I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 347 Giorno escapes

[Chapter serial series・Lovesickness 2・”SSSSSSSS…”]

[Nine Snakes City, in the competition ring, Marigrudd was extremely powerful, knocking down the Nine Snakes warriors who came on stage to challenge her one after another. There was thunderous applause from the stands around… Hancock held his hat with one hand and sat down On the high throne, her face was expressionless and bored, her eyes were looking at the ring, but her sight was unfocused. Her long black hair turned into a flying and flexible snake, fangs opened, spitting out snake messages, and stroking the back of the woman next to her. The S-shaped rubbing came and went… The back and forth, winding strokes kept coming from the back. Bonnie resisted and did not dare to move, for fear of being bitten by Hancock’s snake hair. ]


The thin figure fell from the sky and landed accurately in front of everyone in the village.

However, when the person landed, there was no sound of bones and flesh breaking, or any loud noise.

Kerla was thrown to the ground diagonally. When it hit the bottom, her body automatically smoked and dissipated into clouds of gas. After the huge impact was removed, it condensed and formed into an ordinary little brown-haired girl again.

She even still carries the original bag. The power of the Devil Fruit covers a certain range of the esper’s body surface, and will be elementalized together with the esper’s personal belongings. It’s the same principle as when Robin’s Blossom Fruit replicates the human body, it also replicates the body’s close-fitting clothing.

The villagers were surprised to see this thin figure falling from the sky without any damage. When they saw the little guy’s appearance clearly, they were all shocked.


A screaming woman rushed out from among the villagers.

Kerla’s tears suddenly flowed out and she shouted: “Mom!”

She ran towards her mother who was flying toward her. Before she could take a few steps, her whole body was directly struck by a sharp blade-like impact falling from the sky, and was cut in half from top to bottom.

This kind of terrifying drastic change, with its ups and downs, scared the villagers out of their wits!

Kerla’s mother was the most direct. Seeing her daughter being split into two halves so close at hand, her body went limp and she passed out on the roadside.

“Damn kid, where are you running?!”

Accompanied by a loud shout above the head falling rapidly? “Boom”? A tall black shadow fell from the sky, and even made a shockingly large hole in the ground when it landed.

“That is? That is…what is that?”

Have the villagers ever seen such a scene before? They were so frightened that they could not speak.

In the billowing smoke, a figure over two meters tall slowly walked out. It turned out to be a handsome young man. He was carrying an iron rod, and his eyes were so fierce that people dared not look directly at him.

“Kerla? What a miserable slave!” Lin Qi said with a ferocious smile, “My bounty is so high that it scares you to death. You actually think… you can escape from my grasp?”

Bounty, this is a pirate!

The villagers understood the situation immediately. After all, this is an island on the Grand Line? We still have some common sense and vigilance.

Poor Kerra? She just escaped back to the village and was killed by this hateful pirate before she could hug her mother!

This was the second thought of the villagers.

A trembling old man stood up, stopped in front of Lin Qi, and cursed: “Pirate? You are not welcome here! Just now… that child was killed by you, get out of here!”

The uncle raised his crutch and whipped it toward Lin Qi, who was walking towards him.

His stature is rickety, at most 1.4 meters tall? There is a full one-meter height difference between him and Lynch, who is nearly 2.4 meters tall. He is not much higher than Lynch’s knees.

Pa? Zhan Zhan’s majestic crutch? Hit Lynch’s waist.

The other villagers were already nervous to death. It seemed that the old man would be smashed in half by the tall pirate in the next second.

“Old man, are you blind?” Lin Qi looked behind everyone coldly, “Who said that stinky girl… is dead?”


Kerra’s voice sounded.

“What’s going on?!”

“Kerr pulled her… She was clearly… split in half just now?!”

“Not dead?”

The villagers suddenly discovered that Kerra, who had originally thought that she had been split into two halves and should have died long ago, was still intact, and they couldn’t help but be surprised and happy.

The little girl supported her unconscious mother, biting her lip, tears rolling in her red eyes, and looked at Lynch aggrievedly.


Lin Qi held the iron rod in his hand and grinned. The villagers’ eyes flickered and they didn’t see him move, so they strolled through the crowd and walked straight towards Kerla.

“The kid who ate the Devil Fruit, do you think you can defeat me this way?”

Lynch hit Kerla on the head with a stick.

For a moment, the villagers who had no time to stop them had their hearts in their throats. The next second, their hearts dropped back to their stomachs. The ferocious pirate’s iron rod passed through Kerla’s girl quickly, but for some reason it didn’t really hit Kerla – it was as if Kerla’s body did not exist, just a cloud and a flow of air.

“Devil Fruit! Korra is now a Devil Fruit user!”

Some young and powerful villagers shouted and rushed forward to stop Lin Qi, “Kerla was able to escape back to the village in his hands, which proves that there is nothing he can do against Kerla! There is no need to be afraid of him!”

“Yes! Come on!”

The villagers who were originally hostile to Lin Qi reacted and plucked up the courage to stand up.

“We can’t let him hurt Kerra!”

These young and strong villagers surrounded Lin Qi and pushed Lin Qi around. Lin Qi roared with difficulty, and broke free of the villagers. With a bang, the young men knocked over the windows, smashed them on the walls, and some hung directly on the roofs on both sides of the road… Lin Qi roared, and the iron rods Hit the ground with all your strength, click! A huge crack was created, and the force of the impact galloped forward, cutting Kerla in half again, and the other villagers were shaken to stagger.

Seeing how ferocious the pirate was, the villagers were both panicked and shared the same hatred.

Kerra was hotly pursued by Lynch. She kept crying and kept her elemental gas body. Lynch’s iron rods or fists and feet passed over her body again and again, with no success, but she knew If Brother Giorno wanted to, he was fully capable of grabbing the elemental version of himself and injuring her as a gas.

This gas fruit was given to her by Giorno’s brother, so how could he not be able to deal with this ability.


Suddenly, the villagers resisted with bloodshed and were unable to stop him at all. The pirate, who looked like a humanoid beast, covered his neck, his face was red and he seemed to be out of breath.

He took two steps back, took a deep breath, and cursed: “Damn Devil Fruit user! He actually sucked out the oxygen. Damn it! It’s such a troublesome trick…”

“…” Korra’s eyes were filled with tears. This was a trick used by Giorno’s brother to remind her of her gas fruit before returning to the village.

But she knew that she had not had time to practice this trick at all.

The villager Qingzhuang, who was beaten up by Lynch, was surprised and said: “It works! Kerla, although I don’t know what tricks you are using, but try it a few more times!”

Others also rushed forward and said: “That’s right, let’s go together and drive away this nasty pirate!”

“Come on! Little devil!”

Lin Qi pushed the villagers who were coming up with his big hand and they fell down in a pile. However, he seemed to be shaken and pushed by them, making him unsteady and retreating continuously.

“…” Kerla sobbed slightly, wiped away the tears on her cheeks, took a deep breath, and strode towards Lynch.

Lin Qi shouted, and seemed to be suffocated by the “empty realm”. Every time Kerla took a step forward, he took a step back, covering his neck.

“Come on! Kerla!”

The young men who fell into a pile with their heads broken and bleeding shouted loudly.

Even the panting old man banged his cane to cheer.

Kerla forced the tall pirate to retreat continuously. She bit her lip and her eyes were red. After seeing Giorno’s brother who was forced to retreat dozens of meters outside the village and smiled slightly, she cursed: ” You brat! Don’t think it’s over, we’ll meet again one day!”

After that, he left without looking back.

The villagers cheered in unison. In their opinion, this pirate just escaped in despair, which was very satisfying!

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