I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 519 “Elephant Lord, what are you…”

 Ahead, in the direction of the giant elephant’s head, a huge pillar can be seen emerging from a distance – that is the elephant’s owner’s erect trunk.

 “The rain of fire is coming!”

 “The elephant is about to take a bath…”

 When the huge elephant trunk sprayed huge waves on its back, in the Crow City on its back, in thousands of households on the streets, the shouts of the fur tribe residents came one after another.


 The seawater poured into the sky and poured into this thousand-year-old city like a flood.

 However, the fur tribe residents are obviously used to it. Including Wanda, the dog tribe girl under the house where Lynch was standing just now, they all closed the doors and windows very skillfully, waiting for the wave to fall and then wait for it to pass.

 Lynch held Robin in one hand and Darcy in the other, and jumped up high.

 ”I…” Vejita was speechless. The flood in front of him was overwhelming, and he hurriedly ran towards a nearby high place.

 Pa, pop, pop… In just a few steps, Lin Qi led the two of them through the sky and climbed to a height of several hundred meters.

 The little cat girl Darcy held Lin Qi’s arm tightly, rubbed her furry cheek twice, and couldn’t help but stick out her pink tongue and lick it twice.

 But soon, she was attracted by the scenery flying around her. Looking down, she suddenly exclaimed “Wow~~!!” and shouted excitedly.

 Robin looked down from his arms. Some of the stratus clouds below the elephant’s waist are white clouds, some are dark clouds, and there are still lightning and thunder in some places. The only thing that is the same is the thick fog surrounding the giant elephant that doesn’t know why it keeps walking. And on the back of the giant elephant as broad as the earth, the water sprayed by its trunk poured down, washing the fur city… Soon, the flood started from the high point in the middle of the city, and several clearly modified roads Aqueducts divert the water into several rivers and reservoirs in the city.

 “There are fish to eat!” Darcy hugged Lynch’s arm tightly, “I want to go down to eat fish!”

 Then go down and eat fish. The three of them fell down. A few meters before landing, Lin Qi stepped on the air with a “snap”, stopped the fall with a moon step, and landed lightly back to the ground.

 The whole city was washed by the flood and became completely new. Of course, it was also very wet.

 Dacy broke away from Lynch’s arm, cheered, and jumped into the nearest river. Soon, she emerged from the water, holding a sea fish in her mouth, waving to Robin Lynch on the shore.

 Vegita stood on the roof and looked at this scene, “I really don’t have any Devil Fruit powers anymore…”

 After witnessing it with my own eyes, I can even more appreciate the unique abilities of the JOJO Pirates.

 “Who is on the roof of Ling’s house again?” Wanda said dissatisfiedly as the window under his feet opened.

 “Wanda~~!!” ​​Darcy, who was catching fish in the river, waved her hands vigorously and said happily, “Let’s eat fish together!”

 Wanda’s eyes lit up at the window, “Hey, Darcy? How can you swim in mud?”

 She jumped out of the window and was shocked when she saw Lynch and Robin clearly, “A tribe of hairless monkeys?!”

 “We are also human beings, right?” Robin said with a smile.

 “This is a human?!” The adolescent dog girl who looked about fourteen years old looked in amazement. She circled around Lynch and Robin twice, and couldn’t help but come up and stick out her tongue to lick Lynch. ―a bite of the arm.

  Lynch’s face is beyond her reach…

 Wanda hugged Robin’s arm again and rubbed it, marveling, but in the end she jumped into the river and played with Darcy to catch fish.

 “It’s dawn, and the day is under the control of Duke Inuarashi and his musketeers.”

 Vegita’s voice made Robin, who was looking at the river with a smile, look away. Looking back, Vegita jumped off the roof and pointed to the tall buildings in the middle of the city in the distance, “I’ll take you to find them… I’m sorry, you are pirates after all.”

 Robin smiled and said: “It’s okay, I understand.”

Lin Qi didn’t care anymore. The Viper guy had escaped, and he was eager to find Inu Arashi and continue the fight.

 Walking on the road, around the streets and alleys of the city, those fur tribes who are more accustomed to daytime activities began to appear. Like the residents last night, they all looked at Wei Ji, the leader of the knight corps, with novel eyes. The two humans led by Tower glanced at each other.

 Robin pointed far ahead.

 ”Excuse me, what is that?”

 Lynch and Virgita both looked in the direction of her finger.

 It was something tall and warped in the woods in the distance. It was dimly lit last night, so I couldn’t see it clearly. It is a huge whale-shaped “sculpture”. It stands out in the woods and even in the country on the back of the elephant. It is difficult to ignore it at a glance.

Lynch knew that the tail of the giant whale was the cave where a red stone was hidden, which was the historical text of the road sign. However, he and Robin didn’t have the samurai of Kin’emon, especially Momonosuke, the young master of Kozuki, and the cats, dogs and fur tribe wouldn’t even let them see the red stone. ——Lin Qi and Cat Viper competed before. Even if Cat Viper accidentally used Liuying, he was so excited that he didn’t mention Kozuki Oden or Wano Country at all.

 ”That’s the Whale Forest, a place our family has guarded for generations.” Vigita seriously reminded Robin and Lynch, “That’s the only place that can’t be visited without the permission of Boss Neko Viper or Duke Inarashi. Open to both of you.”

 ”Is that so…” Robin’s eyes wandered, and when she met Lynch’s eyes, she smiled slightly.

