil!” Wang Ke shook his head.

Wang Ke walked back down the tunnel.

“Boom, boom, boom…………!”

There was a strong roar above my head. The huge impact seemed to smash the tunnel.

Wang Ke looked up at the earth and rocks above, his expression ugly.

“The battle outside? Right above me? The Golden Dragon didn’t run away? How come it was destroyed above my head? If I wasn’t a concrete tunnel, I would have been trampled on by you! Bad luck!” Wang Ke said depressed. .

Wang Ke quickly shuttled through the tunnel, and soon came to a three-way intersection.

Others can’t read it, but Wang Ke can understand the signs at Sanchakou, one with ‘safe house direction’ and the other with ‘passage direction’!

“Hey, there was a lot of water to drink today. It must have been ruined outside. It must be inconvenient to find a toilet outside. This happens to have a safe house with a bathroom inside. Let’s fix it before going out!” Wang Ke Immediately walked towards the safe house.

Wang Ke walked towards the passage in the direction of the safe house. Not long after he entered, two anxious figures walked towards him. But it was Tong Anan and Zhu Fei who followed Wang Ke.

“Hurry up, I don’t know the tunnel is not strong, it’s booming overhead! Let’s chase it, there is another fork in front? Take the direction of the passage!” Tong An’an urged.

“No, I just saw a figure in the direction of the safe house!” Zhu Wei stopped Tong An’an.

“The direction of the safe house? Isn’t that a dead end? We came across three safe houses all the way!” Tong An’an stared in disbelief.

“It’s true, when I was turning just now, I saw a figure entering the direction of this safe house!” Zhu Nai said anxiously.

“How is it possible? Wang Ke got into the ground just to live in a safe house here? He is crazy, don’t you know that this tunnel is in danger of collapsing at any time?” Tong An’an stared.

“He knows that the tunnel is in danger of collapsing, why is he going down? How can you be sure that Wang Ke will definitely not go to the safe house?” Zhu Wei frowned.

“Uh!” Tong An’an was asked.

Yes, why am I sure that the king is not in a certain room underground?

“Tong An’an, trust my eyes, I was right, there is a figure in it! Maybe, maybe it is Wang Ke, we have found it!” Zhu Nian said excitedly.

“What if it’s not?” Tong An’an said solemnly.

“If it doesn’t happen and there is no loss, you go in and take a look, I will guard this fork in the road, so as not to miss Wang Ke!” Zhu Wei solemnly said.

Tong Anan stared at Zhu Fei for a while, and finally nodded.

“You are optimistic, I’ll go to the safe house direction, take a look and come back!” Tong An’an said solemnly.

“Don’t worry! I’m waiting for you here!” Zhu Wei nodded.

When Tong An settled down, he walked carefully toward the safe house.

However, Zhu Wei hides in Sanchakou, watching Tong An’an walking towards the safe house from a distance.

“Tong An’an, I didn’t tell you the truth, I just didn’t want to go in with you! I can see clearly that it is Wang Ke, Wang Ke is in! Go and fight with Wang Ke! Ha, ha ha I don’t know why, every time I deal with Wang Ke, it’s me who is the last one. This time I learned to be smart. I stay away from you. I’m far away. It’s enough to wait and see from afar. I’m not close to you, haha Wang Ke, I see how you died this time!” Zhu Nian said excitedly.

Zhu Fei watched Tong An’an with full attention as she walked into the depths of the fork road, staring at him, with a look of anticipation.

Suddenly, Zhu Yan’s heart tightened, his hair on his body stood up, and he felt a danger enveloped his body.

“Not good!”

Zhu Nai felt bad and turned around immediately.

The moment I turned around, I suddenly saw a masked man wearing a headgear. A stick in the masked man’s hand was slammed down.

“There is an ambush!” Zhu Yan exclaimed.

But it was too late to resist, and the sap hit his head fiercely.



Zhu Wei screamed and passed out.


In the passage in the direction of the safe house, Tong Anan grabbed a stick and tiptoed towards the inner safe house. It’s not that Tong An’an refused to use the treasure. After all, Tong An’an was also rich before, but unfortunately, after meeting Wang Ke for a year, his background has been constantly lost, and now he can only find a stick to make do with it.

