I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 674 There is nothing new in the sea

               二                   22               二                  ulation line 22): What is this place? 』]

 [When Kemi and Papagu woke up quietly, they found that they were already in a calm sea area, with motionless blue sky and white clouds above their heads, and as far as they could see, there was only a small island on the island. The hut even has a sun umbrella for resting in the shade… But why is that island drifting and swaying with the current? ]–

 ”Sanji! You are so valuable now!!!!”

 On the deck of the Merry, Usopp surrounded Sanji, who was covered in gold and looked like a statue made of pure gold. Not only was he snickering, but he was also joking loudly in an exaggerated tone.

 ”Hahahaha! Sanji! You have turned into gold!!!” Luffy joined in the fun, clapping his hands and feet at the same time, laughing so hard that tears came out of his eyes.

 “So handsome! Sanji!” Chopper also had stars in his eyes.

 Sauron, whose whole body was bandaged, was sitting on the deck drinking wine and was very happy, “Isn’t this too ugly?”

 ”…” Sanji had a dark look on his face, with golden veins pulsing on his forehead, “I’m telling you…have you heard the broken voice in my heart…bastards who don’t know how to understand others!”

 With that said, the golden right foot kicked out like lightning. Luffy and Usopp, with shoe prints on their faces, threw themselves into the street side by side; as for Chopper… no one would really be willing to touch such a cute pet, right?

 Zoron drew his sword to block Sanji’s golden kick, and said angrily: “Are you looking for a chop?”

 “Huh?” Sanji also raised his eyebrows unhappily.

 ”Stop fighting!” Chopper jumped to the side, “Zoron’s injury hasn’t healed yet…”

 “Huh!” x2

 Zoro Sanji simultaneously put away his sword and feet.

 Click, Sanji’s hand that lit the cigarette trembled slightly, looking at his body that seemed to be made of pure gold, tears streaming down his face, “I will never forgive you… for giving me such a meaningless thing. Devil Fruit…will my dream be shattered as soon as I get on the ship?”

 “Didn’t you say that his dream is to find ‘All Bee’?” Robin was surprised.

 Sanji wiped his tears silently, “Farewell, transparent fruit…Farewell, my dream…”

 Transparent fruit…

 Zoro and Usopp both have black lines, your dreams suddenly become very easy to understand!

 However, when Sanji caught a glimpse of Nami looking at him from the corner of his eye, his two cute, bright, and pure big eyes seemed to be shining with endless light, which was so dazzling and intoxicating… …

 Miss Nami, she, she… actually looked at me with such infatuated eyes? !

 ”Gold…” Nami breathed quickly and looked at Sanji, who was as golden as a child.

 I am so happy that I will die…

 Sanji suddenly became heartbroken!

 Then, Sanji’s golden transformation was lifted and he instantly returned to his normal state.

 The same thing that instantly switched back to normal was Nami’s eyes.

 Are you too realistic? !

 Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and Chopper stared at Nami dumbfounded, with a hint of depression in her big, downcast eyes, and a hint of guilt in her depression…

 Looking back at Sanji, who still had a heart-eyed look, as if he was petrified, Usopp coughed lightly and said: “So, Robin, let Nami go quickly. What’s the misunderstanding?”

 As he spoke, he stepped forward and wanted to help Nami rip off Robin’s arm.

 But Luffy directly raised his hand and held Usopp’s shoulder.

 ”What are you doing?!” Usopp was speechless. He looked down and saw not only Luffy grabbing him, but also the antlers Chopper was holding over him, and the word “Wado” stretched across Zoro’s chest. , also stopped him.

 Luffy said: “There must be a reason why Robin caught Nami.”

 ”…” Robin closed the book and looked at Nami, who was trapped on the deck. “Okay, Nami, everyone is here now. If you have anything to say, just say it directly.”

 So everyone looked at Nami.

 Huh? Even Sanji came back to his senses, touched Question Mark’s head, and looked over.

