Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation Chapter 103: Beast King Valley

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After half a noise, Xiao Chen finished eating the food on the table, and a little man came over and led him to a box in the back. Among the rooms, Fatty Jin was grinning and counting. When Xiao Chen came, he quickly got up and greeted him.

Xiao Chen did not talk nonsense, and directly said: “The address should be found, otherwise it will not be so blatantly sold.”

Fatty Jin smiled and said: “I found it out. In the Beast King Valley inside Wild Forest, here is the Wild Forest Beast King Valley information. It is free of charge. Fatty, I am kind.”

Xiao Chen was very happy. He took the Beast King Valley data from Jin Dabao and looked at it carefully. After a while, Xiao Chen frowned.

The interior of Wild Forest is quite dangerous. There are a lot of high-level Spirit Beast in it. Even the Grand Martial Artist can only access on the inner edge.

If you want to enter the true core region, you need at least Wu Zun level cultivation level, and also Wu Zun level warrior, which is not unimpeded.

In the White Water City, there is news every year that the Expert(s) of Wu Zun class died inside Wild Forest. According to rumors, there is a antiquity barbarian inside Wild Forest, and its strength is even more terrifying than that of Wu Wang.

Beast King Valley is located in the core region inside Wild Forest, a place where the bones are buried. When the high-end Spirit Beast life essence is not much, it will take the initiative to go inside and sit down, where is their belief.

With the strength of Xiao Chen, wanting to go in alone is a bit foolish. In the face of Spirit Beast whose strength is comparable to Wu Zun, I am afraid that even Beast King Valley can’t get away and die halfway.

Jin Dabao saw Xiao Chen’s expression of deep thought and smiled: “Brother Xiao, don’t think about it, you can never go there with your strength.”

Xiao Chen’s heart moved and said: “You can’t go there with your strength, don’t tell me you have other ways.”

The fat man smiled, and the Golden fan was opened in his hand. He smiled and said, “There is no announcement posted on the first floor when I saw the Liusi Pavilion.”

Xiao Chen nodded, “Well, I see, I have never seen such a shameless announcement.”

The fat man smiled a little embarrassedly and said, “How can it be said that it is shameless? It’s just that there is a gap in IQ between people.”

“Don’t say this, this is my way to fat man. After today, probably all the warriors in Baishui City will know the address of the ruins.”

Xiao Chen both eyes flashed a different color, said: “Do you want to muddle this water, right?”

Fatty Jin smiled triumphantly, over the fat face, the fat nonstop trembles, “Yes, how many warriors are there in this relic Treasure Map‘s appeared, unknown attract, and those Aristocratic Family clan naturally do not take Jiang Clan in their eyes, It is likely Ask him for a sketch. “

“Some other powerful warriors, despite their own strength, have the Wu Zun level cultivation level, but they dare not provoke Jiang Clan, so as long as they want to get blueprint, they can only think of other ways. They were given a chance. It is conservatively estimated that Wu Zun, who does not belong to the major forces, has at least more than fifty people in Baishui City. “

More than fifty Wu Zun, together with a larger number of large martial arts divisions, such a team will definitely not be weaker than any of the major forces.

Xiao Chen continued to think about it. Such a tempting painful place, I am afraid that not only will some solitary Wu Zun attract come over, even some Wu Wang will also arrive, just hidden somewhere.

Thinking of it like this, the trip to the ruins is much more dangerous than I had imagined. It’s ridiculous that I just started, thinking that It is likely is alone and trying to get ahead, which is no different from courts death.

Fatty Jin continued to analyze, “If you think about it, if there is a antiquity ruin, then whoever laughed at It is likely in the end will definitely be the Aristocratic Family clan, and the one with the biggest fist will get the most benefit from It is likely. “

“People like us who do n’t have strong strength and want to compete with them can only muddle the water, the more muddy the better, so that we can fish in muddy water.”

Xiao Chen carefully considered, as the fat man said, like a lone man like them, want to gain something in the antiquity ruins, in addition, want to rely on real strength to compete with Aristocratic Family is indeed not Very realistic.

“There is no room available in your Liusi Pavilion. I want to rest here for three days.” Xiao Chen made up his mind and was not in a hurry. It would be better to recuperate.

When he left last night, he was spotted by a group of Jiang Clan warriors. Although there was no great martial arts follower, it took a lot of effort to solve it.

There is an urgent need for a quiet place where no one is disturbing. Jin Dabao is a mysterious person. Xiao Chen wants to come. The background of Liujige will certainly not be afraid of Jiang Clan.

Fatty Jin smiled and said: “Is this to provide refuge services, no problem, fat man I have not done business, live in Tian Yi million tael of silver.”

Ten thousand tael of silver one day, three days is thirty thousand tael of silver, one hundred tael of silver is equivalent to one tael of gold, this fat man is really black, it will cost three hundred tael of gold for three days.

