Indestructible God King Chapter 112: How can the years be quiet?

The elevator in the Shenwang Building is naturally driven by the spirit stone. This simple lifting structure is not too easy for the refiners in the major immortal towns.

At this moment, Wang Ke and Zhang Zhengdao are the only two in the elevator.

“Five thousand catties of spirit stones? You mean, I can get 50 thousand catties of spirit stones this time? Wang Ke, when have you been so generous?” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed.

Fifty thousand catties, when did Zhang Zhengdao have so much money in his pocket? Tomb robbers in the past have never made such a fortune. Happiness came so suddenly that Zhang Zhengdao was dizzy even now.

“My Wang Ke has always done things impartially. I have a lot of points for what I should give, and I don’t have a lot of points for what should not be given! Zhang Zhengdao, do you think I still pick?” Wang Ke took a picture Righteous shoulder said.

“Stop picking, don’t picking, hahaha, you are so generous to me for the first time!” Zhang Zhengdao said excitedly.

“Work hard and bring in more customers in the future, and there will be commissions!” Wang Ke said with a laugh.

“Okay, okay, wait, commission? You told me last time, 0.5 percent commission, this time, I took 50 thousand catties commission, don’t you make 10 million catties of spirit stone? “Zhang Zhengdao suddenly stared into copper bells.

Zhang Zhengdao knows that Wang Ke must have made a lot of money this time, but it shouldn’t be so exaggerated, ten million catties of spirit stones? Ten million catties?

It’s impossible for ordinary Nascent Soul Realm bosses to have so many net worth! You just caught it all morning?

“It also needs to be placed in the insurance money pool, which will be used to pay the claim in the future. How can there be so much? I just made hard money! Not as happy as you!” Wang Ke shook his head.

“Fart, until the money in your pocket is still vomiting out? It’s fine if you lie to others, it’s impossible to lie to me!” Zhang Zhengdao stared in disbelief.

Wang Ke was taken aback. Zhang Zhengdao is now smarter?

“Wang Ke, I brought all the people this time. I brought everyone here. Look, I helped you make so much money, so you just give me that little bit? Are you too much?” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed, staring.

“Nine cows and one dime? You call 50,000 catties of spirit stones nine cows and one dime? Just forget it if you don’t want it!” Wang Ke shook his head.

“Don’t, don’t, I want it, I want it! When I didn’t say anything just now!” Zhang Zhengdao suddenly admitted.

“Oh, Zhang Zhengdao, you only see what you do, do you see what others do? You just send an invitation and do an errand business, and earn 50,000 catties in 20 days Lingshi, where are you looking for this good thing?” Wang Ke shook his head.

“Me, I still work part-time in security!” Zhang Zhengdao argued.

“Fifty thousand catties of spirit stones, is it not enough? You have done something, so you are ashamed to say? This time, I have so many subordinates, did they do nothing? Who of them has a high commission for you? Say it yourself Say, with so many people, so many mouths, and their families behind them, they don’t have as much income as you, so you are embarrassed to ask again?” Wang Ke said contemptuously.

“But, but…!”

“Yes, you are sending invitations. Three thousand people were invited, but from start to finish, I planned it? Without my master, others would believe us? Without me, I shed tears today. In his speech, customers will buy insurance? And the construction of the King’s Mansion does not require money. You have done such a mess and earned so much. This is in my opinion for the sake of many years. You are embarrassed to ask me for more. What about your face? What about your conscience?” Wang Ke questioned.

Zhang Zhengdao: “………………!”

Can you tell me such a thing? I’m shameless enough, but compared to you, it’s not a fart! How did you make your face?

“However, the 0.5% commission is a bit low! Can we increase it a bit?” Zhang Zhengdao asked.

“You, I don’t know the hardship of making money. I only saw me eat meat, but I didn’t see me being beaten! Do you know how hard it is for me to make money?” Wang Ke was black.

Zhang Zhengdao: “…………!”

Special, is it difficult for you to make money? What is it that I can’t make money all these years?

“What do you look at? Don’t believe it? So, let’s not say that I’m not affectionate. Those people who buy insurance today are all living in the guest rooms of Shenwang Building. You can invite them to continue buying insurance, as long as Can you tell them to buy insurance, and I will give you ten times the next commission! How?” Wang Ke said.

“Really? Ten times?” Zhang Zhengdao said excitedly.

“Yes, but, don’t neglect my customers, you can only persuade, to win-win, to be happy for both parties!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, I promise to bring out another batch of insurance!” Zhang Zhengdao excitedly said.


The elevator reached the top floor.

Wang Ke and Zhang Zhengdao bid farewell.

Wang Ke opened his own office on the top floor and went in.