– Snap, Robin raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the arms on Nami’s body suddenly turned into many petals and disappeared.

 Nami looked around.

 Luffy, Zoro, Robin, Chopper, Usopp, Sanji

 Perhaps there is also the invisible ghost in the air

 Everyone was looking at him quietly, waiting for his answer.

  Nami sighed helplessly, covered her face and said: “Let’s sail the boat to Cocoa West Village… I will slowly tell you all my things on the way.”

 ”Hey…did you hear that?” Luffy pressed his straw hat, raised his fists and shouted, “Our navigator has given the order!”

 ”Roger that!” Usopp saluted.

 “I’m going to lower the sail.” Sanji held a cigarette in his mouth.

 “I’ll help too.” Chopper followed him cautiously.

  “…” Nami lay on the deck with relief, looking at the white sails of the Straw Hat Pirates being put down with a clatter, looking at the slowly moving blue sky and white clouds, and murmured, “After listening to this, I still need to Don’t insist on continuing to interfere in my life, just do whatever you want… What a bunch of nosy people…”

 ”B.I.B” sat next to Robin with his legs crossed, his narrow eyes glowing as he stared at Nami, who was lying carelessly on the deck.

  There is absolutely no gloominess in Nami’s tone similar to the one in the comics after years of miserable life…

 It sat on the steps with Robin in the same posture, with legs crossed and one hand supporting his cheek, Luffy on the bow, Sanji Chopper on the mast, and Usopp Zoro on the deck. Listening quietly to Nami recounting her previous experiences…

 Meili sailed through the waves in the East China Sea.

 On the deck, Luffy and the others listened, gradually showing expressions of surprise.

 Even “B.I.B” can’t help but be speechless.

 Have been working on it for a long time, so this is it?

 However, it feels a bit unexpected and reasonable… Think about it carefully, as long as Aaron is still alive and comes to the East China Sea, no matter how much he goes around, there will be almost the same result.


 Nami’s story is quite simple.

 A year ago, on the second day of her 17th birthday, she said goodbye to her parents and villagers, and sailed a boat to go out to sea alone for adventure, or “practice”.

 Her ambition is to draw a map of the world.

 With her talent, she has studied navigation knowledge in the village for so many years, and she has long been thirsty. She can’t help but want to go to sea, practice what she has learned, and go out to draw a sea chart herself.

 Before you want to draw a map of the world, you must first draw a map of the East China Sea, right?

 Of course, the four seas in the southeast, northwest and northwest have already regulated nautical charts. Although Nami is very professional, she is not to the extent of crushing the maps drawn by navigation experts around the world at the age of 17… However, in the East China Sea, Sailing around, going around, and practicing charting will also help you enter the Great Route in the future and challenge the grand dream of charting the Great Route that you have never heard of before, right?

 So one month after going to sea for practice, Nami heard about a place called “Alon’s Domain”.

  Nami also easily found out that the pirate group composed of fishmen once went to the “Great Route” in the sea that she must pass through to realize her dream…

 In other words, those fishmen probably have charts or logbooks of the Grand Route in their hands!

 In order to get those treasures, Nami sneaked into Aaron’s domain alone…


 ”You are really brave.” Usopp glared, “You dare to be alone…ahem!” He folded his arms and nodded, “Huh, you are so scared, even a Usopp who is greater than me. Captain Thorpe…”

 Except for Chopper, no one listened to him bragging in the background. Sanji bit his cigarette and asked, “What then? Miss Nami, it seems that you were not caught by them.”

 ”Of course not! Do you think I dare to go to a place like that by myself without any sneaky skills?”

  Nami was lying on the ground, recalling the past, “But I searched all over Aaron’s field and didn’t steal anything of value, except for some old newspapers and random reward orders… these The fishman who is drunk all day long has no professionalism as a pirate at all! It’s so infuriating…”

 ”Hey!” Zoro hit Luffy on the head with a word of peace. The guy actually listened, stretched out his limbs, and fell asleep wrapped around the head of the Meili.

