In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group Chapter 544: The solar system is in dire straits (Part 1)

“The Days of Being a Spiritual Mentor in Meiman”

, the days when I was a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Luo Ji, once the second prince of Asgard, and now the eldest princess, is a real-name fraudster, but can always deceive people.

It’s hard for you to imagine that someone will be deceived by a person who is known as the God of Deceit. He has already written that he can deceive people in his name, but someone will still be fooled.

Perhaps, this is exactly what Luo Ji is selecting her target customer group. Anyone who hears about his name and achievements will greet him, most of them are stupid and easy to cheat. The Chitauri are no exception.

The Chitauri are a very magical civilization. Their planetary orbits are not stable, and their home planet is in perpetual freezing. But at the same time, they are very irritable. They like to catch people from other planets and throw them into their planets. in the arena.

When these gladiators are killed, the spurted blood will be frozen in the air immediately, and the Chitauri will pick these bright red snowflakes and feed them to their children, thus cultivating them to be extremely martial, Brutal and **** character.

The Chitauri Empire is not a civilization that developed entirely on its own. The reason for their explosive technological growth is that a more advanced spaceship crashed on their home planet, and many technologies were deciphered from it. After that, they stole spaceships from many other civilizations, assembled them into their own spaceships, and finally created the Will-class battleship.

However, Leviathan, the strongest battleship among the will-class battleships, was actually transformed by a magical creature called a space shark.

That is to say, to a certain extent, Luo Ji tricked the Chitauri people to the earth to fill this bottomless pit. In fact, it was black and white, because the Chitauri people are famous thieves and liars in the universe.

Originally, Luo Ji’s idea was very good. The Chitauri’s own warships were patchwork, and many of the stitching techniques were very useful for the current technology of the earth.

They specialize in dismantling other people’s warships, and then reassemble them. They can be called the tailors of warships in the universe. Now, humans have the frigates of the Cree in their hands, and they will probably get them in the future. More warships of other civilizations, this time, this technology can come in handy.

Where can we find such a good thing as being able to train soldiers for the earth and provide technology to the earth at the same time?

Luo Ji imagined that there might be many problems in the second target, maybe the dismantled technology could not be used directly, maybe these technologies did not match the technological route of human beings, but he never thought that the first target would be Can’t make it.

After discovering that human civilization may need a harder whetstone, Luo Ji turned her idea to another stupid and rich dog in the universe.

Dark elves are a race living in the Nine Realms, that is to say, like the frost giants, they once accepted the rule of Odin, but the difference is that the dark elves hate Odin more than the frost giants.

Their leader, Malekith, is an extreme racist. He has a very great ideal, that is to kill Odin, rule the Nine Kingdoms, and then let this place fall into eternal night and become the kingdom of the dark elves. paradise.

Why do you say that others are stupid and rich? In fact, it was because his hatred for Odin had overwhelmed most of his rationality, and the best way to fool him was to scold Odin with him.

Luo Ji is very good at scolding Odin. After putting layers of magic protection on the place where she speaks to ensure that her voice will never be heard outside, Luo Ji and Malekith Sprayed Odin together for more than two hours.

After these two hours, Malekith almost wanted to introduce Rocky as his confidante.

In his opinion, a downcast princess who has been persecuted and persecuted is simply the perfect queen candidate. It would be even better if she could open a way for him to attack Asgard and kill Odin. up.

As a former male, Luo Ji is very familiar with the look in Malekith’s eyes, and the same sentence, no smart person would think that a fool’s praise for him is very pleasant.

It can be said that if it was Stark who showed this kind of look, Luo Ji would be arrogant on the surface, but she was still happy in her heart. It was the idiot of idiots, and Loki felt nothing but nausea.

Trying to suppress her disgust, Luo Ji crossed her arms, raised her chin high, and said to Malekith, “I know, you want to attack Asgard right now and cut off Odin’s sword!” First level, however, since my defection, my brother Thor has been on the alert, and the fifty-five fleets of Asgard have surrounded that dimension.”

“I know that the Dark Elf’s Blackthorn battleship is very powerful, but it is absolutely no match for Asgard’s Rainbow Bridge. Moreover, if we attack head-on, although I can block Thor’s attack, I will definitely not be able to deal with it alone Thor and Odin, that is to say, you must face Odin…”

“No.” Malekith refused very simply, and the momentum of scolding Odin before was completely gone.

In the universe, the leaders of most forces will instinctively shudder when they hear the words “face Odin directly”.

The great reputation of the father of the gods is not uttered by words. The heads he beheaded one after another are still hanging in the sky above the Asgard arena. No one wants to do it. Next.

As if to cover up his awkward embarrassment, Malekith coughed twice, and then continued: “I also think that a frontal attack is not a good idea. We can definitely adopt a more subtle tactic…”

At this time, Luo Ji sighed and said: “Actually, before I came to contact you, I have already found many more powerful teammates. You should know the Cree people, right? I persuaded them to send their frigate , and at the same time, there are more fleets waiting on the edge of the Nine Kingdoms, waiting for an order to attack Asgard together.”

“But before that, we have to make some preparations, and what you need to do is to attack the earth.”

“Earth? Why attack the earth? Isn’t it a very remote place?” Malekith asked.

“How long has it been since you left your country? Haven’t you heard anything about major events in the Nine Realms?” Luo Ji asked with some dissatisfaction.

