I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 667 A swordsman friend of mine

              1                          nel down forward in the series – The Legend of the Prison in the Great Prison 1 – Infinite Hell –

 [Don’t think about how good the food in prison is. A plate of turbid cold water, a bowl of half-cooked rice, and a ball of hard steamed buns are enough to get by… This is Shiliu’s daily meal. The female jailer carried a large pot of white rice, fragrant sea animal meat, and hot seaweed soup into the prison diagonally opposite Shiliu. She happily fed Haina and left after eating. Then she grabbed the thorn iron whip and whipped the others. The squealing cell door was being beaten repeatedly, a group of scum of society, howling! ]–

  〖The Great Route, the Kingdom of Medical Snow〗

As a winter island, it still has a windy and snowy climate all year round, and everything you see is covered in silver.

  Deep in the snow-capped mountains, there is a tree house.

 There is wood burning in the fireplace, and the fire is dancing.

  “…I remember her name was Weiwei, she was such an amazing little princess.”

  Dalton took a sip of the hot soup to soothe his throat and put it on the table.

 Having not heard a response for a long time, Dalton turned around and saw Kuleha, wearing a fashionable punk leather jacket and glasses, sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed, holding a notebook in her hand to write and draw.

 ”Huh?” Kuleha noticed Dalton’s speechless gaze, raised her eyes and said angrily, “The daughter of the King of Alabasta, whose full name is Neferutari Vivi, was born in the last world. When you met her at the meeting, she was about 10 years old. She had a simple blue ponytail that was refreshing and not like a princess, and she was wearing an ordinary pink dress. Because this outfit did not look royal, she was ignored by some other people. The bad-tempered princes and princesses of the royal family ridiculed and provoked, but the little princess Weiwei was polite and did not cause any trouble to her father. Such a strong little princess impressed you, who was not in a good mood when attending the world conference. You’ve been telling this story for more than a dozen times. What’s wrong? The last world conference was so boring. There was nothing new to tell you.”

 ”…” Dalton said, but he thought about it honestly, “Last time, there seemed to be no special issue. By the way, there was talk about the man who later merged with the Whitebeard Pirates. The emerging pirate group”

 Kureha thought for a while, “The Spade Pirates?”

 “Yes,” Dalton took another sip of hot soup, “Their captain, now the captain of Whitebeard’s second division, Ace, rose to prominence at an extremely fast speed and entered the new world, and was very popular… …Moreover, his surname, Portcas, seemed to have been related to a certain royal family in the South China Sea, so it was discussed at the meeting for a while…”

 Kureha paused her writing again and raised her eyes to stare at Dalton.

  Dalton smiled, “It’s also because, seeing a young and flying new pirate like Portcas D. Ace, I couldn’t help but think of Lynch… Ten years later, again Haven’t heard anything about him.”

 ”Do you care, Mr. King?” Kuleha continued to write and draw on the sofa with her legs crossed without raising her head.

Dalton shook his head, stood up and walked to the bookshelf, squatting in the corner next to where old newspapers were piled, and flipping through them casually.

 The newspapers have a wide range of dates, some are even seven or eight years old and have turned yellow.

 ”The revolutionary army has become the number one enemy in the world, and its leader Dorag can be described as the most vicious criminal in the world…”

 This is a newspaper from six years ago. Before this news appeared in the newspaper, Dalton, as the king of the Yixue Kingdom, discussed the issue of the revolutionary army with other kings at the World Conference.

 ”Warmly celebrate the completion of the four sea train lines in the Capital of Seven Waters…”

 This is the earliest newspaper here, eight years ago.

 ”The Red-Haired Pirates defeated the Big Mom Pirates in the waters of Elbafu, and have they secured the throne of the fourth sea emperor in the New World?”

 This is a newspaper from four years ago. Shanks, the fourth sea king who shocked the world, truly became famous all over the world and dominated the great sea route.

 ”Ms. Sindori, the top actress in the Western Sea, is preparing to enter the Grand Line and start a world tour…”

 ”The Queen of the Land of Flowers…”

 ”Mr. Shichibukai Crocodile is suspected of not returning to the navy. He recently appeared in Alabasta and was deeply admired by the local people…”

 The topics of the news are all kinds of, and they are all newspapers and news that he has read before. Dalton can’t see any pattern. It seems that they have just been put aside after reading and forgotten to throw away.

 “Have you finished reading?”

 Kureha’s impatient voice sounded, and Dalton was speechless. “I am also a king after all. Isn’t it bad for you to chase me away like this?”

 “Since you are the king, go back to the palace and stay.”

