Immortal Martial God Chapter 1479: Retract, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Eternal Warlord!

Xiang Nan feels that he has never received a normal practice technique, either an explosive combat technique or a technique that absorbs the gods of exterminating thunder. Now it’s fine, and he got another one directly. It’s an attractive technique.

This practice is more evil than one, and none of them is normal.

But I have to admit that this is a very efficient technique. Every five enemies higher than one’s own realm can be absorbed to raise a small realm. It feels even more exaggerated than Jinglei Nine Changes.

Xiang Nan continued to look, and gradually discovered the difficulties of the creator of this exercise.

Because absorbing others’ cultivation bases does not come from their own solid cultivation, it is easy to cause cultivation base conflicts, and the more serious ones will directly explode and die. This is the most common and inevitable one. Going crazy.

So Dao Xin plays a vital role. In short, if you violate your Dao Xin when absorbing the enemy, you will almost fall into trouble.

But the violation of Dao Xin is very debatable. Xiang Nan pondered and said, “Take my Dao Xin as an example, if I start to sneak high-level warriors everywhere in order to improve my realm, and absorb their cultivation, it will be against my own Dao Xin. As a result, Will cause me to explode and die, so I can only absorb my real enemy.

“But at the same time, if the wicked get this exercise, it will be in great trouble. Their Daoism is inherently bad, so they can use this as an excuse to arrest people and absorb it even more unscrupulously.”

A good person who does bad things is considered a violation of Daoism, and the same bad person who does good deeds is also a violation of Daoism.

The person who gets this book, if it is good, it will be better, if it is bad, it can only be worse.

Snake said: “You only considered two points, but you have forgotten the third most important situation, that is, the better or the worse. If a person with good intentions gets this technique, greed makes him forget His own kindness has turned him into a villain who is desperate for his realm.”

“Then such a person, plundering innocent warriors everywhere, is not against Dao Xin.”

“So this book can make good people better, bad people worse, and good people worse.”

Xiang Nan nodded: “This book is simply the source of evil. If I created it, I will destroy it.”

So the question is, do you practice? Or just destroy it?

Orochi asked: “Do you believe in yourself? Believe that you can face greed without being moved, and always maintain your Dao heart.”

Xiangnan Road: “Of course.”

Snake said: “Then practice, anyway, this kind of exercise can only rely on black books, and is not afraid of being learned by others.”

“As long as the black book is not lost, it will be fine.”

Xiang Nan felt it carefully. The chasers hadn’t approached here yet, so they should be relatively safe.

The time of Dream Dao has not recovered, and it is still more than an hour away, but it is not necessary to release Dream Dao to practice dream body, you can directly enter the dream and practice in the dream.

Xiang Nan quickly read the mantra of the ghost state of the ghost, and then touched the book with his hand, destroying the book.

He released the power of the Void Stone, used his escape technique to get himself under the surface, and then instantly moved forward at the speed of light for three seconds, advanced 1.8 million miles, and reached the area outside Black Mountain.

I felt safer, so I dug a small hole under the surface, sat cross-legged, and practiced dreaming.

Cultivating the ghost form requires a clone, and the dream body is Xiang Nan’s clone.

In the dream, Xiang Nan sat down slowly, meditating in his heart, and began to practice.

At the same time, in the universe beyond the yellow planet.

Hundreds of warriors in the late stage of the Divine Martial Realm are inextricably fighting with three six-level monsters.

From the comparison of normal strength, the three-headed Shenwu and five-tiered demons can easily kill nearly a thousand human warriors of the same realm. Then, against the warriors in the late stage of the Shenwu realm, they can easily kill five or six with the power of the three-headed demons. A hundred people is still very easy.

However, these people have a large number of magical soldiers in their hands, and they can crush the three monsters, even at this time, they have already killed one, and the remaining two are seriously injured and the other slightly injured.

The battle continues.

A martial artist of the eighth layer of martial arts turned into a strong light, and suddenly flashed past a demon. The Taoist sword in his hand was on the back of the demon, severely cutting a wound.

“Hey!” The warrior said angrily: “This **** thing, law resistance is too high!”

The Taoist weapon smashed the body of the flesh and blood, and even smashed the demon ten times before and after, but failed to kill her. This terrible resistance to the law made the warriors feel shocked.

“Hurry up, I can’t hold it anymore!” Above, a warrior was using a gossip mirror to illuminate two monsters.

The light released from the gossip mirror can completely shield the spatial fluctuations, making the demons unable to teleport.

Originally, this thing was specifically used to deal with Xiang Nan, so that Xiang Nan could not make space jumps, but now it can be used to deal with level 6 monsters.

In spite of this, the other hundreds of warriors are still very jealous. Even if the sixth-level monsters cannot teleport in space, their own combat effectiveness is also very amazing.

In the surrounding space, there are seventy or eighty broken corpses floating, all of which were torn apart by demons.

The warriors surrounded the two monsters, but no one wanted to be that cannon fodder, and they all hoped that others would rush up first.

The warrior holding a long sword of Taoism yelled: “A group of cowards, who were extremely brave when chasing Xiangnan, but now they are shrinking aside and dare not to come forward!”

A young man holding a folding fan smiled and said: “That’s natural, killing Xiang Nan can get Taiyi magic, but killing these ghosts will not do any good and it is not worth the risk.”

The long sword man shouted: “Don’t you dare, I’ll come!”

After that, the man turned around and held the sword, and rushed towards a monster again.

The long sword in his hand exudes a weird luck. This luck is very domineering and strange. It can directly steal part of the enemy’s strength and feed it back to the sword holder.

The strength of Dao Luck depends on the personal strength of the sword bearer. This person can steal one-tenth of the monster’s strength and put that one-tenth on himself.

The principle of this trade-off is very simple. The demon is reduced by one-tenth, and the sword bearer is increased by one-tenth.

The sword bearer was very confident. A cold light flashed in his eyes, and the sharp sword slashed directly at the shoulder of the female demon.

At this moment, the long sword suddenly decomposed on its own and disappeared out of thin air.


The deadly sword of the sword bearer is empty! His empty hands, splitting the sword, only turned into a blank swing with both hands clenching fists.

“Grass…” The sword-bearer’s pupils contracted, and the whole person froze.

At that moment, the female demon suddenly reached out and penetrated the sword holder’s chest, and pulled out his heart.

The rest of the warriors were also stunned. The man holding the folding fan was shocked: “His Taoist soldiers were taken back by the division door!”

As soon as the voice fell, the hilts in the hands of the surrounding warriors disappeared. One of them was shocked and said: “It’s broken, what Xiang Nan predicted really happened!”

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