Indestructible God King Chapter 1032: Zhan Erxian

The moon shines in the mountains and rivers!

A huge bright moon was pressed down like a mountain, and the two immortals suddenly showed horror and ecstasy at the same time.

The two great immortals held the moon ball with their hands strenuously. But still showing excitement.

“The Moon Orb? Ha, ha ha ha, the Moon Orb? I found it, but it was in your hands. Do you know how angry the master had been to find this Moon Orb?” The second demon exulted.

“Turmeric, no one in this world can save you this time, you are dead!” said the evil spirit.



A golden light instantly pierced this space, and instantly slashed towards the Devil Three, but it was Wang Ke who suddenly wielded the Great Sun Immortal Sword.

I’m not a bit polite, instilled a lot of merit.


As if a beam of light penetrated the sky and the earth, a sword gang in the beam of light was cut off from Mosan’s head in an instant, and Mosan was instantly split in half.

“Dead?” Dragon Emperor said incredulously.

Even the Emperor Shan’s eyes widened, this, can this king kill immortals in this way now?


A wave of demon-killing merit poured into Wang Ke’s body from the two halves of the devil’s corpse. Unexpectedly, the devil’s death would kill him like this?

On the other side, the second demon is even more outrageous. The magic three is dead? Can this king really kill the demon?

“No, no, the Great Sun Immortal Sword, it must be the Great Sun Immortal Sword!” Mo Er yelled in horror.

“Wang Ke, come on, there is one more!” Shan Huang cried.

Wang Keti sword is about to step forward, and at this moment, the second demon is trembling. He has been tricked by the good emperor. He has been tricked into this space, pressed by the moon ball, and he can’t move at all. , The moon ball is the master’s magic weapon, is this the end?

“No, self-destruct~~~~~~~~~!” Mo Er shouted loudly.

“What? No, the emperor, save me!” Wang Ke’s face changed greatly and exclaimed.


Save you? At this moment, the emperor of goodness can hardly protect himself, this is a fairy blew!

Shenhuang immediately protected himself. Don’t let yourself be hurt, but Wang Ke suffered.

“Shan emperor, you don’t talk about loyalty, you called me to help, you asked me to help you, and in danger, you ran away by yourself, let me go ahead, help~~~~ ~~~~~!” Wang Ke’s stern cry resounded throughout the space of Moonlight Mountain and River Map.


The horror of the huge celestial explosion, the entire inner world of Yuezhaoshanhetu was destroyed, and even the Moonball was blown upside down.

Ximen Shunshui, standing outside the picture of Yuezhao Mountains and Rivers, also changed his complexion, because, in front of Ximen Shunshui’s eyes, the entire portrait of the picture of Moonlight Mountains and Rivers turned into a fire in the center of a mushroom cloud. In the center of the fire, Wang Ke To bear the brunt, he could only let out a scream, and was drowned in the fire.

“The emperor, you can save the king!” Ximen roared anxiously along the stream.

No matter what, no sound can be heard at this moment, only the sound of a loud explosion.

After the big explosion, the flame seemed to disappear. On the picture of the Moonlight Mountains and Rivers, the entire mountains and rivers were all broken apart, leaving only a bright moon in the countless smoke and dust, but the lunar ball was intact.

Shenhuang and Longdi retreated a lot, but when the explosion, the two flew to the moon ball as much as possible, even if the moon ball blocked most of the explosion power, the two were injured.

Only Wang Ke, no, Wang Ke is still alive, but at this moment, Wang Ke’s clothes are almost lost. There were no scars on his whole body, the only thing was that Wang Ke was in flames all over his body.

“The ninth level of the Martial God Realm, the tenth level of the Martial God Realm, and two consecutive upgrades? It’s time for cremation again?” Wang Ke’s expression changed wildly and exclaimed.


Suddenly, after the magic two exploded, countless smoke quickly gathered in the center, and a huge force swelled up, and the magic two was reborn.

“What? You are not dead yet?” The second demon screamed and looked at Wang Ke not far away.

You must know that Wang Ke was the first to bear the brunt of his self-destruction. Under such circumstances, Wang Ke was not killed?


Suddenly, a golden thunder rushed straight into the picture of the moonlit mountains and rivers, and the exploded Mo Er instantly turned black.


“Master’s punishment? Master, I found your lunar ball, master!” the second demon roared.

“Lunar Ball!” Shanhuang exclaimed with a change of expression.


The huge Luna Orb is suppressed from Enchantment II again.

“No!” Mo Er’s expression changed and he wanted to leave.

The dragon emperor and the good emperor shot at the same time, blocking the path of the second demon.


The second demon smashed the two away, but he was still suppressed by the huge lunar ball.

“Master, master, the moon ball has been found, master!” the second demon shouted anxiously to the outside world.


Suddenly, countless dark clouds gathered from the outside world, and the thunder was tumbling in the dark clouds.

“No way? The Great Demon King was attracted?” Shanhuang’s face changed wildly.


There was a scream, but he saw that Wang Ke’s Great Sun Immortal Sword was cut again.

“No, sir, I also found the Immortal Sword of the Great Sun, sir!” the second demon cried out in horror.

This time, he didn’t blew himself up, because the second demon saw the dark clouds rolling in the outside world, and obviously thought that the big devil was about to appear and could save himself.

But with this hesitation, I missed the last time to save myself.


The second demon was instantly cut in half by the Great Sun Immortal Sword.

The second devil looked at the outside world incredibly, and he was beheaded? I was killed? No, why didn’t the master save me? Why didn’t the master save me?

There are countless shouts in the Devil’s heart, but at this moment there is no sound. A wave of punishable demon merit poured into Wang Ke’s body.

