I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 812 Huh? ! (5000 words)

 ”Brooke, maybe you should ask Mellie to change your face.”

Lin Qi and the others were walking on the streets of the Flower City without any disguise. Their “fancy clothes” attracted less attention. Brooke’s skull face was a bit easy to cause riots. The key is that this guy is still very unconscious and always likes He moves closer to a passing girl in kimono, trying to scare them to death with his polite manner.

 Brooke was surprised, “Huh? Change your face? Can Mellie do such a thing?”

 The boat spirit on Lynch’s shoulder was also surprised, as if it didn’t know it had this ability.

 ”The mirror fruit can be used on people who have been exposed to it, and the mirror image can be applied to themselves,” Robin thought for a moment, “but you can also use the mirror to shine on other animals, and disguise the animals into the appearance of the corresponding person. ”

  Pedestrians on the road hurriedly avoided, and Lynch said as if nothing had happened: “The corpses can also be regarded as animals, right? It is better to say that humans themselves are also a kind of animals.”

 ”Mr. Lynch, that’s a bit much to say.” Brooke said casually, “Besides, just as Mr. Lynch doesn’t want to change his clothes, I don’t really want to change my appearance.”

 Lin Qi smiled and said: “That’s true.”

 Brook said: “If I change my appearance, what if I meet Captain Yankee and he doesn’t recognize me?”

 Robin asked: “That’s your old captain, is he still alive?”

 Brook said: “Maybe still alive? Somewhere in the sea.”

 Lin Qi sighed: “If you are today, you are still not young.”

 Brook also sighed, “Yes.”

 There was a stall on the roadside. The stall owner was using flint to start a fire. The crackling sparks attracted the attention of Thunder Cloud Ymir.

 A hand stretched out, and sparks appeared on Lynch’s palm, gradually turning into an electric current, with electric arcs jumping around. Ymir, who was wearing glasses, raised his head and saw Lynch smiling, as if asking “Do you want to eat?”, Ymir nodded and leaned over, but Lynch’s hand moved up, so it also Floating upward, Lynch’s hand wrapped around the electric arc guided to the other side, so Ymir went around again…

 ”That’s them! Over there!” Suddenly, there was a commotion ahead, a group of men and horses in the shape of officers and soldiers rushed over, and the crowd dispersed.

Robin and Lynch looked as usual. This was expected when they entered the Flower Capital without any disguise.

 Seeing that these people were approaching fiercely and did not seem to recognize Mr. Lynch and Miss Robin, Brooke thought that he would save their lives if he could, so he took the initiative and pulled out the black knife Qiushui from his waist. A wisp of cold air seemed to come from the underworld. At the same time, a green human figure invisible to the naked eye appeared behind Brooke. He stretched out his hand and gently plucked Brooke’s blade, and it made a sound like playing a piano string…

 ”Catch…” Before the warriors from the general’s group in front could attack, he suddenly felt sleepy and fell to the side of the road, falling into a deep sleep.

 The crowd was in an uproar, confused, and had no idea what was happening.

 ”Let’s go over there and have a look.” Robin pointed to another street, “It seems to be very lively.” Her ears moved, as if she was listening to something, and she suddenly smiled: “That’s Youkuo over there?”

 ”Flower Street, isn’t this appropriate?” Lynch looked at her, one hand was engulfed by white clouds, Ymir squinted, as if he was very happy, sucking the arc created by Lynch’s hand.

 Robin blinked, “Have we not been to Happy Street together before?”

 “Is this happening?”

 ”Brooke has gone.” Robin reminded.

 “Let’s walk.” Lin Qi held Robin’s hand, the two of them smiled at each other and walked towards the flower street in Youkuo, where geishas, ​​prostitutes and prostitutes gathered.

Ymir followed Lin Qi’s hand and floated forward. Meili jumped on Ymir’s cloud, raised her head and opened her mouth, looking around curiously. A piece of cherry blossom fell and fell on its sailor hat, but it quickly passed through its phantom-like body as if it was very heavy, and fell gently on the pure white clouds…



  〖A certain alley〗

  “Sister, don’t be angry.” A tall woman with long grass-green hair **** in a Wano-style bun squatted down, holding the little hand of a little girl with the same hair color, “I’m not pretending to be a geisha. Isn’t it okay? I definitely won’t do it. I just approach them to get some information occasionally.”

