I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 403 Sky, split.

[Chapter Heading Serial・Lovesickness 32・”Mountain Wall・Echo”]

[The two sisters admitted their mistakes obediently. Hancock didn’t say anything, and led them forward, into the valley that in principle only the Nine Snakes Empress was qualified to know… The light suddenly brightened, and Boya’s two sisters raised their hands to cover their eyes. After getting used to it, they could see clearly what was inside the valley. scene. There was a huge, square stone placed on the ground in the center. The front of the stone was densely engraved with unfamiliar characters. But what attracted their attention the most was not the historical text, but the stone walls of the valley on all sides. One of the mountain walls was carved with lifelike stone statues…]


“…” Mihawk was speechless, leaning against the wooden wall of the cabin with his arms folded, quietly looking at the black shadow, and Giorno, no, Lynch.

Is this how to replace Devil Fruits…

Eagle Eye suddenly raised his head and looked high into the sky. Several newsbirds followed the ship at a distance…


After a lot of trouble, the whole red-haired pirate group laughed and played with all the golden fruits, and finally returned them to Lin Qi.

“Neither?” Lynch asked.

Laki Lu took a bite of the chicken leg and said with a smile: “Whether it’s gold or treasure, these things…”

“Of course the best is the one you find yourself!” other pirate group members shouted in unison, including Captain Shanks.

Shanks took a sip of wine, sat across from Lynch, put down the bottle, and said with a smile: “A devil fruit that can control gold… isn’t it the most useless?”

Lin Qi waved his hand and signaled “B.I.B” to put away the Golden Fruit chip, and said with an indifferent expression: “I’m not interested in money, gold or treasures, so what’s the use of this fruit? ”


The members of the red-haired pirate group seemed to have heard something absolutely unbelievable, their eyes widened, and several of them even threw a variety show behind them, “You actually-don’t like treasures?!!!!!!”

Jesus hooked Lynch’s neck and shouted loudly in his ear: “No! Lynch! As a pirate! How can you not chase the treasure!”

Lin Qi took a sip of wine, turned around and asked: “Captain, do you like treasures?”

Robin drank the lipstick tea and said with a smile: “I like books.”

“Look.” Lynch turned back.

Jesusbu, Lucky Lu and the others stumbled back a few steps, their views shattered, “How could there be such pirates in the world…”

“Besides, if you need money,” Lin Qi said nonchalantly, “there are pirates all over the world, you can just find one to solve them! Don’t look at me like this. I’m quite willing to redeem bounties or something.” Skilled…”

A red-haired sailor smelled of alcohol and asked doubtfully: “As a pirate, how can I collect bounties from other pirates in the navy?”

Beckman chewed a cigarette, “Have you forgotten, his captain’s ability…”

The red-haired crew members all looked at Robin, who was smiling and drinking tea, and suddenly remembered another face she had before, which the world called “Suren Kujo”.

This woman can change her appearance at will…

Not only her own appearance, but also Lin Qi’s appearance can be changed?

The noisy small banquet lasted for a long time on the deck, and the red-haired pirates continued to move towards their goal on the starry night sea.

Mihawk put down the bottle, wiped the corners of his mouth, and said slowly: “I remembered, your face looks familiar…”

“…” Behind him, Robin helped Lynch up.

Not far away, Shanks was very drunk, lying on his back among his friends, sleeping soundly.

“Son of the Devil…” Mihawk read slowly.

Lin Qi took a breath of alcohol, turned around and said sincerely: “You are very rude, classmate Hawkeye.”

“…?” Mihawk was speechless again, but soon the figures of Lynch and Robin disappeared in front of him.

Under the moonlight, at their original positions on the deck, there was only one… phone bug?

Back in the warm and bright Telephone Bug Castle, although Lynch was full of the smell of alcohol, he was not actually very drunk.

With his many years of practicing life restitution, even if he is really drunk, he can hypnotize himself, control himself to stay awake, and perhaps use methods similar to drunken fist…

“Go take a shower.” Robin took off his clothes that were stained with alcohol.

Outside, the crew of the Red-haired Pirates quickly discovered the little phone bug crawling around on the deck, and couldn’t help but get closer…

“Hey, what is this?”

“Phone bug? Why is there a hole in its shell…Wow, is there light inside the hole?”

“Why do I feel like there is a house in its belly…Am I dazzled?”

Little Lu was almost killed on the spot by the alcohol smell of this group of people. The color of her body was immediately camouflaged into the color of the wood of the deck… In an instant, she disappeared in front of everyone as if invisible in the night…

The hot water dripped from the nozzle, and the steam was lingering. Robin raised his head and scrubbed his long hair, stretched his body, and felt extremely relaxed.

Lin Qi was lying on his back in the large bathtub, playing with the triangular chip covered with golden swirls in his hand.

Golden Fruit…

Lin Qi shook his head and threw it to the stand-in, “Keep it. If there is a chance to encounter it in the future… let’s talk about it then.”

“B.I.B” is obvious.


The sky is bright and the changeable climate is slowly becoming stable.

Experienced pirates certainly know that this is proof that they have entered the stable climate range of an island.

“We are almost there.” The navigator on the red-haired ship reminded everyone.

Shanks rubbed his messy red hair and walked out of the cabin. He yawned and suddenly saw “BIU” and “BIU” pop up on the deck. Lynch and Robin appeared out of thin air. They both changed their clothes. The clothes are clean, and the whole person is white, fresh, handsome, and not at all like a sloppy pirate hanging out on the sea…

“Oh! It’s that one…” Shanks pointed with a smile. “Castle Fruit, right?”

The pirate ship on the bow of the Torosaurus cut through the waves. Not far ahead, an island that didn’t look too big and had several huge trees standing slowly approached…

Mihawk stood on the deck with a black knife on his back.

The pirate ship docked… The members of the red-haired group landed one after another. They were also surprised by the environment here, and they had obviously never been here before.

The vice captain looked around and said, “It’s an uninhabited island!”

The sniper was very interested in the different forms of plants on the island and smiled: “It’s quite interesting…”

“It is indeed a suitable place for a duel.”

Robin followed, Lynch sighed, walking side by side on the beach with “B.I.B”.

They looked at the distant view of the island and compared it with a certain scene in the comics in the memory bank of the stand-in armor.

“…” Shanks walked on the island with a smile on his lips, as if he was reminiscing about something.

He didn’t say much, but stretched out his fingers to pinch the sudden sourness in his eyes, then held down the famous sword Griffin at his waist and looked at Mihawk, who was walking side by side into the island not far away.

Around, other members of the red-haired group watched from a distance.

Mihawk stood still, put down the arms he was holding, and slowly pulled out the black knife from behind.



The sky over this small island suddenly parted slowly… Several newsbirds at high altitude were so frightened that their fur almost fell out.

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