In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group Chapter 262: No bat event (middle)

“The Days of Being a Spiritual Mentor in Meiman”

, the days when I was a spiritual mentor in Meiman

The rain in Gotham has been falling, and the “rumbling” thunder outside the window has also been incessant. The moist and cool air pours in through the cracks in the window, and the already cold coffee reflects the brilliance of lightning.

Hugo took off his glasses, rubbed the space between his brows, and straightened up from his desk. He glanced at the materials at hand and the cold coffee and thought, he is really not suitable for staying up late and working overtime, he always falls asleep with.

At this time. He heard a familiar voice echoing in the room: “Hugo woke up in the office again, the coffee he made for himself at noon was completely cold, but it doesn’t matter, if he drinks this cup of coffee, he can watch There is a key hidden at the bottom of the cup, which door does this key open?”

Hugo slowly reached out to the cup of coffee, then picked up the coffee and poured it into his mouth. The cold coffee was not tasty, Hugo frowned, and then he felt his lips touch a metal Item, that’s a key.

A key, where door will it open?

Hugo shook his head and searched around the desk. He found that there was only a drawer with a lock in the cabinet on his right. He inserted the key in it, and then turned it to the right, and the drawer opened.

The voice sounded again: “Oh, it seems that this is the key to open the drawer of the office cabinet! Hugo is so smart!”

“Hugo opened the drawer and found a schedule inside. It said that he would arrive at Ward 302 at 9:20 for rounds…”

“Hugo is a conscientious doctor, he hopes not to miss the time of ward rounds, but where is room 302?”

Hugo opened the drawer, opened a piece of paper in the drawer, and there was a line written on it: “Go to room 302 for rounds at 9:20.”

Hugo glanced back, the weather outside the window, the voice sounded again: “Hugo looked out the window, and found that it was rainy outside, he can’t judge the current time by the sky outside the window, it seems, The problem he faces now is that he has to find a watch…”

Hugo turned his head, then looked down at his wrist, and the voice said again: “Hugo suddenly remembered that he was wearing a watch on his wrist.”

So a watch appeared on Hugo’s wrist, and the time on it was 9:17, and the voice continued: “Oops! It’s too late! It seems that he only has 3 minutes to go to room 302, Hugo I know, hurry up!”

Hugo walked out of his desk quickly, and then walked to the door. He twisted the doorknob, but found that it couldn’t be opened. The voice said again: “There is no doubt that this is another door that needs a key. , Hugo needs to find the key.”

Just when Hugo started rummaging around the room anxiously for the keys, the voice kept saying in his ear: “This is actually very strange. Isn’t it? This is not a game, why every Do you need a corresponding key for every door?”

“To be honest, I really hate those games where you have to solve puzzles in two steps. It’s a complete waste of my life. Why don’t we take a quicker way, for example, just kick the door open, how about it?”

“Don’t worry, you are just in a hurry to go to the ward round for the sake of the patient. It is very late now, and my colleagues are off work. No one will see…”

Hugo stopped what he was doing, and then looked at the door. It was just a wooden door. In Hugo’s sight, the door panel of the wooden door began to age rapidly and became crumbling, so he also felt that instead of Instead of struggling to find the key, it’s better to just kick the door open.

He walked to the door, raised his foot, and kicked hard. The moment his foot was about to touch the door, the door turned into a huge red button. In the entire room, countless alarms The lights began to flicker wildly, and the sirens sounded shrill and piercing.

When Hugo kicked the button and the button was pressed, the wall paper of the room fell off, and there were all kinds of bombs inside. Amidst the violent explosion, Hugo was blown to pieces.

And the last picture he saw before he died was himself standing outside the door with a nasty smile.

Seeing that Hugo returned to the first floor again, Victor asked: “This should be another special area, right?”

“Yes, I call it between self-control.”

“What is that voice that has been misleading Hugo?”

“His name is ‘Temptation’.”

Under the puzzled eyes of several other people, Schiller began to explain again: “We live in a society, and we inevitably need to abide by the rules, but following the rules is not an easy task. People often face many problems. Temptation.”

“He will lie, make false appearances, and induce people to break the rules step by step. Hugo’s temptation is already very small. That button…”

“When I went there, he was not so gentle with me. Hundreds of layers of chains are commonplace.”

“Then how do you get out from here? Since you said that temptation can set infinite traps and use various methods to lure you into the bait, how can you break through this floor?”

“Actually, there are many methods. Although temptation will create illusions and traps, there are always flaws in it. It is difficult for me to explain the specific methods to you, but there is still a correct example…”

“It’s still the stair-climbing lunatic from last time. He sat in the same place after entering this floor, and then kept chatting with the temptation until he went crazy, and the temptation went to the upper floor to complain, crying and shouting. So he passed.”