 ”Are you coaxing a child?” Sugar looked at her sister coldly, “Who is the sister? Who is the sister?”

 ”You. I am my sister.” Monet squeezed his sister’s soft little hand and found that there was a little sugar syrup left on the candied haws. He took out his handkerchief and used the power of the Xuexue fruit to dissolve a little water and wiped the sugar stains clean.

 Suga let her sister rub it, and she snorted with satisfaction, stared at Monet’s bulging chest under her kimono, and scolded: “Are you so beautiful just to dance and show off your looks for those disgusting men to see? ?”

 ”Okay, okay, I was wrong.” Monet put away the handkerchief.

 ”Stop it, okay, I’m still disgusted by what happened before!” Sugar’s big eyes like a little girl flashed with cruelty and anger that didn’t match her appearance. She gritted her teeth and said, “The dog can run really fast. …”

 ”That’s it. Can you calm down now?” A buffalo pretending to be a carpenter came over.

 Sanduang glared at him, and the buffalo immediately took two steps back.

 Monet changed the subject and said: “Where are you, is there no news yet? With their style, as long as they come to Wano, which is far more closed than the outside world, it will definitely cause trouble.”

Before the snow girl could finish her words, there was a commotion outside.

 The three of them heard the sound and walked out of the alley. What they saw was a tall and handsome man who was even more handsome than what was shown in the newspaper, a woman who was even more beautiful and bright than what was shown in the newspaper, and a skeleton and a cloud. and the little child on the cloud. Such a group of people, who were incompatible with the Capital of Flowers, walked through the streets in a grand manner, talking and laughing, and went deep into the surrounding area where the famous courtesan lived.


Although they were still discussing Lynch and others just now, when they suddenly turned the corner and saw these people passing by, the three of them were still surprised.

 Especially Lynch.

  When he was closest, there was only a few meters of street separating him, even though there were many passers-by who were talking in surprise, and even though Lynch was chatting with the woman next to him and didn’t pay attention to them… Sutang , Monet, and Buffalo saw his face and profile, but they still couldn’t help but feel a trembling feeling from the bottom of their hearts.

 Buffalo, can you stop trembling? Very annoying!

 Satang was filled with anger, but the sound of chattering teeth was so close. Am I shaking?

 The noise on Youkuo Street returned like a tide. Monet’s face turned pale, and he slowly sat down with his back pressed against the wall. After confirming that Lynch and others had passed by, Monet let out a sigh of relief. He sighed with a wry smile: “Only when I saw him with my own eyes did I realize how terrifying this man is…” It was so embarrassing that I didn’t even have the courage to look at him again.

 It is like a baby secretly observing a ferocious dragon. If you look at it for a while longer, the other party will open its cold eyes and stand against her, kill her, tear her to pieces, and eat her.

 The buffalo’s face was pale, and his huge and fat body wanted to shrink into a ball at this moment. He turned his head and saw Senior, whose face was covered with white powder, like a local kabuki actor, walking over and murmured: “I just said Don’t you want to come? Let’s just give up on revenge, right? That Lynch is not someone we can mess with now… Even if the young master is resurrected, he will definitely die a second time…”

Monet wanted to refute him and opened his mouth, but he had no strength. Sugar wanted to scold him angrily, but she didn’t dare to speak, fearing that the sound of her teeth chattering would come out.

 Signol’s face was whiter than the kabuki white makeup on his face, but he took a step forward with determination in his eyes, “Anyway, since we are here, since we have met them, let’s follow them and have a look first.”


 ”Xiao Zi! The poor monk is here to pick you up! The poor monk will take you away from Youkuo! Come and live with the poor monk!”

 ”Hahahaha! How dare you say that! Is this perverted monk crazy? Do you have the money to redeem the courtesan?”

 ”Of course! I have put all my money with Xiao Zi, and I have redeemed her long ago! Xiao Zi, you finally came out! They don’t know about our relationship, please explain it to me”

 ”Didn’t you say you were going to give that money to the little girl? The little girl has already spent it, thank you.”