“Never mind, I will find a place to stay for three days.” This is typical of being wronged, and Xiao Chen naturally refused to leave without looking back.

The fat man quickly pulled Xiao Chen and said, “Brother Xiao, why are you so anxious every time, I haven’t finished my words yet, this house is actually free for you to live in It is likely.”

Jin Dabao whispered a word in Xiao Chen ’s ear, and then said incredulously insignificantly: “Brother Xiao, what do you think.”

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said: “I will give it to you in three days.”


Three days of time passed away in a blink of an eye. The warriors in the White Water City all knew the address of the antiquity ruins, but few people dared to go.

While Beast King Valley is a place to bury bones, if you are not sure, there is really a Beast King that life essence will do, and it has not died. Spirit Beast who can enter Beast King Valley, as long as there is still a breath, It is likely easily kills a great martial artist.

And inside Wild Forest, few people dared to step in. These people all set their sights on the bodies of several big Aristocratic Familys, hoping that their It is likely would open the way.

Hope is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. On the sky south of Baishui City, a black spot suddenly flew towards Wild Forest from appeared.

When the black dots are approaching, appeared is a huge black warship in the crowd’s field of vision. A black flag is inserted on the warship, and a large Ji word is written on it.

King Grade Secret Treasure Black Emperor Ship of Ji Clan really flew. This is to fight against Gold Battleship of Guiyi Hou!”

In the direction of Province City in Surabaya, a small white dot also flew, coming closer. It is indeed an Giant ice bird, with a Ice Palace wanton cold light on his back.

“The Xuan Ice Palace of the Duanmu family has also flown, and it seems that they are all ready to descend directly from the air to Beast King Valley.”

“, I still wait for them to open the way, all flew away from Heaven Above.”

“With all the things your IQ can think of, wouldn’t they think of these Aristocratic Familys? It’s naive!”

Many warriors in Baishui City saw this and were unable to breathe. They began to go together to enter the interior of Wild Forest. At this time, some powerful Wu Zun also jumped out and called everyone to enter Beast King Valley together.

Xiao Chen stood in front of the window and calmly looked at the sky, flying towards the three King Grade Secret Treasure inside Wild Forest, and was not too excited.

Boom! boom! boom!

The fat man opened Xiao Chen ’s door and walked in directly: “Brother Xiao, these three days of time have arrived, and things are not ready.”

Xiao Chen did not speak, and took out a piece of wood carving and handed it to Jin Dabao. The fat man took it in joy, and put it carefully into an Space Ring in his hand.

Xiao Chen’s heart moved. Although the ten rings in this fat man’s hands are fancy, each one is Space Ring, and can have so many Space Ring. Its strength and background are definitely not simple.

“Do you have some weapons and equipment, It is likely sold them to me.” Xiao Chen asked some tentatively, Wild Forest is in danger internally, he always wanted to purchase some equipment, but he struggled to find a channel in this respect.

Jin Dabao took out ten arrows, hehe laughed and said: “I knew you would have asked this question, fat man, I will find it for you, ten yuan light arrow, ten thousand tael of gold fixed price.”

Xiao Chen was very happy. This yuan light arrow was really prepared for him. The power of Soul Death Bow in his hand is not bad, and he just lacks some arrows. With this yuan light arrow, the power will definitely be more than doubled.

It’s just that the price is really a bit dark, almost equivalent to his whole body value. Xiao Chen bought it without hesitation. After all, other things It is likely bargaining, this scarce arrow, but there is no room for bargaining.

Heavenly Craft Villa only sells a thousand pieces of yuan light arrow to the outside world every year. It is something that can not be bought with money. Fatty people can get ten pieces. The method is already very good.

After paying for the yuan light arrow, Xiao Chen remembered something and suddenly said: “The Earth Rank armor that Yan Qian wore yesterday was in your hands.”

Jin Dabao said: “What do you want to do, it is not for sale, it is worth at least one million tael of gold, and you have no money now.”

Xiao Chen smiled faintly: “It’s not that I knocked him out, how could you have left him no hair, so this Earth Rank armor definitely has my share.”

The fat man said angrily: “Do n’t talk nonsense, although the fat man loves money, there is absolutely no perverted hobby, that ’s all rumor, okay.”

The two of them pulled off their skins for a long time, and finally Xiao Chen laid down a 500,000 tael of gold debt and took away the Earth Rank armor.

After Xiao Chen walked away, Jin Dabao took the IOU, hehe laughed: “This time you are completely locked up, anyway, the Warframe is also a fortune.”

After a while, footsteps came, Su Xiaoxiao (little) holding ancient zither, the money came and asked softly, “My yuan light arrow, you gave him nothing.”

The fat man quickly collected the owed notes and said righteously: “According to the will of Miss Xiaoxiao, yuan light arrow I have sent it to Xiao Chen in the name of a friend.”

“That’s good, we should go.”

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