I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 137 Nico Robin is motionless

[Chapter Series·Big News 4·”Do you know where this person is?” 』]

[South China Sea. Some island, some town. An old man wearing a pointed hat held an old newspaper and asked passers-by for the traces of the people mentioned in the news. The expressions of the passers-by changed, they waved their hands and evaded again and again. ]


Boya Sandasonia, the second eldest of the three sisters, has long green hair as smooth and curly as seaweed, and her name comes from the palace lantern lily. She noticed that her eldest sister Boya Hancock was absent-minded and reminded: ” Sister, instructor Kasmos (name comes from Cosmos) is looking at you…”

“Who cares about her.” Hancock continued to look away.

“Hancock!” Kasmos, a tall adult female warrior with short blond hair and a long snake coiled around her shoulders, yelled at the absent-minded black-haired girl in the front row of the group of girls, “Trained Time, please pay attention.”

“But…” Hancock turned his head and bit his pink jelly-like lips with a pitiful expression, “Because domineering is not difficult for people, so I can’t cheer up. If I’m not careful, I’ll… …”

My sister is so cute… On both sides, the green-haired second sister Boya Sandasonia and the orange-haired third sister Boya Marigrud (whose name comes from Marigold) looked at their eldest sister blankly. .

The other Nine Snake girls who participated in the training, regardless of their age, were also temporarily fascinated by Hancock’s shy behavior.

Not far away, Robin was sitting in front of the entrance of the substitute castle. He couldn’t help but lose consciousness for a moment in front of such beauty. When Hancock didn’t have many expressions before, he was surprisingly beautiful and cute. Now he deliberately caters to his shy and pitiful style, which is even more irresistible and makes people’s hearts soften…

She is so beautiful, why does she need such acting skills?

She has such acting skills, why does she need to be so beautiful?

With such beauty and such acting skills, her lethality has increased exponentially.

The admiring Robin turned his head unexpectedly, and immediately saw Lin Qi sitting next to him, who also looked like he was intoxicated.

“…” Robin suddenly woke up.

Here Lin Qi muttered to himself: “Damn it, this little girl hasn’t eaten the fruit yet. Is she really so strong?”

Actually, if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is no direct mention in the comics that the empress’s cheating beauty is a “side effect” of the sweet fruit.

The only suspicious evidence is what the Empress said to Luffy when she cried in Chapter 521 of the manga: “The irony is… when we were slaves… we (the Celestial Dragons) let them do it for fun. The ability of the Sweet Fruit and the Snake Fruit (two) that we ate allowed us to deceive the country… and keep the secret (the identity mark of the Draco slaves on the back, the Flying Dragon’s Hoof)…”

At first glance, it seems to be saying that because of the sweet fruit, the empress has gained the invincible charm of “no matter how arrogant she is, she will be forgiven by everyone”, so she can easily deceive the country.

If that’s what you mean…

So, in her words, there is no need to mention the other “snake fruit” eaten by her two younger sisters.

On the other hand, “capable of deceiving the entire country”, the snake fruit is as important as the sweet fruit.

If you want to explore the true meaning of the empress’s words, you must first review how she deceived the country…

This is a legendary story about the Gorgon’s battle with the three Gorgon sisters.

“The Gorgon is the name of a monster that once appeared in the open sea. It was a terrifying monster that would be turned into stone as long as it met her eyes. After the adventure, the three sisters of Lord Snake… succeeded The monster defeated the Gorgon, but before it died, the monster imposed a terrible “curse” on the three warriors… The monster left huge eyes on the backs of Lady Snake and the three sisters. When they put on their clothes When you take it off and let the “eyes” appear, everyone nearby will turn to stone and die…”

This is the so-called method of deceiving the country by the three empress sisters.

It does not rely on “beauty”.

But with fear and emotion.

Looking at their backs, they were afraid that they would turn to stone and die.

As brave warriors, the three sisters killed terrifying monsters and moved the nation who admired strength.


The snake fruit is a footnote to this carefully woven lie.

The same goes for sweet fruits.

Only when there are citizens who “turn to stone and die because they looked at their backs” will this lie really become a convincing reality.

In order to make people believe that the legendary monster called the Gorgon really existed.

Then the three sisters’ fighting deeds and the story of being “cursed” will convince the people and spread the horror of the “curse”.

In this way, the inner demons of the three sisters, unwilling to recall the painful memories of being abused as slaves by the Celestial Dragons, can be concealed as they wish… As for the sweet fruit, did it give the empress more power? The more unexplainable charm is actually dispensable. Because even if the three sisters were replaced by three ugly men, their “lie” would still have the desired effect on the Nine Snakes Island where strength is the beauty.

…Lin Qi nodded complacently, took off the mask covering his face that he had temporarily read through comics, and threw it out of the hole, flying back to “B.I.B”‘s head.

“Huh?” Lin Qi found that Gu Liang beside him was indifferent to Hancock’s charm, and his face had no special expression as usual, just indifferent, and couldn’t help but curiously said: “You don’t feel anything at all? No?”

Robin smiled softly, “No.”

“Yes!” Lynch nodded, remembering Sister Robin’s unique aesthetic that was hard to describe.

“…” Robin glanced and found that he didn’t realize that he was unhappy at all, and couldn’t help feeling slightly depressed.

Should I act more unhappy?

But I don’t seem that unhappy…

Then again, why should I be unhappy?

Luo Guliang touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

She stood up and walked into the ghost castle, “I went to read a book.”

After not taking two steps, Lin Qi grabbed his wrist. He staggered a few steps in surprise. Lin Qi dragged him back and sat down with his head pressed.

After these days, adequate daily exercise, and excessive nutrition, Lynch’s height is growing every day. Now nearly twelve years old, he is already over 1.6 meters tall and close to 1.7 meters tall. He has well-proportioned and well-proportioned muscles. If his face were not too tender, it would not be a problem to say that he is a short young man…

“…” Robin turned to look at him blankly.

Lin Qi pointed to the group of Nine Snake female warriors outside who had begun to explain domineering training, “You should also listen. If you can learn it, it is better to learn it together.”

Robin was silent for a moment, sat down obediently, nodded and said: “Okay.”

“If you want to find the text of history, you must have the ability to face the world government and face the navy’s pursuit. It is always right to improve your own combat effectiveness.” Lin Qi said, “Flowers and fruits combined with armed colors I’m also curious about what kind of effect it will have…”

Armed and domineering… Robin listened to the explanation of the adult female warrior Cosmos from the outside and suddenly said: “It’s because of this that their arrows have such destructive power beyond the normal, right?”

She couldn’t help but wonder, if the arms she grew from flowers and fruits could also have such power…

Perhaps, it is really powerful.

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