I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 846 Ultimate Creature Lin Qi

“Your boy’s vision, color and speed are very powerful! So I thought, since there is no way to drain the air around you in time and seal your movements with a lion vacuum ball, then I might as well kill you Wouldn’t it be nice to go to the real outer space where there is no air?”

Above the rotating blue planet, the golden lion floating in a ball of liquid air fisted his palms, bit his cigar, and said with a smile, “But I didn’t expect that you seem to be very reckless, but you turn out to be unexpectedly careful. You actually took a big breath of air in advance, did you see through my intention? Hahaha…”

Why do I look so reckless? As soon as Lin Qi opened his mouth, a ball of air came out of his mouth as if he was deflated. He shrugged, keeping his mouth shut.

“Jie hahaha…” The golden lion sneered, “You are in a vacuum, and the pressure in your body is already expanding outward. You have also poured so much liquefied air into your stomach to maintain this state, so that you will not be all over the body. Exploding blood has been consuming a lot of your domineering energy, but I am different…”

It is indeed different. There is a huge amount of liquid air around the golden lion. And if you look carefully, a short distance close to his body surface is a circle of gas and liquid mixed, or even completely gaseous. It is obvious that the golden lion deliberately maintains the pressure on the body surface not to exceed the normal atmospheric pressure, giving himself extra Physical strain.

But before he finished speaking, Lynch’s attack had already come over.

“Jie hahaha, did you hit it?”

The liquid air and the golden lion in the center flew calmly. Lynch smashed the corners of the liquid air. However, the liquid air spread out like water droplets and flew back with the finger of the golden lion. Integrate into those he carries with him.

“Jie hahahahaha! This is the real ‘nothingness’. Even if you can use your domineering energy to separate incarnations to assist movement, how many times can you do it? Can you keep up with the flexibility of my Piao Piao Fruit?”

The golden lion dodged Lynch’s attack smoothly.

Stretching out into space outside the atmosphere, even if Lynch’s upgraded version of the Moon Walk, which he calls the “Air Walk”, is superb, there is nowhere to draw on and nothing to do. His punches and kicks are still very fast, but the trajectory of his body cannot be perfectly controlled. The simplest thing is that after rushing past, it is difficult to stop or turn.

The golden lion can freely fly back and forth and up and down with the help of fluttering fruits, like a goldfish wrapped in a ball of water and swaying everywhere.

“Lin Qi, I take back what I just said. You are indeed reckless! Since you clearly saw my intention and insisted on following me to start, it’s already too late! Jie hahaha…”

The golden lion seemed to be on guard against Lynch’s deliberate return to the atmosphere. From time to time it would fly under Lynch and strike out with sharp blades, taking advantage of the fact that Lynch’s movement trajectory was very easy to predict and at the same time it was very difficult for Lynch himself to do so. The opportunity to adjust sent Lynch flying toward the outer, deeper, and darker universe one by one.


The famous sword tied to the golden lion’s left leg kicked out flying slashes. In the vacuum environment without any hindrance, the swordsman’s slashes were more powerful and unparalleled.

Lin Qi stretched out his hand to grab it, with blue-black ripples wrapped around his hand, and shattered the slashing blow in the air.


With the dark universe and starry sky behind him, Lin Qi rubbed his neck while suspended in the air, looked down silently and said with a smile, OK, the Wu Kong Technique is completed!

The golden lion’s pupils shrank suddenly. Almost at the same time, Lin Qi’s figure, which was reflected in the pupils and suspended above, disappeared, leaving only a blue-black afterimage. At the same time, the golden lion I hear the gurgling sound of water flowing in my ears. How can there be the sound of water flowing in a vacuum? No, it’s the liquid air around me!

In the electric light and flint, the golden lion tried his best to turn his eyes. From the corner of his eye, he could only catch a glimpse of a blue-black figure that had penetrated into the liquid air sphere on his side. He grinned and stretched out a hand towards himself… The Golden Lion’s scalp exploded, almost knocking off the rudder attached to his head, and he hurriedly controlled the liquid air around him to turn into a strong current to tie up the oncoming Lynch.

However, the blue-black ripples had already hit the golden lion heavily through the “air”.

Wow! The golden lion’s eyes were bloodshot, and he spurted out a ball of blood, which spread in the liquid air around him. At the same time, Lin Qi was also entangled by him with air and water flow, and was dragged out.


As the golden lion was hit by a palm from the air and Lynch was forcibly pulled out from the inside, the liquid air ball was divided into two pieces, one large and one small, and the high-density liquid air was destroyed due to the conflict between the two. There was a silent explosion in this dark space, and a ball of fire was ignited outside the blue planet…

“Ahem!” The golden lion coughed up blood droplets and controlled the liquid air to re-gather around the body. At the same time, with a flick of his finger, the liquid air that wrapped Lynch away was also… Where is Lynch?

The golden lion was extremely focused on what he saw and heard, and caught a passing shadow.

Lynch is flying!

