Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation Chapter 446: Win streak rewards

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Seeing Xiao Chen ’s help, Xia Xi could n’t help but look up, saying: “many thanks Brother Xiao, take action. レ ★ / 学 .o.c ★ / レ”

Xiao Chen nodded gently, without saying much, and threw her an Iron Token: “You take you Junior Sister, I will drag these Monster Beasts first.”

Xia Xiyan heard the words and refused, “No, there are still seven heads of Monster Beast. How can you get it, even if you can get it, you will inevitably reveal some cards.”

“It’s okay, I have the advantage of speed, don’t be afraid, let’s go first.” Xiao Chen smiled faintly, and issued a few fierce punches, bringing the attention of the seven-headed Monster Beast to attract.

Pale Xiao Rou looked relieved, watching Xiao Chen pay attention to Monster Beast alone, his face was a little embarrassed.

I never thought that Xiao Chen, who had been despised by himself, had already got two Iron Tokens, and gave one to himself. Now, she even helped her lead all Monster Beast.

Seeing Xiao Chen taking Monster Beast to the distance, Xia Xiyan said to Xiao Rou: “The other Monster Beast is coming around. You take Iron Token and go out first. I helped him kill Monster Beast. I can’t owe him much anyway.” /

Xiao Rou is not really ignorant, knowing that he ca n’t help, and flying away quickly with the Iron Token.

Seven-headed Monster Beast attacks, nonstop hit Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen took advantage of speed to dodge back and forth, most of the attacks all flew away.

A small number of attacks that are too intensive are carried directly. If the scope of the attack is large, the power will definitely be reduced. It is okay to directly carry them.


Just when Xiao Chen was about to prepare for a breakthrough, a sharp sword flashed over, Fresh Blood shot, and the head of a flaming wolf flew out of thin air.

Xia Xiyan turned back and fell to Xiao Chen.

Xia Xiyan didn’t say much. The sword light danced, and people fluttered like butterflies. They came and went freely and naturally in the Monster Beast group.

However, her Sword Qi is thick and atmospheric, more complemented by Sword Intent, and its power is amazing. It is not as delicate as movement.

When the sword goes down, the strong Monster Beast will take no small damage, and the defense is slightly weaker, and the limbs will be cut off by the sword directly.

This is her real strength. Without the involvement of Xiao Rou, the earliest batch of people who got Iron Token will definitely have her Xia Xiyan’s name.

Xiao Chen didn’t plan to go out immediately. He clenched his fists with his hands, and with the tough defense of the flesh, he directly confronted Monster Beast.

The two teamed up, and the seven-headed Monster Beast quickly fell down. The two spent a little time to take out the Monster Core, and found that the seven-headed Monster Beast didn’t even have an Iron Token.

Xia Xiyan said a little fortunately: “Thank you for helping to send a piece of Iron Token, otherwise you can hardly kill this Monster Beast, and you can’t even get a Iron Token.”

Xiao Chen smiled faintly: “Sometimes luck is such a thing, I’m not sure, let’s go.”


At this moment, a man hurriedly fell to the two of them and smiled at the two of them: “Help me stop, let’s go first.”

The two changed their faces, only to see more than a dozen Monster Beast coming behind them, chasing them in a fierce manner, this guy even regarded Xiao Chen as a shield.

The lines on the Blood Flame boots on the feet suddenly light up, and Xiao Chen speed soared to four times Speed of Sound at once, and he came to the person in front.

In his astonished eyes, Xiao Chen kicked out and said blankly, “Go back!”

Xiao Chenlai ’s speed was too fast. The man had no chance to respond at all. His chest was kicked, and the whole person flew out and fell back into the Monster Beast circle.

Xia Xiyan also took advantage of this opportunity to flash forward and flew forward. The two flew Battle Arena one after the other and came to the stand specially prepared for the players.

Hundreds of people had already received the Iron Token above the stands. Their eyes were glanced at Xiao Chen for a while, and they were put back on the field.

In Battle Arena, sixty or seventy people are struggling to support, and these people are forced by the situation to unite together to fight against the remaining three hundred Monster Beast.

In fact, as long as these people jump out of Battle Arena, even if there is no Iron Token, they will not be punished, but they will automatically abstain.

In the venue, dozens of corpses are scattered around, and some Monster Beast are watching the tens of thousands of people, devouring these corpses cruelly.

Without corpses, he became a stutter. This is the most tragic fall of genius. Xiao Chen looked at his eyes, and there was a ripple in his calm heart.

In the Age, which was just budding in the prosperous age of the warrior, genius is like a fish crossing the river.

This is the best Age for those warriors who are absolutely stunning and talented. Only in this Age can geniuses find their own stage and shine brilliantly.

Like the Heavenly Martial Great Emperor that created Heavenly Martial Dynasty, just like the Lei Di thousands of years ago, it has been recited to this day, and the time has passed for thousands of years, and it has not been obliterated under the rolling wheels of history.

This is also the worst Age. In the normal years, everyone present was leading a Age.

But by now, even a century-old genius is nothing but everyone. If you do n’t work hard, you will be eliminated by Age, completely losing the opportunity to shine on this stage.

