Immortal Voices Chapter 771: Bonus, the fastest update of the latest chapters!

Divine Emperor Ning’s red eyes wanted to take out a weapon from the storage space to stab Rong Xian to death, this Gou Ri was simply deceiving people too much.

Emperor Ying Ping hurriedly stepped forward to hold people back: “Don’t be impulsive, bear with it…”

“Ninyi Ren, the more I think about it, the more I lose, the more I take a step back, the more I want to get angry~” The temptation of the slightly upward tone is very tempting.

But to the gods Ning Emperor and Ying Ping Emperor, it sounds very annoying.

The **** Ningdi roared: “Just as her virtue, when will you let me bear it?”

Emperor Ying Ping has a sullen face, and he doesn’t want to bear it.

In fact, the aura in his hand is just about to move.

But no, you can’t do it.

The defeat of the two countries is a foregone conclusion. They need to protect themselves and their confidantes to have a chance to make a comeback.

They are all monarchs who control the desire for power, who can’t have anything to do with them.

Of course, Rong Xian didn’t even think about killing them all.

What they step on under their feet are all karma given by heaven.

The career position is still there, it really takes a lot of effort to kill these two people.

She is most afraid of trouble.

But some people like to step on the bottom line.

“Anyway, my country is almost gone, and I can make a profit if I can kill Emperor Xu.” Since Emperor Ning knew that he would die sooner or later when he was on the blacklist of the Heavenly Dao, he felt a sense of being broken.

Emperor Ying Ping said sadly: “My country is almost gone, but I still have to think about my children and grandchildren, and can’t be impulsive, otherwise Emperor Xu will not let me go.”

Rong Xian, who was standing on the side, was unhappy: “Hey, she, who is called Emperor Xu, is still standing here.”

She looked at the two with complicated expressions and said: “I think you are not losing your mind, you are losing your mind.”

Otherwise, how dare to stage a show in front of her #我想杀你but I have to endure#, #I am a subject with a hardship and will forgive me for not coexisting with the country#. #等有機了再来杀煦帝# This is an indescribable drama.

Worried that she didn’t die fast enough or thought she wouldn’t kill them.

Rong Xian originally thought it was troublesome to kill them.

If they were really dead, those subjects of Jiang and Zhao would not do it.

The greatest possibility is to die for the country, just like the performance of the people of Rongguo after the collapse of the sword emperor.

For Rong Guo, Emperor Yingping and Emperor Ning were invaders and careerists who couldn’t get worse.

But in their country, they are deeply loved by their subjects.

At that time, those people who will die for the country will definitely let Rong Guo understand what a mourning soldier must win.

Of course, what must be won is not necessarily won.

The point is how much Rongguo’s soldiers will sacrifice in vain in this process.

But Rong Xian was unhappy seeing the unscrupulous appearance of these two people.

She hasn’t been so shameless after winning the battle.

Since she’s upset, it’s normal to change her mind casually.

Is she a woman?

Accuracy is her innate talent.

So Rong Xian shot the two kings without warning.

The two who were caught off guard were beaten:! !

“Emperor Xu, are you crazy? You dare to attack us?” Emperor Ying Ping roared, “Xia Xia Zi will not let you go.”

Rong Xian rolled his eyes, showing no respect for Xia Zi: “He didn’t stop you when you acted on me, and he can’t come out to stop me when it’s my turn.”

She made a faint statement: “Since you choose to be superior and not to end, then be fair and just without interference. After all, we are just winners and losers.”

Of course, Rong Xian is not afraid of Xia Zi’s move. Once he makes a move, don’t blame her for pulling him off the altar.

Even if she is not so powerful, there are ways to deal with someone.

Rong Xian’s expression was calm, and she didn’t show any thoughts in her mind.

No one knew that she was planning to frantically persecute her boss.

It can be said to be very hardcore.

The golden sword of merit in Rong Xian’s hand was cut with a single sword, and he was the first to kill the **** Ning Emperor.

The heaven and earth karma at the feet of Emperor Shen Ning flashed, as if preparing to draw Jiang Guoxuan to save people.

But the speed was quite slow, as if waiting for Rong Xian to stop.

Rong Xian, who was persecuting Emperor Ying Ping, glanced sideways in surprise at Tiandi Karma, and hurriedly urged: “Hurry up, I have taken the luck of the country so that Emperor Ning will come back to life. I can’t wait to kill him again.” /

More importantly, Jiang Guo is almost finished.

Take another lucky draw to resurrect the **** Ning Emperor, I am afraid that the last chance to rise from the mountain will be gone.

I don’t know if it is Rong Xian’s illusion, she feels that the world’s karma seems to be stagnant.

Rong Xian’s expression suddenly changed, “You don’t want to change your mind, do you?”