Fly in space!

His whole body seemed to have a layer of blue-black overlapping shadows, as if every pore in his body was like a rocket propeller, with countless blue-black ripples jumping one after another, and it was as if he was dividing the parts before. The blue and black domineering avatar outside the body overlapped with himself. At this time, his concentration was not on his own body, but on controlling his ripple avatar to control his body in this vacuum…

“You actually… came up with such a method…?!”

The blue-black Lynch’s shadow in the golden lion’s eyes quickly enlarged, and then with a “boom” sound, the entire liquid sphere surrounding him was exploded by Lynch. Along with the splashing and suspended blood beads, these liquid spheres The air flew everywhere. The golden lion’s face was covered in blood, and several of his teeth were missing. He lost the protection of the atmospheric pressure of the liquid air around him. Like Lynch, he was in the boundless vacuum. His eyes suddenly became red and bloodshot. He gritted his teeth and was missing. The missing tooth spurted out blood, floating in the universe beside him.

Armed color! The golden lion’s whole body was covered with jet-black domineering energy. With a thought, the scattered liquid air was once again pulled back by his floating fruit. One by one, it passed by the side of the floating Lin Qi. In a blink of an eye, the green and black waves of Lin Qi were all around him. Qi disappeared in the liquid air like a meteor shower, bang! Golden Lion was almost punched in the abdomen by Lynch. The pain caused the veins on his forehead to pop and his eyes to bulge out.

Lin Qi’s face was expressionless, behind him was the liquid air that was dispersed after passing through, and the blood droplets on the golden lion’s mouth and nose were suspended in the close range. He grinned miserably or cruelly, “I’ll say it again, from the beginning, you are very Recklessly sucked all the air controlled by me into your body? Hahaha! Explode!”

Rumble, rumble…

Lynch’s chest kept swelling, as if he was exploding inside.

He frowned slightly. Even he can’t really use his domineering power to completely cover the lungs and other internal organs. It’s not that it’s impossible, but it will interfere with the physiological functions of the lungs and the circulation interaction between oxygen and blood. , Lin Qi is not a professional doctor, so he will not use domineering intervention or touch anything he doesn’t understand.

The macro aspect is okay, such as digesting hundreds of kilograms of food, or accelerating body healing, adjusting the structure of bones and muscles, etc., but he would not use it casually for physiological functions at this level. If Life Return forcefully intervenes, if there are sequelae of the surgery, who’s to blame if it doesn’t come back?

“Ask me again,” countless liquid air flew back and enveloped the golden lion. He chewed half of the cigar and sneered with blood on his face, “Do you choose to die or surrender to me?”

“We were kidnapped from the East China Sea by the Golden Lion. We must either surrender to his rule or die…”

In the floating archipelago, in a small village on a certain island, a young woman was explaining their lives to the inquiring Robin’s clone, quietly wiping the corners of her eyes.

The flower clone glanced at the sky. Both Golden Lion and Lynch had reached outer space. There were no abnormalities in these floating islands and they were still floating stably. It seems that the floating fruit of the golden lion can also make the floating state of an object last for a certain period of time, or it can always float before the golden lion releases its ability.

The flower clone looked away and looked at the white feathers on the young woman’s arms, “I see that the people in your village have these wings on their arms…have they always had them?”

The woman shook her head and said, “I don’t know, at least as long as I’m sensible, everyone I know on the island has feathers like this.”

It seems that it is not because the Golden Lion did some appalling human experiments on them… Hua distractedly thought, that is to say, the Golden Lion took a fancy to their physical abnormalities and kidnapped them. Their island and hometown were made into floating islands and they were taken with them…

“Perhaps it has something to do with the ‘Flower of the Other Shore’.” The young woman said, “The old people in the village say that the fragrance of the Flower of the Other Shore will lead us back to heaven…” She lowered her head and said sheepishly, “Everyone thinks that we have wings, maybe from Angel Tears… Hehe…”

“Flower of the other shore?” The flower clone thought of the special flower bud that the main body and Chopper met. Many of her flower clones scattered on all the floating islands had encountered this strange flower in the wild.

“There are many strange plants on the island,” the young woman laughed. “There are many ancient and dangerous beasts living here. Fortunately, there is a plant called ‘Crazy Green’ that smells unbearable to the animals. So we planted that kind of plant around the village, and relied on the smell to drive away wild beasts…”

The flower clone sniffed and smelled nothing.

She picked it up casually, opened her palm, and a blue deer nose with condensed petals appeared. As soon as the deer’s nose appeared, he sniffed and then sneezed violently.


“A sneeze!!!”

Chopper sneezed suddenly and was stunned, “What happened? I smell a particularly unpleasant smell, I feel dizzy…”

“Are you okay?” Robin beside him quietly turned away, removed the piece of Chopper’s nose flower clone, turned back and touched Chopper’s little head with concern, “Did you catch a cold?”

