I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 689 You low-class pirates

 【”Hey, don’t point such a dangerous arm at me…”】

 【At the station platform on the sea, Aokiji is covered in wisps of air-conditioning. Opposite him are Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Starfish Papago, and Mermaid Kai. Meters and even more than half of the Meili’s hull were completely frozen; behind him were the stunned station manager Cocoro and her granddaughter Timny, as well as the green pheasants growing on the ground of the station. His strong arms, wrapped in dark and intense domineering energy, grabbed at his back. 】

 【『B.I.B』’s narrow eyes looked at him coldly; Robin bit his lips, sweating coldly, his face was pale, and he was obviously absent-minded, but he still threatened the opponent with those blue pheasant arms that he had made effortlessly. 】

 【Rabu surfaced from the sea and glared at the blue pheasant angrily. 】

 【Bang! The frozen Nami turned into a ball of lightning, breaking countless ice cubes and petals. 】

 【Her body was covered with melting water stains, and she gasped when she saw the frozen friends around her. She had no time to be shocked, and quickly recognized the situation, turned the golden staff, gritted her teeth and blasted a blast several meters away at the green pheasant. The thick thunder light Aokiji frowned, and casually drew it in front of him, creating a right-angled ice path. Nami’s thunderbolt hit him and hit the right-angled ice path, and suddenly slid away, and was guided by Aoki Pheasant to the sea on one side. Sizzle! A large area of ​​​​the sea was so electrified that it burst into bright light and steamed…]

 【”Miss Boba turns out to be a natural type?” Aoki looked lazily at Nami a few more times, then glanced at the pale Nicole Robin, and put her suit jacket on her shoulders, “Forget it. Well, if we really fight…this maritime station will suffer. I am a navy admiral…” He turned back and handed a business card to Granny Kokoluo and little girl Timny, and said gently, “Because. I’m still on vacation, so I’m too lazy to deal with this little pirate group. But if they hurt you later, just call me and I’ll come and eliminate them right away…”]

 【Grandma Cocoluo took Qingzhi’s business card. There was only a line of ice-blue numbers on it, and there was no name, work unit or position. 】

 【Green Pheasant got on the bicycle as if there was no one around, and rode away directly on the sea, dangling. 】

 【”…” Nami finally recovered from the terrifying pressure of the admiral. At this moment, a series of dense “bang bang bang bang” broken sounds came from the side, Luffy and Zoro When ice cubes and flower petals flew from their bodies, they shouted in surprise: “Wow! It’s so cold!!!”]

 【”Huh? What happened? Where was that person just now?”】

 【”Stinky General! Why did you run away? A little bit…”]

 【Bang! “Are you a child?! If it weren’t for Sister Robin using her power to protect everyone.” Nami punched Luffy, the captain who didn’t understand the situation, and gave him an electric treatment. But when she turned around, she saw that Robin had already Returned to the ship alone. 】

 [Kemi and Papagu breathed a sigh of relief after a false alarm. They were really reborn after a disaster. They almost collapsed. They raised their hands feebly and said: “She said she felt unwell and wanted to rest for a while… She also said, A small part of the Meili was frozen and needs to be dealt with…”]


『B.I.B』 looked at the phone bug on the table.

 Little Green opened his eyes lazily and stared at it, then tilted his head in confusion, “Bulu?”

 ”B.I.B” followed Robin back to the ship, and Robin entered the Telephone Bug Castle as if he was lost. “B.I.B” did not follow.

 Though Aokiji’s words are pure nonsense, they are also heart-breaking and precise… “Survivor’s Guilt”, this is the book that “B.I.B” used to analyze Robin’s psychosis in Kuleha content seen on. Literally understood, it is a person who believes that he or she is at fault for surviving a traumatic event, feels confused and guilty because of his own salvation, and even wishes that he would have suffered misfortune.

 And this kind of “survival event” has been experienced by Nicole Robin twice.

 For the first time, it was her hometown, including everyone she knew, her family, fellow scholars, and the first giant friend she met. Everything was wiped out by the demon-slaying order…

 It sounds hard to say, but this time it’s actually “okay”. The little girl, who was only eight years old at the time, had grown up in a gloomy childhood and had not much to lose. O’Hara’s demon-slaying order only added a touch of darkness to her gloomy childhood…

 What finally defeated her was the second time.

 During the ten-year journey of living with Lynch, accompanying him, and growing up together, Robin’s life walked out of the original gloom, slowly accepting the sun-like Lynch, and also accepting his unfortunate self…

 Then this colorful life was finally cut off by a strong stroke of darkness.

