I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 180 Hancock is worthy of death!

Boya Hancock will be publicly executed in the arena.

As soon as the news came out, the whole country was shocked on Daughter Island!

Women, whether they are strong or slender, beautiful or average, tall or short, adults or young girls, all took to the streets asking questions.

When talking and communicating with each other, they were all shocked and disbelieving.

“How come?”

“Is it that Hancock?”

“That’s too much…”

The girls burst into tears in the street, wailing: “How could this be possible! Don’t kill Hancock…”

Especially the little warriors who often train together. Although Hancock usually doesn’t treat them very well. Although Hancock has always been arrogant, everyone actually likes her… Don’t talk about girls like them. Some of the soldiers who protected the country couldn’t believe the news they heard at this moment. They followed the crowd in despair and walked towards the arena where the execution was about to be carried out.

For a time, a sad atmosphere filled the crowds of people on the street.

The entire country is in mourning!

Between a pair of slender white legs, a phone bug that blends in with the environment crawls on the ground, hidden in the crowd, and moves forward silently.


Kasmos, the protector of the country, staggered as he walked among the crowd. He was frightened and grieved, and did not want to believe that Lady Snake would issue an order to execute Hancock.

Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice crying somewhere in the crowd.

Xun Sheng squeezed past and found Hancock’s two younger sisters, Sandasonia and Marigrud. The two girls held back their tears, but the sobs were stuck in their throats and they couldn’t help it.

“Casmos…” The green-haired Sandasonia raised her red eyes with tears.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry… There must be some misunderstanding. How could Lady Snake want to execute Hancock…” Cosmos held the two girls in his arms and was pushed into the huge room by the crowd. Arena, where all the citizens and Lady Snake usually watch the female warriors competing on the stage, but no one would have thought that one day the beloved Hancock would face execution in that arena. fate. “Do you know anything? Why does this happen?”

Sanda rubbed his eyes and cried: “I don’t know… I don’t know…”

At the other end of the arena, Snake Girl’s support slowly entered the arena.

She Ji is tall but expressionless. She walks silently among the crowd, making it difficult for people to see her emotions.

Counsellor Suzuran was by your side and noticed the mourning crowd, and couldn’t help but think of what happened before…


[One year ago, the Nine Snakes pirate ship sailed out of the windless zone. 】

[On the deck, the girl with long black hair opened her arms for the first time and murmured intoxicatedly: “This is the wind…it’s more comfortable than what is written in the book…”]

[Lizuran passing by stopped, looked back at Hancock doubtfully, and thought: “Are there any storybooks on the island that describe overseas scenery?”]


The people of Dadajima who were watching the execution came to the spectator area of ​​the arena.

In the crowd, the Boya sisters and Kasmos looked up and saw a cross wooden frame on the central stage surrounded by sharp pits.

As for Hancock, who had long black hair, his hands and feet were bound with iron chains in the shape of a big letter, and he was tied to a cross wooden frame.

She lowered her head and her long hair fell down, as if she had lost all her strength.

Between her left and right, stood two fully armed members of the Nine Snakes Pirates, each holding a sword, and the blades shone with a cold light, which was heart-chilling.

She Ji and her party slowly climbed onto the high platform throne in front of the arena.

Suzuran stood quietly beside you, looking at the **** the crossbar in the arena below.


[Encountering a pirate ship in the open sea, Hancock rushed away happily, but the pirates on the pirate ship fled without a fight, and she was disappointed. 】

[Suzuran carefully observed and found that Hancock’s behavior was completely different from that of a national who joined the Kuja Pirates and came to the outer sea for the first time. 】

[She seemed…not surprised by a creature like a man that she had never seen before. 】

[The cautious Suzuran went to look for Hancock while transporting supplies to the pirate ship. Outside the window of the captain’s cabin, she saw Hancock taking down the two reward notices on the wall and muttering something. Suzuran listened carefully, not far or near, and only heard a few fragments of words…]

[In the cabin of Nine Snakes, when she was alone, Suzuran said to Snake Princess: “Snake Princess, there is something wrong with Hancock’s child… It seems that this is not the first time she has seen a man!”]