Tong An’an was very careful, and when he walked to the door of the safe house, his expression changed.

“Really someone?” Tong An’an asked in surprise.

The door of the safe house is open, and the bathroom inside, there seems to be a splash of water, accompanied by happily whistling who does not know who is inside.

“There is someone inside? Is it Wang Ke?” Tong Anan squeezed the stick in his hand, looking forward to it.

Just as Tong Anan was about to break in, Zhu Nai’s scream suddenly came from behind.

“There is an ambush!” “Ah~~~~~~~~~~~~!”

Zhu Nai’s miserable cry made Tong An’an who was about to break into the safe house suddenly excited.

There is an ambush? The whistle in the safe house numbs me?

Zhu Wei’s screaming shows that he is in danger? Is it Wang Ke?


Turning around, Tong An’an retreated and headed straight towards Zhu Wei’s.

Tong An’an grabbed the stick, and came close in an instant, and suddenly saw a person wearing a balaclava, also holding a stick. Zhu Wei is lying on the ground, knowing his life or death?


Tong An’an’s instinctive alertness, first strikes first, and hits the person with the headgear on the opposite side with a stick.

“Go to hell!” Tong Anan cried out.


Zhang Li’er wore a headgear and followed Wang Ke, misunderstanding Zhu Nai as Wang Ke. From behind, a sap was knocked over.

Zhu Wei was also alert, turned his head to look, and shouted.

“There is an ambush!” “Ah~~~~~~~~!”

With a scream, Zhu Fei was knocked to death by the sap.

Zhang Li’er grabbed the stick and looked at Zhu Wei in amazement.

“Wh, what’s the situation? There are others? Where’s Wang Ke?” Zhang Li’er said in astonishment.

Knock on the sap, knock on the wrong person? This is the first time Zhang Li’er has encountered such a strange thing.

Zhang Li’er was about to look down. In the darkness ahead, there was a sudden sound of wind, and Zhang Li’er’s expression tightened.

“Go to death!” A black-robed man jumped out of the dark passage in an instant.

The black-robed man smashed a stick at Zhang Li’er fiercely.

Zhang Li’er’s face changed, what’s the situation? Someone knocks me sap? Looking for death!

The stick in Zhang Lier’s hand greeted him instantly.


Under the impact of the two great Golden Core Realm powerhouses, their sticks exploded to pieces in an instant, and the two of them suddenly realized that each other was strong, and both thought that your opponent was going to kill you. Where would you dare to relax? Instantly rolled out with both palms.


There was a loud noise, and the two palms were pressed together. With great strength, the pulsating air around them was surging.

“What?” Both of them asked in surprise at the same time.

At this moment, Zhang Li’er is wearing a headgear, Tong An’an is wearing a black robe and hat. In the dark environment, no one can see who is who, but they all know that the other party is strong and dare not withdraw their hands. There was a stalemate. Around the two of them, the wind was blazing.


In the safe house.

Wang Ke shivered all over and walked out of the bathroom comfortably.

“Sent away the group of plague gods, I was light all over, happy! Haha!” Wang Ke laughed and walked out of the safe house.

When he walked out of the safe house, Wang Ke looked at the top of his head, and the roar continued.

“This dragon veined golden dragon, crazy, has been in this position, hitting the ground with his head? Can’t change the position, what should I do if it collapses?” Wang Ke complained.

While complaining, Wang Ke stepped out of the safe house, and suddenly a gust of wind swept in.

Wang Ke’s expression changed: “Why is there wind in this underground passage?”

Wang Ke immediately took out the seal of the **** king, like a brick in his hand, and walked in the direction of the strong wind. Of course, if there was no other way to go, Wang Ke would not go forward in the face of the disaster.

As I walked, I suddenly saw the three forks.

At Sanchakou, Zhu Fei was lying on the ground unconscious. Two powerful Golden Core Realm experts were facing each other against each other. The powerful force formed a wind, and the blowing Wang Ke’s hairstyle continued to change.

Wang Ke was stunned for a moment: “What’s the situation? A masked man in a headgear vs. a masked man in black robe?”

