I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 399 Let’s go face to face

[Chapter Series・Lovesickness 28・”Hirato Style”]

[Nine Snakes Palace is quiet. The sound of light and soft footsteps echoed again and again. Hancock came alone to the depths of the palace, into the valley behind the secret passage, and slowly walked to the square historical text. With long black hair reaching his waist and long flowing sleeves, Hancock raised his head and stared for a long time, unable to understand a word. A carving knife came out from under his sleeve. Hancock flicked it casually, and suddenly a cold light flashed and stone chips flew…]


The domineering force wrapped around the Thunderstorm Demon Sword and slashed at Lin Qi’s neck, but he stretched out his big hand and grabbed it with his bare hands.

“…?!” His face was covered with blood, and he squinted one eye and kept panting. Shiliu’s other eye was wide open, and it was difficult to describe the incredible feeling in his heart.

This man can actually take his own knife with his bare hands…

Is it because I was too injured and my Haki became too weak, or… because of this terrible guy, his physical strength, his Haki is too strong?

The dark palm clamped Xiliu’s knife, and Lin Qi picked up the iron rod with his other hand, making a whistling sound.

Isn’t this person’s physical strength… going to decline at all? !

Hiliu’s eyes were bloodshot, and when the stick fell on his body, black lightning suddenly burst out, and his arm bones cracked and broke.

Xi Liu screamed in agony, her face twisted ferociously due to the severe pain.

Not far away, Mihawk, with his arms folded, looked at them, especially looking at Giorno carefully.


Lin Qi’s attack paused and suddenly stopped.

He covered his neck and throat…

The small hole in the trachea pierced by the hair with the color of life returned and superimposed with arms… has healed now.

The mouth and nose were still sealed with gold, and Lynch became unable to breathe again.

After just a moment’s pause, Lin Qi looked down and saw only pools of blood on the yellow sand, and Yu Zhiliu had disappeared. He must have taken the opportunity to run away.


The iron rod hung low, and blood dripped from the end of the rod drop by drop, seeping into the sand. The black domineering energy dissipated and retreated from Lin Qi’s hand along the rod’s body into his body.

Lin Qi was speechless and lost interest.


The black armor on his body detached piece by piece and reunited in front of him to form the substitute “B.I.B”.

“B.I.B” took the iron rod and pointed behind it.

Lin Qi turned around and saw Robin carrying a shoulder bag and a green-haired man lying at his feet, and strode away.

As he got closer, Robin could see clearly that the lower half of his face was actually covered with a layer of gold, as if it had grown on his face and stuck to his skin, making it impossible for him to speak and completely unable to breathe. !

Robin opened his mouth, and immediately thought of something in panic, it was the ability of the green-haired man on the ground!

Lin Qi raised his hand to signal her to wait a moment, snapped his fingers to the side twice, and without even saying a word in his black armor, he squatted down and stretched out his left hand covered with blue flame patterns to the unconscious Tezzolo, directly from He inserted it into the back of his body and took out a glittering golden triangular chip from his body…Lin Qi allowed the substitute to take away the magnetic fruit chip from his body, and was implanted with a fresh golden fruit chip.

It took half a second to adapt…

Lin Qi raised his hand and wiped the gold mask on the lower half of his face. The gold adhering to his skin seemed to have gained life. As his hand moved, it turned into gold flow and flew away from his facial skin. .


When his mouth and nose were exposed again, Lin Qi took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it, feeling much relieved in his chest.

Robin felt relieved.

She looked at the group of gold that was leaving Lin Qi’s face in the air and flying around with his fingertips, and curiously said: “This is…”

After thinking for a moment, Robin remembered a fruit he had read about in the Superman series of the Devil Fruit illustrated book, “It’s the Golden Fruit! It has the ability to control gold…”

“The entire island is scattered with gold particles controlled by this guy…”

Lin Qi nodded. This small amount of gold was in his palm. Under the control of the ability of the golden fruit, it could be shaped into any shape.

Robin was shocked. In other words, everyone on the island had ingested these gold particles in the air with their breathing?

No wonder!

I saw that the gold that sealed Lin Qi’s mouth and nose flew out of his body. It turned out that it was not an illusion…

“We will study these later.”

Lin Qi said, looked to the other side, and took the iron rod from “B.I.B”‘s hand.

Huh, the wind blows and sweeps up the yellow sand.

Robin was startled and looked over.

Over there, the arena turned into yellow sand. Hawkeye stood there with a black knife on his back, crossing his arms and looking at Giorno from afar.

This scene, this picture, seems like they are about to start a fight and decide the winner…

The host and several referees who were covered in gravel and embarrassed were hiding behind the sand dunes, watching nervously but expectantly.

In front of countless big screens around the world, there are also countless viewers watching the vast yellow sand field, the confrontation between two strong men on the left and the right, as if they can feel the excitement and excitement of the scene. Atmosphere!

“I’ve always wondered,”

Lin Qi weighed the iron bar in his hand and asked with a smile, “You or Shanks… who won?”

The tense atmosphere was gone, and Mihawk smiled under his mustache, “I want to know too.”

“Huh? You haven’t fought before?” Lynch was curious.

“There was a fight,” Mihawk crossed his arms, “but there was no duel.”

“Oh~~” Lin Qi nodded clearly.

“The red-haired one is on this island,” Hawkeye said again, “won’t we find out if we have a fight?”

“Shanks is also on this island?”

Lynch was super surprised.

First of all, he didn’t know what Shanks’ aura was like back then; secondly, this resort island has been a mixed bag lately, with all kinds of auras, and it’s impossible for Lynch to pay attention to it 24/7. There are countless scents coming in and out of this island… Although he is a physical monster and has bottomless energy to squander, he is not bored to the point of this.

“Let’s go, face to face!”

He was very happy, stuffed the iron rod into Robin’s backpack, and slipped it into the phone bug’s castle.

Lynch and Robin left the arena together, which had turned into a small desert.

Mihawk followed with Black Blade Ye on his back.

The three of them left, leaving only the host and a few referees in the empty venue, as well as scattered spectators who fled…

Everyone was speechless, looking at each other, speechless, and all silent.

Is this… just leaving?

Since everything is in such chaos, why don’t you just defeat the finals in one fight?

Maybe this is the willfulness of the strong…

Countless viewers from all over the world looked at the patch of yellow sand in the picture and didn’t know what to say. Perhaps it is rare for strong men such as Mihawk and Giorno to follow the rules step by step to participate in the competition. For them, whether they follow the so-called rules or not has always just depended on their mood… …

They obeyed before because they wanted to.

Now they ignore everyone in the world and leave because they are too lazy to pay attention in the first place.

The sand was empty, and gusts of light wind stirred up the fine sand, passing over Tezzolo who was lying unconscious on the sand…


On the resort island near the seaside, the red-haired pirates were in twos and threes, drinking, bragging, chatting and laughing.

Suddenly the red hair looked somewhere and laughed in surprise: “Isn’t this Giorno? Hahaha!”

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