[“Linglan, I know you hate men, but are you too suspicious?” She Ji smiled nonchalantly. 】


[Gaya Island, west coast, outside Magic Valley Town. 】

[Three human traffickers secretly sneaked into the Nine Snakes pirate ship, and almost kidnapped Hancock, and even poisoned all the female warriors on the ship…]

[Snake Ji rushed back to the ship in time, and her overlord color and domineering energy instantly suppressed the enemy. 】

[After Snake Queen comforted the frightened Hancock, Suzuran detoxified her body and regained her ability to move. She found Snake Queen and said in a deep voice with a sullen face: “That may not sound right to me. , but Snake Girl! If it was the Hancock I remembered, she would have been easily deceived by those three people…”]

[She Ji’s face was expressionless and she didn’t speak. 】

[Linglan said: “You don’t know what kind of character Hancock is. She has never encountered any setbacks when she has grown up. Everyone she meets follows her wishes and coaxes her. Protect her, even if she makes any mistakes and gives orders willfully, no one will blame her, they will just follow her temper… With her personality, those three **** men can easily deceive her You have to take the initiative to get off the boat…”]

[“What do you want to say?” She Ji glanced at her. 】

[“There are outsiders on Nine Snakes Island! Most likely, they are men.” Suzulan said word by word, “And Hancock has seen them and even colluded with them! She has seen men before. , so she wasn’t surprised when she came to the sea. She might have been deceived or bullied, so she was so wary of those three people! Tulip, you also saw the look on Hancock’s body just now. It’s not normal! There must be some secret in her body!”]

[She Ji listened without saying a word, and then said softly: “So, the previous emperor’s assistant minister, if you want to mourn your family, how should you deal with our ‘Crown Prince’ of Nine Snakes?”]

[Feeling a faint chill, Suzuran’s pupils shrank. 】



Seeing this scene on the ring, my sister, who used to be so full of energy, always so beautiful, and so coveted, was actually tied to a cross frame and “dying”…

The orange-haired third sister Marigrud immediately collapsed and cried loudly, “My sister is going to be killed——!!”

Her cry seemed to light a fuse, and one after another in the bustling audience area, one group after another started to cry collectively, with lamentations everywhere.

On the throne on the high platform, Snake Girl listened to all this with a calm face and stared at the girl who was tied to the cross wooden frame in the ring.


[Two giant snakes drag the red ship and sail in the waters of the Grand Route. 】

[Dock to the shore and come to the town. Suzuran entered a shop specializing in phone bugs and selected several special-purpose phone bugs. 】

[Linglan returned to the ship and came to Snake Girl’s cabin. She saw the window open and the curtains swinging in the wind. 】

【”You are pregnant, so don’t let the wind blow.” Suzuran said, walked over to close the window, and unexpectedly said, “There is no wind…”]

[Snake Lady is lying on her side on the step, and the beloved snake she carries with her is spitting out words, with the same lazy expression as the hostess. 】

[Suzuran said solemnly: “Aren’t you going to do a ‘snake kiss’ yet?”]

[Snake kiss is a secret technique that has been passed down for hundreds of years on their Nine Snakes Daughter Island. With the help of the Nine Snakes snakes they keep with them, they can tell the gender of the fetus in the abdomen after pregnancy. If the baby is a boy, the pet snake will hiss and spit out messages. If the baby is a girl, the pet snake will gently rub the mistress’ belly, showing great affection. 】

[She Ji said calmly: “So what if I do it, what if I don’t do it?”]

[Suzuran immediately shouted: “If it’s a baby boy—”]

[“If it’s a boy…” She Ji raised her eyes and moved her fingers lightly. The terrifying momentum suddenly suppressed, and the doors and windows of the cabin were shaking. She gently caressed her still flat belly, revealing With a smile, he asked softly: “Are you going to kill the children of the Ai family?”]

[“This…you…” Suzuran was shocked and angry, scratching her neck and said angrily, “Men are not allowed to enter! No men are allowed! This has been our Nine Snakes’ tradition for many years! It is an iron law!!” 】

[She Ji flicked her nails and said coldly: “Linglan, the Ai family knows better than you what is going on in this country. What do you think?”]

[Obviously there is no longer the oppressive feeling of domineering domineering, but Suzuran is sweating coldly and is more nervous than before. 】

[Suzuran murmured a few times and did not continue to argue with the mother-to-be Snake Princess on this topic. After thinking about it for a moment, she took out the special phone bug from her arms…]


No one dislikes Boya Hancock.

Including members of the Nine Snakes Pirates who served as executioners.

Somehow or another, Hancock was also on the pirate ship, but they sailed together for more than half a year and was their brief companion.

Furthermore, everyone thought that the next time she went to sea, Lady Snake would officially agree to Hancock joining the Nine Snakes Pirates and becoming their true companion.

But now, they want to personally execute this companion, the girl they also love from the bottom of their hearts.

The mourners were everywhere and miserable. The Protector of the Nation and the members of the Nine Snakes Pirates all shed tears. They couldn’t bear to turn their faces to the side and take another look at Hancock being tied to the cross wooden frame. Their hearts are broken.

“…” The tied Hancock looked a little haggard and silent.

