In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group Chapter 754: Speed ​​Batman (Medium)

“The Days of Being a Spiritual Mentor in Meiman”

“Come on, Bruce, I know you’ve been in a bad mood recently, but you can’t push yourself too hard. It’s okay to relax for one night. If you have any work, it’s not too late to do it in the daytime tomorrow…”

Selena moved a chair, got to Bruce’s side, put her hand on his shoulder, blew on his cheek, and said, “We haven’t seen each other for a few days, you just Do you have to be busy at this time?”

“Analysis of Specific Characteristics of Anxiety Disorders… Haven’t I written this topic before? I remember that it seems to be the topic of last month… My previous estimate of the number of words was wrong. I’m afraid I have a 60,000-word paper to write …”

“What did you say?” Selina didn’t hear Bruce whispering anything, she straightened her body, stared at Bruce with those big eyes, like a scanner, from head to toe, and then stayed in the the middle section.

Selena folded her arms slowly, narrowed her eyes and said, “Maggie told me, if a man suddenly loses interest in you, it means that he must have a new love!”

“Bruce Wayne!” Selena slapped the table vigorously and said, “I said why you are in such a bad state recently! This cheating scumbag!”

After finishing speaking, she let out a sharp breath through her nose, stood up and was about to leave, but who knows, she had already gone two steps, and Bruce was still where he was, motionless.

Selena is about to go crazy, normal couples haven’t seen each other for so long, at least they have to spend two or three hours warmly, right? What’s more, it was rare for her to comfort Bruce patiently, because she was afraid that he had been under too much pressure recently, and his mental state was abnormal, so he ended up acting for the blind, and the other party ignored him.

Although Batman is always cold-faced to other people, he is gentle enough to Catwoman. The two have their own lives, and occasionally they will be apart for a while. When he was fighting criminals, he went to fall in love with Catwoman, which is enough to show how special he is to Catwoman.

But today, Selena was about to sit in his arms, but Bruce remained motionless, showing no sign of being tempted by beauty.

“What the hell!” Selena cursed in a low voice. She just thought that Bruce was sick again today, and she didn’t bother to bother with him. She flicked her hair and turned around to leave, but at this time, Bruce made a sound up:

“Selena, don’t go, come and do me a favor.”

Selena stopped, turned her head with her hands on her hips, blinked, and stared at Bruce with a look on her face that said “if you say any more shit, it’s over for both of us”.

But who knows, Bruce pointed to the pile of materials next to him and said, “Please help me find all the keywords with anxiety disorder in it, I need it urgently.”

Looking at Bruce’s serious face, he didn’t seem to be joking, Selena showed a suspicious expression, she stepped forward, flipped through the stack of documents, then covered her eyes, and said, “This What are they???”

She picked up a copy from the top of the material, looked at the words on it and said, “…what does this word mean? And this psychology…what psychology? What is the word in front of?”

Bruce got up, picked up a document, and said: “You don’t need to know these, look at these few words… this is ‘anxiety disorder’, you just need to find out all the documents with this word in it and give it to me. I, that’s it.”

Selena slammed the document on the table and said, “Bruce! Are you out of your mind? You don’t go for a drive at night, you don’t go to the bar to drink, and you don’t even talk about it. Falling in love, looking at these messy materials here???”

“This is not a mess of information.” Bruce put his hand on Selena’s hand and said, “I have to hand in a 60,000-word essay before tomorrow morning, otherwise you may not see me the day after tomorrow. “

Selena’s eyes widened, she moved her head back, and said, “Isn’t it? You want to scare me again, what will happen if you fail to pay? Does the school dare to expel you?”

As she spoke, she waved her hand in front of her face, showing a sneer, and said, “You’re just scaring me. The school wants you to graduate later, so how could you be expelled early?”

“And, what do you mean I can’t see you? If you don’t hand in your homework, will someone kill you and come to your house? Besides, even if he comes, he won’t be able to beat you. What are you afraid of?”

Selina stared at Bruce with wide eyes, she felt that what she said made sense, good day, beautiful scenery, good time, what’s wrong with doing homework here? But soon, she heard Bruce say:

“I’m pretty sure that if I don’t turn in my thesis tomorrow morning, he’ll really kill me at home, and besides, I can’t beat him.”

Selena was even more surprised. She stared at Bruce and said, “Your mental state is really a problem! You’re starting to talk nonsense! There are still people in this city that you can’t beat? Don’t tell me, it’s us I saw you in the metropolis, that guy flying in the sky?”

“No, it’s scarier than that, it’s my psychology professor…”


“Schiller Rodriguez.”

“Stop talking, where is the information? I’ll help you find it now, write it quickly.”

Ten minutes later, Selena, behind the desk, crawled out from the pile of documents that overwhelmed her, fiddled with her messy hair, and said, “No, Bruce, you can’t do it, You can’t write such a thick paper in one night!