“Ten times? In the previous Great Hall, I mobilized the atmosphere and attracted everyone’s enthusiasm. It was only a moment when everyone’s brains were enthusiastic, and they bought so many insurances with the crowd. This is also a lot of credit for me. Now Many people who buy insurance must have calmed down and regretted it a long time ago. Maybe the intestines that regretted in the guest room were blue, and they vomited a lot of bitterness there. Now I can’t wait to surrender the insurance one by one! It’s a pity, it’s in my pocket. , Still want to retire? Let’s take a look at the “exemption clause” in the contract! As for Zhang Zhengdao? Uh, it would be nice not to be scolded.” Wang Ke shrugged and closed the office door.

Wang Ke looked at the office, his expression tightened: “My office always feels gloomy. No bad things will happen, right? Well, it’s not a good place. Fortunately, I have a back hand. !”

At this moment, just as Wang Ke guessed, Zhang Zhengdao, with a friendly smile, knocked on the doors of insurance customers.

“Daochang Chen, how is the insurance today? Are you interested in buying another copy?” Zhang Zhengdao pleased with a smile.


The door of the room was slammed shut, and Zhang Zhengdao’s nose pierced and broke.

Zhang Zhengdao clutched his nose, pinching his nosebleed and said in pain: “What’s the matter, don’t buy it, why is it suddenly closed? My nose! Whoops!”

Zhang Zhengdao wanted to find the theory of Daochang Chen in the room, but thinking of Wang Ke’s request, he should not neglect the client, so he could only endure the pain and walk away.

Went to the door of the next room and knocked. The door opened, and it was another familiar fellow.

“Daoyou Cai, are you interested…!” Zhang Zhengdao asked with a smile.


The door closed again, and Zhang Zhengdao covered his nose again and squatted on the ground.

“What’s the matter, I haven’t finished speaking yet, why did you slam the door!” Zhang Zhengdao said depressed.

After knocking on the door of several familiar sect powerhouses, Zhang Zhengdao’s nose was red and he couldn’t see it anymore.

“I see, fifty thousand catties of Lingshi is not only my commission, but also the cost of the pot! Those people who regret buying insurance, blame me for lying to them? Wang Ke, you bastard! Me! I’m back!” Zhang Zhengdao looked depressed.

Yes, did you just give up like that? Zhang Zhengdao is not reconciled!

“Ten times? Ten times the commission, I can’t forget it. Some people don’t want to buy any more, maybe others do? The so-called sincerity, gold and stone! I don’t believe in one and don’t want to buy one! By the way, those who bought only two copies are all poor people. Where can I find them to sell? If you want to find them, you can find a lot of money and people are stupid. The big customer who buys more than ten copies!” Zhang Zhengdao thought. miss you.

Thinking about it, Zhang Zhengdao thought of the focus of everyone before, the pink girl.

The Pink Girl bought ten copies! And Zhang Zhengdao also inquired. The pink girl went to the key customer area and didn’t read the terms of the contract. With a big wave, it was ten insurances. There was a bald hunk beside him who didn’t have enough money, and the pink girl also gave generously and helped to pay. Don’t even give away free gifts. That’s it!

Mysterious local tyrants spend money like dirt and throw money like rain. This is my target customer!

Zhang Zhengdao excitedly asked the staff of Shenwang Building to inquire about the pink girl’s guest room.

Zhang Zhengdao was excited, ready to fool around with the pink girl and buy more insurance for himself.

Walking to the door of the pink girl’s room, after finishing his appearance, Zhang Zhengdao knocked gently.

“Boom boom boom!”

After three beeps, it was discovered that the door did not close, but a gap was exposed. The door is not closed?

“Come in, I’ll leave you the door!” The voice of the pink girl in the room came.

Zhang Zhengdao: “?????”

What’s the situation? Did you leave the door for me? Pink girl knows I’m coming?

Zhang Zhengdao pushed open the door and walked in.

But I saw that the bathroom door of this room was closed.


There was a sound of running water in the bathroom.

“Pink girl is taking a bath?” Zhang Zhengdao said in astonishment.

She left the door for me, is she taking a shower? what’s the situation?

“Go to the bed and wait for me first, I’ll come over when I’m done!” In the bathroom, the pink girl said again.

The sound of splashing water created an enchanting atmosphere in the whole room.

Zhang Zhengdao looked at the big bed in the room and then at the bathroom. Suddenly thought of a terrible possibility.

“This, this pink girl, do you want me to sacrifice my hue?” Zhang Zhengdao’s expression froze.

If it’s a beautiful woman, no, an ordinary woman, Zhang Zhengdao might have done it for the sake of performance, but Zhang Zhengdao was unconsciously agitated by thinking of the pink girl’s fat curve that can be drawn even when wrapped in a windbreaker.