But this just hit Malekith’s heartache.

The dark elves are the original race of Walter Alheim in the Nine Great Kingdoms. This is a dark world. Therefore, the dark elves evolved here have a natural affinity for the night, but on the contrary, they have a certain affinity for the light. Fear, it is very inconvenient to move in places that are not the dark world.

Because of this, Malekith couldn’t often run out of this world, so he could only be forced to stay at home.

However, they also have a way to deal with this situation. The dark elves have a special talent. When they form a magic circle, they can temporarily turn a space into an eternal night without light.

It’s just that this kind of magic circle is quite expensive and requires their warships to form a fleet, so they won’t use it easily.

Luo Ji sighed, as if feeling very disappointed, and Malekith’s heart was also tugged. He heard Luo Ji sigh and said: “Before, Thor was exiled to the earth by Odin. I met a group of superhero friends there.”

“Thor, you should also know that he values ​​​​brotherhood very much. If we can catch these superheroes and use them to threaten Thor, then most of his energy will be restrained when attacking, so as to obtain advantage.”

“In this way, on the frontal battlefield, we no longer have to face Odin and his son, and the road to attack will be smoother.”

Malekis suddenly realized, and he praised: “As expected of the **** of deceit, I will send people to investigate near the earth…”

“No, you can’t send a reconnaissance team over there, but you should directly suppress the border with an army.”

“Why is this? I heard that people on Earth are very weak, and even the wind of the lowest level of spells and magic can blow them to death.”

Luo Ji showed a look of disdain again, and said: “Don’t you know that Gu Yi, the supreme mage who has made friends with Odin? Don’t you know that Kama Taj is the power of the earth?”

“Moreover, those superheroes must have Thor’s contact information. Once they find your detective team and file a complaint with him, we will be exposed.”

“So, you have to conquer the earth directly before they react. For this reason, you’d better deploy all your blackthorn warships.”

Luo Ji also knows the truth of giving a stick to a sweet date. She lowered her head slightly, looked at Malekith and said, “I admit that your warships are very powerful when they form a fleet, and they can be used against humans.” It’s a bit of a waste, but I have to make sure my strategy is foolproof.”

When Luo Ji said this, the powerful aura from the ruler shone all over her body.

I have to say that Odin is more attentive in raising his two children. Although Luo Ji feels that her father is eccentric every day, in fact, the hardware conditions have never been inferior to Luo Ji. Doted on by Frigga, the prince of Asgard has been dignified since he was a child.

Asgard’s royal family is orthodox in the Nine Realms. In contrast, the Heim where Malekith is located is a fief if it is exhausted, and it still has no geographical advantages, and it may not be possible for thousands of years. The wasteland where outsiders come,

To put it simply, the stupid son of an inexperienced landlord’s family met a real princess, and Luo Ji didn’t even need to go fishing on purpose, he was already fascinated and dizzy.

Therefore, Malekith waved his hand and said, “That’s it! I will lead the team myself!”

“Then, to deal with the supreme mage and Kama Taj…”

“I transferred three elite wizard squads, plus 28 warships to **** them…”

Locke finally showed his first smile since seeing Malekith, and Malekith could hardly move his eyes. He heard Rocky say:

“Since this is the case, the dark elves will definitely be able to show their glory before the earth, and our counterattack plan will definitely… be successful.”

In the sky above the earth, the gorgeous magical fireworks have not yet finished. The archmages of Kama Taj have not encountered such a suitable opponent for a long time.

Strange also explained it, so he treated this as an actual combat exercise, and let him fight casually.

Because the opponents on the other side are also their own people, obviously they won’t lose the loot. Strange was a little worried that the archmage would lose motivation because of this, but when he didn’t expect, this group of mages were more active than anyone else.

Opportunities for actual combat exercises are very precious to them. When Gu Yi was here, there was no such good thing. No matter what demon **** came, Gu Yi would punch one by one. When the great mages arrived, the corpses would be cold Too bad, they don’t have a share at all.

This time, I can finally have a good can’t wait for the magic and treasures to come out together.

And Schiller is not to be outdone. Although the Moonlight Killer and the Yellow Lantern Man do not have such cool special effects, they are not limited to various spells, and there are more ways to use energy. Moreover, Kong Su’s power There is no need to read the bar and the energy of the yellow light, and because of this, it is possible to fight back and forth with all the mages of Kama Taj.

When the fierce battle was in full swing, there was a sudden sound of horns near the battlefield, both sides were stunned, and then turned their heads to look around.

“What is it?” The Mage King took the lead in looking at the universe space on the dark side of the earth at this time, where a huge warship slowly sailed out.

Walter alheim, where the dark elves are located, is also within the Nine Realms, but it is different from the earth’s dimension, and does not need a portal, only a cross-latitude jump is required. Therefore, there is no prelude to the portal, and the fleet It has already sailed near the earth.

Ordinary people in New York, when they heard the horn, instinctively looked up, and many even took out their binoculars, just to see what was wrong this time.

But who knows, as the team drove out, the entire space around the earth fell into darkness, even New York, which had just arrived at dawn, returned to darkness, not only that, even the heat from the sun disappeared , everything fell into the eternal night and freezing without sunlight.

Seeing this situation, Stark in the control room slapped the panel vigorously, and shouted at the communicator connected to Strange’s phone:

“Take them down!

! “


“The hood for Mercury is here!

! “

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