I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 638 Lynch: If you think about it carefully, isn’t Brooke just a large Homitz?

[Chapter serial series·Rabu’s fantasy drifting 8·”Rabu’s drifting will continue”]

[Rabu floated to the sea for air, and a high jet of water spurted out from above his head. Not far away, on a red boat dragged by two giant snakes, a girl in colorful clothes and black hair held a monocular and pointed at it from a distance…]


As expected, as Lynch had guessed, he saw the scene in front of the double’s eyes through the light screen presented by the armor’s earplugs…

It is that strange and bizarre space, the mirror world.

In the comics, this is a special space that only Charlotte Bray, the one with the mirror fruit ability, can enter and exit using the mirror as the entrance. It is like an inner world in the pirate world, in another dimension.

The long corridor in the mirror world winds up and down. The walls are covered with all the mirrors reflecting the real world. Each mirror is a door to the real world. The corresponding place may be a bedroom, a toilet, a living room…anywhere. A seemingly inconspicuous mirror placed in the corner.

What Lynch’s stand-in 『.B』 saw in front of him at this moment was exactly this world.

The moment Lynch got the “earplugs” floating quietly on the bridge of Temptation Forest and turned on the “live screen”, the stand-in immediately noticed it.

『You’re here. ’ Its voice rang through the earbuds.

“Well,” Lynch knew this was not a joke and asked directly while standing on the giant donut-like arch bridge, “How is Robin?”

“I’m still looking…the bad news is, I haven’t found it yet. The good news is, it hasn’t been found yet. 』

“I understand,” Lynch nodded and said with a smile, “Sure enough, Sister Robin is very good at escaping. She has not lost her skills since she was a child.”

“You know she can access this memory, right?” 』

“Remember to cut this section off when the time comes.” Lin Qi warned, and then said with a little emotion, “It’s just that the Ten Thousand Kingdoms are a bit big. She’s hiding them with flowers and fruits. Not to mention Auntie’s gang, I’m a bit Hard to find…”

“The strange thing is here. “Through the virtual light screen of the earbuds, the substitute’s voice came through, “Although there has been a lot of movement in the past two days to search for Robin, the really powerful old woman has never made any movement. She seems to have been staying in the cake. city. 』

If Big Mom goes into battle in person and searches for Robin’s whereabouts all over the world, with the power of her soul fruit and the eyeliners of Homitz all over the place, even if Robin reaches the full level of hiding and concealment skills, There must be a lot of pressure to show flaws.

In response, Lynch chuckled and said, “It’s easy to understand. The old woman is waiting for me. She probably plans to finish me off and then take care of Robin.”

“Huh?” 』The substitute left early and did not know about the subsequent battle between the main body and Ka Er.

“You’ll know this when you get back,” Lynch didn’t intend to waste time. He walked across the bridge, turned around and kicked off the donut arch bridge. He raised the huge thing with one hand and opened his mouth. Chew, the taste is really good, and he said vaguely, “This place is really good. I’m eating something in the Forest of Temptation to get some blood back. By the way, I’ll take a look at the situation over there… memory playback.”

『Okay. 』

The substitute responded. The scene in the virtual light screen presented by the armor earbuds in front of Lin Qi immediately jumped, recalling the memory scene from nearly a day ago…

[After all, this is the home ground of the soul fruit ability user…]

[Flying across the sea, approaching the territory of all nations ahead, “.B” thought in his mind, and then plunged into the sea with a fierce force. 】

[Flying across the seabed, as a tangible but insubstantial energy body, the pitch-black armor did not stir up a trace of sea currents, quietly passing through the colorful seabed full of corals… The seawater became thicker and thicker. , seemed to be mixed with a lot of juice and syrup, and large swaths of sea slugs swam in the sea ahead. Each sea slug wore a little guard-like hat and lined up to pull up the warning net…]

[This kind of warning net is naturally of no use to “.B”. Before the sea slug was aware of it, it had already passed through the sea slug group and truly entered the waters of the world. 】

【So much of Homitz’s scent…】

[Similar to the first feeling that Lin Qi had when he entered the sea of ​​​​the territory of all nations, 『.B』 also immediately noticed the inconvenience of being able to sense the existence of Homiz. 】

