Immortal Martial God Chapter 1196: Lava, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Eternal Warlord!

Chapter 1196 Lava

“What’s going on, what is it like on earth.” Xiang Nan clutched his chest, feeling a little difficult to breathe.

It’s as if I have been targeted by a fierce thing.

Boom! !

Behind, there was a sudden violent explosion.

“What?” Xiang Nanmeng turned his head.

I saw the direction of the barracks, it was actually blazing! Illuminated the sky filled with evil spirits.

He didn’t have time to think, and hurriedly returned to the direction of the barracks.

After waiting near the barracks, the scene in front of him made Xiang Nan feel incredible.

“That’s…a human snake!”

The barracks were besieged again, and this time, it was not ordinary monsters that besieged the barracks, but the kind of human snakes Xiang Nan saw in the ancient Wu tomb!

Thousands of people and snakes lined up in dense rows. They stood erect on the ground, step by step towards the direction of the barracks.

And these human snakes all opened their mouths when they moved forward, and from their mouths, powerful golden thunder was ejected!

The scene was too spectacular and incredible!

“Where did they come from?” Xiang Nan was stunned: “Aren’t these things in the ancient Wu tomb? How did they escape?”

The Dongling reinforcements are not vegetarian either. Their role is to suppress Tianhuo Island. Their average strength has reached the fifth level of Tianyuan.

Even among them, some of the generals have a level of good fortune, which is similar to Wu Jun. There are at least 20 masters of this level.

A five-tier army of hundreds of thousands of Tianyuan! That is simply an unimaginable force, each of them has the strength of Dong Wushang of the Western Regions.



As the soldiers roared in unison, the soldiers in the first three rows, holding huge heavy shields, built these heavy shields into a shield wall.

Behind the shield wall, countless soldiers held vitality longbows and shot a series of vitality arrows.

In the sky, twenty or thirty military flying boats are slowly floating, and they constantly release vitality artillery against the team of people and snakes.

Twenty masters of the first level of good fortune directly rushed into the team of humans and snakes, seven in and seven out of the people and snakes!

Those human snakes, there are two to three thousand people, they don’t scurry around at all, but are lined up in neat rows, constantly spraying golden thunder.

The realm of these human snakes is not high, they are just six or seven layers of Tianyuan, and they are two times smaller than the human snakes from the ancient Wu Tomb.

The Destroyer God Thunder is not a joke!

Even though there are three rows of soldiers holding heavy shields on defense, thousands of divine thunders blasted over, and the military’s defense system was destroyed in the first place.

However, the twenty military masters of the good fortune realm were equally sturdy, killing more than a hundred humans and snakes in just one minute.

“It seems that there is no problem.” Xiang Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

“Not good! The enemy’s reinforcements are coming!” Wu Jun’s roar sounded in the air.

Xiang Nan looked into the distance abruptly, only to see a black man and snake coming out of the jungle! The number has reached more than 10,000!

“My God, where did so many ghosts come out!” Xiang Nan buzzed in his head.

“No, it must be wrong!” Xiang Nan clenched his fist and shouted: “Brother Wu, don’t kill first and defend yourself! I’ll go to the rear to see!”

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers can’t stop the attack of the gods of humans and snakes.

The twenty martial artists of the good fortune realm have no time to kill humans and snakes. If they continue to kill like this, before killing all the humans and snakes, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the rear will be wiped out by the gods in advance. .

This kind of loss is absolutely unbearable for the Tanglin military.

“Got it! Brother Xiang, go back soon!” Then Wu Jun didn’t have time to ask Xiang Nan why he came back, and immediately returned to the barracks with the other 19 warriors with the highest quality. Qi condenses a huge enchantment.

Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom!

The team of more than ten thousand people and snakes neatly released the divine thunder against the Gangqi enchantment.

There are tens of thousands of ways in each round of Thunder attack!

