In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group Chapter 991: Battle for the Tower (25)

“The Days of Being a Spiritual Mentor in Meiman”

Although Batman feels that this must be some kind of Schiller’s plan again, he still has to rescue Schiller, because the one who captured Schiller is General Rotten Heart, and he will have to deal with General Rotten Heart sooner or later.

Besides, Schiller’s weak state before made him always have a doubt in his heart. He didn’t know what happened to Schiller’s inexplicable state afterwards, and he didn’t know that when he was facing a powerful demon When he was a general, would this state affect his performance?

Merkel immediately wanted to rush into the tunnel and confront General Rotten Heart head-on, but Batman stopped him, and he said in a deep voice: “Now is not a good time to catch up, General Rotten Heart must not have come alone , if we pass by, we will just be surrounded by the army.”

“But…but…” Merkel stomped his feet anxiously, gritted his teeth and said, “It’s all my fault, if I hadn’t cut down that broccoli tree, Mr. Schiller’s allergies wouldn’t have gone too far.” As for being so serious!”

“Do you really think that his current state is entirely due to allergies?” Batman asked while pulling Merkel back.

Merkel opened her mouth, but said with some hesitation: “I can’t reveal the employer’s privacy… Well, the situation is special now, don’t you think Mr. Schiller has become a little more… well, how come What do you say? Crazier?”

Batman looked at him, and Merkel said to himself: “When I first met Mr. Schiller, I found that he was a bit staid, taciturn, but very reliable. I met him in England.” Many such gentlemen.”

“He is a lover of detective literature, he likes to arrange all kinds of puzzles, and then solve them by himself, and occasionally he needs me to solve them, but I always break through violently, I really didn’t expect, he Can bear me for so long.”

“Although he looks a little serious, his temper is not weird, and he gets along well with everyone, but…” Merkel paused, as if she didn’t know what to say about herself behind her back. Is the employer a bit bad, but he still said: “Don’t you notice? Mr. Schiller’s mental state is becoming more and more unstable.”

“The broccoli incident this time is just the trigger for the outbreak. Before that, there were many precursors.” Merkel shook her head and said.

Batman recalled it carefully, and he found that it was indeed the case. When he first started dealing with Schiller, although Schiller was a fairly responsible teacher, he was similar to most university teachers. When I came, I went to class and left after class, and I hardly communicated with any students.

Batman remembers that in the first semester, he deliberately made poor grades, but Schiller didn’t care. In the second semester, he deliberately completed one subject to create a kind of self The feeling of cheating, to strengthen his personality as a playboy, but Schiller didn’t say anything.

However, he only enjoyed the past two years. Starting from his junior year, Schiller started to pay close attention to his grades for some reason. Not only Bruce Wayne’s grades, but also other students were tortured by him. Die alive.

Accordingly speaking, freshmen, freshmen and sophomores are the most critical time to lay the foundation. It is unreasonable to let the students slack off at this time, and wait until they have learned almost everything in the class, and they are about to practice before thinking about grabbing grade points .

When it came to senior year, things became even more uncontrollable. Schiller had a kind of obsessive obsession with thesis. In the process of discussing the thesis with Schiller, Batman found that he seemed a little paranoid and often Caught Batman revising for hours because of punctuation paragraphs and phrasing.

At that time, Batman thought that Schiller didn’t want him to be a street hero, so he did this.

But later, he realized that Schiller was not only catching him as a man-made disaster, he almost used up his rest time, and had such a long mutual torture with every student who could write a thesis.

This is indeed mutual torture, because not only Batman knows, Schiller and the students themselves know that they can’t embark on such a professional path, they don’t have this talent, and they won’t be willing to pay more for it If you work hard, you will never achieve anything, but Schiller still wants to demand that ridiculously high professional level from them, which is actually meaningless at all.

Although Batman is not sure that he is sick, he is very sure that Schiller is sick.

At present, it seems that there should be more manifestations of the autism spectrum, but it will also be accompanied by some obsessive-compulsive manifestations of anxiety attacks from time to time.

Has Schiller’s mental illness worsened? Batman walked back while thinking about this issue. Although healers cannot heal themselves, there should be no incidents that would cause Schiller’s mental state to continue to deteriorate.

However, he agrees with Merkel that it is no accident that the broccoli incident made Schiller so weak,

It is very likely that the mental pressure accumulated for a long time broke out at one point, causing Schiller to have an extremely serious stress response, which caused him to have such a serious externalized performance.

Thinking of this, Batman quickened his pace and returned to the mine where the troops were stationed together with Merkel, explaining to Alfred what they saw just now.

Alfred nodded and said: “Indeed, we have to hurry up and deal with General Corruption. As long as he is in the mine for a day, we will not be able to develop our power steadily.”