[『.B』After patrolling the seabed among the small islands of various countries for a while, he still could not find Robin’s aura among the starry Homitz community and the breath of tens of thousands of residents of all countries…]

[There was no time to waste, 『.B』 immediately made a decision and flew directly on the bottom of the sea towards – for it, it was either swimming or flying – the location of Cake Island in the depths of the world. 】

[On the way, it called up the Aunt comics in its memory, a clip of Luffy Nami and Garrot landing on Cake Island, and confirmed that the location of the Temptation Forest controlled by Bree was in the southwest of Cake Island. coastal. 】

[Cake Island, southwest Hainan, a pitch-black armor flew out of the calm sea quietly, and then quietly entered the area ahead of it that was made up of cakes, chocolates, giant lollipops, donuts, juice… …a forest of temptations composed of countless delicacies. 】

[Such a forest is indeed tempting. 】

[Unfortunately, “.B” is different from its true body. It does not need to eat, has no appetite, and has no sense of smell. No matter how rich and tempting the aroma of desserts and delicacies in the forest of temptation is, it remains indifferent. . 】

[“Who is that?”]

【『.B』As soon as you entered this forest of temptation, you heard human-like whispers. 】

[The armor has no sense of smell, but it has hearing. Its narrow eyes shimmered, and it saw a face with human-like features appearing on the ground made of hard cake. It was glancing at it flying through the forest, muttering to itself in surprise. 】

【”There is a shadow~~” “Dark, like a bad guy~~” “Can’t see clearly, so scary~~”]

[In the surrounding woods, every tree, every giant lollipop stuck on the roadside, every dessert everywhere, there are human faces popping up, stealing from the shadow-like armor. Whispers…]

“Wait a minute!”

Lin Qi looked at the “first-person playback video” on the virtual light screen and interrupted, as if pressing the pause button, freezing the scene.

He had already eaten a mouthful of jam and was eating it as he walked through the Forest of Temptation, leaving behind him a winding and winding path, as if an old scalper had plowed it, or as if a typhoon was passing through it, and it was a path of destruction.

“I don’t seem to be welcome here…”

At this time, behind him, a dozen thick trees had vicious faces on their barks, and their roots moved flexibly like many feet, thinking they were quietly surrounding Lin Qi’s back.

“Stranger~~” “I don’t know him, who is he?” “Does he know where Bree went?” “I don’t know~~”

The Homiz trees approached behind the human who was eating greedily in the Forest of Temptation, but they saw the human freeing up one hand and pinching out a piece of paper with two fingers.

The powerful soul light that only Homiz could see spurted out from that piece of paper, as if a whirlwind swept across the entire Temptation Forest, all the trees and other Homiz people, and even the leader “Old Man” “Tree Spirit” King Barton also looked horrified.

“That’s mom’s life paper?!”

As creations of Big Mom’s soul fruit, these Homitz immediately lost the courage to fight against that human being and did not dare to resist at all after feeling even a little bit of Big Mom’s soul breath conveyed by the paper of life.

While eating, Lynch looked back at the Homitz, then held the life paper between his fingers and lit up a cluster of flames, burning it.


King Barton and the other Homies were shocked. They thought that this human being would use their mother’s life paper to blackmail them and serve him… But just when they thought this way, they were even ready to laugh at this human being. When he was stupid, another invisible force of terror erupted from the human body and swept across the entire Temptation Forest. King Barton and the other Homies, trees, ground, desserts, bread, lollipops… all turned their eyes white, were stunned, almost crumbling, and their souls were about to be separated from the things they were entrusted to, and their souls were dissolved.

“Tsk, the overlord color is really easy to use.”

Lin Qi smiled contentedly, he is now a domineering person.

Overlord color, in his deconstruction, is to use the navigation skills of seeing and hearing color, and then control it with armed color, to accurately strike the domineering power on the target. This kind of attack method is naturally mixed with the meaning of similar spiritual attack… …

Used to deal with these soul body Homitz soldiers, it can be said that it is born with critical strikes.