 Kureha walked over with a smile and pointed a finger on Dalton’s forehead, “Symptom: guilty conscience. Why, boy king, you come to me every two days, are you… checking something? ”

Dalton glanced around at this clean and tidy treehouse. Apart from the medical skills and research materials that could be seen everywhere, there were no traces of other people’s lives.

 He sighed softly, and before he could speak, Kuleha pushed him out of the door with a finger.

  With a wry smile, the shameless Mr. King Dalton didn’t care, turned around and left, walking alone into the vast snow-capped mountains… Before he had gone far, he saw a blue-nosed reindeer carrying a package running towards him. Come.

 ”Doctor Chopper.” Dalton greeted with a smile, “Are you going to the town to practice medicine again?”

  “Ah, King Dalton.” The reindeer slowed down and made a childish voice like a human teenager, “Yes, everyone has given me a lot of materials that can be used for research. Hehe…”

Dalton smiled as he watched the reindeer speed up and gallop through the snow in the direction of the tree house, and then returned to the palace and castle on the top of the mountain.

 “Master Kuleha!”

 With a bang, the door of the tree house was pushed open by a reindeer, and the wind and snow poured in. “I got even rarer materials today, the experiment must be OK?”

 “Isn’t Robin here?”

 The reindeer circled around in the tree house, not only did they not see Robin, they didn’t even see the castle phone bug.

 It moved closer to the sofa, glanced at the page on which Kuleha was writing, and said, “Is it related to Robin?…”

 Snap, Kuleha closed the book and smashed the book on the reindeer’s head, “Stupid apprentice, shake the snow off your body before coming in.”

 The reindeer was stunned.


 It came to its senses and sauntered back to the door, transforming into a petite half-man, half-deer form while shaking its whole body.

 Snow fluttered down beside Renli’s deer hooves. Chopper lowered his head and said depressedly: “Master, Robin…”

 “I finally came out of the phone bug today,” Kuleha took off her glasses, “dressed up, took the phone bug with me, and went out early in the morning. As for Lynch’s ghost figure, I don’t know what to do with it. Didn’t follow…”

 “Is she leaving?” Chopper raised his tearful face.

 It put down its backpack, turned around and transformed into a reindeer, then rushed into the wind and snow outside the house and ran away.

 ”Stupid apprentice…you don’t have a long memory. I told you to close the door, do you want to freeze your mother to death?”

Kureha shook her head, put on her glasses and said to herself, “It’s not the first time she went out with her phone bug fully dressed. There have been several times in the past few months… It’s a good thing she can go out. ”


 Robin stood alone on the snowy seaside, and he didn’t know how long he had been standing here.

 The cold wind mixed with snowflakes blew her long black hair that had already reached her shoulders.

 The sea in the distance is gray, and the dividing line between the sky and the sea is blurred.

 The sound of running hooves was mixed with the wind behind him. Robin turned around and saw a blue-nosed reindeer standing panting on the snow not far behind.

 ”Chopper, what’s the matter?” Robin asked strangely.

 Seeing the normal expression on Robin’s face, Chopper felt a little confused and dazed, and suppressed a sentence: “I’m so hungry, Robin, let’s go back and eat together!”

 ”Okay.” Robin put the green phone bug in his hand into his bag. “Let’s go…”

 She spoke into the air next to her, and Chopper knew that the black armor must be there.

 Robin and the reindeer returned to the tree house in the snowy mountains together. They chatted and listened to the reindeer talk about things they encountered while practicing medicine.

 The more normal her tone is, the sadder Chopper feels…

 Back in the tree house, Kuleha glanced at Robin, closed the book, and asked, “Back?”

 “Hmm.” Robin put the bag away and asked, “What do you want to eat today?”

 She fumbled for a while among the phone bugs in her bag, “As for ingredients, I found some in the town today…”

 Liar! Chopper turned into a short brown, tall, blue-nosed young man from behind, and went to help process some ingredients such as snow rabbits.

 It lowered its head and pouted, with a heavy heart. As far as it knew, although Robin had gone out from time to time over the years, she had never actually been to the towns on the island…


 Enjoy dinner as a family. The black armor leaned against the wall with his arms folded.

 At night, Kuleha rested in the tree house. He opened one eye and glanced around. In the corner of the room, Chopper was carefully shaking off the materials in front of the flask and silently doing experiments.

 In the Telephone Bug Castle, the bedroom was dark, Robin opened his eyes and silently counted sheep.

 In the night sky, the black armor is wrapped in a ball of dark flame-like energy, practicing silently.


 Gululu, Peng.