  She has cared about too many things in the past ten years, and the person she cares about most

 And again…

 She survived, but the person she cared about…

 There are some words that everyone can say, and there are some truths that Robin herself does not understand. “B.I.B”‘s narrow eyes shimmered, staring into the confused little eyes of the phone bug. But the feeling and all kinds of suffering are probably only hers that can handle…


 Meili set sail again, and the target seemed to be the capital of the Seven Waters. Just now at the station, the mermaid Kemi and Granny Kokoro seemed to be having a great conversation. Therefore, Granny Kokoro suggested that if the Straw Hats want to repair their boats, they can go directly to the Capital of Seven Waters, where there are the best shipwrights in the world. , and provided them with a letter of introduction to the mayor of Seven Waters…

 Out the window, Luffy and others on the deck nodded obediently as Nami lectured angrily. Zoro and Sanji were shocked and had unwilling expressions on their faces. Usopp and Chopper were only scared. , if Robin hadn’t used his ability to protect their whole bodies in time, wouldn’t they have been wiped out by the navy admiral in a single encounter? ! Luffy is the only one who doesn’t seem to care about his troubles. Next time he meets that admiral, just fight him to the death! Why do you think so much…

 ”B.I.B” shook his head. Luffy and Zoro had not yet developed the armament of fire, and there was no way they could resist Aokiji’s “decades of practice” freezing ability.

  Haki is so powerful that even a surgical fruit cannot cut off or transfer the opponent. The opposite is also true. If the Devil Fruit is powerful, ordinary level of Haki cannot stop it… Kizaru, After all, people like Crocodile and Ace are not out of their minds and focusing on developing fruit abilities that can be “defeated” by domineering. Instead, as long as the fruit’s ability is strong enough, what will happen if the opponent becomes domineering? Haki is just a ticket for the user to compete with those with powerful abilities on the same stage.

 ”Where’s Sister Robin?” Sanji opened the door and came in, holding a plate with several drinks and snacks in one hand, “I made it especially for her… huh?”

 The cook was stunned.

 Huh? “B.I.B” was also stunned. He looked at Sanji and then took the initiative to reveal his visor, “Have you started to see sex?” 』

 “Ahaha, it seems so…”

 Sanji couldn’t hide his joy, he was elated, he was elated! Green algae head, let’s see if you can still do it? !

 Hunting, Robin jumped out of the phone bug castle and looked around suspiciously at Sanji, who was burning with fighting spirit, and at the black armor beside him, “What’s wrong?”

 Taking a drink brought by Sanji, Robin sat down and took a sip, frowning and muttering to himself: “Why is there no taste…”

 ”Huh? It’s impossible…”

 Sanji doubtfully picked up another cup and took a sip. After his eyes trembled, he took away the other drinks and snacks and said with a smile, “Sorry, sorry, maybe I was frightened by the admiral before and made some mistakes. …Haha, hahaha…”

 He turned around and left the cabin, frowning as soon as the door closed.

 ‘You seem to have scared the children. 』The black armor floated beside him.

 Robin sighed, shook his head, put the cup on the table, pushed it aside, looked out the window and Luffy and the others were surprised at Chopper, muttering something to himself.

 Not long after, Luffy, Usopp and others were heard marveling on the deck. The Merry sailed towards a beautiful water city. It quickly turned a corner and found a deserted shore to stop… …


 ”Sanji, don’t you get off the boat and go to the Water City?”

  Usopp turned around and asked strangely, “I thought you were going to buy fresh ingredients…”

  “I asked Green Algae and Chopper to help me buy it.” Sanji sat on the deck steps and said to Usopp, Luffy, Zoro, Chopper, Nami and the ones sitting on Usopp’s special The mermaid Kemi on the trolley gave a thumbs up and said with a smile, “I happen to be a little tired, so I’ll stay and watch the boat with Sister Robin. And Rab also needs someone to chat with.”

 Half a whale’s head full of scars emerged from the sea next to “Roar”.

 Luffy had already taken the lead and rushed towards the Water Capital. Nami and others were carrying bags of gold that they were going to exchange for in the city, and nodded: “Okay then.”

  Nami glanced at Sanji and pointed to the cabin worriedly. Sanji nodded, and he knew that Miss Nami must also be worried about Miss Robin.


  Sanji raised his finger and a gold lighter floated into his hand. He lit a cigarette and blew out a puff. He spread his legs and looked up at the blue sky and white clouds…

In the cabin window, Robin was reading a book alone, as usual.

Out the window, it seemed that a group of local gangsters suddenly came to the boat and wanted to extort money. Sanji kicked them one by one mercilessly, and they were all kicked into the sea.

