I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 181 If you want to kill, just kill him

Hearing the familiar voice, Hancock suddenly looked up!

Looking at Giorno’s face looming in the clouds, Hancock was stunned for a moment, and immediately shouted: “What are you doing! Who wants you to save! Let’s go!”

Hancock’s screams in the ring, the strange clouds and the exact same sound played by Lord Snake’s phone bug, caused hundreds of thousands of people to stand in the stands of the entire arena. The women were stunned.

A strange man really appeared!

“What kind of monster is that?”

“Don’t move!”

The soldiers of the Nine Snakes Pirates on both sides were shocked when their execution swords were cut off by Lin Qi’s Arashi Kick. Looking at the thick clouds gathering above their heads, they immediately picked up their snake bows with vigilance, bent the bows and nocked arrows, and aimed. That strange cloud.

After all, natural fruits are not commonplace. Even though they often travel with pirate ships, they have rarely seen such elemental devil fruits.

Lin Qi ignored them, the clouds condensed his upper body, and he bowed his head towards Hancock, who was **** on the crossbar.

“Stay away from her!”

“Back away!”

The two Nine Snakes Pirates warriors no longer hesitated, and directly faced the half-cloud, half-human man – a tall man, who looked more like a man than a boy – and fired snakes with their bowstrings fully drawn. wooden arrows.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two wooden arrows were wrapped in a light layer of armed domineering force. They formed an angle and pierced Lin Qi’s left shoulder and right chest straightly.

Hancock shouted: “Be careful!”

Lin Qi did not hide, and did not even look at the two arrows, which were equipped with armed domineering energy and could damage the elemental body.

Huh, uh…

Lin Qi’s left shoulder and right chest each had a hollow hole, and there was even smoke swirling around the inner edge. Two wooden arrows shot straight out of the hole and flew far behind him.

What? !

Two female warriors of the Nine Snakes Pirates held snake bows and looked shocked.

Not only them, but all the women present were shocked, how could it be possible!

That was an arrow from a pirate group soldier. It clearly hit the man, but why did he act as if nothing had happened?

Didn’t it cause any harm at all?

Are all men such monsters? ?

In front of the throne on the high platform, Suzuran’s pupils shrank and she murmured: “It’s a natural devil fruit! I remembered, the news in that newspaper mentioned that this Giovanna Giorno… snatched A scientist named Kai took away the gas fruit! But how is this possible! He can actually steal someone else’s devil fruit!

In addition, if his Devil Fruit is a gas fruit, then according to the eavesdropped content, Hancock obviously went to a certain space that is most likely to be opened up by a special devil fruit… Therefore, the other one is called Kujo. Xu Lun’s girl captain, is that her devil fruit?

Linglan said: “Lord Snake Princess, another one named Xu Lun is probably hiding in the special space created by her Devil Fruit at the moment! Maybe somewhere in the arena!”

“…” She Ji said nothing, staring at the changes on the ring and frowning slightly.

How come? How could there be a third one…

At the same time, on the ring, Lin Qi, who had predicted the landing point of the wooden arrow with his sense of sight and opened a hole in his gas body in advance to avoid it, released the cloud-like elemental transformation, landed on his feet, and stood In front of Hancock.

This little girl was tied to a cross wooden frame, and now she was the same height as him.

Lin Qi looked directly at her, poked the middle of her collarbone angrily, and lectured: “Don’t sacrifice yourself for others without permission! Have you ever considered the feelings of the person you saved?”

“Who is going to save you!”

Although Hancock was **** and looked very embarrassed, he still glared at him angrily, his arrogant attitude remained the same.

“Who is going to sacrifice for you!”

Boya Hancock, although she is willful, mischievous, skipping classes, loves to fight, arrogant, and looks down on everyone, is not a considerate sister, and does not have a good look towards neighbors and friends. She has no manners. She beat up a lot of guys the first time she went to sea, and now there are probably some who are lying in the hospital unable to get off the ground… But even though she is like this, or perhaps it is precisely because she is such a proud person by nature, she disdains it. betray others!