 A cloud of purple smoke came out of the flask, and Chopper suddenly frowned.

 Failed again.

 Later, Robin flipped through the book casually and found that Chopper’s experiment had failed again, so he went over to comfort him.

  Being comforted by her, Chopper became even more depressed now!

Kureha looked through Chopper’s experimental records and pointed out a few points worth discussing.

 “I’ll go to town and have a look. Maybe I can get other materials that can be used.”

 Kureha puts on a punk leather jacket.

 ”I’ll go too!” Chopper stepped out of the tree house with a squeaking sound, and soon ran over again, holding the door open and staring at Robin on the sofa in the house.

 Robin moved his hand, and a hand grew out of Chopper’s antlers. He flicked his finger on his furry forehead. Robin turned the book and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t run away.”

 In the wind and snow in the air, the dark armor turned his palms, and between his fingers he saw the master and the apprentice walking in the snow towards the distance outside the snow-capped mountains.

Will Lobo come to this island again?

 It thought silently.

 Theoretically speaking, Nami was bitten by a poisonous insect in the small garden and her life was in danger. This was just an accidental event with a small probability.

 As long as Nami is not bitten, there is a high probability that the Straw Hat Pirates will not come to Drum Island to seek help from a doctor…


Robin dressed up again, took the phone with him, opened the door of the tree house and left.

 She stood in front of the tree house and looked at it for a while, then stepped forward.

 【”Robin, where’s Lynch?” The reindeer who was crying in Robin’s arms raised his head. 】

 Behind the window of the wooden house, Chopper looked at Robin’s back retreating in the snow.

 【”He is really… just like Master Kuleha said…” Chopper burst into tears. 】

 [Robin was speechless and looked up at Kuleha, who threw away the empty wine bottle. “Those things you and the Pirate Empress did in the newspaper… I guess it was Lynch who was responsible. What happened?”]

 【Chopper burst into tears. Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch…】

 Walking to the seaside step by step, Robin looked at the gray sky and the vast sea.

 That little boat is quietly stored in the Telephone Bug Castle. It can be taken out and put on the sea at any time, and the boat can be sailed out to sea at any time.

But Robin ended up standing alone on the beach just like before, staring blankly at everything gray in the distance.


 Far behind, the reindeer in the snow looked at Robin’s back.

 The black armor looked back. You’re hiding!


 This time, definitely, definitely! It will definitely succeed!

 Heng, a cloud of black smoke came out of the mouth of the flask.

 Chopper thumped the table depressedly, what the hell? The purple last time was obviously very close, why did it turn into black inexplicably this time?

 After being dejected for a while, Chopper slowly opened his eyes, recalling in his mind what the great quack doctor had said before.

 【”Hey, deer, do you know why I can live until now?”】

 [The quack doctor held up the test tube. The look in his eyes was something Chopper would never forget. He laughed and said, “It’s because of a ‘miracle’!”]

 【”As long as you always have hope, no matter how desperate the disease is, it can be cured!”]

 【The former thief who obviously had no medical skills laughed loudly, “How about this, such a ‘miracle’, isn’t it great?”]


  The reindeer’s eyes became firm again, and then it heard the master’s voice: “Stupid apprentice, try this?”

Kureha patted the snowflakes on her shoulders and entered the tree house, throwing a bag on the table.


 I can no longer raise the sail and go to sea…

 Robin lowered his eyes and was about to turn around and leave the beach to go back to the tree house, but he accidentally saw a small black shadow floating on the gray sky and sea in front of him.

 Is it a ship?

 A small boat…

 Sitting in the middle of the boat is a man with his legs crossed, wearing a flower-feathered hat, with a huge black knife like a cross standing behind his back.

 The dangerous and unpredictable great sea route, he was so cool, he floated on a small boat like a coffin board.


 Mihawk was sitting on the boat, feeling a little bored and sleepy. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of two familiar figures standing on the shore of the small winter island in front of him.

His eyes suddenly became sharp.

 Robin looked at the floating boat and Mihawk on the boat in surprise. The black armor “B.I.B” next to her also suddenly became sharp-eyed.

 Haha, interesting… Mihawk smiled and leaned the boat over.

 ”His… boat,” “B.I.B” made a voice and solemnly said, “How on earth did it row over…”


 Peng, a ball of light pink dust, slowly emerges from the mouth of the flask, like a dreamy color, which makes the reindeer intoxicated.


 Chopper was so excited that his eyes gleamed with excitement, he raised his two little hooves happily and shouted.

 Kureha next to her couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, picked up the wine bottle and took a sip.

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