Indestructible God King Chapter 1001: Do you want merit?

Dashan Dynasty, Temple of War!

Zhang Xilai was drinking fine wine while chatting with Huang Yuee about the affairs of the Temple of War.

“Are they not back yet? They’ve been walking for two or three days! Do you know where they went?” Zhang Xilai frowned.

“You ask me, how did I know! Your father went too, don’t you ask?” Huang Yue’e rolled her eyes.

“My father wants to tell me, should I still ask you?” Zhang Xilai’s face was ugly.

“Hahaha, it’s not that you have a heart for Miss Wang. Your father thinks you are troublesome and keeps you away. Who keeps your eyes on Miss Wang! By the way, I heard that your father also wants to pursue Miss Wang?” Huang Yue’e smiled.

“Don’t spread it all day long, my father dare not!” Zhang Xilai shook his head.

“Yo? What else your father wouldn’t dare?” Huang Yue’e asked in surprise.

“If my dad dares to mess around outside, my mother must have stripped my dad’s skin!” Zhang Xi came from the believer.

“Your mother? Who is your mother? Why have you never heard of it?” Huang Yue’e asked in surprise.

“You haven’t heard that much, my father won’t let me mention my mother! My mother also has a reason not to reveal her identity!” Zhang Xilai said with disdain.

“Ah, there is this secret?” Huang Yue’e asked in surprise.

“Huh!” Zhang Xilai turned his head and didn’t want to say more.

“However, I heard Wang Ke said at the time that it seemed to save people, it seemed there was some danger!” Huang Yue’e recalled.

“Save people? Danger? Then it’s okay. My dad and the three of them, but the eighth level of the fairyland, can cross the immortal robbery at any time, what else is dangerous? In this Central Shenzhou, my dad is almost Push the world horizontally, invincible!” Zhang Xilai said proudly after taking a sip of the wine.

Just as Zhang Xi finished speaking, he saw Murong old dog rushing up.

“Zhang Xilai, God of War, it’s not good. Many judges of the Heavenly Master Hall came down from the mountain, saying that Tianshi Zhang is dead, and he came to the funeral for Zhang Tianshi!” Murong Old Dog suddenly shouted.


Zhang Xilai spit out a sip of wine in an instant.

“Who came for the funeral? Looking for death, dare to curse my father?” Zhang Xilai glared angrily.

“The judges in the Temple of Heavenly Master said that you sent someone to report the funeral of the Yama Dynasty. He said that Heavenly Master Zhang had exploded in his practice, and his eyeballs were exploded. It was terrible, saying that you sent someone to invite them!” Murong Said the old dog.

Zhang Xilai’s face became stiff, and then he became angry and threw the wine glass in his hand to the ground.


“Which grandson did not know whether to live or die, and pretended to be my person to go to the funeral, I took off the skin of this grandson!” Zhang Xilai suddenly roared.

“They said, the person reporting the funeral, and the God of War order you gave, a young man, an old man! The old man’s face is **** and bloody, he said he was bombed!” Murong Old Dog said.

“The two grandsons, looking for death, are actually…, what do you say? God of War Ling? An old man?” Zhang Xilai was suddenly excited.

“Zhongshenzhou, only now only three people have the God of War Order, me, you, and Wang Ke! The person who reported the funeral is Wang Ke? There is also an old man? It should be your father, you just called him Grandson?” Huang Yue’e suddenly laughed.

Zhang Xilai’s face was instantly as black as the bottom of the pot: “Bring people here!”

“Okay!” The old dog Murong turned around and ran away.


Formerly the God Capital of Yama.

Wang Ke, Zhang Tianshi, Miss Wang, and Daguangming Bodhisattva set up a sealed enchantment layer by layer, and began to talk.

Wang Ke sighed: “I was scared to death. The savior you were looking for was Guiguzi. Fortunately, it wasn’t me. I thought you wanted to kill me by using the knife to kill me! I was scared. Now I can rest assured. Now, don’t worry, I’m not Guiguzi, I’m Wang Ke!”

“Are you not Guiguzi?” Miss Wang frowned.

“Really not, I can swear to God, I am Wang Ke, I have never changed my name since I was young!” Wang Ke swears.

The three of them were silent for a while.

“Three, since the three have admitted the wrong person, why don’t you come here first for today’s conversation? I still have a lot of things to deal with!” Wang Ke found it immediately.

The three were silent for a while, and finally all looked at Miss Wang.

“Wang Ke, do you know the right way in the world, why the top right way forces will give me the face of the Wang family?” Miss Wang frowned.

“Huh?” Wang Ke frowned slightly.

“Wang Gushan, my brother, was also the head of the Wang family at the time. At the beginning, Wang Gushan betrayed the right way and got into demons to cause a mutiny in the world. Even a great battle even broke the Central God Continent in half, countless strong men of the right way. In that battle, there were heavy casualties, but even so, my clone went to the major forces, and the major forces still recognized and admired me extremely. Do you know why?” Miss Wang said.

“Uh! Is it because of the big devil’s attitude towards the Wang family?” Wang Ke frowned.

Wang Ke heard that Wang Youli once said about this.

Miss Wang nodded: “You don’t understand how terrifying the Great Demon King came three thousand years ago. At that time, there were many immortals on this planet, but in front of the Great Demon King, she couldn’t stop her. Just kill, and those who follow me will prosper against me and die! Immortals? They are just lambs waiting to be slaughtered. The devil is in the world, and the panic is even more powerful. The whole world is shrouded in his shadow. At that time, the whole world will be desperate. ! It is my king’s family, who gave the world the confidence of the right way!”


