In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group Chapter 620: Sick crisis (9)

“The Days of Being a Spiritual Mentor in Meiman”

, the days when I was a spiritual mentor in Meiman

“Sister, forgive me for not being able to sit in front of the bed and communicate with you as usual. When you read this letter, I may have already talked to the devil in hell.”

“I often tell you that I hope to go to heaven, but when I write this letter, I know that I’m afraid I can only go to hell.”

“I’m sorry, you must be very sad right now, sad about my death, but I want to tell you, it was all worth it, and right now, you don’t have time to grieve, there is one thing you have to do , so that my death will not be in vain.”

“It has been 16 years since our parents sent me to this mental hospital. , A group of people came here, they claimed to be geological researchers, they came here to explore the underground water structure of the metropolis.”

“In the beginning, I was very interested in their projects, because I didn’t have the opportunity to go to school, and each of them has received higher education, I like to chat with them, they can teach me a lot of knowledge that I don’t .”

“I met a very good friend, her name is Etis, she graduated from Metropolitan University, which is my dream university.”

“However, I know this hospital so well that I found some clues. I found that they are not studying the underground water structure of the metropolis, but doing more evil experiments.”

“I can’t understand what they are doing, but I know that they opened up a laboratory underground for some chemical experiments. They may want to put the results of the experiment into the groundwater, and then Pollution of all metropolitan citizens.”

“When you read this letter, I should have died, but what may make you feel very sad and disappointed is that I did commit suicide, and the purpose is to allow you to come here, Then expose this terrible conspiracy and save those innocent people.”

“The matter started about two weeks ago. The researcher Itis, who was very close to me, suddenly rushed into my ward one night. She was seriously injured and was dying. A few days ago, she told me that she was a Soviet spy who sneaked into this mysterious organization and became one of them.”

“On that night, she finally got the crucial research information, which contained the formula of the mysterious chemical agent. She had no way to pass on this information, so she took the The information was given to me.”

“She didn’t ask me to pass the information back to the Soviet Union, she just asked me to stop all these plots and not let innocent people be victimized.”

“She died in my ward. When I pretended to be asleep, I buried my head in the pillow. No one could see my tears. They didn’t care about me. Therefore, I avoided this. One disaster.”

“I’ve spent most of my life in this mental hospital, I never went to school, I didn’t have any friends, I never got anything done, but I knew I had to get it done This matter.”

“But I have no other way, I am not an agent, I have not been trained, it is impossible to leave this mental hospital, and the only way to expose the information is to lure you here.”

“I can’t communicate with you rashly, and I can’t even make a phone call. They are monitoring everything in this city, which is more terrifying than you can imagine, so I can only use this method to tell you everything. “

“I know that you are an excellent detective. You will definitely investigate the scene of my death repeatedly, so you will definitely be able to find this letter.”

“My dear sister, if you see this, I must tell you, don’t be impulsive, because the darkness you see is just the tip of the iceberg.”

“They ruled this city, they can see everyone, hear every word, everyone here is their prey.”

“Find enough allies and find enough evidence to contend with them. If you feel that you can’t do all of this, then take this letter and stay away from here, as far away as possible… Never Come back.”

“Love your sister forever, Isabel Dodgson, a must.”

With a “snap”, Bruce closed the letter paper in his hand, he put the letter paper back in the envelope, then put the envelope back in its original position, and put the wooden board in its original position.

“Things are worse than we imagined.” Bruce knew the inside story better than Isabel who wrote the letter. He said: “Although this is a suburb, it is not far from the urban area of ​​the metropolis.” , and it is a formal psychiatric hospital.”

“To carry out geological exploration here, or even establish an independent chemical laboratory, it needs to go through layers of approvals, and funds must be indispensable.”

“At the same time, the president of the central bank and the boss of Palo Company are aware of this, and their business may be to provide funds for this laboratory.”

“This means that, just as Isabel wrote in the letter, a mysterious organization rules the city, politics, economy, culture… they are pervasive.”

Bruce turned his head and looked out the window. The prosperous lights of the metropolis are not as bright as they appear on the surface. There is a deeper darkness hidden in it. He murmured: “Owl…”

Following his line of sight, outside the wall of the psychiatric hospital, a car slowly stopped among the weeds. Constantine and Angela got out of the car, and Constantine jumped into the car on the hood of his car, stretched out a hand to cover his eyes, and looked into the mental hospital.

“Are you sure it’s here? Why do I think this is more like a military area than a mental hospital?”

Angela took out her pistol, looked into the yard, and said, “It’s not right. When I came here, it was just an ordinary hospital. There weren’t so many guards. Where did these people come from?” ?”

“No matter where they come from, we have to pass them before entering the hospital.” Constantine jumped out of the car, touched his windbreaker pocket, and made sure that all the props for exorcism were brought Yes, he waved his hand and said, “Go in, I have to look at the scene before I can determine the type of demon.”

But at this moment, Angela turned around vigilantly, raised her gun with both hands, and pointed in a direction, where the headlights of the car shone on the vines, and there was a lonely ghost, another car drove over and found There was someone in front, the car stopped, and a figure came out of the cab with a gun in his hand.

