I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 508 Let’s go 50-50 with Whitebeard,

Giorno’s posture, holding a ball of seawater in his hand and pumping his fist, was very familiar to Labost as a fishman.

Muloc Karate? !

Impossible, that is a special boxing technique that can only be mastered by murlocs who can control water…and not all murlocs can learn it!

Lin Qi punched the white beard standing upright on the deck, and the seawater spread over his hand into mist.

Isn’t this related to Murloc Karate? ! Labost yelled in his heart, then why are you holding a ball of sea water in your hand? !

But Lynch punched out, and a wave of energy visible to the naked eye flew out of the strong punch, hitting Whitebeard at extremely high speed.

With a punch from the air, the left half of Whitebeard’s head was blown to pieces!


The white pirates were almost frightened to death when they saw this, but Marco shouted loudly: “Don’t panic! Look clearly, dad is now a phoenix! How could he be injured like this? ?”

Everyone took a closer look, and sure enough, there was no blood flowing out of the edge of the left half of Dad’s broken head, but the blue flames of the phoenix were lingering around.

Since he is an immortal bird, he will certainly not die from this injury.

For those with phoenix abilities, they are like digitalized bodies in the system flow. There is no critical point anymore. No matter how serious the injury is, it is just a loss of blood bar. Burn a little blue bar to restore it. Just come over here.

Teach laughed and said, “Hahahaha, Giorno, the Phoenix fruit you gave to dad actually made him more invincible!”

“But what was that just now?” Many members of the White Group were still surprised by Giorno’s punch just now. “Isn’t he not a Devil Fruit user?”

Since you are not a person with abilities, how can you still send waves with bare hands? !

“Flying finger gun?”

The captains had a higher perspective and recognized that it seemed to be related to the finger gun in the Six Styles.

“Or is it Lan Jiao?”

“Are those his feet? They’re fists!”

“Can fists also be used to make kicks? Or finger guns? I really don’t understand it at all…”

In a moment, Whitebeard’s half of his head was still burning with blue fire, and he had already grasped the huge knife and slashed at Giorno in the air over there.

Without the bonus of the Shock Fruit, the Phoenix is ​​not a fantasy beast known for its brute strength, but with Whitebeard’s own huge strength alone, the sword energy from this sword is enough to tear the sea apart.

But Lin Qi, who was in the path of the slash in mid-air, was like a catkin moving in the wind. The slash fell towards him, and the strong pressure gently pushed him aside like a catkin…

The huge slash that failed once again cut off the sea, creating a mighty seawater rift.

“Paper painting?”

Foil Bista twirled his beard and said with a smile, “It is rumored that he is proficient in six moves, it seems true!”

As if in response to his words, before he could finish his words, Lin Qi, who was dodging like catkins, seemed to flick his legs in just an instant, and then kicked out dozens or hundreds of crescent-shaped slashes with great precision. Incomparably, everything surged away from Whitebeard’s huge body.

Qiaozi, the captain of the third division, looked at this scene and said, “It’s really an exaggeration…”

Boom, boom! Countless Arashi Kick Slashes landed on Whitebeard and exploded. When the smoke dissipated, Whitebeard, whose body was covered with black armed domineering energy, stood still on the spot.

“But there is still a long way to go to defeat Dad!” The other captains smiled slightly.

Whitebeard roared, and his arms turned into huge blue flame phoenix wings, sweeping out a huge wave of blue flame that covered the sky, engulfing Giorno in mid-air…

Sachi, the captain of the fourth division, and some other crew members were always paying attention to the movements of Giorno’s female captain, and found that she did not do anything special except for showing a guarded look at the beginning of the conflict. Now I just raised my head and quietly watched the battle between Giorno and his father… At this moment, the sound of “pop” and “pop” came from the huge waves of blue flames in the sky, and Giorno stepped on the moon step at high speed. Breaking through the blue flames, Dad took advantage of the opportunity and slashed horizontally at his next landing point in the air!

Unexpectedly, Giorno twisted his waist and kicked the sky backwards and upwards, and swooped towards the father on the deck, narrowly missing the huge horizontal slash.

“Can the moon step still be used like this?!” the white crew on the deck stared and shouted.

“The sight is also very strong…” Foil Bista twirled his beard and praised, “Otherwise, the sword just now might have cut off his foot! Hehe…”

Lin Qi dodged and came to White Beard, pressing his hands towards White Beard.