Schiller turned his head to Jack again, but Jack still ignored him.

“Okay, but now, Hugo seems to have returned to the first floor, what should I do this time?”

Schiller sighed, although Victor didn’t know how the globe should sigh, but he still heard the sound of Schiller sighing, and he heard Schiller go on to say: “Honestly, he let me down a bit… …or is it that the performance of that lunatic has infinitely raised my expectations for the passer?”

“Forget it, let me tell the elevator operator and let him teleport Hugo to a higher floor.”

The downpour gradually weakened and turned into a fine and cold drizzle. The dense rain lines fell from the evening light, like gold dust falling from the sky.

When Hugo woke up, he found himself tied to a chair, and then he saw a strange-looking person walking over.

His head is a cylinder, his body is square, his arms and legs are also square, and a black cloak hangs behind him.

He stretched out a hand and pointed to the front, and Hugo saw that his hand was a capital “c” shape, connected with his arm like a wrench, he stretched out his hand, pointed behind Hugo and said: ” Let go of him! Clown! Otherwise I will make you look good!”

Hugo tried to look back, and found that there was a person of similar shape standing behind him, but wearing a purple suit and a clown’s makeup on his face. The clown also stretched out his c-hand and said: “Batman !It’s time to make a choice, you…”

At this point, with a “snap”, the whole world went out, Hugo was thrown back to the first floor, Victor in the auditorium stood up and said: “Wait! What’s going on? How come everyone here is a building block? Where is this?”

Victor saw that Schiller was closing the curtain in a hurry, and he said guiltyly: “This is a floor that cannot be named, so please don’t ask carefully…”

Victor thought for a while, and said with a joking smile: “…I never thought you would be so childlike, wouldn’t you hide in your room and play role-playing with building blocks?”

“I don’t, don’t talk nonsense, if you want to play me, you won’t play them…”

Jack woke up at this moment, he narrowed his eyes, then looked up, showing a gloating smile.

Following his line of sight, he went straight up, passed through the layers of floors, his vision continued to rise, and finally stopped in a somewhat dim projection room.

There are two sofas in the projection room, on which sit two figures, one in black and one in white. The white figure is wearing a white coat, and the black figure is wearing a black trench coat. These two figures are Schiller.

Wearing a white coat, Marvel Schiller exhaled and said: “It’s dangerous, if you continue to play, not only the black history will be discovered, but also the copyright issue…”

Afterwards, he looked at DC Schiller next to him, smiled and said, “But it’s okay, it’s your dark history anyway.”

“You are a stereotype, why can’t adults put together blocks?”

“But you are living in Gotham City, and you are still building blocks in the DC world in your head, and then you are playing role-playing with the block figures, isn’t it a bit strange?”

“Even if the floor is not counted this time, Hugo should be stimulated to the limit, right?” DC Schiller changed the subject.

“According to our previous speculation, when he completely believes in this and reaches a certain level of firmness, he can use his obsession to pry open the channel of deep consciousness.” He continued.

“In theory, this is true, but whether our plan will be successful is not certain.” Marvel Schiller said.

“The last floor is not counted, so we have to find another floor, which one do you think is better?”

“Let him go to the 190th floor where that lunatic has been trapped for a long time…”

When Hugo woke up he found himself in a vast white space, and in front of him, there was a dancing apple.

This apple has grown hands and feet like in the comics, made of thin black lines, and is dancing ballet.

He just looked at this apple dancing, and everyone in the audience watched him watching this apple dancing. Evans yawned and asked, “What the **** is this place? Apple dancing?”

“Here…” Schiller also yawned. Victor couldn’t see how a globe yawned at all, but he heard Schiller yawning.

“This is the Boring Square, just like the literal meaning, the theme here is boredom, and the most boring thing you think will be gathered here. It seems that the most boring thing Dr. Hugo thinks is watching apples dancing. “

“Then how did the level breaker you mentioned earlier break through this level?”

“Actually, he hasn’t broken through this level yet.”

“Then can we see his current situation? Can you switch the stage? I’m still curious.”

Schiller stood up, and Victor thought he was going to go to the side of the stage to change the stage. Who knows, but he walked up to Jack, pointed to Jack and said, “This is his current situation.”

Jack closed one eye, opened the other slightly, glanced at Schiller, then closed that eye again.

Schiller explains: “A crazy guy who’s bored out of his mind because Batman isn’t in Gotham.”

“Crazy madman?”

“That’s right, according to the negative-negative-positive-positive theory, we call this kind of person—a normal person.”


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