 Going back to last night, when Robin followed the cat Viper into this ancient city under the moonlight, the entire elephant back range, the edge of the city, the woods everywhere, and even a huge abyss Near the swamp, wherever possible, a group of petals suddenly emerged from wherever there was no one around, and a clone of Xu Lun with an empty strip rose up from the petals, and opened his eyes. And Robin has long been curious about the huge “sculpture” under the moonlight, so naturally he won’t let it go…

 A flower clone is walking on the vine path on the surface of the giant whale, curiously reaching out to brush the weathered shell of the whale…

 These are all cultural relics…

 However, after hearing what Vigita said, Robin and Lynch looked at each other, and she smiled and canceled the flower clone walking on the big whale.

 The petals are scattered and drifting in the wind…

 A piece of petal followed the biting wind in the sky and fell to the forest on the right side of the giant elephant’s abdomen. It wandered slowly, continued forward, and landed in the palm of a delicate hand.

 The flower clone here is standing on the treetop, holding a furry squirrel in his arms, holding the petals that come with the wind.

 The fur tribe only eats hairless animals, such as crocodiles and fish… They say they don’t eat furry animals precisely because there are indeed other animals on the elephant’s back.

 The elephant owner took a shower in the morning, and the flood also washed away the forest. In order to prevent the flower clone from being washed away by the flood, Robin let it take shelter here for a while, and took a poor squirrel with him who was panicking in the face of the flood.

Hua Clone stood on the treetop and looked ahead. There was a huge swamp nearby, perhaps formed by the accumulation of frequent floods over thousands of years. The flood just now dispersed the sludge from the swamp everywhere nearby.

 Hua jumped down, released the squirrel, and continued to observe the peculiar culture on this thousand-year-old island. The natural tree houses in the woods, as well as various modification devices for cheap living, were very interesting. The squirrel was lightly following behind. He called and followed her step by step.

 ”You’re welcome.” The flower clone smiled and waved to the squirrel, but from this perspective, she found that the squirrel seemed to be stepping on something.


 “By the way, where is B.I.B?”

In Crow City, Robin and Lynch followed Virgita. While she was diverting her attention to controlling the flower clone, she suddenly discovered that Lin Qi’s double was still there just now, but since Lin Qi came back, he had gone somewhere.

 ”Huh?” Lin Qi actually didn’t pay much attention. He looked around and saw no trace of Xiao Hei. After he felt it for a moment, he was surprised and said: “Why did you run over there…”

 As for Robin, her pupils suddenly shrank and she whispered to herself: “This is…”


  The ancient giant elephant seems to be moving forward forever on the sea…

 In front of its huge mountain-like head, in front of its long nose that stretches like mountains, in front of its huge cave-like eyes… there is a black figure invisible to the naked eye suspended in the air. Compared with it, the figure looks small. So small.

 The black armor maintained its posture of flying backwards at a constant speed, tilted its head, and the white light flashed slightly in its narrow eyes, staring at the thousand-year-old giant elephant silently walking in the sea of ​​the New World, and slowly stretched out its hand. .


 Between the Youjiri Forest and the Right Abdominal Forest is what the fur tribe calls the Dark Swamp…

 In the woods near the Dark Swamp, the flower clone picked up the thing that the squirrel stepped on just now – it was a stone. A stone is nothing, but it was washed away from nowhere by the flood just now.

 But the stone made her pupils constrict because she saw something carved on the stone.

   is a word.

Although the handwriting was a little blurry, it was impossible for Robin to forget that kind of writing even after she died. What shocked her was that the writing was actually worn. The thing that carries this kind of word is actually a small piece of stone.

 That is ancient writing.

 ”How could it be-” Robin’s body whispered in Crow City, and Lynch looked at her, “What’s wrong?”

 Robin pursed his lips and said, “Wait a moment.”

  She controlled the flower clone in the distance – the flower clone let out a breath and placed the historical text gravel in her hand on the squirrel that was blinking in confusion with its big eyes. Then, she put the petals in her hand Place it on the squirrel’s furry forehead.

 On the streets of Crow City, Robin, who was following Vigita, made a move with her hand, and the petals surged in her palm, condensing into a squirrel with cute eyes.

 The squirrel’s eyes were slightly panicked, but it stood motionless on Robin’s palm like a sculpture.

 “Don’t be afraid.” Robin said softly, and the eyes of the squirrel on his palm, his clone, calmed down as expected. Lin Qi and her attention were focused on the gravel on the squirrel – Lin Qi picked up the stone with condensed petals and rubbed his fingers over the slightly worn square characters on the surface of the stone. , he was surprised and said: “Ancient writing? It’s really strange. How come there is… what’s written here?”

 Robin took a deep breath, shook his head and said: “The wear and tear is a bit serious. It takes time to slowly think about it before we can come to a conclusion… The initial judgment is that it is related to ‘hatred’ and ‘resentment’…”

 Lynch is full of questions, is this in the comics?

 “Hey, what do you think?” He weighed the gravel in his hand, “Big dog?”

 Vegita heard the movement behind her, and then realized that a five-meter-tall kobold, Duke Inuarashi, had appeared near Giorno and Xu Lun at some unknown time.

  Inuarashi wore sunglasses and stared at the broken stone – Xu Lun Kujo next to him, and said seriously: “Do you know this kind of writing?”


 The head, proboscis, and eyes of the elephant owner…

 The dark, ghostly figure retracted its palm, but the Elephant Master ignored it completely. He remained silent as he had for thousands of years, walking slowly on the sea in an unknown direction step by step…

 The substitute armor’s narrow eyes shimmered, staring at the ancient elephant, and asked slowly:

 What is your name? What did you eat…

 What kind of devil fruit?

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