Isn’t this the secret passage of the Wang family? Why are two Golden Core Realm powerhouses attacking each other? Did I go in the wrong place, or did something go wrong?


The roar above his head still persisted. Wang Ke looked at the cracks in the concrete at the top of the passage and knew that he couldn’t stay here anymore and was about to collapse.

But, the two masked men are blocking the three forks, what do you want to do?

There is no way to leave!

Wang Ke could only hold the seal of the **** king in one hand, while facing the wind, he approached the wall.

When Tong An’an and Zhang Li’er were holding hands against each other, they suddenly noticed that a figure behind them was slowly approaching.

The two turned their heads to look around at the same time.

But I saw that Wang Ke’s hair was constantly swaying by the wind, and a little bit came closer.

“Wang Ke?” The two burst into violent anger almost at the same time.

Wang Ke’s complexion became stiff, and he swallowed: “Two, I just passed by, you guys when I haven’t been here, you continue, you continue, I just passed by! Don’t care about me!”

Tong An’an: “…………!”

Zhang Lier: “…………!”

The two are facing each other now. It’s inconvenient to withdraw their palms. Once they withdraw their palms, they will suffer a huge impact from the other side. But just watch Wang Ke pass by little by little. Not reconciled!

“Why?” The two were angry.

However, the two also seem to have discovered that the other party is not Wang Ke’s gang.

“Let’s withdraw our hands together!” Zhang Li’er asked Tong An’an in a deep voice.

“Okay!” Tong An’an also answered.

“Hey, what are you doing withdrawing your hands? I won’t bother you, you hit you, don’t care about me, I’ll go, I’ll go!” Wang Ke suddenly shouted.

Said to speed up and leave.

“One, two, three, withdraw!” Zhang Lier cried out.

“Withdraw!” Tong Anan also shouted in excitement.

Wang Ke is right in front of him. Once he and the hooded man withdraw their hands, they can shoot Wang Ke to death, great.


As soon as the two withdrew their palms, a loud noise rang above everyone’s heads.

However, I saw the top of the concrete tunnel, crashing down and crashing, exploding a big hole, a huge dragon head, hatefully smashed in.

Countless earth and rocks, accompanied by the dragon’s head of the golden dragon, bitterly hit Tong An’an and Zhang Li’er.

Even if the two are strong in the Golden Core Realm, it is useless. The power of the Golden Dragon is too strong. You must know how powerful the dragon head that Zi Bufan and Zhu Hongyi can’t suppress at once is.

Tong An’an and Zhang Li’er are still facing each other, and their forces have not withdrawn from each other. This shock.

In an instant, he was in a coma and was unconscious, half of his body was buried in the concrete ruins, and he couldn’t get up anymore.

The only safe thing is Wang Ke next to the wall.

A huge dragon head is right in front of me. The dragon’s head is huge, even if it reaches into this hole, it will block the hole full. The dragon’s head’s eyes are staring at Wang Ke who is against the wall.

The huge nose sprayed on Wang Ke, causing Wang Kedu to suffocate suddenly.

“The elementary school teacher is right. In the event of an earthquake, it is safer to stick to the wall! You two masked people, standing in the center, deserve to be unlucky! I stick to the wall, so dangerous, so dangerous!” Wang Ke Looking at the two masked men buried in the ruins with lingering fears.

“Ang~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The dragon’s head roared at Wang Ke.

Wang Ke suddenly trembled: “No, it’s none of my business. What are you shouting at me? Uncle Long, you knocked on it for a long time and knocked a hole in the ground just to find me? I, I I’m not familiar with you!”

“Ang!” Jinlong roared savagely at Wang Ke, his eyes followed Wang Ke, and he kept seeing Wang Ke’s feet.

Wang Ke looked down and saw that there was a person under his feet, but Zhu Wei!

Zhu Wei was knocked out by a sap just now, and he lay down against the wall. In order to avoid the two masked men, Wang Ke also walked against the wall and just stepped on Zhu Wei’s body.

“Uncle Long, you are not looking for me, you are looking for him? Zhu Wei?” Wang Ke was taken aback.