As for Auntie’s life paper, it has been sent to all countries. Of course, Lin Qi no longer needs this navigation gadget.


Lin Qi folded a giant piece of chocolate and found that there were clear facial features on the chocolate. He stared at himself with a look of panic, “Wow, are you going to eat me? I’m so scared~~ Who are you? You’re going to be eaten. It’s gone~~”

“Good guy, why do I feel like eating ginseng fruit.”

Lin Qi sighed, but he didn’t mind. He opened his mouth and stuffed the giant talking chocolate into his mouth. He quickly had a mouthful of chocolate, chewing the fragrant and silky chocolate in his mouth…

Auntie’s soul fruit regularly tears off part of the souls of residents of all countries as “taxes”, distributes them in fixed quotas, and attaches them to objects to “personify” them… As Lynch eats the chocolate , the soul of Homitz attached to it also detached and dissipated.

“Speaking of which, isn’t Brooke’s cat just a big ‘Skeleton Homitz’?”

Lin Qi suddenly thought of this.

After Brooke’s death, when his soul left his body and searched for his own body, he was lost in the fog of the Devil’s Triangle for a year. When he found his body, only a white skeleton was left.

Brooke had no choice but to host his soul on his own bones…

A skeleton is “anthropomorphized” in this way. Isn’t this exactly the same as the process of making Homitz? !


Lin Qi then thought, “Auntie cannot assign souls to corpses.”

In other words, Brooke’s Underworld Fruit is indeed the superior soul fruit of Big Mom… No wonder Big Mom is the soul fruit, but it is the skeleton gentleman Brooke who bears the nickname of “King of Souls”.

These thoughts passed in a flash, and Lin Qi continued to eat wildly in the Temptation Forest, replenishing the huge amount of physical energy consumed by flying across the endless sea.

At the same time, he casually clicked on the armor earplugs, and the “first-person replay video” frozen in the virtual light screen in front of him continued to play…

[As Lynch’s stand-in, “.B” can of course also direct a direct overlord-colored impact to knock out those whispering Homitz. 】

[However, it is not necessary. It silently swooped into the ground. 】

[Most of the Homitz, except for old tree spirits like King Barton, do not have high IQs – in fact, King Barton’s IQ, or intelligence, is just like that – when the suspicious black figure suddenly appeared again After disappearing, they quickly dispersed again. 】

[『.B』hiding underground, waiting secretly. 】

[“What’s the matter? Is there any movement just now?” Sure enough, not long after, the person it was looking for came. 】

[Charlotte Bray, who looked like the old witch who tricked the princess into eating poisoned apples in fairy tales, came over and asked some questions about the Homies in the Forest of Temptation. She heard that there was a suspicious figure. He appeared in surprise and said in shock: “Is it Nicole Robin? She is so brave, she is still wandering on Cake Island… instead of escaping to the island at the edge of the world?” This island is the base camp where my mother is! 】

[“Mirror World!”]

[Bree did not hesitate and immediately made a mirror as tall as a person. When she touched the mirror, it rippled like water and could be entered directly. 】

[In the mirror world, only she, a person with mirror ability, can enter. If others want to enter, they must touch her body… “.B” hiding underground is waiting for this opportunity, taking advantage of the cloth When Lei took the initiative to create a mirror, he quietly surfaced from the ground, his narrow eyes shimmering on the dark mask. The moment Bree jumped into the mirror, he also put his hand on its shoulders, and followed it floatingly. Enter the world on the other side of the mirror. 】

[Like a ghost…]

[As soon as he entered the mirror world, “.B” no longer hesitated, and directly restrained Bree without giving her time to react. 】

[Bule was stunned, looking at the empty mirror world, what happened? What’s got me? 】

[Katakuri’s sister is too weak. Apart from her devil fruit ability, her abilities are mediocre. It is difficult to even sense the existence of “.B”… The other party cannot see her, nor can “.B” It was convenient to use hypnosis to control her, and he simply burst out with a burst of domineering color. Bree, who was close at hand but was as confused as a blind man, fainted, and then directly hit her with his armor. 】

[The characteristics of the stand-in armor are not the superposition of combat power, but the larger value of the armor and the host. Just like when Robin fought wearing armor “.B”, she directly used the power of the armor instead of using the armor plus her own power. 】

