I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 099 The speed of light

〖Great Route, Machine Island——〗

The huge mushroom cloud in the distance made the residents of all the towns on the island look in the same direction.

Everyone recognized where that place was.

Dr. Vegapunk’s research institute…

Crack! Uncle Gini’s eyes almost popped out of his head with shock, and the shotgun in his hand suddenly fell to the snow.

His daughter Kidman and the modified dog she was holding opened their mouths in unison and dropped their chin to the ground.

“…really pressed it?!”


〖The midpoint of the Great Line, below the holy land of Mary Geoa in the Red Continent——〗

〖Navy Headquarters, Marineland〗

In the clean and spacious quiet room, two rows of naval officers sat in two rows, holding group meetings behind low coffee tables.

The veteran cadre general, who was basically semi-retired, wore a navy coat full of medals. After giving a lengthy and impassioned speech, he took a tea cup and sat down at the first table, taking a sip.

I am getting old, and I have only been educating the younger generations for an hour, and my mouth is dry.


Although he had a green Mediterranean hair style, he was actually only thirty-five years old at the time and in the prime of his life. Brannew, a major in the Navy Headquarters, walked forward with two fresh photos in his hands.

Pah, pah.

He placed the two photos of the undetermined final reward amount on the whiteboard for presentation with thumbtacks.

“The next step is to discuss the two criminals…” Brannew said seriously, wearing sunglasses, “According to the latest news from the Machine Island branch, Dr. Vegapunk’s research institute on the island, Being completely detonated by these two people, countless research materials of the doctor were destroyed…”

The location of the island is not too far from the entrance to the Grand Line – in other words, the probability of encountering a vicious and powerful pirate group is not too high. The navy’s troops stationed on the island are pretty good… but now someone is so crazy that they blow up the entire research institute that the navy strictly protects?

This news is naturally shocking!

But fortunately, those present here are all key officers of the Navy Headquarters, so naturally they will not be surprised.

All the officers just turned their attention to the two photos that Brannew posted on the whiteboard.

Lieutenant General Kuzan was also present at the meeting this time. He looked at one of the photos on the whiteboard, the boy’s face – a face that had not changed much from what he had seen before.

I just didn’t expect that the little guy had already entered the Grand Line less than a year after escaping? Do you still do such a thing?

As for the short-haired girl in the other photo… Kuzan looked at it silently for a moment to confirm that it was indeed not Nicole Robin.

Speaking of which, Nicole Robin’s whereabouts have not been revealed for a long time…

Major Brannew picked up the oil-based pen and wrote the names under the two photos – Giovanna Giorno, Kutiao Xu Lun!

“Giobana Giorno, originally a well-known young hunter in the West Sea, hunted pirates with a total bounty of 43.96 million beli in just over half a year…” Bran New introduced, “As for Kujo Xu Lun, there is currently no detailed information about her past, but according to the description of the person from the Guanjiao branch, among the two, this girl – Kujo Xu Lun, She is the captain! The only thing known so far is that she has the ability of an unknown devil fruit, which can at least make humans, including herself, disappear out of thin air… In addition, Kujo Xu Lun’s combat ability is not weak at all! The branch officers and soldiers…”

Kuzan: “…”

The naval officers began to discuss in low voices.

“You are so young!”

“I became a pirate without thinking…”

“Committing such an unforgivable crime…”

“Approximately how much bounty should be set?”

“When it comes to Dr. Vegapunk, there will definitely be no less! No less.”

“The bounty is low. How does it reflect the importance we attach to Dr. Vegapunk?”

“That was a fire that destroyed all the information in the institute. The bounty must be set high!”

“And these two people must be arrested as soon as possible!”


“For the first pirate to be rewarded, our highest record is 20 million beli…”

As for the devil’s son, that is of course an individual case outside the scope of discussion.

Branyu read the information in his hand, “However, in order to express gratitude to the two pirates who committed the worst crimes of this century… the current plan is to set the reward amount to Captain Kong Tiao. Xu Lun’s 70 million! Former bounty hunter and crew member Giovanna Giorno’s 30 million!”

Although this bounty position is exceptionally high, the naval officers present felt that it was necessary and made an exception.

“Such evil criminals must be eradicated this morning to serve as a warning to others!”

The naval officers were discussing when Lieutenant General Kuzan suddenly stood up and spoke: “About these two people…”

Everyone looked at him.

Kuzan, a user with the frozen fruit ability, is the ace of a group of lieutenant generals at the Navy Headquarters who looks like a general.

“To be precise…it’s this young man.”

Wearing a suit and trousers, he walked forward and took the oil-based pen from Major Brannuo’s hand. Under Lynch’s photo, Brannuo wrote the name “Giobana Giorno” in the line. Below, a line of name “Brando Dior” was added.

“When I met him in Xihai a year ago, this was the name he told me.”

Kuzan put down his pen.

Looking around at all the naval officers present, he said solemnly: “In other words… these two names may not be his real names. When arresting him, you must pay special attention to this point.”

“Have Lieutenant General Kuzan ever dealt with this Giorno…and this boy?”

“Yes.” Kuzan said slowly, “At that time… I wanted to take him back to the Navy Headquarters, hoping to educate him into an outstanding sailor! He has such qualifications. Hmm… The current situation probably confirms my opinion from another aspect. This guy is indeed quite powerful!”

His jokes are so cold that no one can laugh.

Kuzan continued: “At that time, when I was in close contact, I saw and heard Haki…I sensed a human-like ‘ghost’ next to him!”

He pointed his finger at Lynch’s unrestrained smile on the photo, and a layer of frost climbed onto the photo.

“The deeds of the so-called ‘Pirate King’s evil spirit’ spread in the Western Sea… are what he did!”

After the words fell, the entire conference hall couldn’t help but make a little noise.

“Is there such a thing?”

“This Qiao…this young man is really used to being unscrupulous!”

“Too bad!”

The officers present immediately understood why Kuzan said that he wanted to bring this boy back for education – such a dangerous kid must of course be reformed! Now that he cannot be reformed, he must be wanted, bring this young man who has gone astray to justice, throw him into prison and forcibly reform him.

The previous discussion on the price of the reward for Kutiao Xu Lun and Giovanna Giorno was suddenly overturned, and all the officers discussed it again…


An unprecedented bounty amount is printed on two freshly released bounty orders!

The tough girl with short hair, captain Kong Tiao. Xu Lun, has a bounty of 100 million Baileys!

The flamboyant black-haired boy and former bounty hunter, Giovanna Giorno, has a bounty of 100 million Beli!

“Troublesome two brats… Do you have ghost abilities that can only be discovered by seeing and hearing Haki? It’s really unsettling…”

Wearing a brown suit and a small top hat, Lieutenant General Porusalino of the headquarters stood up unsteadily.

“You are faster,” Kuzan walked to him with a lazy tone. “You’d better go for a run.”

Polusalino pursed his lips and said lazily: “That’s right too-“

Before he could finish his sentence, his entire silhouette seemed to disintegrate, turning into golden light particles, whizzing, whizzing, whizzing… flying towards the entrance of the Great Waterway, directly opposite the Navy Headquarters!

But in an instant, Lieutenant General Porusalino’s entire body turned into a golden light and arrived at the machine island surrounded by ice and snow.

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