She stabbed Emperor Ying Ping with a sword, and dragged the person on the sword to the heaven and earth karma position, and said in a negative test: “This heaven and earth karma position looks useless, why not divide the body?”

Tiandi industry position:! !

It seems that he understood what Rong Xian said, the world’s karma status flickered again, and slowly began to draw Jiang Guoqi luck.

Jiang Guo is almost crippled by Rong Guo, and the remaining air is not much. The difficulty of the extraction has increased, which makes the world industry look a bit #负极误工#.

A sword and a sword stabbed Emperor Ying Ping’s Rong Xian’s eyes, the arc of her mouth rising cold and impatient.

She chopped Emperor Ying Ping into two at random, poked at the Heaven and Earth Karma position with the sword body, and said dissatisfied: “Hurry up, just your sloppy critics, what kind of Heaven and Earth Karma position? Niezhang is almost the same.”

Heaven and Earth’s position suddenly felt irritated, shaking frantically.

But in an instant, the power of Jiang Guoqi luck was extracted.

Over the Jiang Kingdom’s imperial city, the originally vigorous sea of ​​fortune was clean, and there was not a trace of excess fortune left. The golden dragon of fortune wrapped around the pillar wailed, turning into dots of fortune and the golden light dissipated. .

The Jiang country’s subjects who saw this scene turned black, and they only felt unprecedented despair.

The exhaustion of Qi Luck is not left, Jiang Guo-died.

At the same time, the waiter’s nervous shout came from outside the imperial city.

“His Royal Highness, Rong Guo’s army has entered.”

Prince Zhao’s face changed, and he asked in a panic: “Where is General Luo?”

“General Luo has already surrendered to the enemy.”

After listening to the waiter’s response, Prince Zhao wanted to faint.

General Luo is the leader of the Forbidden Army guarding the imperial city. He has all voted into the enemy, and the imperial city is definitely not able to be kept.

After the forcible extraction of luck, the support of the Jiang Guoren who was backlashed by the people disappeared, and the pillars that made them proud no longer exist.

A large number of people surrendered directly. The more extreme ones became kings, and the more extreme ones went directly to the demons and took office.

Of course, these were suppressed by Rong Guo’s army.

The mourning soldiers that Rong Xian had envisioned were sure to win but none of them appeared.

Rong Xian, who followed Bai Muchen and others through the power of air, saw all these eyes suddenly bright, she casually chopped down the half-resurrected God Ning Emperor, and released her own heaven and earth karma.

Rong Xian’s heaven and earth karma was rarely released. After being released for the first time, he went directly to the karma of Emperor Ning, and was brutally covered and swallowed.

And Rong Xian cast a shining gaze on Emperor Yingping, who was left with a sigh of relief by the resurrection of the world’s karma. In her eyes, Emperor Yingping at this moment was a brilliant military exploit.

Of course this is not to say that Rong Xian covets military merit, she wants it to be useless.

Is it possible that Xia Zi can give her rewards if she is defeated?

It is estimated that Xia Zi would like to kill her directly.

Mainly military merit represents victory, and her subjects will get this victory with even smaller sacrifices.

How can this not make Rong Xian happy.

She pulled her sleeves, pretended to wipe away her tears, and pretended to say: “Emperor Yingping, your heaven and earth karma looks delicious, and my heaven and earth karma are all hungry. In order to appease it, I can only hurt my friend with tears, but you can rest assured that I will not forget your sacrifice.”

Before the voice was over, she slashed it straight up.

Emperor Yingping, who was forced to sacrifice and sacrifice, was struck to death again with a decisive sword, and Heaven and Earth’s karma instinctively extracted his luck to resurrect him.

Then the world’s karma suddenly stagnated.

The corner facing Rong Xian flickered crazily, as if she had been greatly frightened.

After a while, Rong Xian’s heaven and earth karma had completely swallowed the karma of Emperor Ning, and then moved towards the karma of Emperor Yingping at a rapid speed.

“Stop.” Rong Xian ordered with a cold face.

Heaven and Earth Karma suddenly stopped, and returned to circle Rong Xian constantly. Even different species of irritability can be sensed.

Rong Xian didn’t bother to pay attention to it, but eagerly urged Emperor Yingping’s world position: “Quickly, Zhao Guo still has a lot of luck, don’t waste it.”

Seeing that the world’s industry position is dwindling, Rong Xian raised her eyebrows and said pretendingly: “You don’t have to hurry up! Didn’t you see that Zhao Huang was all injured? It hurts.” /

This is as if the injuries on Emperor Ying Ping’s body have nothing to do with her.

Emperor Ying Ping only felt that his scalp was numb. Emperor Xu is a wolf ambition.

I want to kill him a few more times, so that the world position will drain Zhao Guo’s luck.

It can make him refuse the help of Tiandi Karma, but he can’t do it.

