I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 308 Jinbei: Is this a person? ! (2-in-1)

Jinbei left the Sun Pirate Ship alone because he was depressed.

They passed by a small island just now. They originally just wanted to make some supplies and rest for a while along the way.

As a result, the eye-catching pirate flag first aroused the hostility of the residents of the island towns.

Actually, this is nothing. When you become a pirate, you should have the awareness to be hostile to good people who keep their own laws and regulations.

As a former soldier of the Ryugu Kingdom, Jinbei still understands what is a thief and what is a citizen.

However, after seeing clearly that they were all fishmen who got off the Sun Pirate Ship, the simple-looking human residents in the small island town, in addition to being hostile to the pirates… were more… A hatred for “others” arose.

Hatred, not just hatred, but also disgust.

That kind of look is not looking at equal people at all, but looking at a group of “fish” with human-shaped outlines that have landed on the beach.

Although he had seen this look and attitude many times along the way, and even though the fishmen had endured it countless times over the past few hundred years, Jinbei had to admit that he was still stung.

He believed everyone on board was stung. It’s just that everyone’s reaction is different.

Because…Aaron’s reaction was the most intense and angriest. Croobie, Jiu, and Xiaoba, who were close to him, were also angry with him and fought against the town residents who gathered to attack them. At this time, even Aladdin, the ship’s doctor with a good temper, did not stop them.

Only Brother Tiger was the calmest and stopped Aaron and the others from making nonsense. The wrist strength of a fishman is ten times that of a human being, and a person can be killed if he is not careful. Then we made the simplest supplies, stopped stopping, and set sail again.

Jinbei respected Brother Tiger, so he imitated his calm demeanor. It’s just that the depression in his heart and the urge to shake his fist at those annoying humans no matter how much he doesn’t want to admit it, is real. After boarding the boat, he found an excuse to catch sea beasts for everyone to eat, and went into the sea to swim to his heart’s content to relieve his depression…

Snorkeling in the sea, Jinbei soon noticed something strange about the fish in the water. They seemed to be panicked and were running away.

Did a ferocious sea beast appear? This saved Jinbei much time in searching.

As for their murloc tribe feeding on sea beasts and fish, this is of course no problem. It was those who thought there was something wrong with this that made Jinbei disgusted. In fact, after joining Brother Tiger’s pirate group, he had been asked more than once by the humans he met, why they were obviously fishmen, but they wanted to eat the same kind – the same kind? Jinbei remained silent every time.

We fishmen are also human beings.

You are our kind…Jinbei blinked his eyes to dispel the sudden distracting thoughts. He emitted a special sound wave from his mouth and asked the panicked school of fish, trying to find out the location of the sea beast they were avoiding.

The random school of fish heard the inquiry, and a few fish swam over, mooing and sending out sound waves in circles.

After hearing this, Jinbei was very surprised, not only a sea beast?

From the garbled and even confusing words of the fish, Jinbei knew that they had fled here from the sea area of ​​​​the windless zone, and the reason was that there was a person on the edge of the windless zone. Poseidons fight.

A windless zone?

The sea area of ​​​​the windless zone is the nest of the sea kings, and there are many huge sea kings there that are beyond imagination.

He actually dared to swim in the windless zone, and even risked his life to get entangled with the sea kings. Is that person a compatriot?

I don’t know where the fishman is…

Jinbei’s heart moved, he bid farewell to the fish, swayed, and swam toward the windless zone like an underwater cannonball.

The further I swam toward the windless waters, I encountered more and more scattered fish schools along the way. Moreover, the types and sizes of the fish are getting larger and larger.

Jinbei is even more interested in that unknown fellow fishman. He can continue to create such a big momentum, and it seems that he has not lost in the fight with the Neptune class.


I wonder how good his fishman karate is?

Jinbei felt itchy and wanted to compete with the fierce fishman who fought against the sea kings.

Of course, more importantly, he wanted to find out more and see if he could bring this fellow fishman into Brother Tiger’s Sun Pirates.

This world needs more murlocs who fight for freedom.

Only when everyone unites can mankind raise its head and face our existence!

Jinbei swam against the current and plunged into the windless sea, which was as still as a huge brick of water. After swimming for hundreds of meters at high speed, he heard the whine of sea beasts and the “bang…” “bang…” A constant rhythmic dull sound.

It’s the sound of a fist hitting.

From the subtle vibrations of the water flow when the sound came, Jinbei keenly judged that the fist that made the sound was very powerful!