  Nami said slowly: “But, just when I got nothing and was about to leave Aaron’s domain in despair, I passed by the neighboring villages…”

 Speaking of this, the orange-haired girl pursed her lips tightly, as if recalling a rather unpleasant scene.

 “Seeing the villagers’ lives worse than death under the rule of the Fish-Man Pirates…”

  【Forget it, it has nothing to do with me, right? 】

 【That day, Nami looked back at the lifeless village and the zombie-like villagers, then turned around and prepared to leave. 】

  【There are so many pirates in the world, do you think you should mind your own business if you see me? 】

 【I am just a passing thief…】

 【”Sister, sister! Wow…” Suddenly there was a burst of crying on the side of the road. Nami slowly stopped and looked over, seeing two skinny little girls on the side of the road. The blond one, hugging the older purple-haired one, howled and cried until her eyes were red and swollen… because the purple-haired “sister” had fallen to the ground haggardly and had been dead for a long time. 】

 【The thin girl with blond hair cried heartbrokenly, “I’m Naomi…Sister, you don’t care about me anymore? Wow…Why do you let me live alone…”]

 【Nami almost bit her lip and it bled, she buried her head and walked quickly, as if she was running away…】

  Nami crossed her arms to cover her eyes and heard Robin’s voice: “But you stopped in the end, right?”

 ”How could I possibly run away…” Nami put down her arms, revealing her reddish eyes, and said with a wry smile, “I was stopped by the cries of such pitiful children behind me, how could I ignore them…”


 Except for Luffy, who was sleeping soundly on the head of the sheep named Meili, everyone else could not help but remain silent.

  Sauron drank and said: “How dare you say that we are nosy?”


 Golden right foot! Antlers Clash!

 ”How dare you speak to Miss Nami like this?! They say you are not allowed to drink just after you have healed your injury!!”

  Zoro, Sanji, and Chopper were in a quarrel again. Usopp looked at Nami in surprise and asked: “Then what? Did you go to the navy to deal with those fishmen? Since you have to deal with such powerful ones. Pirates, you should go directly to the navy for help…”

  Nami sighed, sat up, held her forehead and said: “I tried, but it didn’t work… Different naval branches are each responsible for a fixed area in the East China Sea, and they will not ignore people from other branches. If you agree, you will enter the ‘territory’ of other navies without permission to deal with pirates…”

  “…” Robin held his cheek and said slowly, “In other words, the naval branch in the area where the ‘Along Domain’ is located neither agrees with the people of other branches to deal with those fishmen, nor do they themselves No troops were sent to clear the surrender…”

 ”Yes.” Nami smiled bitterly and sneered, “They have already colluded with those fishmen! Part of the money that the fishmen exploited from surrounding villages was directly distributed to the local navy. Branch Chief! ”

 ”Such a thing could happen…” Usopp muttered in surprise.

  Nami held the deck with her hands behind her and looked at the sky and said: “Later, the fish people seemed to appreciate my sailing skills, and I just used this to make an agreement with them… As long as I can raise 100 million beli. , they agreed to leave and let the village and the villagers go.”

 Standing on the bow of the boat, the sea breeze blew Nami’s orange hair, and an island was in front of her.

 ”I myself was also an orphan left in a place that was invaded by pirates… Later, I was taken in by my current mother, and I was able to grow up happily and live until now.” Nami stared blankly at the building where she lived. The peaceful small village that has been there for more than ten years is slowly approaching in sight. “I sometimes think that things like ‘Along’ just didn’t happen to me. Otherwise, Cocoyasi Village might have already been.” The way those villages look now… maybe, before I was born, my earliest hometown had experienced the same thing…”

 ”B.I.B” and Robin stood beside Nami, one on the left and one on the right.

