I’m Not Shouldering This Blame Chapter 2: Start

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It’s pitch black outside the window, in fact it won’t light up.

Time has completely stagnated as shown by the clock. The entire community, the entire city, or even the entire world, have disappeared. Dawn cannot replace the night, and the nightmare has no end.

Jian Hua slowly lowered his eyes, sitting motionless with his back against the wall.

This is the most energy-saving way, and home is the environment he is most familiar with and at ease.

It has been two days and two nights since the elevator incident in the studios. This is Jian Hua’s estimation based on the rate of loss of his physical energy. He returned home that night and found a more terrible news. Because of his reaction to quitting smoking, Jian Hua felt hungry in the studio. Even though what happened was weird, he always had to fill his stomach before thinking about ways. As a result, the pot on the stove couldn’t boil water, and it didn’t help to switch to an electric rice cooker.

If you can’t make cooked food, just eat raw. After half a pack of biscuits and a piece of instant noodles were crushed and swallowed, the hunger was still burning, as if they had never eaten anything.

Can’t communicate with the outside world, can’t find people, can’t use food to satisfy hunger.

This feeling is like being abandoned by the whole world.

Jian Hua is thirsty and unbearable at the moment. His consciousness has become a little fuzzy. In the past dozens of hours, he rushed out of his house and drove to other places to find food and drinking water. He also went back to the mall and happened to see it. The young couple was eating frantically, throwing some wrapping paper and empty bottles beside them, but still shouting hungry for not enough.

This weird and terrifying scene made Jian Hua feel chilly.

He gave up looking for food and drove the car directly to the Linjiang Bridge. At the end of the bridge was the highway toll station, from which he could leave the city.

The lights of the toll booth were on in the dark, and there was no movement on the bridge. The cold wind was blowing. Jian Hua opened the car door and looked down at the rushing river from the bridge.

He doesn’t want to commit suicide. Jian Hua is a person who will not give up his life at any time. It’s just the current predicament that makes him feel at a loss.

In the end, Jian Hua returned home.

Sit down against the wall, motionless, reducing the consumption of physical energy, using strong perseverance to suppress my hunger. When I am too thirsty, I can’t wait for the urge to turn on the tap to pour my throat.

When he saw the young couple overeating, his eyes were twisted and crazily desperate. Jian Hua didn’t want to be like that by herself. It was useless to eat, and once she started to eat, it would be difficult to control her survival instinct to continue eating.

The chaotic and fuzzy brain is still thinking about this change.

Jian Hua vaguely feels that he–or that elevator has fallen into a time gap.

Time Fissure is a name that Jian Hua randomly named. He didn’t know the specific concept. He just felt that the dead things in the world stopped at this second, and the living things disappeared without a trace, and the people in the elevator became Exceptions are out of place. They can change dead things (moving or damaging things), but dead things cannot change living things (eating and drinking).

Jian Hua was so hungry that he didn’t have any strength at all, and his excessive thirst made a double image in front of him.

Consciousness became dizzy, and he was beginning to be unable to stay awake. Just as he was half-sleeping and half-faint, in the midst of pain-entangled nap, a small voice was transmitted into Jian Hua’s head and turned into a paste.

“Tick, tick…”

Stable, clear and regular.

Jian Hua slowly opened his eyes, and it took him a while to barely regain consciousness, his eyes fixed on the wall clock on the wall, the old-fashioned black needle glass surface with white background, and the second was moving in a grid at this moment.


The ticking sound of walking in seconds sounded to Jianhua like the first performance of a concert violin. In the next few minutes, he heard the night cry of the child next door, and the vagueness of the chess and card room in the community Vocals.

The sound of the drunk man on the top floor slantingly upstairs alarmed the neighbor’s sleeping dog.

These ordinary noises are now like the sound of nature.

The panicked Jian Hua subconsciously wanted to stand up, and wanted to walk over to open the door, or to look at the window to confirm that this was not an illusion, but his weak body did not listen to it at all.

Jian Hua worked hard for a long time, but instead of having no effect, his consciousness began to collapse again, and he was about to fall into a coma.

No way…

In his current situation, whether he can wake up again after being unconscious is a problem, and the longer he delays, the closer he will be to death! After finally getting through until everything is normal, could it be so dead?

Water, he wants water.

It is only a few steps from the living room to the kitchen, but Jian Hua can’t get there.

He stretched out his arm in vain. This action alone took a minute. Jian Hua’s eyes turned black, still staring at the glass jug filled with cold water on the kitchen counter.


Suddenly the glass jug flew into the air and fell heavily to the ground.

Water flowed all over the ground, fragments splashed, Jian Hua’s right hand was also pierced, and the pain made him clear, staring blankly at the glass jug that somehow ran to his eyes.

But he couldn’t think about it anymore, he hurriedly got close to a large piece of curved utensils, lowered his head and carefully licked the remaining water with the tip of his tongue.

In Jianhua’s feeling, the water quickly penetrated and disappeared into the oral esophagus before it entered the stomach. The immense joy made him tremble involuntarily. In the world where time was stagnant, his throat was still dry and smoked when drinking water, with no effect at all.