“Now, the overall situation in **** is changing rapidly, and Belial did not adopt the strategy of combining vertical and horizontal forces as we imagined, but declared war on several surrounding countries at the same time. Not all generals agreed with this decision. The situation is getting more and more tense.”

“Only in troubled times can we become kings, we must seize this opportunity.” Alfred looked at Batman with his eyes, and then said: “This may be the only time you can personally participate in a formal large-scale army In combat, this is a rare opportunity for anyone who needs to study military theory.”

Batman nodded, obviously aware of the importance of this war. The three people present knew very well that what happened to demons has nothing to do with human beings. No matter how great their Sacred Heart is, they want to liberate all Humanity, not all **** or all heaven.

But the reason why they want to participate in this war is to practice their ideals on the one hand, since in the real world, some things can no longer be done, then another way to verify the correctness of their theories , for them, it is also an excellent opportunity to study this theory more deeply and improve their own thinking.

On the other hand, in order to provide Batman with a chance to exercise, although Batman’s previous idea was a bit like persecution paranoia, after learning about the existence of a wider world and mysterious magic, Batman There is a hunch that sooner or later, he will have to devote himself to a wider world and experience the magnificent war epic in person.

Practice at that time, but it will be too late. Once such a disaster befalls human beings, every minute and every second is a crisis of survival, and he must have the ability to make a final decision.

When Batman makes up his mind, almost no one can stop him. He is responsible for strategic planning and tactical arrangements, which is equivalent to the commander-in-chief of the mine army, while Merkel is responsible for ideological guidance and training, which is equivalent to the political commissar of the mine army. .

Batman wanted Alfred to be in charge of ideological guidance, but Alfred shook his head and gave the opportunity to Merkel. He explained: “In any case, I am a For a long time, my thinking has been more inclined to intelligence warfare.”

“It’s not that I can’t change the direction of my thinking, but I worry that there is still unfinished business in the real world that requires my efforts. Once my way of thinking changes and affects the decision-making of a key decision, That could have catastrophic consequences.”

“On the contrary, Merkel has not achieved any outstanding achievements in espionage. He is more inclined to fight alone, but this just makes him a blank sheet of paper. If he can The ability to unite people will not affect his current work, but also lay a solid foundation for the future.”

Batman nodded his head to express his understanding. The old butler was brilliant at the beginning, and he was able to compete with Philby on the same stage. His spy warfare skills must have been perfected. Cured, but that’s not entirely a bad thing.

The espionage work for a long time will train keen intuition and conditioned reflex. Sometimes, these inadvertent intuitions can save lives.

However, if you forcibly change your thinking mode in a very urgent situation, it is very likely that this precious intuition will be worn away. If you need to use it in the future, it will be troublesome.

Although Batman doesn’t want Alfred to participate in those dangerous jobs again, he also knows that he can’t stop such people.

Be it Merkel or Alfred, after learning about their ideals, Batman knew that he had no chance to convince them.

Thus, Alfred was in charge of logistics. Although demons do not need to eat, drink, and scatter, equipment manufacturing, trap making, and intelligence exploration are also very important. Alfred is also quite proficient in this,

After determining the basic division of labor, the three got busy in an orderly manner. Among the three, although Batman did not have much practical experience in strategy and tactics, his theory and wisdom were top-notch, and Alfred In charge of logistics, no one knows logistics better than Batman’s The only person who is a little rusty is Merkel. He has no practical experience in ideological guidance, and he is not proficient in military training , but fortunately, he learns very quickly.

Moreover, his good skills and the professional knowledge he has learned allow him to train his own vanguard squad, which is quite effective whether it is used for reconnaissance or combat.

The central mine has completely collapsed, but the second mountain, the third mountain and the fifth mountain are all connected. The fifth mountain is the second largest mine, and there is a very large mine that can be used for Garrison and training.

The combination of the three mountains also has a greater defense depth. Batman’s tunnel warfare tactics, after more full cooperation and drills, have played a greater effect. Not long after, a small number of demon soldiers were stationed. The fourth mountain was also taken down.

However, because the sixth and seventh mountains are closer to the garrison field of General Rotten Heart, after the accident in the central mine, the army directly occupied the sixth and seventh mountains. Among them, there is still room for relaxation on the sixth mountain. But the Seventh Mountain is the hardest nut to crack.

There is General Rotten Heart’s castle and the location of Big Eyeball. After Schiller was taken away by General Rotten Heart, the tunnel they dug before was completely destroyed. General Rotten Heart also set up a magic circle underground to defend the tunnel. During the war, heavy troops were sent to guard, and a large defensive camp was established next to it.

And if you attack the mountain from the ground, you will encounter the same situation as the central mine before. Standing in front of the sand table, Batman stared at the position of the seventh mountain. After thinking about all the tactics in his mind, he found that, If you want to take the seventh mountain, there is no shortcut.

Then, next, there will be a tough battle to fight.

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