Immortal Martial God Chapter 1432: New World, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Eternal Warlord!

Chapter 1432 The New World

Xiang Nan regained consciousness, then, holding the Annihilation Shield, began to advance at sub-light speed.

He has gone to find the huge vortex of nothingness, and he is ready to leave this terrifying world.

He realized that there is no absolute safety in the Netherworld.

You can’t even have the Dream Dao ability! The dream body does not die, but the real body will die.

“Really, next time I should really use mythic skills to hide my real body in the dream world.” Xiang Nan still had lingering fears, while flying and sweating coldly.

Netherworld is in the void, and there is no friction in the void. After Xiang Nan initially increased his speed to sub-light speed, he didn’t need to consume any qi, he just had to let himself glide by inertia.

The reason why the speed of light is not used is because the speed of light is too fast, I am afraid that I will miss the vortex of nothingness.

Xiang Nan kept flying, looking for traces of the Void Vortex. In the process, various inexplicable little things kept hitting the Annihilation Shield.

Before Xiang Nan came and distinguished what it was, the Annihilation Shield had already smashed them all.

This is sub-speed of light! The destruction caused by hitting something at the speed of light is terrifying.

However, with the astonishing power of the Annihilation Shield, Xiang Nan was hardly traumatized.

That Nether Dragon is still ruthless!

The sub-light speed of one hundred thousand miles per second drives Xiang Nan to shuttle through this huge and unfamiliar world.

He opened his thunderbolt eye, and he could see a hundred thousand miles away without hitting obstacles.

This gives him time to see the vortex of nothingness and react.

With a speed of 100,000 miles per second and a vision limit of 100,000 miles, this is the best combination Xiang Nan can achieve.

I don’t know how long I have been flying, and Xiang Nan himself has no specific gratitude.

It may be three days, maybe only three hours, he can’t figure it out.

According to the notes of the master who created the “Acceleration Array”, Xiang Nan is advancing at such a super fast speed, and he himself will be pushed into a slow time domain.

In other words, Xiang Nan is no longer able to calculate the length of time by oral means. He has jumped out of the law of big time, and he is much slower than the things around him.

Finally, after some time, he found the black rain.

“Found it!”

Xiang Nan immediately decelerated from the state of sub-light speed, and saw the void black rain compressed into a liquid state, indicating that the void vortex was nearby.

He started flying around the black rain zone in a spiral manner, spreading out.

Gradually, a huge and infinite vortex of nothingness appeared in front of Xiang Nan without warning!

This thing can only be seen from a certain angle. When Xiang Nan found the whirlpool, it was too late, so he ran into it directly!

It was dark, and when he saw something again, Xiang Nan found himself in an infinite world of nothingness.

He released another ray of sunlight to shine everywhere, and there was no more matter around him, it was all black.

“Call…coming out.”

Xiang Nan breathed a sigh of relief. The Netherworld is located in the “infinite nothingness”, a small world, but the Netherworld itself is also full of nothingness, so it is not easy to distinguish.

But how do I go back now?

Infinite nothingness, no feelings of up, down, left and right.

“Do you think that the black line left by the Demon Emperor is still there?” Xiang Nan asked.

Snake said: “Even if you are there, you can’t find it. Such a thin thread, in this completely black void, is simply looking for a needle in a haystack.”

Xiang Nan glanced back subconsciously, and the void vortex behind him was gone.

He adjusted his angle and flew around this area. When he flew to a certain angle, the vortex appeared again.

“It doesn’t seem to change its position.” Xiang Nan thoughtfully, said: “The position of this maelstrom in the infinite void is fixed and will not change.”

“But the other side of the Maelstrom, the side in the Underworld, will jump randomly.”

“This shows that as long as I see the vortex of nothingness, it is equivalent to my back to our world!”

Snake smiled and said: “Smart! You can see this whirlpool when you are thrown by the Demon King. Now you turn your back to the whirlpool and fly straight forward. You should be able to do it.”

Xiang Nan transferred his body, and then, at the speed of light, began a long journey in the endless void.

Although it can approach the general direction of the Six Emperors World by doing this, it is still not precise enough.

The distance is too far. If the initial point of the flight differs by one ten-thousandth of a millimeter, after flying over the long-distance void, it may cause a deviation of hundreds of millions of miles from the world of the Six Emperors and cause a miss.

Xiang Nan has no other choice but to fly like this.

However, the advantage is that flying at the speed of light in the void, and then quickly relying on inertia to move forward, it is purely straight, without any deviation in arc.

I don’t know how long it has been flying, and a thin film suddenly appeared in front of me.

“What is that?” Xiang Nanqi said.

The film is weird, like a big bubble. It is very thin and trance. It can hardly be seen by the naked eye in the void of vision.

Xiang Nan went directly to the film, and the light from the palm of his hand made the film reflect a little.

“Crash, it may be our world.” The snake said.

Xiang Nan doesn’t have any multiple choices. This is a single-choice question. Either hit it or change direction and continue to move towards nothingness.

He gritted his teeth and bumped his head against the film.

At the moment of hitting the film, Xiang Nan was bounced back.

Can’t get in!

“What?” Xiang Nanqi said: “The film seems to be completely transparent, it should be very thin, it can actually bounce me back.”

Snake said: “If there is a whole universe in the film, it means that the film itself is the space layer, hit it with the power of the Void Thunder!”

Xiang Nan used the power of the Void Thunder, and his whole body was wrapped in the power of space, and he slammed into it again.

This time, the huge film shook suddenly.

When Xiang Nan reacted again, he found himself in the vast empty universe!

Up, down, left and right, all are stars!

“Stars.” Xiang Nan was overjoyed.

Immediately afterwards, a gravitational force grabbed him and quickly dragged him “downward”.

He saw the land!

The faster Xiang Nan fell, he had already entered the air layer, and the friction of his body made him burn, and finally, with a bang, stood firmly on the ground.

“Ha! Come back!” Xiang Nan stretched his body, and he took a deep breath almost greedily.

It’s air, I can breathe again!

After more than a month’s absence, Xiang Nan missed the feeling of breathing air again.

He in the Divine Martial Realm has held his breath for more than a month. Although he will not suffocate and die, he always feels uncomfortable.

“Don’t be too happy, look up, this is not our world.” The snake sighed.

Xiang Nan looked up, suddenly dumbfounded.

There are actually two suns in the sky!

This is definitely not your own world, and it is not the world of the Six Emperors!

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