Knowing that he will be killed by Rong Xian in the end, I would rather Zhao Guo’s fortune be exhausted and never rise again, but he still has a fluke mentality.

After all, he is still a person who would rather me take the world down.

After the heaven and earth industry took a long time to extract the luck, he returned to the future and restored Emperor Ying Ping, and Emperor Ying Ping was stabbed to death with a sword.

Tiandi Karma: It seems that this little luck is not enough for him to resurrect, and he has to smoke again.

In the end, Emperor Ying Ping never escaped a death, and the heaven and earth industry was swallowed up without any accident.

Rong Xian stood hanging on the void, his eyes fell on the world’s karma position at this time.

The world karma that swallowed the two kings is like a circle, with a corner missing.

The missing corner is the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

After this corner is filled, the position of heaven and earth will be considered complete.

A complete world industry position.

Rong Xian took a deep look at the direction of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. If there were no special circumstances, she would not have been able to fight the female emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

After all, the Eastern Jin Dynasty helped Rong Guo a lot in this matter, and he hasn’t gotten into trouble.

If Rong Guo takes the lead, this unethical dispatch of troops will not hold water.

Forget it, the immortal country is like this, there are people from Confucianism, if #师出无名#, they would not agree.

She lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, as if she had an idea, the smile on her face became brighter.

Rong Xian looked down at the Red Sea Battlefield, when Liu Yuanchen’s army was ‘cleaning the battlefield’.

Well, search the dead soldiers.

The items found out of the enemy’s body are privately owned, and the items found out by one’s own are registered in the register and handed back to the funeral and mourning soldiers.

After cleaning the battlefield, Rong Xian saw that the army was preparing to send the body of his own person to the Red Sea for burial.

The enemy’s corpses are burned on the spot to prevent the corpses from changing due to the killing of the battlefield, and then create something incredible.

Above the clouds, Rong Xian gathered his sleeves, his golden eyes swept over the restless remnants, and smiled softly: “The way of heaven is incomplete, and I have to work harder for those who can.” /

The sky is speechless, who actually taught the term Zai Zai? Why does it always sound awkward.

Rong Xian didn’t know that it was slandering herself in her belly. With a move of her mind, the golden sword of merit in her hand disintegrated instantly, and the strands of merit entered the body of those remnants.

Regardless of friends or foes, there is no standpoint after death.

Rong Xian is not so careful about this.

She held her palm, and all the souls that still existed turned into small **** of light and fell into her hands.

Rong Xian took out a special small bottle and filled these light **** into it, and threw the small bottle into the small sword space.

The former magic palace is now in the underworld.

The same boat sitting in the main seat with closed eyes and resting suddenly opened his eyes.

With a movement of his consciousness, he took out the small bottle from the small sword space, and the thunder mark on his eyebrows flickered and turned into the eyes of the small heaven.

This was transformed by the power of heaven that Rong Xian boldly intercepted during the ceremony.

The eyes of the Little Heaven’s Path evolve rapidly, and a series of mysterious and mysterious powers envelop the entire underworld with the same boat as the center.

I don’t know how long it has passed, it may be a moment, it may be thousands of years.

A **** hole was opened above the underworld.

The weird power in the big hole kept spinning, and any sense of mind that entered was wiped out.

The consciousness of the same boat is also different, and it is completely impossible to explore the root cause.

He didn’t stubbornly want to find out. Instead, he opened the small bottle and sent the souls into the black hole.

This black hole is a simple way of reincarnation.

The law of reincarnation comprehended by Rong Xian, the rules of the law of heaven and the law of heaven, and the shadow of the underworld are combined with the right time and place.

Of course, it was the souls of millions of soldiers who died on the battlefield collected by Rong Xian that stimulated its birth.

Who makes the Central Thousand Realms incomplete, not even a reincarnation?

Seeing those souls enter the cycle of reincarnation, the same boat raised their heads.

Something felt in the dark, and Heavenly Dao sent merits to him.

Xianle flutters, the spiritual aura of heaven and earth is more pure.

The physique of babies born after this is better than the previous ones.

Drips of drizzle fell, washing away the dirt in the world, and even the hostility on the Red Sea battlefield was much less.

Even with dead trees in spring, a piece of greenery spreads out on the bare battlefield.

The gift of heaven!

All the monks who noticed this were all overjoyed, bathing in the drizzle with all their hearts.

Try to understand the power of the law and improve your own strength.

Only Rong Xian stood in the clouds, staring at the battlefield and wondering what she was thinking.

After a while, her eyes were silent, and she plunged into the red sea.

The sea water divides a avenue from it, allowing Rong Xian to walk through it calmly.

Standing in the depths of the Red Sea, Rong Xian’s powerful sword aura poured out unscrupulously.

The strands of sword energy dug holes in the seabed, each of which is large enough to lie down alone.

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