The two people were facing each other, and Angela was the first to see clearly. It was a woman, well dressed, but she didn’t look like a policeman. When the person on the other side saw them, she raised a pistol and said, “Are you Who? What are you doing here?”

“We’re going to ask you.” Angela held a gun in one hand and took out her police badge with the other, and said, “Detective of the Metropolitan Police Department, we are handling a case, who are you? “

Unexpectedly, the opposite party also took out a certificate, showed it, and said: “FBI agent, Keira, I am also handling the case.”

The two sides confirmed the authenticity of the evidence with each other, and both parties put away their pistols. Keira stepped forward, shook hands with Angela, and said, “Officer Dodgson, I have heard of your name, you come here What is the investigation here?”

“In the previous serial murder case, some witnesses revealed some information about this place, but the details are temporarily kept secret.”

“I understand.” Keira also said very simply, and before Angela could ask, she said: “One of our agents has disappeared around here, and I’m here to investigate, what’s going on , and can only be kept secret.”

Angela and Constantine looked at each other, and Angela asked: “Is the place you want to investigate inside the hospital?”

“That’s right, the last message from the agent is located in the ward of this mental hospital.” Keira nodded.

“The FBI agent is missing?” Constantine frowned and asked, “This should be a big deal, why not just seal this place up?”

“Secret mission.” Kaila simply answered, Angela bumped Constantine with her elbow, and then said to Kaila: “In this case, we can cooperate, this time we are also a secret operation , need to sneak in, which floor do you go to?”

“Four or five,” Kayla said, frowning.

“Exactly, well, let’s go to the fourth floor.” Angela turned around and shook her head, and said, “Let’s go in first.”

When they came to the side door, the female agent and the police detective climbed over the wall vigorously. After a while, Angela poked her head out from the wall and looked at Constantine who was still on the other side of the wall. , said: “What are you doing? Hurry up!”

“I…” Konstantin stretched out a hand, gestured up and down against the wall, then gestured his head horizontally, and then took two steps back to observe the whole wall.

Angela showed a helpless expression. After a while, Keira also climbed to the top of the wall. Looking at Constantine who was unable to jump up, she turned her head and said to Angela: “You take Is this colleague of mine a bit…”

“Come up quickly!” Angela gritted her teeth and said, Constantine sighed helplessly, then glanced at Keira with his eyes, so Angela deliberately said: “Forget it, you just wait Here, give us the queen.”

Then, she turned to Kayla and said, “Come on, let’s go in, don’t count on him.”

Kayla took a look at Constantine, and then jumped down, followed by Angela, and the two entered the hospital smoothly.

Confirmed that the figures of the two of them had completely disappeared, Constantine used teleportation to enter the wall, and then cast a concealment magic on himself, swaggeringly passed through the guards and came to the hospital.

Meeting with Angela on the 4th floor smoothly, Angela said to Constantine: “The agent went to the 4th floor of another building, and I will take you to my sister’s ward.”

After entering the ward, Constantine keenly caught a trace of blood. He wanted to stop Angela, but Angela went straight in. She looked back at Constantine and said, “I know, you Do you think there is a **** smell here? My sister committed suicide by cutting her wrist, so some blood remains in the ward and cannot be removed.”

“Sorry.” Constantine said as he began to investigate every corner of the room. Angela, who was caught in a sad atmosphere, also wanted to find something to do for herself, so she also began to investigate the scene of the crime.

When she first came here to investigate, Angela was too sad to concentrate at all, so she just checked briefly, got into the car with the body, and left here to bury her sister. up.

Investigating again this time, she rummaged through every corner, and then found the letter hidden under the wooden boards of the closet.

The letter that had been glued back had lost much of its stickiness. When Angela found out, the envelope had fallen to the bottom of the cabinet. When Angela looked down at the bottom of the cabinet, she happened to see the envelope.

She took out the letter and froze there Afterwards, she opened the envelope like crazy and began to read the contents, and then, she covered her mouth, and began to keep talking cry.

Konstantin noticed her abnormality. He walked over and also looked at the letter. After reading the contents, his expression changed.

“Wait a minute, your sister really committed suicide, wasn’t she taken away by a demon?!” Constantine raised his voice.

Angela was so sad that she squatted on the ground crying uncontrollably, but Constantine pulled her up with an extremely tough attitude, and then dragged her to the center of the room. Angela looked at him , Constantine looked very serious, he said:

“As I said before, I am also one of the twins, so I know that the devil will give the twins the same curse, and then choose one of the souls to take away when they are 27 years old.”

Then, he turned his head to look at Angela and said: “But there is another situation, if the soul they choose leaves early, that is to say, dies before reaching the age of 27… …”

“Then, the curse on him will be transferred to his brothers and sisters, that is to say, now, like me, you are the bearer of the double curse.”

“Then… what will happen then?” Angela asked with a sob.

Without Constantine answering, Angela had already seen it, and the walls of the entire room suddenly began to twist.

Countless black shadows climbed up along the base of the wall, cabinets, tables, and beds all began to shake, Constantine took out a Bible from his pocket, Angela took out a gun, and the two stood back to back in the room In the middle, Constantine roared in a low tone:

“Get ready! They’re coming!!”

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