 ”B.I.B” estimates that these guys are probably members of the Franky family. It glanced at the comics in its memory. Zoro, who was sleeping on the ship, was the one who killed these local gangsters with a few blows…

 After Sanji kicked these guys away, he still felt angry, “How dare you disturb Sister Robin’s rest? How disgusting…”

 “Don’t run away, let me kick you again!!”

 With a whoosh, Sanji jumped off the boat and chased the Franky family members who were fleeing in embarrassment.

 So, only Robin and “B.I.B” were left on the ship.

   What Qing Pheasant said is just bullshit. “B.I.B” said, “You understand, right?” 』

 “Hmm.” Robin turned over the book.

 ‘Do you really understand? 』


 ”…” “B.I.B” looked back at Robin. Robin just finished reading the book, closed it gently, handed it over to the Phone Bug Castle, stood up and walked out of the cabin.


 The wind was blowing on the deck. Robin smoothed his messy hair and walked to the side of the completely thawed ship. A black shadow appeared under the water. Soon, there was a “crash” and a head full of people appeared. Scarred whale, Rab called to Robin cheerfully.

 “Don’t worry, they will take you to Brooke.”

Robin closed her eyes and said to herself. Suddenly, she opened her eyes and glanced back.

 ”B.I.B” floated out of the cabin and raised his narrow eyes to look at the sky. A seemingly tiny figure jumped high from the direction of the water capital, drawing a black shadow in the sky and drawing a precise line. Arc, after landing on the shore with a bang, it jumped up as if a spring had been installed, and landed gently on the deck of the Mellie. “Excuse me.” Wearing a white peaked cap and sportswear, his nose is very long and looks like a raven. Thorpe’s tall young man said in a relaxed tone.

 “…” Robin looked at this young man who walked onto the boat and looked around like a familiar person.

 ”I am…”

 The young man, the ship repairman named Kaku, looked at Robin, paused, and said calmly, “Ship repairman, I have been asked to check the damage of this ship.”

 As he spoke, he looked around on the Meili, touched the iron patches on the main mast, and sighed: “The injury is really serious…”

 Robin said nothing, and neither did “B.I.B”. He watched Kaku wander around outside the cabin of the Mellie, and finally he said: “Sorry, based on my experience, It’s better to change ships. It’s too dangerous for this ship to continue sailing.”

 ”Is this so?” Robin pressed his hand on the mast covered with iron patches, “What a pity…”

 Sure enough, the ship spirit was miraculously conceived out of such a strong attachment to bid farewell to Luffy and the others.

 “Then, that’s it.” Kaku waved his hands gracefully, jumped up high again, and rushed back to the direction of the Water Capital.

 ”B.I.B” found that the speed of this guy’s return was much faster than the comfortable parkour-like leisurely pace when he came here… Did he recognize Robin and go back to report it?

 Yes, of course “B.I.B” recognized it. The ship repairman Kaku who was entrusted by Luffy and the others to look at the ship was actually one of the CP9 agents lurking in the Water City.

 Sure enough, after a while, two people wearing masks and big robes appeared on the shore of the Meili.

 Lucci, Bruno?

 ”B.I.B” glanced at the two masked men and recognized their identities through the auras they sensed.

 “We are CP9, Nicole Robin.”

Wearing a mask, Lu Qi put his hands in his trouser pocket and looked up at the woman beside the boat and the black ghost next to her.

 ”B.I.B” didn’t react much. Both of them are indeed many times stronger than before, but they are still not enough. Moreover, they are pure physical skills masters, and they happen to be restrained by Robin’s Taliban.

 It mainly depends on Robin’s choice. “B.I.B” does not intend to intervene, or in other words, it will only intervene when Robin’s life is in danger.

 Robin had no expression on his face, standing on the edge of the boat and looking down at the two masked men.


 “Hey, you two wearing masks, where do you want to take Sister Robin?”

Just as the two masked men took Robin and “B.I.B” away from the broken Merry, a voice came from behind them. Looking back, it was a young man in a suit with blond hair who lit a cigarette and looked at them coldly.

 Robin looked at the chef. The latter chewed on his cigarette and pointed at the whale swimming on the sea on one side, “If it weren’t for Rab’s cry, I would have almost been late…”

 ”You guys go first.” The leading masked man, Lucci, turned to look at Sanji and stopped, “I’ll deal with him.”

 ”Then I’ll leave it to you.” Another masked man, Bruno, said flatly, and then led Robin, who looked away, and the black armor that looked like a real ghost, and continued towards the water city. .

 Behind me, there was soon the sound of a fierce fight, and the sound of blood exploding…

 ”Can I control the ability of gold? Hahaha…”

 ”It seems that we need to show a little strength… point the gun continuously.”