Wang Ke quickly took out a crystal coffin and put the body of the second demon into it.

“The emperor, quickly seal the corpses of the second and third devil! Then give me the great good deeds, quickly give me, I want it all!” Wang Ke shouted anxiously.

“The big devil is here, it’s too late!” Shanhuang’s face changed wildly and looked at the dense dark clouds outside.

“The emperor, this dark cloud was deliberately forged by me just now. It’s not the big devil here. You can help Wang Ke!” Outside the picture, Ximen said smoothly.

“What?” Shanhuang frowned.

However, he saw that Simon from the outside took a move along with the water, and suddenly, the billowing clouds disappeared. The outside world was clear and clear, there were no dark clouds at all, and it was not the Great Demon King who has come.

“Last time the Devil Four blew himself up, the Great Devil didn’t show up. He just lowered Jin Lei. The minister guessed that the Great Devil was at a critical moment. One year later, this critical moment will only become more critical. The Great Devil will not show up. Yes, the minister was worried that the second demon could not see hope, and blew himself up again, so he condensed some dark clouds with magic tricks, pretending that the great demon came, fortunately, the minister fooled the second of the demon!” Ximen said smoothly.

“Huh, hahaha, Simon has done a good job, he deserves to be my right hand!” Shan Huang laughed.

“All the ministers should do, and thanks to the picture of the mountains and rivers that trapped the two demons this month!” Ximen Shunshui immediately said modestly.

“The emperor, can you stop chatting? You see that I am going to burn to death? I am going to die, give me merit, all merits are given to me! If you didn’t call me, I would be bombed like this , Hurry up!” Wang Ke roared sadly.

I’m going to be cremated, do you still have time to talk to each other in business there? Haven’t you seen fire all over me?

At this moment, everyone’s eyes turned to Wang Ke again.

But he saw that Wang Ke’s whole body was wrapped in a raging fire.

“The emperor, please give all the merits to Wang Ke as soon as possible, the emperor!” Ximen shouted immediately.

Shanhuang waved his hand, and immediately led Wang Ke and Longdi out of the Moonlight Mountains and Rivers.


Shanhuang put away the pictures of the moon and mountains.

“The emperor, hurry up, I can’t hold on!” Wang Ke exclaimed, staring.

“Dragon Emperor? Are you the Dragon Emperor? Could you please go to the Great Evil Dynasty? I told the Evil Emperor that I am in desperate need of merit. You just need to take this token to go. Quick, trouble! “Wang Ke immediately looked at the Dragon Emperor.

Long Emperor glanced at Wang Ke with a complicated expression.

“Trouble the Dragon Emperor!” Ximen gave a solemn salute.


The dragon emperor’s claws grabbed the token given by the king, and instantly his body shook, turning into a streamer and heading south.

“The emperor, hurry up! Hurry up!” Wang Ke called.

“How much merit do you want?” Shan Huang looked at Wang Ke.

“All, all, I became so miserable because of you. You won’t cross the river and demolish the bridge at this time, will you?” Wang Ke exclaimed, staring.

“Are I the one who crossed the river and demolished the bridge? You want all the merits, and I want to see how to give it to you!” Shan Huang stared.

“Listen to the people of the Great Shan Dynasty, I now ask everyone to follow me to read this sentence in silence!” The Emperor Shan yelled.

The merits emerging from the body of the Emperor of Goodness suddenly whispered, and suddenly it spread to all the people of the Emperor of Great Goodness.

No hundreds of surnames looked up at the sky, waiting for Emperor Shan to speak in doubt.

“Everyone reads silently as I say,’Today, I am willing to donate all the merits that belong to me to the Shangshu Wangke, the Ministry of Rites of the Great Shan Dynasty’!” The Emperor Shan shouted loudly.

With a loud shout, Wu Hundreds of people showed a dazed look. What did the emperor ask us to say?

“Today, I am willing to donate all the merits that belong to me to Shangshu Wangke, the Ministry of Rites of the Dashan Dynasty!”

Suddenly, above the sea of ​​merit, there is no voice from hundreds of people. It is just this sentence, people, officials, saying that all merits will be given to Wang Ke?

“Quick play!” Shanhuang shouted.


Suddenly, half of the merits of the Dashan Dynasty suddenly rushed into Wang Ke’s body.

Wang Ke looked at Emperor Shan, who was…!

“I turmeric, at this moment, I will bestow all the merits and virtues of the Dashan dynasty to the Shangshu Wang Ke of the Ministry of Rites!” The Emperor Shan shouted.


Above the clouds of merit, the remaining half of the emperor’s merits suddenly all went straight to Wang Ke’s body.


For a time, all the merits of the Great Shan Dynasty poured into Wang Ke’s body, leaving only a thin layer that could not enter Wang Ke’s body. It can be said that the act of the Shan Emperor gave the merits of the Great Shan Dynasty to a clean.

At the same time, the reincarnation dynasty!

A man walked up to Gong Wei.

“The Emperor of Reincarnation, the next is the official of the Ministry of Rites of the Great Shan Dynasty. Under the order of the prime minister, he has been stationed in the capital of Reincarnation, and I will come to report to you at any time. Yes! The prime minister has previously explained that when I heard that the emperor had bestowed merits on Lord Wang, I would report to you immediately. Please also immediately extradite all the merits of the reincarnation dynasty to Wang Ke! Including the common people and the officials. The other half of the merit!” The man respectfully said.

“Got it!” Gong Wei took a deep breath and looked up at the sea of ​​merit clouds above her head.

At the same time, officials from the Ministry of Goodness and Ritual of the Yasha Dynasty and the Yama Dynasty also went to talk to the Emperor.

PS: Second!

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