Bruce replied without raising his head: “I’m working hard to make the impossible possible, hurry up, and help me find information with keywords of autism…”

Selena looked at the mess of papers in her hand and said, “Wait a minute, I saw that before… let me look for it, oh! No! I scattered them!”

A few minutes later, Selena held a stack of documents and wailed: “I almost don’t know English anymore! I have never seen so many words in my life!”

She sighed deeply on the spot. Suddenly, she paused, narrowed one eye, and turned the corner of her mouth to one side, showing a strange expression, obviously thinking of some ghost ideas.

After a while, Selena put her hands on Dick’s shoulders, pointed to the study door where light was shining through and said, “Bruce needs help now, but I really can’t help, I think, you should OK.”

[A book recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s so easy to use. I use it to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here.]

Dick had just finished telling a story to Aisha, and was baffled by Selena’s sudden enthusiasm. He remembered that when Selena was around, he was always tired of being with Bruce, and Dick had to pay attention all the time. , cannot disturb their world of two.

Originally, after Dick finished telling the story, he planned to go back to his room and go to sleep immediately, just worried that he heard something he shouldn’t have heard, but now, hearing what Selina meant, Bruce was actually doing his homework? ?

Even if he is only in middle school now, he understands a truth. The first night he spent with his girlfriend after seeing him for a few days, the main content was actually doing homework? ? ? ? “

With a very puzzled mood, Dick was pushed into the study by Selina, and then saw the various materials like waves.

“Dick, are you here?” Bruce didn’t look up again, he said, “Help me pick up all the materials on the ground, put the yellow folder on the left, the blue folder on the right, and put all the textbooks in Here…”

Bruce pointed to a piece of ground under his feet. Dick glanced at his busy figure, said nothing, and immediately began to sort out the information.

“Don’t go, where is the book on child psychology? Compare the previous keywords and turn the pages…” Bruce said again without looking up.

Selena, who was sneaking and tiptoeing towards the door, immediately lowered her arms like a frost-beaten eggplant, sighed, and plunged headlong into the sea of ​​documents.

After a while, Dick moved his stiff cervical spine. He saw that Bruce beside him was using his pen like flying, and his ink was almost gone. None of them were finished.

As soon as he thought of the 60,000-word thesis, Dick swallowed his saliva with some fear. He glanced at Selena, who was still rummaging through the documents, and leaned over to her, and whispered to her: “I will I will definitely not take this university!”

“Do you still want to go to university?” Selena asked with some surprise: “Don’t you like homework the most?”

Speaking, she looked up at Bruce and said, “Look at him, even such a rich old man is almost driven crazy by his homework when he goes to college. Do you think you can write 60,000 words in one night?” paper?”

“Of course it’s impossible, it’s impossible for anyone!” Dick said immediately, but then, realizing that his voice was a little loud, he lowered his voice and said, “I think it’s impossible to finish anyway, so it’s better not to write Well, the consequences of not finishing and not writing are similar, right?”

“Ahem…” Bruce coughed twice, and the two fell silent.

The three of them buried themselves in their studies in the room, but on the other side, Aisha, who was thrown in the room, was a little unhappy.

Although Dick had finished telling her the story, she still hadn’t fallen asleep. In the past, one of these three people would always accompany her until she fell asleep.

Aisha, who couldn’t sleep without being coaxed, jumped off the bed, ran to the door, pushed it open, and looked at the dark corridor of the manor. She didn’t feel scared at all. His eyes lit up with a faint yellow light, and he ran out along the corridor,

In the huge manor, most of the rooms are dark, except for one room whose door is not closed tightly, and the light pours out from the crack of the door, which is caught by Aisha immediately.

Perhaps inheriting part of Batman’s genes, Aisha has already learned anti-reconnaissance skills at a young She walked lightly and walked towards that room, looking left and right on the way, See if anyone is staring at her.

Several people in the room were very busy. Selena kept searching for files according to keywords. Dick had to classify files. He opened the door and stared inside.

It is impossible for Aisha to understand what work and homework are. He only knows that the three people in the room would rather play with the paper than with her.

Aisha, who was not put to sleep, was very angry. She pushed the door open with her hands, stood at the door with her hands on her hips, and yelled.

But the three people in the room were too focused. Selena was already tormented by those awkward professional terms. Dick felt a little guilty because he had angered Bruce before. Schiller, who is working, has inexplicable fear.

Driven by different emotions, the three of them have entered a state of ecstasy. Aisha found that her yelling was not answered for the first time.

She was surprisingly angry. She squatted down on the spot, gathered strength with her legs, and jumped to the center of the pile of documents in a parabola.

In an instant, the document paper turned into heavy snow, soaring high and falling slowly. In the gap between the documents, Bruce’s ashen face was exposed.

The next morning, Schiller tapped his finger on the empty table, stared at Bruce opposite him, and asked:

“What about homework?”

“Eat by Aisha.”

“…Where is Aisha?”

After Pausing for a second, Bruce bent down and lowered his head, and a little girl came out from under the table.

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