In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group Chapter 554: Bad story (medium)

“The Days of Being a Spiritual Mentor in Meiman”

, the days when I was a spiritual mentor in Meiman

In another laboratory in Stark Tower, Peter was busy in front of the computer at the desk. Connors came over, glanced at his computer, and asked, “What are you doing?”

Peter tapped the keyboard quickly, line by line of code appeared on the screen, his concentration on work did not affect his language ability, he replied fluently:

“The enemy Ultron that Jarvis will deal with next should be a very powerful artificial intelligence. Mr. Stark has prepared a very complete body for Jarvis, but I think it can be safer.”

“What do you want to do?” Connors walked to the opposite experiment table and started working.

“Although it is important to improve Jarvis’s physical performance, we can also find ways to weaken his opponents. I got some information about Ultron from Dr. Pym, and I will see if I can make it A virus against him.”

“The idea is very good, but is the virus really useful for this level of artificial intelligence?” Connors asked while bowing his head while working.

“Ordinary viruses are definitely useless, so I’m working on a super virus, and it’s a virus that specifically targets super artificial intelligence.”

“It seems that you are not low in computer attainments. Do you want me to find someone to write a recommendation letter for you?” Dr. Conners asked with a smile.

“Ah, no, I’m just superficial, and most of it depends on the computing power provided by Jarvis.” Peter stared at the screen without blinking, and seemed to be reaching a critical stage.

Connors didn’t ask, but Peter said as if to organize his thoughts: “Besides, if you can find the location of Ultron first, you will have a strategic advantage. If you can hack into him If the system obtains information, the advantage will be even greater.”

“I’m making a tracking system to query the traces he may have left on the Internet, and by collecting these traces, he can find his path and monitor his location.”

Peter’s eyes reflected the light of the computer, but it was more like the light of his own wisdom bursting out from the inside out. Connors looked at Peter through the test tube rack on the laboratory bench.

He couldn’t remember when it started, he had rarely seen Spider-Man in a spider suit, but instead often saw Peter Parker in a shirt or sweater, sitting at that table and fiddling with the computer.

Now, whether it is Connors, S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Avengers, they no longer regard Spider-Man as a street hero in New York, and most of Spider-Man’s tasks are just to lead the group of people who have Mutants of the symbiote, familiar with the environment and exercise their abilities.

Steve and the others are unwilling to entrust Peter with an overly dangerous task, not because they don’t believe in his ability, or because they think he is too young to be competent, but because they want to protect a valuable researcher.

As time went by, Peter also reached the age of going to college, and his superhero career has also undergone a certain deviation. Instead of spending most of his time wandering around New York every day, on the contrary , he took on more technical work for the Avengers.

For example, in terms of tracking information and investigating network security, Nick once praised that Peter alone can be worth the entire network security department of S.H.I.E.L.D. The bugs, walkie-talkies, and monitors used in their investigations were basically improved and manufactured by Peter.

If this has brought about any change for Peter himself, it is that it made him realize that knowledge and technology are not just supplementary to power, on the contrary, sometimes they are the key to deciding the battle situation.

So, when facing the battle between Jarvis and Ultron, what Spider-Man did was not wandering all over New York looking for Ultron, but staying in the laboratory of Stark Tower to create an efficient higher method.

After about a few hours, Peter finally finished the program. At this time, it was already dark, and Connors had finished his work, and left the entire laboratory. Peter was the only one left here. one person.

At this time, a small robot came to Peter’s feet with a plate. Peter turned his head and said in surprise: “…Oh! This is my favorite pancake, right? Thank you You, Jarvis, you actually went to buy me takeaway!”

Jarvis made two beeps, the lights flickered twice, and then calm was restored.

Peter raised his head in doubt. He felt that Jarvis seemed to be very busy recently, so he didn’t reply to him very much. However, considering that he was going to deal with Ultron next, he might need some preparations, so Peter didn’t think too much about it. .

Peter took a big bite of the pancake. Suddenly, the computer screen in front of him lit up. It seemed that some program debugging was completed. Peter hurriedly threw the pancake aside, wiped his hands with a napkin, and returned to work. .

The screen began to flicker with light, and Peter’s focused eyes were brighter than the screen. Suddenly, he tapped the keyboard, and then said: “I found it!… Let me see, it really left a lot of traces. Is it the trajectory of his evolution?”

“His body seems to be moving all the time. Is this direction…New York? He first drove west from Los Angeles, then turned a big corner and headed to the east coast? His destination is New York?? He wants to do it Well?”

Peter’s expression became serious. He immediately picked up the phone and said to the other end: “Captain, I have inquired about the trajectory of the artificial intelligence called Ultron. His final destination should be New York.”

“I’ll call other people immediately to strengthen the security work.” Steve replied: “You continue to track, once he enters New York, you must tell us, we must intercept him, and we must not let him harm the people.”

After Peter agreed, he called the mutants with symbiotes again, and said, “Now we need to urgently increase monitoring equipment, especially at the intersections entering New York, can I trouble you to come here? I will hand over the monitoring equipment to you.”