 Even if a mouse colonel is killed, there will still be a cockroach colonel and a worm colonel… The black armor secretly lamented that the reason why Aaron in the comics harmed Nami’s hometown Cocoa West Village is probably just because, The Navy Captain he found who was willing to trade money with them happened to be in charge of this sea area…

Since there is no more Captain Mouse, when Aaron and his friends come to the East China Sea and decide to settle down, they will naturally find another navy who is easy to talk to.

 As long as Aaron’s hatred for humans still exists, whether it is Nami or Nami, at most they will just be similar stories that happened in different places in the East China Sea…

 “Hey, Chopper, is it because of those fishmen that this woman loves money so much?”

  Behind the scenes, Usopp and Chopper were whispering.

  Nami turned around and threw an orange peel on Usopp’s head, “It’s time to get off the boat!”

 As soon as Nami led a group of friends back to Cocoa West Village, she felt like a blow to the head, a bolt from the blue.

 “Ajian was taken away by the fish-men?!”

  Nami said in disbelief, “How is it possible… How could Ken…”

 “No one knows why, but a few days after you left last time, two fishmen came to the village,” Nami’s sister, blue-haired Nokigao, shook her head and said slowly, “ They were so powerful that no one in the village could stop them… Later, I didn’t know what Ajian said to them, and they were taken away directly…”

Ajian is the village policeman in the village. He has a good relationship with the sisters’ adoptive mother Bellemere. He can be said to be the uncle who watched them grow up.

 ”How do the murlocs know that my hometown is here? I always pay close attention to whether there are murlocs following me!” Nami’s eyes turned pale with shock, and she sat down weakly at the table with her head in her arms. He bit his lips and murmured, “I have even observed the sea behind me…”

 Robin suddenly said: “The fishmen can communicate with the fish in the sea.”

 ”B.I.B” is floating aside. It is obvious that Aaron and his gang of fishmen did not follow them personally, but asked the fish to help… Jinbe can bring a large group of tofu sharks to the rescue, Aaron and the others naturally You can also wave a fish tail to Nami and find Nami’s hometown.

 Then take away the people Nami cares about and strangle Nami’s lifeline in one wave.

  “How could it be…” Nami’s palms trembled, unable to accept such a result, “It’s all because of me… who caused Jian to be…”

The tall statue of Nuoqi has not slept well recently. Her blue hair is messy and her eyes are red. Although she couldn’t bear it, she still said: “Also, Nami… It’s not just Jian. A few days ago , Mom, in order to recover Ajian and find you, she has gone to sea alone to find a way…”

  Nami seemed to have been hit hard. She was extremely sad and blamed herself. She covered her face and cried: “Bellemere…”

At this moment, Robin reached out and slowly but forcefully pulled away Nami’s hands covering her face.

  Nami raised her head, revealing her eyes filled with tears, and looked up at Robin, who tilted his head and motioned to her towards the door.

 Standing on the left and right of the door frame are Zoro carrying the word “Wado” and Sanji lighting a cigarette; Usopp is sitting on the threshold; and outside the door stands a figure wearing a straw hat, at his feet, The reindeer paused and looked into the house.

 “I know who is preventing Nami from becoming our navigator!”

 Luffy pressed the straw hat on his head.

  Chopper raised his head, “Yeah…” Zoro carried the word “But…” Sanji puffed out smoke, “There is no Miss Nami…” Usopp pushed his long nose, proudly Said: “With just a few of us, we can’t find those nasty guys!”

 ”You…” Nami pouted, tears welled up in her eyes and finally fell down.

 Only a question mark slowly appeared above “B.I.B”‘s head. How did you do it so neatly… When did you secretly rehearse?


 On the Meili heading to Aaron’s domain, Robin picked up a cup of coffee and paused it on his lips, “By the way, about Aaron… he is also a devil fruit user.”

 “What?!” The other members of the Straw Hats looked shocked.

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