“It turns out I have a cold…” Chopper sat on the chair, with a look of relief on his face. He suddenly reacted and shouted angrily, “No, I’m a reindeer, how can I catch a cold? ! ”

“Research.” Robin pointed at the information and documents on the experimental table, as well as the bottles and jars containing strange liquids.

They quietly sneaked into the Golden Lion’s castle and found the research institute inside. Golden Lion and the others probably never thought that this castle would be entered by foreign enemies, so Robin and Chopper walked in almost unimpeded. As for the researchers in white coats, they were naturally no match for the two of them, and they were temporarily lured away by any means.

“Oh, yes, research information.” Chopper, unaware of his presence, continued to read through the information and exclaimed, “It’s really amazing, is it a special potion called IQ… Oh, that’s it… Hmm… …It’s really amazing!” The reindeer doctor said to himself with a serious face, “No wonder the animals here are so strange, and some of them can discharge electricity, breathe fire, etc. It turns out that it is related to the blood factor technology!”

A trace of blood overflowed from the floating Lin Qi’s mouth and nose. Behind him is the endless black space, and beneath his feet is the shimmering blue planet.

The lungs were injured. If he could look inside, Lynch would be sure that his lungs would have been stained red with blood.

But obviously the Golden Lion will not stop there.

The liquefied, high-density air that was sucked in by Lynch and compressed in his belly was pulled by the power of the Piao Piao Fruit, and rushed through Lynch like a storm, impacting and destroying Lynch’s body wantonly.

“Jie hahaha, I understand, it seems you chose to die!”

A fist stretched out from the much shrunken liquid air around the golden lion, and hit Lynch **** the face. The outer layer of liquid air exploded directly.


A silent explosion ejected Lynch.

“Whether it is an animal or a human, the bloodline factor contains many useful or useless pieces of information…”

Chopper flipped through the information, “Fire, lightning, the animals on the island are able to use these powers because the researchers here used the IQ potion to activate the relevant fragments of the bloodline factors in their bodies!”

The golden lion rode the liquid air protective shell and flew to pursue it.

He raised his foot, the domineering color wrapped around the mottled blade, almost piercing the liquid air around him, dragging out the dark domineering energy all the way, and pursued Lin Qi with a bang. Lynch was hit internally and externally, and every time he breathed in the air in his body, he felt burning pain in his lungs. The golden lion took advantage of the victory and pursued it, laughing wildly, and his attacks became more and more ruthless, but he also became more and more frightened. What kind of monster is this Lin Qi? Why is he not dead? !

Gululu…blood is rushing through the damaged blood vessels.

Whoosh…oxygen, air, blood foam…the energy of life is swimming in the damaged lungs…

Robin muttered beside him: “In this case, the reason why those villagers grew wings is because they absorbed too much pollen from the flower of the other side, the source of the IQ potion, in their long lives, thus inadvertently activating it. That’s why…”

“Birds? Villagers?” Chopper asked, “Robin, what are you talking about?”

“In other words,” Robin coughed and changed the subject calmly, “If we can crack the mystery of the bloodline factor, we can actively release various powers?”

As she spoke, she couldn’t help but be startled, and a past incident came to mind.

He must be killed as soon as possible!

The golden lion’s eyes were bloodshot, and the two famous knives on his feet actually separated from the broken leg and flew into his hands.

His dark hands held his two swords for the first time in a long time.

The overlord color is entangled!

“Since you are unwilling to surrender to me, then go to hell! Lynch!” The golden lion roared wildly, and the two swords carried the phantom of the dark roaring lion, “Two Sword Style·The Wrath of the Two Lions!”

Amazing slashes, mixed with surging domineering energy, vibrated and burst out silently outside the atmosphere.

Elephant Island, Zou!

The sky and the moon are visible, experimental accident! Hundreds of ghosts walking in the night!

The birth of the fur tribe…

Robin said to himself: “Murlocs, mermaids, giants, little humans, long-hands, long-legs, and furs… There are so many different races in the world, probably This is how it comes…”

The phantom of the domineering lion dispersed, and the cigar fell, floating in the liquid air.

The golden lion, whose face was full of blood and injuries, was expressionless, in disbelief, and looked at the scene in front of him with a bit of confusion.

My full attack failed to kill this man named Lynch…


The air that Lynch breathed into his body was spit out by Lynch and dissipated in the cold space. There is no longer any substance in Lin Qi’s body that he can use the Piao Piao Fruit ability to control interference.

But, in this case, Lynch would also die of suffocation due to loss of oxygen…

The sun shines brightly in the distance, reflected in the enlarged blood-colored pupils of the golden lion. The figure of the man floating in the cold space appears blurry in the backlight, but the eyes with golden lines are Glowing…Lin Qi’s body is floating in space. Even if it is separated from the air, there is no abnormality. Life energy has replaced oxygen. The pressure inside and outside the body balances itself. Every trace of blood factor is cheering. He As if it originally belonged to this space.

“It’s time to end.” Lynch said calmly.

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