“I’m here to talk about insurance!” Zhang Zhengdao said bitterly.

“Insurance? It is not important anymore, what is important is what we will do next! When we are done, we can say anything!” The pink girl’s voice came from the bathroom.

Zhang Zhengdao looked at the big bed in the room, and his expression was sad.

Do I really have to sacrifice hue for this performance? I’m not reconciled!

Wang Ke is right, this money is not easy to earn! I only saw thieves eating meat, but I didn’t see thieves being beaten!

Why? Wang Ke’s making money is just like playing, to me, how could it be so miserable? Sacrifice hue?

“Finally, as soon as you close your eyes, it’s over!” Zhang Zhengdao gritted his teeth and lay on the big bed.

“I’m ready, you, when will you come out?” Zhang Zhengdao showed a tragic expression on his face.

“Quickly, I’ll be ready soon. You first open the box on the table. There is a whip I prepared in the box! I will use it later!” The pink girl’s voice came from the bathroom.

Zhang Zhengdao opened his mouth and looked at the box on the side table in amazement.

“And the whip?” Zhang Zhengdao was excited.

Can you still earn this money? Is it a matter of closing your eyes? How long will it take to play? There are props? Is it me or you?

“Look, if there are eleven whips, the thickest one in the middle is the one I used! Don’t take it wrong!” The pink girl’s voice came from the bathroom.

Zhang Zhengdao: “……………………!”

Zhang Zhengdao didn’t touch the box, but at this moment the whole person collapsed.

What a bully, one whip is not enough, you have prepared eleven? The thickest one?

What are you going to play? What are you going to play?

This money, can I still earn it!

Too much deception!

“Bring in the whip and help me get it!” The pink girl’s voice came from the bathroom again.

Zhang Zhengdao stared at the direction of the bathroom.

You haven’t finished the bath yet, do you want to start in the bathroom? Are you in such a hurry?

Thinking of the fat curve, Zhang Zhengdao trembled unconsciously.

“I won’t make this money anymore, it’s too bullying!” Zhang Zhengdao got up from the bed in shame, slammed the door and went out.

As soon as Zhang Zhengdao walked out of the room, the bathroom door opened. The pink girl Tong An’an did not take a bath at all. She was still wearing a red windbreaker. She was holding a tap in her hand, and the tap in the bathroom surface pool fell off. The sound of running water.

“What about people? My magic weapon can’t be put into the water pipe. I want you to help me. Where did all this go?” Tong An’an said with a black face.

“Ahem! In order not to be found, I kept pressing my voice, it was really uncomfortable, but there is no way, in this Shenwang Mansion, you still have to be careful and keep this voice!” The pink girl Tong Anan squeezed voice.

Zhang Zhengdao, who slammed the door, walked to the top of the stairs and was unwilling to think about it.

“Why? I finally found a rich woman, so I’m leaving? But, this rich woman is a pervert, who can stand it? I’m not reconciled, my commission, I just want to sell insurance, why? Is it so difficult?” Zhang Zhengdao showed grief and anger on his face.

In grief and anger, he turned to look at the pink girl’s room bitterly.

At this look, Zhang Zhengdao’s eyes widened. But he saw a burly big bald head and entered the room.

“Bald? Hunk?” Zhang Zhengdao asked in surprise.

Looking at the bald head going in, Zhang Zhengdao’s face was mixed, and the bitterness he couldn’t eat, after all, someone could eat it!

“Wang Ke is right. There is no time for peace, but someone is carrying your weight forward! Bald hunk, you are a real hero, even a fat pink woman can stand it!” Zhang Zhengdao was slumped for a while. sigh.

Just as Zhang Zhengdao sighed, suddenly Zhang Zhengdao’s eyes widened again.

Because the second bald hunk also quietly entered the pink girl’s room.

“Two hunks? Can the pink girl stand it?” Zhang Zhengdao asked in astonishment.

Soon, the third bald head entered the pink girl’s room.

Zhang Zhengdao’s eyes stared into copper bells. What is this? What did Wang Ke say in the past, what is it called San?

Soon, the fourth bald head quietly entered the pink girl’s room.

The fifth bald head!

The sixth bald head!

Zhang Zhengdao looked silly, Zhang Zhengdao watched ten big bald hunks and entered the pink girl’s room.

“Hiss~~~~~~~~~ Ten? Faced with the generosity of the rich woman, is there any resistance? Is the current employment situation so severe?” Zhang Zhengdao said in astonishment.


I saw that the door was closed hard, as if locked from the inside.

Zhang Zhengdao swallowed, his eyes filled with wonder, he tiptoed over, ready to listen to the corner, wanting to know what thrilling things happened inside.

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