Immortal Martial God Chapter 1078: Use evil to control evil, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Eternal Warlord!

Chapter One Thousand and Seventy-Eight With Evil Against Evil

The undead army swallowed the Xueluo Sect like a tide.

More than a hundred thousand sect disciples roared and greeted this unprepared battle.

As soon as the war began, the undead army fell into a disadvantaged situation and was crushed by the sect disciples.

The undead wielded their ruined weapons and rushed into the battlefield, fighting frantically like life and death and fearlessness.

If people die, if they are worse than they were when they were alive, then the world will be really messed up.

But the Legion of the Dead has a benefit that a living person can never have, that is, immortality.

The undead warriors have no martial arts and martial arts, only their own realm and physical fitness. They are cut to the ground time and time again, but they get up again and again.

In the initial confrontation, the disciples of the sect were very vigorous. They had done a big vote before, and the massacre of so many civilians by the Luo Xuezong was a period of rising morale.

It’s like a little hooligan who just followed the big hooligan and successfully grabbed a ticket in the street. They are excited, and they have a kind of arrogance of giving up to me.

But then, the momentum began to fade, when they discovered that this was a battle that was impossible to win.

When the undead warriors that they smashed into pieces again and again got up from the ground, jumped over and slashed at them with an axe, they began to panic and lose consciousness.

If you find your enemy, you can’t kill it no matter how you kill it, but your own physical and mental strength will continue to decline as the battle continues, how will you feel?

The undead army charged three times, and three times were blocked by a large number of sect disciples, but the fourth time, they finally broke the crowd!

“Damn, what kind of monsters are these! Why can’t they be killed!”

“Why, I’ve chopped over this thing three times before, so how come I stand up again!”

The situation began to reverse, and the sect disciples couldn’t hold it anymore, and gradually retreated.

And those undead warriors seem to have endless fighting spirit. They rushed into the crowd, climbing, jumping, and charging quickly, slashing and killing all the sect disciples to the ground!

Senior Brother Duanmu soared into the sky, the Galaxy Bow in his hand kept shooting in turn, rounds of streamer arrows fell down, and he was already blushing.

And each round of arrows can shoot at least ten undead warriors.

The undead shot by the Profound Grade Galaxy Bow cannot get up again, but Xiang Nan doesn’t care.

His army of undead has more than one hundred thousand!

Immediately afterwards, an even more terrifying and desperate scene appeared.

Those sect disciples who were slashed have actually got up! They turned into undead, and instead turned to deal with Luoxuezong!

Our side is not decreasing but increasing, while the enemy is losing ground.

Senior Brother Duanmu, and the other four masters of good luck, were shocked when they saw this scene.


An undead warrior with a height of three meters jumped up and slashed the sect disciple in half.

The two halves of the sect disciple squirmed a few times, then glued together again, stood up and turned into undead warriors, turned their heads, and began to slaughter his fellow sect.

Senior Brother Duanmu soared in mid-air. Looking at this scene, he felt his head hum and tremblingly lost his voice: “The end…this is the real end.”

More terrifying than massacre is transformation.

Xiang Nan looked at the undead army that was immortal and invincible, and at the skeleton soldiers who had been shattered and recombined, as if he had seen himself in the state of the dead.

After entering the state of a necromancer, just like them, they are monsters that can’t be killed anyway without life and heartbeat.

Xiang Nan doesn’t have the slightest joy or excitement, but infinite sadness in his heart.

This is not what he wants. He is a decent disciple of the dignified sect, but now, he is forced to go into an evil way.

The sword of the dead is heresy and evil. After every undead warrior is hacked to death and resurrected, it will consume the power of the sword of the dead.

The sword of the dead draws the vitality of the world from the surroundings to supplement the blade.

The uniquely blessed Luxue Sect that once condensed aura has turned into a strange and grey mountain!

“Why… why do you want to force me.” Xiang Nan clenched his fists and gritted his teeth hard.

Why are you pushing me to this point.

“That kid is wrong!” Senior Brother Duanmu suddenly shouted, pointed at Xiang Nan in the sky, and shouted: “The sword in his hand! The sword in his hand is glowing. It is an evil sword. !”

“It must be that sword that made him immortal. If everyone takes that sword away, he will no longer have the ability to resurrect infinitely!”

As soon as the voice fell, hundreds of sect disciples all roared into the sky and rushed towards Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan had his hands upside down, and the sword of the dead hovered beside him.

In the sky, thousands of flying undead rushed down and collided with the disciples who had come up.

At this time, the undead army in Xiang Nan’s direction has already had 150,000 people, while the sect disciples have been reduced from 150,000 to 110,000!

A disciple of the sect of the Forty Thousand Martial Arts, blood is stained with the Xuezong, and the blood is flowing like a red river.

In the sky, a huge gray vortex, as if to swallow everything, slowly turned, spilling overwhelming resentment.

“Suppressing evil with evil is not what I want.” Xiang Nan sighed and said coldly: “But you are forcing me, forcing me to use extreme means.”

“Is it worth it?” From a distance, Xiaohe looked at Xiang Nan sympathetically.

“Value.” Xiang Nan cut the railway firmly.

“Look at the faces of these people and look at their hideous expressions. Should I use virtue and righteousness to influence them?”

“It’s useless, some people are born, just like turbulence and create chaos.”

Xiang Nan squinted his eyes: “Someone has to stand up and deal with them. If this person must be me, I won’t hesitate.”

“Even if I bear the infamy for thousands of years, even if I am spurned by the world, I will recognize it.”

Speaking, Xiang Nan raised the sword of the dead high and said: “I want blood! Wash! Fall! Snow! Zong!”

“I want them to taste the feeling of being slaughtered in despair! Let these **** scumbags, taste the pain of being split by the cold blade!”

“Kill me!!”

The frost dragon carried Xiang Nan on his back and swooped towards the judgment stand.

The giant dragon opened its mouth wide of ice and flew across the air with a whirr, expelling an astonishing chill from its mouth.

A frosty road was left where the cold air passed, and all the sect disciples on the path were frozen into icicles in an instant!


Xiang Nan snapped his fingers down, and the icicles shattered into broken ice all over the ground.

“You evil sect! You are not worthy of being a sect disciple!” Senior Brother Duanmu roared at Xiang Nan in the air.

Xiang Nan’s eyes were cold and he shouted: “I am not worthy, but you are even more unworthy!”

“In the face of those unarmed people, have you ever softened your hands! Have your conscience ever been condemned!”

“I tell you, today, I am here to do you!”

“Even if I become a ghost, I will drag you to **** together!”

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