I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 057 Collection of reward orders

On the streets of the town, people are coming and going.

Lynch sent the red-haired man away.

“You asked me before, why do you want to be the captain yourself since you have gone to sea…” Shanks held the hilt of the knife at his waist, stopped and asked, “Lynch, if you go to sea in the future, you will do it yourself. Captain, or under a certain flag?”

Lin Qi said strangely: “Why choose one of the two? Can’t I take the merchant ship? It’s really not possible. The flower boat is actually pretty good.” He touched his chin.

Shanks laughed loudly, “You guy!”

“Anyway, I have no interest in being a captain.” Lynch finally became more serious, thought for a while and said, “But it seems that there are only a few flags worthy of my service on the sea!”

“…” Shanks smiled and frowned, looked carefully at the young boy in front of him, and suddenly asked: “Lynch, how do you know… Moria’s Devil Fruit ability? ?”

Lin Qi said: “I just know.”

Shanks nodded, “Okay. Do you want to come to my ship?”

“No,” Lynch said.

“Okay.” Shanks smiled casually.

He looked around and didn’t find Lynch’s strange ghost. I don’t know if it was not released by Lynch or if it was wandering elsewhere.

Lin Qi said: “If you become my captain, how can I fulfill my promise and make you a landlubber?”

Shanks stuck out his tongue and made a face, “You can’t do it!”

“Goodbye!” He turned around and left, raising his fist and waving.

Lin Qi was about to wave goodbye, but suddenly touched his pocket, holy shit!

Ahead, Shanks held a few Bailey bills between his fingers. He turned back and smiled as he walked, “Don’t forget, I’m a pirate!”

Lin Qi smiled and gave him a middle finger, sending the red-haired brother off and disappearing into the crowd.

There are people coming and going in the surrounding streets.



Lin Qi exhaled forcefully and patted his cheek, “I’m alone again… What should I do next? Well, let’s get something to eat first.”

He returned to the hotel room, took out some money, saw the green phone bug crawling all over the floor, and grabbed it casually.

“I won’t accept the phone call, just to show you how to get used to it!”

Lin Qi flicked Little Green’s snail shell, and it clicked, accidentally cracking the shell.


Lynch and the green phone bug opened their mouths at the same time, their shocked expressions were very synchronized.

“Am I so strong?” Lynch did not look at the expression on the green phone bug, and guiltily put Xiaolu in his pocket. He walked towards the wall facing the street, put his hand on it, and used the tube to control the fruit. He opened a hole that was as high as the person’s height, and quickly passed through it, jumping from the second floor of the hotel to the street outside. “I have been exercising for more than two months, and it is indeed ineffective!”


At this moment, somewhere on the coast of this island.

Whoosh whoosh… The large black windbreaker made a sound, and the tall figure stood upright on the shore against the sea breeze.

In the salty sea breeze, there was suddenly a faint smell of blood.

A pirate ship docked slowly.

On the deck of the pirate ship, da, da, da… slowly walked out a guy who looked very lonely and had a pale face.

In his hand, he was dragging a large sack.

The sack was bulging, as if it contained something. At the bottom, it was soaked in black-red liquid, exuding a strong smell of blood.

The pirate raised his eyes and saw a tall figure wearing a star mask, a windbreaker and a hood waiting for him on the shore. He immediately couldn’t help but feel a little weak in his legs.

“I…I didn’t run away…” he said tremblingly.

Although along the way, the terrifying murderous ghost used plasma to mark the direction of navigation… But at this moment, he had no idea whether the murderous ghost was still around, and he would never dare to guess.

Poof! The pirate clutched the mouth of the sack, got off the boat and accidentally fell into the sea, then climbed ashore in a panic.

Not only was he soaked, but the sack he dared not let go of was also soaked in seawater, and the outlines of the spherical objects contained in it could be vaguely distinguished.

The hem of the black windbreaker is close. The pirate was startled and looked up. The big man in the star mask raised his hand and grabbed the air, as if he had caught something, and pressed it towards his own star mask… It was as if he was wearing another star mask. A mask.

The pirate was so shocked that his pupils turned pale. He clearly saw that the hand stretched out by the man in the windbreaker mask just now…had no hand. There was nothing between the gloves and sleeves.

The soaked pirate trembled all over.

“B.I.B” pointed at the pirate and the sack in his hand, and then pointed in the direction of the island behind him.

The pirate stood up, clutching the sack.

Let’s go! Leave now!

Where is the base of the Navy branch? I want to go now!


Such a terrible thing, I don’t want to stay there for another second!