The owners of those corpses on the field never thought of giving up before they died, but once they gave up this opportunity, they would be completely thrown away.

In this Age, you can only be a one-person visitor. For the arrogant geniuses who are naturally born, who would be willing to be an unknown visitor.

Xiao Chen clenched his fist tightly in his right hand and murmured in his heart that the prosperous age of the martial arts is here. Since I came to this World, I can never be a spectator.

Three things, one hundred heads Rank 7 Monster Beast, besieging 67 warriors, the battle situation can no longer be described as fierce, very tragic.

A dozen more warriors successively got Iron Token to break through Monster Beast and returned to the crowd.

Xiao Chen was a bit surprised. The warrior who was going to use him and Xia Xiyan as stepping stones was one of these ten.

After he came up, he glanced gloriously at Xiao Chen before slowly walking into the crowd.

Xia Xiyan said: “Do n’t underestimate him. He is the Second Brother son of the Xia Country grief lord of the valley. He has a very strong grief and palm. It is estimated that he did not want to expose the bottom card before delaying the time with Iron Token.

Xiao Chen nodded his head in agreement. In fact, he also concealed his strength. If he had a sword, he would surely be one of the top ten people who got Iron Token.

After a while, no one got Iron Token. Instead, the warrior who insisted died a lot. Gao Yang Yu shook his head and said something to the people around him.

A moment later, ten Half-Step martial arts-class strongmen were dropped from Battle Arena, and the powerful breath became one piece, pressing hard towards Rank 7 Monster Beast.


The Rank 7 Monster Beast, which has just been incomparable, seems extremely afraid to withdraw in the face of this powerful momentum.

Boom, boom!

Ten people do n’t have take action, they just walked forward slowly, and those Monster Beasts were driven back to the iron prison.

Some of the remaining people know that they have no chance at all, and the expression on their faces is extremely frustrated.

The gray-faced ones went directly from the other exit and left Battle Arena, which is no longer their stage.

Gao Yang Yu withdrew his eyes and looked at everyone with a smile: “It’s beyond my expectation, there are more than a hundred people who have qualified, and the previous level of fighting has never been so grand.”

“After an hour, the gladiator officially opens, according to the rules, according to the number of victories, you also get It is likely rewards. Someone will tell you later, now go to the background and register your Iron Token number.”

A little Battle Arena servant, led the crowd through the backstage, came to a room Earth Below and started to register.

At the same time, there are special people who will give you a rough talk about the reward method of Battle Arena. For every victory, 300 low level Spirit Stone will be rewarded.

It does n’t look like much, but if you can win nonstop consecutively, the reward will be doubled.

Two games in a row, 600 low level Spirit Stone in the second game, 900 in the third game, 1,200 in the fourth game, and 1,500 in the fifth game.

If this is a continuous victory of It is likely nonstop, winning a hundred games in a row, the reward will be a number of days, it will be scary to think about.

No wonder Battle Arena will make many warriors so crazy, and under the stimulation of huge rewards, they will often produce some extremely fierce battles.

Everyone who had paid attention to rewards in the first place, after hearing the rules of the winning streak, they all moved one by one.

This is not a small sum anymore. middle-level Spirit Stone can’t be issued without limit no matter which Sect(s) forces.

Xiao Chen felt that it was not that simple. If appeared really had a warrior who had won so many games in a row, Battle Arena would probably die.

Sure enough, just listen to the man continue to say: “Oh, don’t think of winning streak as simple as that. The current highest record is 60 consecutive wins, and no one It is likely has reached time for a hundred years.” >

Not much time has been spent after registration, and there will be a formal fight in one hour, and everyone will start to recuperate eyes closed and recover status.

In one of the towers in Battle Arena, Gao Yang Yu held the registration information of everyone and handed it out to several old people around him.

“Look for a few key highlights with characteristics, and say that these people have a chance to break the 60-game winning streak. I want these people to bet five Ten Million and middle-level Spirit Stone within three days.”

Several old people are a bit embarrassed: “High City Lord, would anyone believe in such a promotion?”

Gao Yang Yu haha ​​smiled and said: “Thank you after reading the information and then say It is likely no, these are all highest geniuses from various countries, this time the fighting is the first round of candidates for the tower of the ancient, this news is also revealed, I estimate Ticket income can be doubled again. “

After talking, Gao Yang Yu showed some depressed news, patted his forehead and sighed softly: “Unfortunately, I only received the notice a week ago, and was also stipulated that I could not disclose it in advance, or else I earned Spirit Stone , Enough for us to rest for ten years. “

In the end, an old man came over with a stack of information and smiled and said, “City Lord, what do you think of this person? White robe Bladesman Xiao Chen, in the Great Qin country, he once defeated the genius of Aristocratic Family , Even the Outer Sect Disciple of Holy Land was defeated. “

“The first part of time is in the demon space. In the face of more than a dozen Half-Step emperors, snatched a high-grade highest Demon Core. They are all very good howl, a little packaging, it is the biggest howl . “

Gao Yang Yu took the data and left it on the table without looking at it. coldly said: “You don’t care about this kid, no one is allowed to advertise him, don’t ask why.”

Some old people look at each other in dismay, it is very unknown.

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