Stronger than expected!

As expected, he was indeed a warrior of the fishmen, Jinbei smiled to himself.

Their fish-men’s natural wrist strength is ten times that of humans, and they can only exert their full strength in the water. In fact, their condition has been compromised after landing ashore, and the longer they leave the water, their condition will gradually deteriorate – this It’s no wonder that Aaron, that **** brat, keeps clamoring “We fish people are a superior race than humans” all day long. Although Jinbei doesn’t agree, this innate advantage does exist.

Being able to exert such power against the Neptunes underwater can be said to have given full play to the advantages of their fish-men warriors.

Human beings have great disadvantages in fighting underwater. Firstly, they cannot breathe, and secondly, the resistance of the water flow will greatly weaken their ability to exert their strength. However, they, the fishmen, can breathe freely, and the water flow will not only not become an obstacle, but will also change their strength. Cheng Zhuli, their murloc skin and texture are more suitable for fighting underwater. The momentum of the fellow fishmen fighting against the sea kings in front is the best proof!

Jinbei had already seen the huge sea beast being chased and beaten by a figure. Seeing that Hunter was happy, he took a fish-man karate shot and blasted a “water column” towards the figure behind the sea beast.

He originally intended to miss, after all, it was just to say hello, but he was surprised. The figure chasing the sea beast seemed to be aware of it before the water column came close, and he looked over in advance—— Moreover, he clearly saw the incoming attack, but he floated in the water without moving, letting the water jets rub his face and fly to the back of his head.

Are you so sure that my attack will miss? Jinbei was speechless, this man really had great judgment.

The huge sea beast screamed in grievance, and quickly swam away while Jinbei wasn’t paying attention. The man didn’t stop him, he just said something in a gurgling tone, then stepped on the water, and the water surged, and he rushed straight towards Jinbei.

Jinbei hurriedly parried and blocked, and the opponent’s fist slammed into his arms. The force was so strong that he was indeed a master of fighting against Neptune.

“Huh?” He was so close that Jinbei could clearly hear the sound other than the “gurgling” of water coming from the other party’s mouth.

When he looked carefully, he showed the same surprise as the other party, and at the same time he understood why the other party spoke so vaguely.

This person is not…a fishman?

This was beyond Jinbei’s expectations. The other party pushed him away and his whole body floated in the water.

Jinbei also saw things more clearly. The other party’s muscular upper body was bare, his arms were muscular, and he was only wearing a pair of large underpants, as if he were playing comfortably. The other party’s skin looked a little dark in the sea, but Jinbei would never mistake it… those were the physical characteristics of a human being. ! There were no webs between the fingers of the opponent’s broad, rough hands, and no gills for underwater breathing on his shoulders.

The opponent’s cheeks were slightly bulging, and he obviously took a big breath of air before entering the water to fight with the Neptune. He didn’t know if he took in too much air. Jinbe felt that the opponent’s chest was more bulging than ordinary people, as if It seems like more air has been stuffed in, but can human lungs do this?

“Haha…it’s you grunting…”

The other party’s mouth moved again, and just like before, water began to bubble out as soon as he moved. As an ordinary human being, he cannot breathe or speak underwater.

Jinbe suppressed the surprise in his heart at this man’s strength and looked at his appearance carefully. He always felt that the face looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, so he said in a deep voice: “Who is your Excellency? You can actually…”

He was about to praise this strong human being.

Then everyone met by chance and exchanged names. Either make friends, or if the conversation doesn’t make sense, just turn around and leave.

Who wants that as soon as he opens his mouth, the other party will laugh “Gulu Gulu”, say something, and then rush towards him again – what does he want to do?

Jinbei did not expect that this human being would attack whenever he disagreed, and his moves were so fierce that he never gave himself a chance to speak.

The force of each punch and kick made him feel pain.

You must know that you are a fish-man! Under the water, he was fighting like this with a human being.

The opponent is clearly a human being, so why are his body movements so flexible in the water?

Faced with this human’s continuous and airtight attack of punch after punch, Jinbe was not only shocked but also puzzled.

Why didn’t the water flow hinder him?

Jinbei and his opponent started fighting back and forth, and they gradually started to see some tricks in the fight…

This man, who is tall among humans and has an almost perfect figure, when moving in the water, his body is like flying catkins in the water, extremely light.