[Lin Qi used to wear armor to increase his combat power. He only needed the assistance of the armor to simultaneously superimpose the power of domineering and iron blocks to strengthen his attack power. 】

[Bree was stunned by the overlord color, and “.B” attached to her body, directly controlling this “mirror fruit ability user’s body”, and skillfully shuttled through this fantasy and weird mirror world – or rather In the mirror dimension. 】

[The mirrors on the walls of the Mirror World are not Homitz, but they are intelligent in the Mirror World and can talk. “.B” traveled all the way and asked them about the traces of Nico Robin. . 】

[Soon, it learned from the mouth of the mirror in the Cake City area that Nicole Robin came to Wanguo one day ago and escaped and disappeared in front of Big Mom…]

“So that’s it!”

Lynch suddenly realized that there were several Homitz soldiers stepping on his feet.

Although “.B” has not found Robin the next day, until now, Lynch has at least confirmed one thing, that is, Robin has not fallen into the hands of Auntie and the others from beginning to end. She hid in the sea for almost two days… In this case, the more unknown her whereabouts are, the more it proves that she is not in danger.

“What are your plans next?” 』The avatar asked through the virtual light screen of the earbud.


Lin Qi smiled, and at this moment, a pair of vigilant and sharp eyes lit up in the woods behind him. A rabbit dressed in human attire, riding a red-crowned crane, quickly attacked Lin Qi with a spear in hand.

A little bit of cold light arrives first!

“Next, you continue to find Robin…”


A bit of cold light from the spear weapon pierced Lin Qi’s back, and the blue-black domineering force remained motionless under the tip of the blade. A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of Crane Knight Rabbit, and then an astonishing aura spewed out of the human body. !


The Crane Knight was in a trance, losing all strength, and the spear fell from his hand. He vaguely saw the human being turning around with a smile, grabbing it with his big hands, and muttering to himself, “Hey, the taste of Overlord color is really good.” Such unintelligible words, soon the crane knight’s vision went dark and he fainted – Lin Qi was holding the animal Homitz made by the aunt in his hand, and the red-crowned crane it was riding naturally looked like a domineering person just now. and passed out; Lynch rummaged around on the rabbit while thinking: “Auntie can’t give soul fragments to living people or even corpses to make Homitz, but animals can… because in the world view of pirates Here, animals don’t have souls? This is impossible…”

Perhaps it is simply that when the Devil Fruit was first created, different permissions were artificially given to the “Yellow Spring Fruit” and the “Soul Fruit”. No need to ask why, the Soul Soul Fruit cannot give souls to living people or corpses, it just can’t! If you can give soul fragments to animals, you can do it, there is no reason…

“As for me? I won’t look for her. It’s very tiring for me to come all the way to look for her!”

Lin Qi quickly found a portable mirror in the pocket of the Rabbit Crane Rider’s clothes, and smiled, “Let her come to me… But first, send the ‘Shock Fruit’ over.”

『Okay. 』

The avatar naturally has no objection to the main body’s plan. In fact, the same result would be achieved by replacing it with the decision-making process.

Lynch sat on the rabbit, casually lifted up the hard cake ground, and continued to eat – of course, throwing away the dusty ones – as for the red-crowned crane, please, this is a nationally protected animal, Lynch didn’t care , while eating, he reminded the small mirror collected in his hand: “Magic mirror, magic mirror, don’t take it the wrong way. My B boy is looking for the mirror where this handsome face is…”

After all, the mirror world is another dimension, or perhaps some kind of high-latitude space. Lynch didn’t wait long. A armored arm covered with red flame patterns stretched out from the small mirror in his hand. With a triangular chip covered with swirling patterns, it was directly inserted into the body of the main body who was drinking juice from the stream of the Forest of Temptation.

Lynch drank almost half of the juice stream. After the fruit juice entered his body, he opened his eyes, smiled, wiped his mouth, and said to himself: “Since Sister Robin is fine, I’m sorry, Kata.” Kuri, you are no longer useful…”

He turned over his hands and took out the little green from his pocket.

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