“Yes, my royal family has given the world confidence in the right way. Where does the confidence come from? From the great devil’s jealousy of my royal family, the great devil kept avoiding my royal family until he formed a general trend and had a large number of demons to follow. He only acted on my Wang family. He spoke once and let us know that he was afraid of a man surnamed Wang. That man surnamed Wang is a master of swordsmanship, and even a master of swordsmithing. The apprentices he cultivated are also extremely scary. He came to this planet and found that my king’s family was famous for making swords, so he was always worried. Later, he slowly discovered the details of my king’s family and stopped being afraid. He arrested my king’s family and asked if there were traces of his enemies!” Miss Wang said.

“Guiguzi?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

“Yes, he said that one day, the enemy was called Guiguzi. I don’t know what Guiguzi’s real name is. I only know that Guiguzi’s surname is Wang. It is the existence of the Great Devil. The Great Devil has been looking for it for many years. I found the trace of Guiguzi, that Guiguzi has a magical sword called’The Great Sun Immortal Sword’, and there is a magical skill called’The Great Sun Immortal Sword’! Do you know?” Miss Wang asked.

“I don’t know, I have never heard of it!” Wang Ke waved his hand immediately.

Are you kidding me, I will be your gunman?

“So, even if my brother did such a sin back then, no one in the world would offend my Wang family, because my Wang family used to be their hope and confidence, because all the top powerhouses know that there is a The surname Wang is the disaster of the Great Devil! Although it is uncertain whether this Guiguzi will appear or whether it will appear, everyone at that time regarded this Guiguzi as the savior!” Miss Wang said.

“Don’t look at me, I’m not the savior!” Wang Ke suddenly stared and exclaimed.

Ms. Wang stared at Wang Ke: “You are not the savior, but you must be related to Guiguzi!”

“Uh? Miss Wang, don’t scorn me!” Wang Ke stared.

“Kill the demon! Let’s not talk about it. I checked your practice. It has never appeared in the world. If you can cultivate to this level, it should be a mature and perfect practice. It’s impossible. I came here inexplicably, is your technique a great day immortal magic?” Miss Wang stared at Wang Kedao.

“You, what are you kidding, don’t spit people!” Wang Ke exclaimed, staring.

“Wang Ke, we are telling you this now for your own good. You have to understand that we are all beginning to doubt you. On the side of the evil demon, will anyone suspect you? Or will the demon find you? Will the big devil find it out?” Miss Wang solemnly said.

“No, no, I’m innocent, and I won’t cause trouble!” Wang Ke’s face froze.

“You know about the Devil King’s destruction of the world, don’t you mention anything else. After the Great Demon King destroys the world, what will happen to you if he finds you are still alive?” Zhang Tianshi said.

“The great sun is immortal? The great sun? It should be the real fire of the sun, you are free to come and go in the sword furnace of the Wang family, the real fire of the sun! It is not difficult to find out!” Miss Wang said, staring at Wang Ke.

Wang Ke’s face changed. What a special thing, I still missed it. However, it is certainly not admitted at this time.

“Uh, it may be a coincidence. Anyway, I haven’t seen any Guiguzi, I don’t know anything!” Wang Ke waved his hand, it is impossible to admit it anyway.

“You don’t need to admit anything, I just think you are related to Guiguzi!” Miss Wang smiled.

“Yes, Wang Ke, whether you admit it or not, I think you have something to do with Guiguzi!” Zhang Tianshi said.

Wang Ke’s face froze, are you strong planting? Unreasonable?

“Don’t worry, we won’t let the fourth person know about our conversation. I also just heard the real person Jiu Miao call you Guiguzi, and I suddenly affirmed this idea. I saw you looking for merit? You need to be strong and need Merit?” Miss Wang stared at Wang Ke.

“Uh!” Wang Ke was speechless for a while.

Have I been too obvious before?

“We can help you!” Miss Wang solemnly said.

“Huh?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

“We can help you persuade all the forces in the right way, and give you all the merits they collect, as long as you can defeat the devil!” Miss Wang solemnly said.

“I can’t beat, don’t use me to push the tank!” Wang Ke stared.

You guys are looking for me to talk, but it’s okay, let me go ahead? Are you kidding me?

“We will ask you if you are in a hurry for your spiritual practice! Don’t say anything else!” Miss Wang stared at Wang Ke!

“Uh, almost, I…!” Wang Ke didn’t know what to say for a while.

“We will help you get the merits of the whole world, do you want it? Not only the dynasty merits of the Great Good Dynasty, but also the dynasty merits of the great divine continents, and even the emperor’s merits, all to you, should you?” Miss Wang Staring at Wang Ke solemnly said.

“What? Give me all? What kind of cows are you bragging about with me? Can anyone listen to you?” Wang Ke said in disbelief.

“As long as you dare to ask, the three of us will be responsible for collecting it for you! The face of my king’s family is still useful! Secondly, Zhang Tianshi, his mysterious lady, is now in charge of the Taoist. The Great Light Bodhisattva is also a high authority in Buddhism. She can go to Buddhism to help you ask for merits. I will go to the place of the Great Northern Emperor and ask the Great Emperor to give you his merits! Would you like?” Miss Wang stared at Wang Ke solemnly.

“The merits of the right way in the world?” Wang Ke was suddenly excited and swallowed.

Want? Of course Wang Ke wants it! Don’t be a fool! If you get this, didn’t you post it? Never worry about cremation anymore?

PS: Second!

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