 ”Hahahahahaha! This old man actually thought that Xiao Zi fell in love with him! It made me laugh so hard! Hahahahaha…”

 Youkuo, in front of the gorgeous building, an old monk with patched monk robes knelt on the ground crying and crying. The oiran he begged for came out on the second floor and mocked him, then returned without hesitation. No trace either. The gangsters at the door of the brothel burst into laughter again, and even the passers-by onlookers laughed at the desperate old monk.

 Sauron raised his head and glanced at the oiran who turned back to the house, and then glanced at the old monk who was lying on the ground and crying bitterly. In his ears, he heard the laughter and discussion of the crowd, saying that this old monk brought it upon himself, and that evil people will have their own troubles. The person who said this sentence seemed to have been beaten by someone next to him. Why did this old monk conspire with arsonists and lumber dealers to make ill-gotten gains from the high funeral expenses of the families who lost their loved ones in the fire…

 “Alas.” Sauron sighed, giving up the idea of ​​helping.


 Brook’s screams were heard nearby, and the skeleton’s face suddenly came into view, “Mr. Zoro, why are you here? Didn’t you go to find the samurai with Mr. Luffy?”

 ”Brooke, there’s no need to ask about this kind of thing, right?” Lynch followed.

 “Oh?” Sauron looked at Lynch, Robin and Thundercloud Ymir, “You are here too.”

 Robin chuckled and said: “Zauron got lost, but he arrived at the Flower Capital before us.”

 Lin Qi said: “Anyway, we agreed that this is the meeting place. There is a saying that this kid got lost. Although he got lost, he would end up at the right place by mistake.”

 “Hey!” Zoro said angrily, “Do you think I can’t hear you?”

 Brook smiled and said: “Mr. Sauron really looks like a local samurai after changing his clothes.”

 Sauron said: “In my hometown village, many people wear this kind of clothes during festivals.”

 “Oh?” Robin was surprised.

On the side, Lin Qi was looking up at the second floor balcony where the oiran had just left, and Sauron also looked over.

 On the balcony, a man in a kimono with a hairstyle like a dogtail hanging in front of his forehead was staring at them with his slender eyes that seemed to never wake up. Although most of them were blocked by the decorative wig in front of his forehead, But a bit of his stunned, bloodshot eyes could still be seen. Kuangshilang held his hand on the wooden fence and stared at the tall man in the crowd on the street.

 He was wearing the clothes of a foreigner, and there was a blue-black iron rod floating beside him.

 His appearance is that I have only seen the reward notice once at General Orochi’s house, but I will never remember it wrong, nor will I admit it wrong.

 It’s him! The greatest pirate in the world with a bounty of 5 billion, the Ripple Messenger who is more terrifying than Kaido… Lynch!

 Ha! ?

 Why does such a dangerous person, one of the best in the outer sea, suddenly go to the country of Wano? !

 The other party’s eyes seemed to be able to see through all his pretense, as if a heavy punch penetrated his head from the pupil to the back of his head. Kuang Shilang held on hard to keep from losing his composure, and his temples were unknowingly wet, with a wisp of moisture dripping down. Cold sweat.

  Hunting pressure that was even more terrifying than Kaido’s, invisibly pressing on himself, Kuangshilang almost couldn’t control himself and pulled out the sword from his waist. Only in this way could he give himself even a little bit of security… Fortunately, then, Lynch seemed to just glance up at himself casually, then withdrew his gaze and continued chatting with a few people around him.

 Gulu, the Kuangshi Lang swallowed it and swallowed it. He lowered his eyes and saw that the fence had been broken by his own hands at some point.

 The old monk who was defrauded of all his property by the oiran was still howling in front of the door. Kuangshilang was in a state of confusion and was not in the mood to talk to him. He waved his hand and asked his men to drive him away, while he walked a little unsteadily. Go back to the house.

 It seems that Kuushiro’s true identity is a samurai under Kozuki Oden?

 Lin Qi looked up and thought about this problem when he looked away. However, he only had the arms of “B.I.B” on him. Without the “B.I.B” visor, he couldn’t call up the stand’s memory bank. It wasn’t a big deal anyway, and Lynch didn’t take it to heart. Suddenly, the crowd that had gradually dispersed was heard becoming commotion again.