I clearly do it just to prevent myself from despising myself. Why did it become self-sacrifice to save the two of them?

Hancock really wanted to lift his legs and give the guy in front of him a hard kick, so stop spitting!

It’s a pity that the limbs were bound by the iron chains, making a clattering sound but unable to move at all.

“Be careful!” she suddenly shouted again.

Behind Lynch, one on the left and one on the right, the two female warriors of the Nine Snakes Pirates had already attacked.

One person raised his fist and struck at the back of Lynch’s head.

One person swept his legs and kicked Lynch in the waist.

Lynch reached out and grabbed the chains binding Hancock’s hands and feet.

On the back of his head, a dark mask appeared, with narrow eyes glowing with a faint white light.

Immediately afterwards, the upper body of “B.I.B” emerged from Lynch’s left shoulder, and its lower body emerged from the outline of Lynch’s right body. While extending his palm, bang, he blocked the armed fist, and at the same time, he raised his leg, bang, to block the incoming armed kick.


At the same time, the chains fell to the ground, and Lynch lowered Hancock from the crossbar.

The audience in the entire arena, who had not yet reacted to the fight between the mysterious monster man and the pirates, secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Hancock being rescued by him.

Hancock is fine!

We are out of danger for now…

“That person is…” The green-haired middle sister Sandasonia looked at Lynch on the ring.

“Sister…” Tears burst into the eyes of the orange-haired third sister Marigrud.

“That black shadow! I remembered it!” Kasmos’ eyes narrowed, remembering what happened more than a year ago, when a strange black shadow broke into their Nine Snakes City. Unexpectedly , I didn’t expect it to be this man!

So that’s it. Has Hancock been colluding with this man since that time?

The members of the pirate group, the national protector warriors, and others who had a decent level of domineering power all vaguely saw the black armor emerging behind Lin Qi.

“B.I.B”‘s whole body seemed to be burning, wrapped in a layer of dark substitute energy, and stepped out of the main body step by step.

The two female soldiers executing the execution were shocked and confused. They couldn’t figure out what strange and dangerous things were coming out of this strange man!

They gritted their teeth, looked at each other, and attacked again.

“B.I.B” suddenly dissipated into a black cloud, flowing behind the two girls. Two mecha arms covered with flame patterns emerged from the black cloud, one point on each of their necks!

“Ah…” The two female warriors trembled, and their hands and feet felt weak and it was difficult to exert force!

Lin Qi did not look back, but just said: “If you can’t beat us, give up.”

Boom, boom. The two female warriors slowly knelt down behind him.

“I heard that the women on Nine Snakes Island are also named after flowers? I wonder what kind of flower names the Empress is?”

Lin Qi held the slightly frail girl in his arms, raised his head and looked at the tall mistress of Nine Snake Island from a distance.

More than two months ago, Snake Princess came back with a big belly and led the Nine Snakes Pirates. Now that she is back in shape, she must have given birth at some point.

“…” She Ji showed no expression, looking down at the ring in front of the throne on the high platform.

Lin Qi suddenly said: “Actually, Hancock can use Overlord’s domineering energy to stun the two of them and interrupt the execution, right?”

He lowered his head and looked at Hancock, “Why do you act so obediently to die? This is not like you!”

Could it be that, like Ace, he has forgotten that he still has a domineering look?

But Ace’s younger brother Luffy also has a domineering look. He will break out at critical moments and save others… But neither he nor Robin have a domineering look!

If his attack had been half a second late, Hancock’s head would have been missing, and his beautiful head would have fallen to the ground!

Hancock grabbed Lynch’s sleeve, and after a long time he raised his head, looked back at Snake Girl on the high platform, his eyes were red, and he said loudly: “If you want to kill me, then just kill me!” ”

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