Immortal Martial God Chapter 1441: Goodbye, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Eternal Warlord!

Goodbye Chapter 1441

“You…” The Foreign King pointed at Xiang Nan and roared: “What kind of ability are you!”

Xiang Nan shrugged and said: “I’m just a martial artist.”

When he flicked his right hand, the gale controlled by strangers was immediately drawn to his side.

The gale was embarrassed and almost half dead. He looked at Xiang Nan gratefully, but couldn’t speak.

Xiang Nan patted Da Feng on the shoulder, and said: “You are very good, masters can easily destroy humanity and trample on morals as the cheapest garbage.”

“But they forget that people are called humans because we are different from animals, because we know how to be human and we have our own bottom line.”

“There is no distinction between high and low between different species. Wild beasts can be eaten by us. Of course, it is natural for us to be eaten by wild beasts. This does not involve good and evil.”

“But, since we are not gods, we are just human beings, so we abide by our human moral bottom line, which should be the least we can do.”

“You are doing these things. To be honest, I respect you very much.”

“Just now you rushed into the World Destruction Organization. I admire you. You are a man.”

Da Feng said: “But I…can’t beat them.”

Xiang Nan smiled: “That’s normal, because they are crowded, and you and their combat effectiveness are at the same order of magnitude.”

“However, I have observed that your battles are simply offensive with abilities. It can be said that there is no skill at all. It cannot be called’wu’ at all, at best it can only be regarded as a’fight’.”

“Within your limited abilities, improving your fighting skills will help you. Come on.”

Xiang Nan patted Gale on the shoulder, and then looked at the World Destruction Organization, and said, “You are about to stop here. I don’t want to destroy you. I just think that you are originally humans, so you should do a little bit. Personnel affairs.”

Xiang Nan flicked his finger, and the skyrocket was blasted into dust.

Wing Ren Wang looked at Xiang Nan blankly, he could not understand the height of this power at all.

Xiang Nandao: “I will imprison you for thirty years now, just as a punishment for your anti-humanity. Thirty years later, the human army should be able to fight you fairly. What should you do then, you weigh Right.”

Xiang Nan’s heart moved, and the soil turned into a huge hemispherical cage, which covered all the foreigners of the World Destruction Organization.

“Thirty years later, this dungeon will disintegrate on its own.”

Xiang Nan took out a spicy stick from his sleeve, took a bite, then spit out, and said, “What the hell! This thing is so famous, it turns out not to be delicious at all.”

“I am still looking forward to staying after winning and treating myself as a reward.”

The human army looked at Xiang Nan blankly.

Someone pointed to Xiang Nan and whispered: “He is a god.”

Xiang Nan smiled at the patriarch of the Caiguang family: “It’s time to give me the Void Stone.”

The patriarch swallowed, restrained his urge to bow down, and said: “In the manor, I will get it now.”

Speaking, he ran towards a small flying boat and said: “Quick, take off, take me back to the manor.”

“No, I’ll take you there.” Xiang Nan suddenly appeared in front of the patriarch, put his left hand on his shoulder, and said: “Go.”

A small space jump caused Xiang Nan to appear directly in the Caiguang family with the patriarch.

The IPL family does own Void Stones, and there are many more.

The team leader said that these stones were discovered 20 years ago when the spirit stones were mined on a large scale, because the properties of these stones are too strange to be controlled by human ability, so they can only be stored first.

There were thirty pieces of these void stones, which was completely beyond Xiang Nan’s expectations.

Getting the Void Stone, Xiang Nan returned to the previous battlefield.

It took less than five minutes to come and go, including the time the patriarch explained the origin of the void stone.

The human army has not left yet, and they are all waiting for Xiang Nan’s next “instruction”.

Xiang Nan grabbed the void stone in his hand, waved his hand to a machine that was “shooting” himself, and smiled: “I should go now.”

“Your world is beautiful, and your culture is also very interesting, but I don’t belong here. I hope you can live in peace.”

“In my own experience, I want to give you a little advice. Strength is good, but unrestrained pursuit of strength is not the only way to bring peace. It will pull you into the abyss.”

“When your strength increases to a certain level, it means that you have sent a pre-war signal to humans in other worlds, indicating that you are ready to fight a higher-scale war, which will attract you Infinite trouble.”

“Trust me, the ultimate strength is far beyond your understanding. Don’t go crazy anymore, just keep it like this, and live happily with the people you care about.”

Xiang Nanshu breathed a sigh of relief. This concept was concluded after his world suffered a heavy price.

“Are you a protoss.” The patriarch of the Caiguang family finally plucked up the courage to ask.

Xiang Nan smiled and shook his head: “I am not a god, I am just like you.”

“Okay, Orochi, it’s time to go, come out.”

As soon as the voice fell, the ground suddenly bulged up, and then, a three-hundred-meter python rose into the sky!

The python had eight eyes, and the whole body was shining with amazing light. At this moment, the whole world lost its brilliance, only this world-shaking python was suspended in the air.

“Not bad.” Xiang Nan smiled.

The big snake has recovered a body of three hundred meters, and I don’t know how many spirit stones it has eaten. I am afraid that it will soon eat up all the spirit stones in this world, and the realm has returned to the first level of the martial arts.

Everyone looked at the big snake, speechless in horror.

As soon as Xiang Nan stretched out his left arm, the big snake immediately got in and turned into a small snake-shaped tattoo.

Xiang Nan turned his head and said to the humans: “Goodbye, lovely world, lovely humans, I hope we can have a period later.”

“By the way, your sun, I want to take one away.”

After that, Xiang Nan used the speed of light, and instantly disappeared on the horizon.

The entire human world is caught in a shock wave that cannot be calmed.

They realized that they are not the only human beings alone. In other places, there are even more powerful, terrifying human races like Xiang Nan!

That is human civilization that they will never understand.

Beside the little sun, Xiang Nan first perceives the position of his own world in the vast multidimensional plane with the common power of thirty void stones.

“Let’s start.” Xiang Nan showed his dream.

He led out the “black domain” of the Nether Dragon and made the black domain into the shape of a funnel.

Heiyu immediately led the little sun and followed Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan glanced at the distant blue planet one last time and said, “Goodbye.”

After that, he smashed the space with one head, and entered the gap between multiple planes, endless nothingness.

In the void, such a shocking picture appeared.

Xiang Nan, a small, incomparably small human being turned into a light beam of light moving forward.

Behind him, a long black belt is pulling a vast and boundless sun!

Even though this sun is several million times smaller than the sun in Xiang Nan’s world, it is still infinite for human size!

“What are you going to do.” Orochi asked.

Xiang Nandao: “Go back to our world, and then back to the world of the Six Emperors.”

“I want to take this sun as a gift to my Master Caiyue.”

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