In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group Chapter 950: Dangerous (on)

“The Days of Being a Spiritual Mentor in Meiman”

The moment they saw the huge broccoli flower, the three of them froze there. The one who couldn’t understand the current situation the most was Zatana. She even ran towards the broccoli flower in disbelief. past.

This huge broccoli is like the world tree in many literary works, covering the sky and the sun, with luxuriant branches and leaves. After approaching, the extremely thick stem may not be able to hug hundreds of people. I can hug it.

Zatana really couldn’t think of any way to confirm whether it was real broccoli, she could only lean up and smell it, and then showed a disgusted expression, she coughed twice, and backed away Two steps said: “That’s right, it’s broccoli. From childhood to adulthood, as long as this thing appears on the dining table, my father will try his best to persuade me to eat it…”

Constantine, who was the most injured, also walked over staggeringly. He said: “How should I describe it? It can only be said that it is reasonable. It was unexpected. I once heard Schiller’s friend Vic As I said more, when they went to the restaurant for dinner, Schiller rushed into the back kitchen and fired a shot at the broccoli…”

Zhatana raised her eyebrows in confusion, and said, “That’s not true. Although broccoli is hard to eat, I don’t like it since I was a child, but I don’t want to shoot at a vegetable.” Right?”

Konstantin shrugged and said, “You have been away from Gotham for too long.”

Batman regained his strength standing on the spot, and then stepped forward, looking up at the branch of this broccoli.

He actually doesn’t hate eating broccoli, Batman has never been a picky eater, but he knows that in theory, some people hate eating certain vegetables, maybe it’s not just because of being picky, human genes are amazing Yes, it has even been refined to the point that when they eat certain vegetables, they will have different tastes.

“Schiller once mentioned that he has a severe broccoli allergy. I don’t know whether his allergy is psychological or physical. If it is physical, then it can be explained. Makes sense,” Batman said.

Zhatana was a little weak, and wanted to find a place to lean against, but the impact of this broccoli was also very strong to her. She tried her best to stay away from the trunk of the broccoli, and then Sitting on the ground, he sighed and said, “Could it be that we really want to use a vegetable to deal with this professor? We can’t throw broccoli at him, can we?”

Zatana imagined the scene, gave a disgusted look, and said, “God, I don’t think I can do this, it’s so wicked, throwing broccoli at people? God Ah, if someone did that to me, I’d go crazy!”

“I’m afraid someone has actually done this before.” Batman spoke up, and the other two looked at him. He said, “Do you still remember the ‘special measures’ written in the medical records?”

Batman took out the cookie box again, then turned over the medical record, pointed to it and said: “Look here, whenever Schiller gets sick, the medical record will mention that targeted measures… …”

“If Schiller’s strength is really two to three times that of mine as Constantine said, then it is almost impossible for ordinary people to subdue him without hurting him, but each time he takes Targeted measures, the next step is to bring him back to the observation room for observation.”

“Don’t tell me that this kind of targeted measure is broccoli??” Constantine showed an absurd expression, and said, “They wouldn’t hold a lot of broccoli in a circle, Make sure Schiller won’t move?!”

“It’s hard to say.” Batman imagined the scene for a moment, then curled the corners of his mouth down, as if he was trying to suppress his other expressions.

“But not every Schiller is afraid of broccoli. Back then, when Victor and Schiller were eating together, he saw him eating broccoli. Not afraid of Broccoli’s personality.” Batman said with a slight frown.

“Wait a minute, if we see in this answer room that his biggest fear is broccoli, and he has other personalities who are not afraid of broccoli, doesn’t that mean we, Turning around in personality?” Zatana got up from the ground again, then frowned and said: “How is this possible? Aren’t we shuttling and jumping in memory?”

“You have never really entered the Tower of Thinking, so you don’t know the structure there. The Tower of Thinking has many floors, and the only way to get between the floors is by elevator. Without the permission of the elevator manager, there is no way Cross-layer.” Batman knew about this very well.

Just as Zatanna was about to speak, they heard a familiar voice suddenly echoed in the air: “Why are you here??!!”

“What are you doing… oh my god! Get out! Get out of that room! How did you get so close to that broccoli?!!!”

Hearing that it was the familiar voice of Professor Schiller, Batman not only did not stay away from the broccoli flower as he said, but rushed to the thick trunk of the broccoli flower at a lightning speed Beside, lean your back against the broccoli.

Sure enough, the next second, Schiller’s figure appeared in this space. Wearing a suit and holding an umbrella, he looked at the three people standing next to Broccoli, showing a confused expression.

“Why did you come here? I felt that the uninvited guests who broke into my room were you?!”

But Constantine was more shocked than him, he said: “Shouldn’t you be fighting with the green of all things? How did you appear here?!!”

Unexpectedly, Schiller’s face darkened immediately, and as the two parties looked at each other from a distance, time began to go backwards.