She glanced at the crowd, listening to the heartbroken cries, and was speechless. Why did it seem like they were the ones who were going to be executed?

Hancock was **** and unable to move, so he reluctantly turned his head and looked at the blurry face of Snake Princess on the throne on the high platform.


[In the palace, Hancock played with Lady Snake’s round belly, blinked his eyes and asked, “What name does Lady Snake intend to name the little princess?”]

[Sheji smiled softly and stroked Hancock’s black hair, “How about you naming me?”]

[“Really? Don’t go back on your word!” Hancock’s eyes were bright, as if he had already planned it, and he said with a smile: “How about calling me ‘Luffy’?”]

[Suzuran couldn’t help it anymore and shouted: “This is not like the name of my daughter’s family!”]

[“None of your business!” Hancock turned around and made a face with his eyelids lowered and his tongue sticking out. 】


On the throne on the high platform, She Ji subconsciously caressed her abdomen – her abdomen was as flat as ever.

She was slightly startled.


[After more than half a year, the Nine Snakes pirate ship slowly sailed into the Nine Snakes Island. 】

[Behind the cheering crowd, Suzuran took out a miniature phone bug from her arms, and took advantage of the moment Hancock got off the boat to quietly put it into the fold of her clothes. 】

[She Ji glanced at her with a bulging belly, ignored her, lifted the curtain and got into the Monkey Girl’s sedan, and drove back to the palace. 】


There was a cry of mourning in the arena, and no one understood why Lady Snake wanted to execute Hancock.

At this moment, She Ji stood up from the throne and stepped forward.

An invisible aura swept the entire place in an instant.

As if a mute button was pressed, the wailing in the audience suddenly stopped.

Including the two Boya sisters whose eyes were red and swollen from crying, everyone stared blankly at Lady Snake in front of the throne on the high platform.

“I know you don’t understand why the Aijia wanted to execute Boya Hancock. In fact, the Aijia didn’t want to do it… However, Hancock committed a crime that must not be violated in this country. Law! ”

Snake Princess waved her hand, and Love Snake, who was hovering beside her, sent a miniature telephone bug and another loudspeaker telephone bug to Suzuran’s palm.

“…” On the ring, Hancock, who was tied to the cross frame, lowered his eyes.


[“Hancock! The evidence is solid, do you still want to quibble?”]

[As Suzuran scolded, Hancock opened his mouth and looked at the miniature phone bug in her hand, speechless and silent. 】

[This happened the day before yesterday. Hancock, as always, had no rules. He rushed to the palace happily and entered Snake Queen’s chamber. He was surprised to see that Snake Queen’s figure was no longer bloated and had returned to its former appearance. 】

[“Hey, where is Luffy?” Hancock stepped forward and touched Snake Girl’s flat belly in disbelief, “I haven’t been here for only half a month, why is she missing?”]

[She Ji touched her black hair, and Lily of the Valley jumped out and took out a miniature phone bug…]


Suzuran looked solemnly, holding two phone bugs in her hands, and walked forward.

“The crime Hancock committed was to allow men to enter this country!” Suzuran raised two phone bugs and roared sternly, “This is the most unforgivable and hateful crime in our country!!!”

As soon as these words came out, the whole place became even more silent and dead.

No one thought that what they heard would be such an answer.

Casmos covered his mouth, “How could…”

The second sister Sanda Sonia and the third sister Marigrud had their hearts shrinking and couldn’t help clenching their fists.

They thought about the time more than a year ago, and what happened more than two months after their sister came back… When did it start? My sister is even more absent-minded in her daily training. She disappears after training and does not go home until the evening or later. Sometimes she even looks exhausted…

“Could it be…” “Sister…”

Tears burst into the eyes of the two sisters. They looked at their sister who was tied to the crossbar on the ring and felt very distressed.

The microphone bug spits out human words and plays recordings:

“Are you getting taller?” This was Hancock’s voice, echoing in the arena.

“You have become weaker! Or…I have become stronger!” This is another voice that is unfamiliar to everyone. This voice, with a hint of roughness in the process of transformation, was very different from a woman’s voice.

Is this a man’s voice?

Most of the residents of Nine Snake Island in the arena audience area heard a man’s voice for the first time.

…”While you were traveling outside, I was practicing hard!”

…”While you were away, Giorno has been practicing on the island of Luskaina, fighting against those beasts that are beyond the ordinary…”

…”Xu Lun, you have also mastered the Haki of knowledge and Haki and the Haki of Arms…it’s really amazing! No wonder you two are being rewarded with so many zero bounties…”

A voice that sounded like a man’s, or Hancock’s, or another voice that sounded like a girl’s voice echoed throughout the arena through the loudspeaker phone.