Twenty masters of good fortune realm can’t come out at all, as long as they come out to kill people and snakes, it is afraid that within three seconds, hundreds of thousands of troops will be wiped out.

In such an urgent scene, even Wu Jun, a master of good fortune realm, felt terrified.

“Quick! Quickly ask for help from the Lieutenant General of the Divine Martial Realm!” Wu Jun shouted.

A signal was sent soaring into the sky.

Boom boom boom!

Hundreds of golden thunder and lightning sent the signal in the air and burst it!

“It’s a hell!” Wu Jun’s face suddenly turned pale: “How is this possible! Those animals actually know how to intercept signaling?”

The team of humans and snakes not only attacked the military, but also attacked Xiang Nan.

Hundreds of golden thunder and lightning also lased towards Xiang Nan in the sky.

Xiang Nan didn’t have the mind to absorb any golden thunder at all. He turned into a strong light and flew directly towards the rear where the human snake came.

But behind those human snakes is the core of the island, a dense volcanic area.

He floated in mid-air and glanced downwards: “Where is he hiding? I have been back and forth three times, but I haven’t found the enemy’s hiding place.”

“But, with so many humans and snakes, it’s impossible to hide them all in the jungle, otherwise…”

Suddenly, Xiang Nan was stunned, his eyes looked at the crater: “Could it be…”


He gritted his teeth and rushed directly into an active volcano.

He flew in from the crater, rushed into the lava, and dived quickly in the hot lava.

With his physical strength and realm, he is not afraid of the heat of these magma at all.

“Yes, it must be below here. Ordinary people can never imagine that there can be monsters hidden in the volcano.”

“This makes the volcano the best hidden place.”

There are as many as thousands of volcanoes on Skyfire Island, and their number is terrifying.

Just below these volcanoes, there are thousands of volcanoes connected to an underground lava belt extending in all directions.

After Xiang Nan got into the volcano, he fell into the underground world.

The scene in front of him shocked Xiang Nan, his hairs were standing up.

Every volcano is tumbling lava. This sign shows that even if there is an underground lava world, the underground world should be filled with faces, like a river of flames.

In fact, the face of this underground world did not fill the entire space. Instead, there was a lava river billowing in the middle, with dry banks on both sides.

But it is the things on the river bank that really make Xiang Nan feel his scalp numb.

Snake eggs!

The densely packed snake eggs can’t be seen at a glance!

The entire underground world is full of such things!

Xiang Nan felt that his head was about to explode.

He flew fast against the sky, passing the underground world, and what he saw before him, in front of him, behind him, on the left and right sides, were all snake eggs!

One by one, one by one! These snake eggs are still beating in rhythm like a human heart.

The huge underground world is full of snake eggs! A rough estimate, I’m afraid it will be no less than a million!

“Damn, damn!” Xiang Nan gritted his teeth: “What the **** is going on! Where are so many snake eggs!”


Just in time, a snake egg burst open.

From the mucus of the snake egg, a human snake emerged.

This human snake is only about half a meter long. After it got out of the eggshell, it lay on the shore to drink magma.

Immediately afterwards, the human snake grew taller and bigger, and in less than a minute, it grew to the height of one person.

Xiang Nan stared at this scene dumbfounded, no longer knowing how to describe what he saw before him.

“These… these are all human snakes?”

“No, you can’t let these human snakes hatch, you have to destroy them!”

Xiang Nan waved his hand as a qi, flattening hundreds of snake eggs.

At this moment, the feeling of being spied by someone in the dark was suddenly intense to the limit!

Xiang Nan’s heart suddenly burst.

Seeing, the human snake just now swam deep along the lava.

“No, there must be something in it, who did the snake look for?” Xiang Nan flew away, removing all the snake eggs in front of him.

But this is not enough!

He could only kill the snake eggs that he passed by, but when he came down, there were snake eggs on both sides, and the snake eggs in the distance behind were still densely packed.

He has a foreboding that he must find the source of these snake eggs, otherwise, a catastrophe is coming!

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