Immortal Martial God Chapter 2222: One knife, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Eternal Warlord!

Na Luosheng licked the blood from the knife edge, but he could see that there was a look of excitement on his face.

He twisted his neck and immediately rushed to the female swordsman.

He said: “Later, I gradually realized that not only was I not a genius, but on the contrary, I was worse than ordinary people, which can be said to be very stupid.”

“The martial arts that others can practice once, I often need to practice a hundred times, a thousand times.”

“So I found a path for dumb people, that is, constantly challenge the masters and learn in battle.”

“I don’t have great savvy, but at least I have hands and feet to fight!”

“I constantly look for masters to challenge. Once I fail, I will challenge ten times, and when I fail ten times, I will challenge a hundred times!”

The two were separated, and Luo Sheng’s legs also had dozens of sword wounds added, and the two legs were choked with blood and blood, and his mobility was once again attenuated.

Luo Sheng was still unmoved, and once again took the initiative to find a female swordsman to attack.

He said: “After others have failed in a battle, they can always learn from experience and lessons to summarize their own shortcomings. After improvement, they can go to the next level.”

“But I was so stupid that I couldn’t sum up experience and lessons. I was defeated, but I didn’t know why I failed and what I should do to avoid this failure.”

“I have no choice, I can only pass more challenges, like an ignorant fool, challenging the master again and again, in the eyes of others, I am simply a lunatic.”

Speaking of which, Luo Sheng tore off his robe.

Everyone was shocked.

What kind of body it is, it is indescribable.

To describe it as being covered with injuries, it is already very weak. It can be said that Luo Sheng’s naked upper body is almost all injured! Old scars are covered by new ones, and new ones are covered by new ones.

His entire naked upper body is just a scarred body, without an inch of intact skin, like a twisted and hideous monster piled up with scars.

Luo Sheng said in a flat tone: “I can heal my wounds and smooth out my wounds and scars, but I didn’t do that.”

“I know I don’t have so much time. Whenever I fail and get injured, when the injury only recovers 60 to 70%, I start to challenge the master who defeated me again.”

“Since I cannot summarize my shortcomings through experience and lessons, then I let my body remember the feeling of failure and being hurt.”

“My lifelong goal is to prevent myself from being injured twice on the same body part!”

The female swordsman kicked Luo Sheng to the ground, and he blasted the ground fiercely, exploding a huge crater with a radius of ten miles!

Na Luosheng stood up from the center of the crater with difficulty. He vomited a mouthful of blood and said, “Although I have not been able to complete this goal until today.”

“But I am very close.”

“I have always had a low self-esteem, even if others say I am a stupid person, I believe them.”

“Other warriors are constantly seeking their own way to rise. They keep improving themselves and pushing themselves to a higher height.”

“I am inferior. I don’t dare to have such extravagant thoughts at all. I just look at their backs enviously. I dare not expect to improve myself. I only hope to make up for my shortcomings and deficiencies. .”

“You certainly don’t understand this feeling of disappointment.”

“I have no choice, I can only force myself, don’t stop.”

“Others become stronger through improvement, and I become stronger through self-denial and make up for my stupid mistakes.”

At this time, everyone was surprised to find that the frequency of Luo Sheng’s injuries had actually begun to decrease!

Yes, the female swordsman’s fighting ability has not declined! This shows that Luo Sheng is getting stronger instead!

Na Luosheng licked the blood on the corners of his lips, and said: “I am in this inferiority complex, in constant self-denial, regardless of the cost and the number of times to challenge the master.”

“During repeated failures, my body gradually remembered the feeling of being beaten, remembered the feeling of injury, and remembered what angle and direction others used to hit me. Cut out the wound.”

“Gradually, I started to win.”

“I didn’t drag my scarred body in front of me, and returned to my residence, licking the wound alone. At dawn the next day, I set off again.”

“I have never experienced what is pride. I trampled my self-esteem under my feet and smashed it to pieces. I told myself that I don’t need this kind of thing. I am not afraid of ushering in after failure. Ridicule and ridicule.”

“Even if I fail a thousand challenges, I only need to win once, and I will be satisfied.”

“I have been living in self-denial, but gradually I started to win, until one day I suddenly discovered that I actually defeated all the opponents in the sect.”

“I unexpectedly lost the goal of challenge. Looking at the sect, there is no one who is qualified to stand in front of me.”

“So I left the sect and started to go to a wider world, looking for new enemies.”

When I heard this, everyone including Xiang Nan was moved and felt a shock from the depths of their souls!


There was a loud noise.

Luo Sheng, blocked the deadly sword from the female swordsman!

“Blocked?” Everyone took a breath.

The female swordsman also contracted her pupils, and said in surprise: “Impossible! This sword can definitely hit you, you can’t catch it!”

Naluosheng Ghost King’s eyes flashed with excitement, but there was still no smile on his face. This may be closely related to his experience since childhood.

Nara Shenggui Wang said: “I have never enjoyed the joy of victory, because whenever I defeat an enemy, I will know that there are even more powerful people waiting for me. At this time, they are You can easily trample me under your feet.”

“I am not a genius, I can only use the most stupid way to make myself stronger slowly.”

Na Luosheng shot the female sword hero out with a backhand, and then his body turned into a beam of afterglow.

The female sword hero contracted her pupils and said, “I feel it!”

She was precise and unmistakable, attacking Luo Sheng with a knife, and started to block.

But this knife is wrong! It did not follow the direction judged by the female swordsman!

This knife, with a scream, slashed the female swordsman’s collarbone, slashing her out.

Injured! The female swordsman was injured for the first time after displaying the silence of the soul!

“How is this possible!” The female swordsman clutched her wound and said angrily: “My judgment will never go wrong! This knife shouldn’t be like this!”

Luo Sheng finally showed a faint smile: “You didn’t listen to me seriously, I said, I don’t summarize the experience of failure, I only let the body remember the feeling of injury.”

“The knife, I don’t even know how to release it. It is my body, which is regulating itself.” “I don’t judge, I only attack.”

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