Like a movie in which arrows were shot backwards, the figures of the three detectives exited the room, flew backwards in the shuttle, returned to three different memory spaces, and then returned to the soul. boundary.

Just before the three of them went to Schiller’s soul, Schiller was indeed confronting the green of all things.

He stood in the middle of the green chamber, in front of Pamela, holding an umbrella and said to the green of all things: “So it’s you, I didn’t expect, this time, the first decent person I met One point’s opponent turned out to be the incarnation of a plant…”

“I guess, you should have made such a big circle in order to persecute Pamela.”

“First, I used rainwater to poison Gotham, creating the illusion of plant mutation, and then I personally concocted the fact that my classmates abandoned Pamela, and even wanted to use her as a bait.”

“From this point of view, how ugly human nature is. The students who usually talk and laugh at Yan Yan not only fail to save her at critical moments, but even kill her. However, the taciturn plants on weekdays do not Willing to hurt her, compared between the two, who would an ordinary college girl choose?”

“You wanted to use this comparison to break through Pamela’s psychological defenses and let her volunteer to be your agent, but unexpectedly, she still didn’t choose you, so you had to fake it in his memory space. Memory, trick her into signing the contract.”

After listening to the words of the green of all things, there was a very obvious doubt. The opposite seemed not to be a consciousness, but many consciousnesses integrated together. At this time, Schiller heard A slightly puzzled female voice said: “…what are you talking about?”

“I can only say that you are very good at taking advantage of human weaknesses. If Pamela was really an ordinary female college student, you would have succeeded.”

“No.” The Green of Everything said: “I mean, you just said… that plan, what is it? What is it that I use rainwater to infect humans and plants, and then what, what is it? What event?”

“The way you deny it is really low-level.” Schiller stared at the vine in front of Wan and said, “It’s useless to pretend not to know, let’s take a good look at the curse on you.”

The emotion from the Green of Everything is even more confused. It’s not because he’s pretending, but because he’s really confused. The fact is, he didn’t concoct any conspiracy. He just passed by and wanted to pick up a bargain. .

Green of all things indeed set its sights on Pamela very early on, but Pamela is not the only choice. Green of all things is composed of many forces, such as the Tree Council and the May Queen This time, it was May Queen who was in charge of the vines and was staring at Pamela.

Pamela is not the only choice for the Queen of May. The principle of their selection of agents is to cast a wide net to catch more fish, select multiple targets to cultivate together, and then choose the best agent among them .

The reason why the May Queen is said to pass by is because when the plants in Gotham City begin to mutate, the May Queen is the first to be noticed.

May Queen originally wanted to take a look at what was going on, but found out that an agent she had chosen was in a dangerous situation.

May Queen is not a human being, she will not have sympathy for humans, but she is very optimistic about Pamela’s potential, and does not want to lose a candidate for an agent, so she controls the vines and saves Pamela La, who came to her spiritual world at the same time, wanted to make a contract with Pamela.

To put it simply, the May Queen came to pick up ready-made ones. She just ran into Pamela’s poor condition. After coming to the spiritual world, she found that Pamela’s aptitude was better than she imagined. He wanted to make a decision on the spot to let her join the job, but unexpectedly, he was met with resistance from Pamela.

May Queen doesn’t know much about human beings’ tricks to lure them, and she doesn’t think that an ordinary human being can resist his will. Therefore, the method she adopts is not like recruiting, but more like kidnapping.

But all of this, in Schiller’s view, is too much like a conspiracy. As he once said, he doesn’t know if the other party is so despicable, but he has.

Schiller is used to using human psychological weakness to set up a situation for the Therefore, after watching this series of events from the perspective of a bystander, he will certainly feel that the culprit is All things green.

Because, if he brought himself into the green of all things, he wanted to force Pamela to be his spokesperson, what exactly would he do?

For human beings, trust and sense of security are particularly important emotional support. If you want Pamela to completely fall towards plants, you must first break her trust in human beings and make her feel that she is in human society. No sense of security.

Then, she replaced the sense of security she gained from her kind with another kind of spiritual support, that is, to protect her plants in times of crisis.

In Schiller’s view, the logic of this setup is very smooth, and if he had, he would have done the same.

And the motive is also very clear. Schiller knows that in the comics, All Things Green once wanted the poison ivy girl Pamela to be his new agent, but Pamela refused.

This fact can explain two things. One is that Pamela does have the potential to become the spokesperson of All Things Green, and All Things Green is also very optimistic about her.

Secondly, if the candidate refuses very firmly, the Green of All Things cannot take too strong measures and cannot forcefully control the other party.

In this way, the motivation is also there. The green of all things must be because Pamela has been unwilling to be his agent, so he set up a bureau, using polluted rainwater and seemingly mutated plants, to make Pamela Putting herself in danger and using psychological warfare to break her down.

In short, Schiller replaced himself, thinking that this plan to make a plate of dumplings for a plate of vinegar is very normal.

But Queen May was very confused. She was just passing by here to pick up a bargain, so why did she become the culprit?

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