Suzuran took out two reward orders, which belonged to Lynch and Robin, or to be precise, they belonged to Giovanna Giorno and Kujo Xu Lun.

“The two people Boya Hancock hid on our island are two pirates wanted in the outer sea!!” Suzuran shouted, “Pirates don’t matter, we are also a country of pirates – ―But the one named Giorno is a real boy! There is no doubt that Hancock has committed the biggest crime!

Her roar also passed through the loudspeaker and resounded throughout the entire place, causing uproar and consternation.

The women couldn’t believe it, but in the face of such clear evidence, they had to believe it.

That girl whom everyone loves has really violated the most unbreakable law in the country!

“Hancock…” Casmus covered his forehead with a headache.

“Sister…” Sunda Sonia and Marigrud didn’t know what to do and could only keep crying. Even if they broke the national law, they wouldn’t want to kill their sister, right?

That’s my sister! It’s Boya Hancock, everyone’s favorite!


【”Execution?” Suzuran looked at Snake Princess in shock. 】

[She Ji caressed her bulging belly and said calmly: “If you violate the fundamental national law, you will of course be punished with the death penalty to serve as a warning to others.”]

[Suzuran said in disbelief: “But that’s Hancock! She…”]

[Even Suzuran, who hated men deeply, even after getting back the miniature phone bug and getting evidence of Hancock’s crime, she never thought of executing Hancock. 】

[That’s Hancock after all! 】

[Even if you commit a sin, no matter what, you can at least have a chance to repent, right? 】

[It is not impossible to get a lighter sentence for a serious crime or an innocent crime for a misdemeanor… Suzuran hesitated: “As long as we force Hancock to find out the whereabouts of Giorno and Giorno, right? It’s not necessary… …”]


“No matter how he was pressed, Hancock refused to reveal any information about the two pirates…”

On the high platform of the arena, Snake Princess said calmly to all the citizens, “Since she is protecting men and pirates in the outer sea, then she has obviously made up her mind…”

Many people in the stands cried until they collapsed and passed out.

The women who loved and even doted on Hancock couldn’t bear to watch anymore, crying and covering their eyes and ears.

The two sisters from the Boya family burst into tears. They looked at their sister who was tied to the crossbar in the center of the ring and was in an unprecedented state of embarrassment. They shouted hoarsely: “Sister… don’t leave us… …”

“…” Hancock, who was **** on the wooden frame, remained silent.

The pirate warriors holding swords on both sides felt sad and couldn’t help but said: “Hancock, just tell Lady Snake where is that pirate man? Lady Snake will definitely let you go.” ! ”

Hancock glanced at them and raised the corners of his mouth with disdain.

“I just don’t know if the person she is protecting is worth risking her own life?”

She Ji in front of the throne on the high platform smiled softly and waved her hand gently.


The faint words echoed throughout the entire arena.

Everyone was silent again, either nervous or sad. A large number of women rolled their eyes and fainted.

Casmos hugged the two sisters Boya Sandasonia and Boya Marigrud tightly. They were crying until they could no longer make a sound.

On the ring, two Nine Snakes Pirates soldiers drew their swords, bit their lips, and walked towards Hancock.

On the crossbar, there was no fear on Hancock’s face. He just glanced at the audience stand with nostalgia in the direction of his two sisters.

She Ji’s face seemed to be cast in a shadow, and she turned around and walked towards the throne.

The blade glowing with cold light was raised high.

Just the cold light seemed to blow off a strand of Hancock’s black hair.

Suzuland couldn’t bear to look at it anymore and closed her eyes in pain.

“What a pity…” Hancock lowered his head, closed his eyes, and thought to himself, “I still don’t know what it means to have a baby…Where did Luffy go? What does she look like? I still have I prepared a gift for her…”

Hancock could feel the chill of the falling blade on the skin of the back of his neck.

A gust of wind blew over Hancock’s head.

Dang Dang! There were two crisp sounds, followed by two clangs and the sound of the sword falling to the ground.

Hancock opened his eyes suddenly.

On the throne on the high platform, Snake Girl, who had been staring closely at the execution on the ring, even pinching her finger bones until they turned white, suddenly stood up.

Just now, two arcs of light flew from outside the ring, breaking the swords of the Nine Snakes Pirates warriors who were slashing at Hancock!


A cloud of mist appeared at some point and hovered above Hancock’s head.

A sigh also floated gently from this cloud.

“You, you, are so stupid…”


PS: Six thousand words, almost three chapters, so I won’t break it down. I imitated the storyboard feel of the comic. I wonder if it has any internal flavor?

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