 “It stinks so much!”

 ”Who! Let this stinky dog ​​enter this undefiled street!”

 “Get away quickly!!!”

 The crowd was in a commotion, but they shouted to drive away the smelly dog, but they hid faster than anyone else. Zoro and Brooke looked over and found that it was a puppy that was completely filthy, especially its mouth, which was full of feces. It ran staggeringly towards this side. Brooke said: “The puppy also wants to see the oiran? Yo **** ho **** ho. “This joke was obviously not funny, and Brooke aroused public outrage, but seeing his dignity, everyone’s expressions changed and they took two steps back.

 Zoro was originally prepared to stop the dog from charging at the only woman among his people, but when he wanted to hold the knife, he missed it. He remembered that Hedao Yiwen was snatched away by a nasty guy, and he was speechless again. Just then, the puppy with a mouth full of feces stopped twenty meters away from them as if it had hit an invisible wall.

 It’s okay, okay. Zoro breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he didn’t want to swing his sword at such a ghost.

 Robin was suddenly surprised: “What is it doing?”

 “Hey, why are you still kowtowing?” Lin Qi looked in surprise as the puppy parked twenty meters away was heading towards them. It nodded frequently, and the dog’s head hit the ground with a thud. sound.

  Brooke asked strangely: “Are you kowtowing to us?”

 Zauron said: “Do you want to catch me and see why?”

 ”This…” Several people thought for a moment and looked at the puppy with a mouth full of feces. Although they were a little confused about its mysterious behavior, they decided to forget it.

 The puppy kowtowed a few times, turned around twice as if reluctant to leave, and then left as if running away, causing another commotion in the crowd.

 However, Sauron noticed at this time that the running track of the puppy was very strange. Just like before, it seemed to hit something from time to time. Once it hit, it would kowtow non-stop, then continue running and kowtow. …After finally kowtowing, Robin shook his head and dismissed the flower eyes sent to the street corner. The puppy rushed into someone else’s toilet and was beaten out.


 ”Didn’t you say you were going to give that money to the little girl? The little girl has already spent it, thank you.”

 The courtesan blew out a puff of smoke from her red lips, held her pipe on the second floor, left a frivolous and indifferent sentence, turned around and returned to the house, leaving the old monk crying and begging at the door of the brothel.

 As soon as the door closed, the oiran sighed, put the pipe aside, knelt down on the cushion, poured a cup of tea, listened to the noise outside, and drank the tea indifferently.

 Crash bang. The sound of footsteps came from behind. Compared with the usual calmness, it seemed a little messy. The oiran frowned slightly. The cold expression on her face dissipated and was replaced with her usual gentle smile. She looked up and saw Kuangseirou sitting down across from the coffee table.

 Katsushiro, formerly known as Denjiro, was one of the samurai retainers of his father Kozuki Oden.

 For more than ten years, he disguised himself as the mafia boss of the Flower City, replacing the vacancy left by Hao Goro’s disappearance. He secretly gathered the mafia forces, opened up connections, and approached the usurping general Hetan Orochi. Prepare for the prophesied day years ago. Kinemon and others are waiting for the hope of saving Wano Country after traveling through nineteen years.

 The tea cup is steaming, and the leaves are floating in the cup. Oiran Xiaozi, whose real name was Kozuki Hiyori, raised her eyes and looked at Kuangshilang. His face was pale, his head was covered in cold sweat, and he seemed to be a little out of his mind.

Since he didn’t speak, Xiao Zi didn’t ask any more questions and continued to hold the tea, lowering her eyes and saying nothing.

  After a long silence, Kuangshilang calmed down and suddenly said: “I will go and take a look at that matter again.”

 Xiao Zi said calmly: “Last time I just returned empty-handed and was disappointed. Next time, maybe it will be a real trap. We are not the only ones who know the prophecy left by our mother. Orochi, Kaido, they all Know.”

 ”Prophecy…” Kuangshilang murmured, once again thinking of the day when Oden City was burned down nineteen years ago, and the prophecy left by Madam Shi about nineteen years later.

 He said with difficulty: “No matter what, we can’t give up.”

 “My name is Xiao Zi.” The oiran smiled softly, “Mr. Crazy Death Lang.”

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