It’s as if…his strong body is fake! Even though his muscles look like iron, with clear-cut muscles that cannot be destroyed by a sword, they are actually as soft as water, flowing freely and even able to blend into the chaotic currents of the sea. Instead of hindering his actions, the currents are like the fish he is. Just like a human being, he can move freely!

How could there be such a human being?

I did it because of the fish-men’s natural advantages, but the other party relied on a weird movement skill!

There are such human beings!



Jinbei fist-bumped and palm-bumped with this human again and again.

His level of fish-man karate is extremely high, and his fist strength is enough to break a mountain. When fighting against human pirates, he even needs to control his strength, otherwise he will easily beat people to death if he is not careful.

But when this person’s fists collided, he didn’t gain any advantage at all. Instead, he was shocked to the point that his hands were numb.

Jinbei was sure that although there were human masters in the sea who were as strong as monsters, they were all unattainable names. Only the human man he met by chance in front of him was the strongest he had met so far!

The water flow hit, and Jinbei once again punched the opponent forcefully, but the force of the collision was like a mud cow sinking into the sea.

Yellow Karate can directly hit the water in the human body and cause internal injuries!

Jinbei was shocked to find that this human being, apart from frowning slightly and seeming a little uncomfortable at the beginning of the fist fight, actually became smoother and smoother in the subsequent collisions.

Have you adapted? Is he adapting to Murloc Karate?

How is that possible!

The power of Yuman Karate directly hits the water in your body and shakes your internal organs. Is this something that can be easily adapted to?

“Gulu gulu gulu…” During the fierce fight, the man kept mumbling something, and Jinbei had no intention of distinguishing it. He could only hear difficult-to-understand words such as “木大木大木大”.


Why is this?


The opponent’s punches became more and more calm, and it seemed that he no longer cared about his fishman karate. Jinbei almost lost his composure and showed a look of astonishment.

Does this person have no water in his body? how come!

A crazy conjecture came to Jinbei’s mind – maybe, maybe, probably, maybe, this person can control all the water in his body? ! ! !

But how is this possible!

Jinbei saw that in the turbulent currents and in the swaying light and shadow cast on the sea, the human being whose body was swimming softly like floating catkins smiled slightly.

“Gulu gulu…” The other party said something, and then rushed up again.

Jinbei turned around and left.

This is a lunatic.

He just vaguely heard that in the gurgling sound of the water, what the human being said with a smile seemed to be——

“Is this fishman karate? Interesting, interesting! Come again!”

A true lunatic!

Jinbei swam very fast, and started fighting after a disagreement. He didn’t even say a word before the fight. It’s obvious that we don’t know each other, right?

If you were offended because of the water jet I made at the beginning, then you shouldn’t be! Jinbe was very sure that the reason why the other party did not dodge was because he saw that he had deliberately missed the target.

Knowing that you have no ill intentions, do you still hit him harder and harder? What is this if not crazy?

He is also strangely adapting to the power of fish-man karate in battle… He is not only a madman, but also a madman with beast-like talents!

Jinbei didn’t want to tangle with this man anymore, but after swimming for a while, he found that the human behind him was following him, really chasing after him like a beast!

Boom! There was a muffled sound from behind, and the human actually chased after him, walked around above Jinbei, and punched him, bang!

A huge shock erupted in the sea. Jinbei used the opponent’s huge avalanche-like fist force to draw a downward arc trajectory, taking away some of the opponent’s strength while also swimming away at a faster speed.

Why doesn’t he float up? Jinbei was greatly puzzled. How much water from the air had this human being absorbed? Doesn’t it feel uncomfortable for him to hold his breath for so long? Is that human being?

In Jinbei’s eyes, the image of this human man slowly looks like a monster in human skin…

During the extremely fast chase and collision, Jinbei slowly felt exhausted mentally and physically. He couldn’t help but wonder why this was, why did it become like this?

Obviously they just want to find a new companion for the pirate group. Even if they find out that the other party is not a fellow fishman, it is just a misunderstanding. Why does it turn into this chase battle now? At first, I just wanted to go out for a swim to relax, and catch a sea beast to eat…

What made him feel even more uneasy was… During Jinbei’s speed parade, he glanced at the swaying sea surface. He always felt that there seemed to be something above the sea surface, which made him feel frightened.

It seemed as if there was a beast in the sky similar to the guy clenching behind him, quietly looking down.


Jinbei broke through the sea, and in the sky-high waves, he took the opportunity to look around in the sky. The sky and sea were empty, with only white clouds. There was nothing that made him uneasy… 1603381124

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