He took a deep breath, then looked suspiciously at the debris, then looked in the direction of the bedroom. There was a drink in Jian Hua’s room, but it was farther from the living room. Now he tried to grasp the feeling, a few seconds later, a bottle of mineral water rolled out all the way.

Jane Wah paused, and the mineral water bottle jumped up on the spot again, standing upright.

After a while, the invisible force that controlled it rolling began to press the bottle body and tighten the lid——

“Pop!” The bottle cap flew up and slammed on the wall clock, and a slight crack was hit on the glass clock face. Just imagine how powerful it is.

The mineral water bottle floated up, staying at Jian Hua’s mouth, and tilted it to a convenient angle for drinking. Jian Hua took half of the bottle in one breath before regaining his senses. His mind slackened, and the mineral water bottle immediately fell to the ground.


Jian Hua felt astonished that he had spent all his life in these three days.

Either way, he came alive, and he came to the end of his “nightmare”. Jian Hua dragged her weak body to stand up, found a few chocolates and threw them into the water cup, forcing herself to drink the semi-melted slimy liquid.

In the mirror, he was haggard and pale, with black eyes under his eyes.

The clothes on her body are crumpled and stained with water stains. Jian Hua is very embarrassed. It is estimated that she does not need to put on makeup when she goes to the set to play a broken lover who commits suicide.

He hastily treated the wound on his right hand, recovered a bit of strength, released hot water and took a careless bath. Only then did Jian Hua have the spirit to explore the ability to accidentally appear on his body.

The spoon of the coffee cup floated with one of his thoughts, dangling.

Shards of glass on the floor were also “swept” by Jian Hua to a corner of the living room. It looks a lot like the ability of thinking in European and American movies of the last century. It’s a superpower, but it’s not useful.

As long as it’s not a matter of life or death, it’s easy to turn around and walk a few steps to get something. For Jian Hua, this kind of superpower is not as good as letting him know the light work in martial arts novels, at least the latter will make him not suffer so much when he hangs on Wia.

The sudden return to the normal world, and the strange abilities that followed, made Jian Hua’s tired brain not enough.

The TV is turned on, the dog blood soap opera family ethics drama Gong Dou Niang Niang is full of screens, and the evening news has long been over. The time is still the night of the elevator accident in the studio. Jian Hua has a movie ticket stub in his jeans pocket. The movie is at 22: At the end of 40, the mall was not close to his home, and it took at least half an hour to drive, but at 23:01, he was already lying in the living room at home and almost starved to death.

Jian Hua wanted to go to the studio again to check the situation, but his weak body did not allow it. Jian Hua lay on the bed and did not dare to fall asleep. In his heart, he was afraid of falling into the dark and silent world again.

Every time his eyes closed heavily, Jian Hua was forcibly awakened by his own will in the next second, and struggled hard with sleepiness.

In the dizziness, the night is gradually fading, and the sky is twilight.

Jian Hua was soothed by the morning light, his mind relaxed, and finally fell asleep and fell asleep, until the sun climbed high and the dazzling light shone in the room.

“Boom boom boom!”

The door was knocked vigorously, and Jian Hua frowned slightly in her sleep.

“Jianhua! What are you doing, the phone is not connected, and the car is parked downstairs, where can people go?”

The sky-shaking roar finally awakened the owner. Jian Hua opened his eyes and was stunned for half a minute before remembering what happened yesterday. The knocking on the door continued, like a soul reminder.

The visitor is Jian Huafa, Lu Zong.

This little-haired title was given to him by Lu Zong. Although they did know each other since childhood, Jian Hua always subconsciously stayed far away from this guy. Because Lu Zong likes to talk to himself, Jian Hua really doesn’t want to talk to himself. Bother.

“Something?” Jian Hua opened the door and asked in a hoarse voice.

“What’s wrong with your voice, catch a cold?” Lu Zong was startled, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he kept looking at Jian Hua behind him. When he saw that the furniture inside was intact (the glass fragments could not be seen in the corner) , His eyes showed disappointment that could not be concealed.

“I had a bad cold, and I slept at home for two days.” Jian Hua looked cold, “Aren’t you going abroad?”

“I just came back.” Lu Zhang was born in a good background and looked like a noble son when he was not sick. He lowered his voice and asked, “I heard that you have offended someone and lost your job? I call you and don’t answer… “

“It’s okay? I’m resting. I was so sleepy that I couldn’t open my eyes just after taking the medicine.” Jian Hua interrupted him and closed the door neatly.

Lu Zong touched his nose, turned around and went downstairs without being annoyed.

Looking at Jian Hua’s car downstairs carefully, he found that his mobile phone had fallen into the box in the front glass window of the car. Lu Zong smiled and said to himself, “Why didn’t I answer the phone?” “

Lu Zong took out his mobile phone. The hot topic on Weibo on the interface was “Huanyu Cinemas found young men and women dying.” Clicking on the news showed that the supermarket on the first floor of the mall was stolen, and there were a large number of missing food wrappers next to the body. Empty beverage bottles, the night shift security guard of the mall stated that the deceased was found during a patrol at 11 o’clock last night, and he was suspected to be dead.

“It’s getting started.” Lu Zong turned off his cell phone annoyedly.

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