“Roar!” Golden Dragon’s dragon head roared at Wang Ke. It seems to be driving away Wang Ke.

“Oh, you are looking for Zhu Wei? Then you can look for him, I am not familiar with him, I will leave first!” Wang Ke suddenly jumped off Zhu Wei.

Wang Ke is about to flee.

However, Jinlong seemed to have a bad temper, so he changed his mind and suddenly showed a fierce look to Wang Ke.

“What are you doing? Uncle Long, didn’t you let me go?” Wang Ke exclaimed.

Wang Ke saw a color of resentment in the eyes of Golden Dragon. Wang Ke instantly understood that this was Golden Dragon’s resentment towards humans. Just after the seal was broken, Zhu Hongyi, Zi Bufan and others were beaten and killed with a violent hammer. How could Jinlong have no resentment against people?

Seeing Wang Ke is good for bullying, as if you want to eat Wang Ke and vent your hatred. He opened his mouth to bite towards Wang Ke.

“Ah, Uncle Long, did I provoke you?” Wang Ke wanted to escape in surprise.

Unfortunately, the passage behind Wang Ke has collapsed. At this moment of crisis, Wang Ke’s bricks in his hand, no, the **** Wang Yin in his hands smashed past in a panic.


Shen Wang Yin severely hit Jin Long’s nose.

“Ooo!” Jin Long let out a scream of pain, tears streaming down his eyes.

The seal of the **** king is refined by Dao Ling Jade and has the effect of suppressing all spirits. Although physical attacks are not strong enough because they have no merit, but heavy blows on spirit bodies such as dragon veins and golden dragons have miraculous effects. .

The painful Golden Dragon’s eyes burst with tears, his beard scurrying, the dragon’s head trembling, his mouth wide open, and his drooling.

The big mouth and sharp fangs were exposed in front of Wang Ke, and the terrified Wang Ke kept backing away.

But, there are collapsed ruins behind, where did they retreat?


As Jinlong opened his mouth and cried out in pain, there seemed to be a red ball in his mouth, which rolled onto his tongue and reached Wang Ke.

Wang Ke held the Shenwang Seal in one hand, and held the red ball in his hand in the other.

“What is this thing, is there a tumor in your mouth? Hey, it doesn’t seem to be a tumor?” Wang Ke was taken aback.

Wang Ke was dragging the red ball. This drag made Golden Dragon feel bad. He rolled his tongue and wanted to drag the red ball back.

Yes, who, Wang Ke, will let go if he touches the baby?

With the other hand, the Shen Wang Yin crashed on the golden dragon’s tongue.


What is special, how could Golden Dragon think that ordinary people who are ready to burst out of grievance will make themselves so miserable? It’s so painful to smash it, and you robbed your own Dragon Ball? That’s the essence of myself.

Golden Dragon was so excited that he wanted to pounce on Wang Ke.

At this moment, Zhu Hongyi shouted from above: “Pull the dragon’s head up from the ground? Huh, do you still want to go into the ground and escape? Don’t think about it!”


Under the immense power, the golden dragon’s head was unwillingly dragged away from the cave little by little, farther and farther away from Wang Ke, and farther and farther away from the dragon ball in Wang Ke’s hands!

Golden Dragon is not reconciled, so what, why?

Seeing that Jin Long’s dragon head was about to be completely dragged out, Jin Long was unwilling to bite Zhu Wei, who had passed out nearby.


The dragon head bit Zhu Wei and was dragged out of the hole.

“Hurry up, Golden Dragon is about to run, everyone follow me to hold down this beast!” Zhu Hongyi roared.


Above the head, there was another fierce fight, and no one paid attention to the situation in the hole.

Wang Ke looked at the red ball in the palm of his hand and felt a huge energy in it. Wang Ke was surprised and looked at the big hole above his head with a strange expression on his face.

“This golden dragon? Is it here to give me warmth?” Wang Ke held the red ball into his arms with a weird face.

Looking down, Wang Ke looked at the two masked men who were half buried in the ruins. Wang Ke looked strange for a while.

“What did these two hapless guys do?” Wang Ke looked surprised.

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