Lin Qi walked on the street, buying various snacks along the way. Most of them were wiped out by him within a few seconds of getting them.

He sucked his fingers clean and opened a carton of milk.

After smelling the fragrance of milk for a long time, Lin Qi felt a little emotional. He is almost used to having the quiet and cute little Miss Robin make him flower milk tea…

Grrrrrrrrrrrr, Lynch took a few sips and found that the little guy in his pocket was making a lot of noise.

“Why, you want to drink too?” Lynch took out the green phone bug and poured a little milk into the palm of his hand. Xiaolu immediately stretched his neck to get enough and licked it wildly, licking it in a few seconds. Lin Qi licked the little milk in his palm clean. Lynch poured some more, and was quickly licked up. Repeatedly, the green phone bug drank until it was full. At this time, Lynch also noticed that the crack on the little guy’s back that he had popped out had disappeared as if it had never existed.

Lin Qi smiled and put the satisfied phone bug back into his pocket. He looked up and saw that the naval branch base was not far ahead.

After looking around, Lin Qi found a small store that had a thick stack of pirate bounty orders specially compiled into a volume, which was originally sold.

“How much?” Lynch took one.

“Ten thousand Baileys.” The boss looked at him a few times, thinking he was an idle boy and didn’t take him seriously.

“Are they all the latest bounty orders?” Lynch flipped through the large collection of bounty orders for pirates in the West Sea in his hand. As expected, among the ones with the higher bounties, he found a bounty of 21 million. Trunk Pilot of Bailey, and the few subordinates on his ship whose bounty is still good.

“Of course it’s the latest!” the boss said, reaching out to take back the collection of reward orders. “You kid, don’t watch this kind of thing. Where are your adults?”

Lin Qi casually turned sideways to avoid the boss’s claws. He looked through it briefly, and sure enough he didn’t find the 17 million bounty captain of the Wind Chaser Pirates, Lukia – he had been killed by his “B.I.B” a long time ago, and was later taken to the naval base by the townspeople to exchange for the bounty. Then he handed over the bounty to the guy from “B.I.B”. “Since it’s quite new, this is it!”

Lynch slapped 10,000 Baileys on the table and turned around to leave.

The boss stared blankly at the back of the boy who was looking through the reward orders as he went out.

“…What a strange boy.”


At the same time, at the Navy branch’s base, there was an office responsible for handling bounties.

“This, is this really the head of Trunk Pilot?!!”

A few sailors looked at the ground in shock.

From the soaked sack, Gululu rolled out human heads on the ground. Among them is the famous pirate in the Western Sea, Truong Pilot, whose bounty is as high as 21 million Baileys!

“Joseph Speiden, 19 million Baileys… Wood French, 5.5 million Baileys… Hippie Kevin, 2.2 million Baileys…”

The unbelievable naval officer flipped through a stack of bounty orders and compared them one by one with the heads of the ferocious dead pirates on the ground. Every time he read a name, he became more shocked.

The other sailors present looked at the man in a trench coat and mask who was escorting the only surviving pirate, and they all couldn’t help but swallow their dry saliva.

What a terrifying aura… Coupled with the pirate next to him who was shaking like chaff, and the pirate’s head that smelled of blood all over the ground, it made people even more afraid to approach…

When did such a ferocious pirate hunter appear…

To wipe out the entire Trang Pirates just like this without saying a word? !

“B.I.B” kicked the trembling pirate. The latter had already impatiently asked the navy to arrest him and explained the general ins and outs. This group of pirates was robbed by this windbreaker mask. All the big men are destroyed!

“In that case…”

Although the navy thinks that this bounty hunter is very silent, and wears a large windbreaker, a hood, and even a mask on his face…but there is no shortage of mavericks among bounty hunters. If they can destroy a few more pirate groups, the navy would like to have as many freak bounty hunters like this as possible…

After waiting for a while, the navy finally paid out all the bounty, totaling 52 million beli!

As the marines in the room watched with complicated and unspeakable expressions, the man in a trench coat with a star mask turned around and left without saying a word, carrying the cash box.

At this time, the door of the office was just pushed open, and a boy who was not very tall came in with a book in his arms.

When he passed by the strong man in the windbreaker mask, the navy in the office couldn’t help but sweat for him. This kid ran out of nowhere… This weird and taciturn pirate The hunter is really a ruthless person and doesn’t talk much. It really makes people worry that he will kick the boy aside…

“Navy uncles, can I know the information about this pirate?” Lynch flipped through one of the book’s bounty pages and held it up to show the navy in the room, “I want to catch this bad guy!”

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