 Puff puff puff puff…

  Sanji was covered in blood mist, and his last vague consciousness was that he was lying in a pool of blood, reluctantly watching the backs of the two **** taking Robin away…

 ”It’s really sad…” Bruno, who was wearing a mask, said lightly, “Such unworthy little pirates would actually think that a former Shichibukai like you would be their partner…”

 Robin was walking aside, but he didn’t react when he heard the words. It was Bruno who was talking, and his words suddenly stopped. He glared like a frightened little rabbit, stepped on his foot, and shot to the side. flash.

 The left hand of the mecha covered in blue flame patterns came up empty.

 ”B.I.B” glanced at the frightened Bruno with his narrow eyes, “You are very vigilant!” It seems that ‘arresting’ such a ‘son of the devil’ puts you under a lot of pressure…』

 Through the mask, I couldn’t see whether Bruno’s face looked good or bad. I could only hear him breathing heavily and saying in a deep voice: “What are you going to do? She came with us voluntarily!”

 ‘Oh, don’t get me wrong. “B.I.B” waved his hand, “I am only interested in you out of personal interest…”

 Huh? Bruno had a question mark on his head when he heard the black shadow say faintly: “Is the devil fruit on your body an animal type?” 』

  “It’s a cow fruit.” Bruno didn’t think it was a secret and admitted it directly. After all, as far as they know, the JOJO Pirates have almost never taken the ability of animals…

 ”B.I.B” understood that he was no longer interested in Bruno and returned to Robin.

 Bruno is a bit worried. The information given by his superiors said that Nico Robin is on the Straw Hat Pirates’ ship and is likely to come to the Capital of Seven Waters recently… To put it lightly, the former Shichibukai “Kujo Xuren” , that guy Lu Qi may have the strength to compete with her on the same stage, but other members including himself, walking alone with this woman, felt the pressure as huge as the red earth continent, and they did not dare to relax their nerves easily. Gotta be tight.

 Fortunately, Nicole Robin did have some emotional problems as the commander’s intelligence said. Lu Qi just threatened her casually, and she left naturally with the government officials.

 Even so, Bruno still didn’t dare to be careless with her…

  He even planned to use sea-floor stone handcuffs on her. How should he word the words so as not to anger her and not be counterproductive, but instead make this woman who always feels emotionally unstable go berserk on the spot… In this regard, Bruno is still confused. There were repeated beatings in the stomach.

 Hah, just as he was walking through the streets of the Water City, where the entire city was divided by a network of waterways like a maze, Robin, who was walking in front of Bruno, suddenly stopped on his high heels.

 “Huh?” Bruno was confused. He looked up and saw Nicole Robin stopping by the river and looking towards the other side of the river.


 ”Where on earth was Sister Robin taken?!”

 Nami flew through the streets of the Water City, followed quickly by the injured Sanji. The latter could only smile bitterly. He was beaten to death by the enemy in a pool of blood. He was only able to survive because the enemy seemed to I was in a hurry, so I didn’t kill him…

 Damn it! hateful!

 Nami also knew that Sanji should not be blamed, but she was still anxious and full of resentment towards herself.


  If I could focus more, take advantage of the properties of the thunder fruit, and practice my mental network… I would definitely be able to hear where Sister Robin is in this maze-like city…

 It’s all my fault!

 It’s all my fault! I’ve obviously noticed Sister Robin’s depression a long time ago… huh? !

  A blue-white electric arc flashed across Nami’s eyes, and she shouted: “I heard it! Over there!!”

 With Sanji in tow, Nami transformed into lightning and quickly turned a corner.

 Sanji jumped up high and ran to catch up.



 A gust of wind passed by, causing ripples on the water’s surface.

 Across a not-so-wide river, Robin and “B.I.B” next to him looked at Nami and Sanji, who were panting and chasing after them from the other side.

 ”Robin! Sister Robin!”

  Nami and Sanji also breathed a sigh of relief. They smiled at the calm-looking Robin on the other side and the black armor who was quietly guarding Robin next to him as usual, and then glared at the masked guy.

 “Great, I finally caught up with you.” Nami waved her hand and raised a smile, “Sister Robin, although I don’t know what this guy did to you, but don’t worry, I will never let him go. Him!”

 ”That’s right,” Sanji exhaled and loosened his blood-stained tie, “I was very unhappy about being beaten. Sister Robin, just stand there, Na and I will The beautiful lady will deal with that guy quickly”

 “No need.” Robin said calmly, “Navigator, cook, you go. I will not go back with you.”

  “…?” Sanji and Nami didn’t react for a moment, but they saw Robin on the other side of the river saying coldly in the wind: “I have looked down on you guys from the beginning… Next Waiting for the pirates…”

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