Soon, several symbiotes came to the glass curtain wall of the Stark Building, Peter shouted: “Jarvis! Open the glass…Jarvis! Are you there?!”

This time, Jarvis responded a long time later, but finally opened the glass. After a few symbiotes entered, they immediately asked Peter: “What’s going on? The machine is out of control?”

“It’s just that an artificial intelligence is out of control. We have tracked his location and just need to stop him.”

Lan Ling, the leader, said with a serious expression: “I have seen many civilizations destroyed due to out-of-control machinery. Some of them are more advanced than humans, but…”

Lan Ling shook his head, looking a little sad, as if remembering some tragedies, Green Thorn sighed, and said: “There are many carbon-based biological civilizations that depend on robots, all of which were destroyed by these crises.”

“Why? Don’t they control the bots?”

“No, on the contrary, they put too many rules and regulations on the robot, and these low-level commands are not allowed to be modified.”

“The intention of these commands is good, but the underlying logic followed by the robot will make them rigidly follow these commands, while at the same time achieving the highest efficiency.”

“For example, I have seen a civilization. The bottom-level order they set for their machine butlers is to ensure the safety of the owner. But in the end, all the machine butlers rioted together and built a huge Fengchao cage, and then locked everyone on the entire planet in.”

“Every grid on it is completely sealed, oxygen and food will be supplied regularly, and there will be no external danger, because the entire planet has been emptied by the machine steward.”

“In this way, they did achieve the order of ensuring the safety of the owner in the bottom order, and at the same time achieved the highest efficiency, but in the end, you should also be able to imagine that this civilization was destroyed.”

Peter sat on the chair, shook his head, and said: “Mr. Stark’s understanding of intelligent life is different. What he needs is not a universal tool, but a partner and friend with feelings…”

Ling Ling went on to say: “This is very rare. Generally, civilizations create machines and smart housekeepers to improve efficiency. They only need to be easy to use, and they don’t need to have personality and emotions. Another way, you are creating another real life.”

“Do you think this is right?” Peter asked looking up.

“I don’t know, human beings are a magical race. It is a good thing and a bad thing that you take emotions so seriously.”

Several symbionts took the box containing the parts from Peter. Before leaving, Jarvis made two beeps, as if saying goodbye to them.

At this moment, Peter’s computer screen turned on again. He turned back and continued to fiddle with it. Soon, his eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: “I caught it! I should be able to hack into his system along here …”

The sound of crackling keyboards was like the sound of rain coming from the window, and the screen kept flickering, but Peter’s brows became tighter and tighter, and he said to himself: “What’s going on? Why can’t it be invaded?…for another try this way.”

“Huh? Why can’t it work? It seems that I have to use my trump card!”

“What’s going on??? How does he seem to be able to predict my actions??? Defenses are all targeted… No, it’s unlikely, try again!”

“My God!” Peter looked at the screen solemnly, picked up his mobile phone and called Stark, and said, “Mr. Stark, I think we should re-evaluate that artificial intelligence named Ultron. The ability of…”

“Just now, I followed the tail he left on the network and found a way to invade his system, but I changed more than 20 intrusion methods, all of which were cracked by him, and his cracking was very targeted. Sexual, as if I had a premonition of what I would do…”

“He may be a very dangerous artificial intelligence! Extremely dangerous!” Peter emphasized his tone, repeated the word several times, and finally said: “I sent you the record just now, and you will know it after reading it. “

As he spoke, he tapped on the keyboard, and in Stark’s laboratory upstairs, the computer screen lit up Stark put down the phone, turned around and walked back to the desk, looking at the computer screen above him Data, Stark also frowned, his face became dignified.

As Peter said, Ultron seemed to know what Peter would do. All defenses were targeted, and Peter’s invasion had no effect.

Stark felt anxious again. He put his elbows on the table and covered his forehead. After hesitating for a long time, he still called Luo Ji and said, “Luo Ji, I may need your help… …”

“What’s the matter?” Luo Ji picked up the phone and looked back at Frigg, who smiled at her, Luo Ji turned and walked out the door, still holding half of the unfinished wreath.

“My steward may face a dangerous and difficult battle next time. I hope you can help me in the battle. If there is any danger, you must save him. I owe you a favor.” Tucker seemed very unaccustomed to speaking like this, and he was stumbling.

“I’m too out of touch to say that, Tony.” Luo Ji said with a smile: “With our relationship, there is no need to talk about this. When will they start fighting? I’ll get Thor’s hammer. Watch, if it’s not right, I’ll hit him with lightning.”

“Probably… According to Peter’s tracking data, he will arrive in New York in about four hours, and a war will inevitably occur…”

After hanging up the phone, as if to soothe Stark’s mood, the lights in the laboratory lighted up slightly, and a melodious piano piece played.

Stark showed a wry smile, just like a parent who has been comforted by a childish child but knows that this will not solve any real problems, but then Jarvis’ voice came:

“Sir, I have a plan…”

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