Six Kings Spear!

There was a loud roar, and a hole was blown out of Whitebeard’s chest. The side of the ship behind the hole was immediately shattered by the powerful impact, and the sea surface further behind was stirred up by the scattered aftermath, causing waves more than ten meters high…

“Dad!!” The members of the White Group exclaimed. Even if they knew that their dad had the Phoenix Fruit, they would still be worried when they saw such a wound.

Even some captains were sweating and said in shock: “Is that also the sixth move? I have never seen such a destructive move…”

Tich laughed loudly and said: “Isn’t that a unique skill that can only be mastered by integrating the six styles? Hahaha, Giovanna Giorno, you are really amazing!!”

Whitebeard’s head had already recovered at this time, allowing the hollow in his chest to be surrounded by the flames of regeneration, and he swung the huge cloud cutter towards Lin Qi.

Lin Qi raised his right hand and slapped the sword. The domineering energy in his right palm flowed, and the blade exploded with a “bang”.

“Gu la la la, it’s ‘Liu Ying’! I really miss it…” Whitebeard waved his other huge fist at Lynch and laughed, “It seems that Rayleigh has taught you a lot! ! ”

Lin Qi raised the golden iron rod to parry, but was blasted away by White Beard’s fist wrapped in rich Liuying domineering aura.

Poof! Lin Qi spat out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and flew towards the sea above everyone’s heads, but soon, he turned back and “pop!” stepped on the sea, stepped on the sea water, and counterattacked back…

“Aren’t you going to give up yet?” Marco sighed.

Not far away, not too far away, with the vibrations of the battle coming from the White Whale, the sea surface was undulating. On the deck of the swaying warship, Lieutenant General Stoloberg of the headquarters kept holding his telescope, trying his best to While observing the battle situation, he maintained communication with Marinevando’s general Sengoku through the phone bug at hand…

“Although I can’t see the specific situation on the Beluga, the battle is very fierce…”

“Giorno did not use the impact fruit used in the shampoo field…”

“The bow of the Beluga was smashed, it doesn’t look like they were just having a sparring match…”

“Whitebeard’s slashes didn’t look like he was joking…”

Navy Headquarters. Listening to the report from the phone bug, Sengoku said solemnly to himself: “Giorno used his special ability to remove his Devil Fruit ability beforehand? In other words, he had expected that there would be a conflict with Whitebeard? See? The reason why he followed Marco to the Moby Dick was not simple… at least it was not just to cure Whitebeard, as Marco had wished…”

Garp laughed loudly and said: “You actually went to Whitebeard’s ship with hostility? That kid is really bold, hahahaha…”

“Garp, you…” Warring States looked up, only to find that Garp, who had been talking just now, had fallen asleep on the sofa and was speechless.

He glanced at the sky outside the window, and it was indeed getting dark.

After accounting for the time difference, the sky will only get darker over the Moby Dick in the New World…

“Although Giorno is very strong, in front of Whitebeard…” Sengoku shook his head and said to himself, “Can he last until dawn?”

That night, Sengoku did not close his eyes. He kept listening to the voice of Lieutenant General Stoloberg on the other end of the phone, listening to him continue to describe the battle that took place on the Sea Emperor’s ship in the waters of the New World.

The battle seems to have lasted until the dawn dawned on the other side of the new world. The dawn sun shone on the deck of the warship. Some sailors had already rotated into the cabin to rest. Only Lieutenant General Stoloberg remained standing, watching closely. Watching the battle still raging on the Beluga in the distance.

Blue flame’s phoenix…six-style attacks like a storm…

The fierce shock caused by the domineering battle…

The huge White Whale swayed from side to side on the sea due to the fight between the two men. Several times, people thought that the ship would capsize…

Several parts of the hull have been damaged…

Navy Headquarters, Sengoku’s eyes are bloodshot from staying up late. Garp has his legs crossed, his nose is bubbling, and he is fast asleep… Sengoku is a little regretful, he is too focused on work, he should have put this old thing out of tune last night Throwed out.

He rubbed the dry corners of his eyes and looked out the window. The sky was slowly getting brighter.

At this time, the long-bearded telephone bug on the table said seriously: “The White Whale has been calm for more than half an hour. It seems that the battle is over…”

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