I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 011 “Illiteracy”

The carriage jolted across the street and arrived at another neighborhood in the royal city.

Compared with before, the streets here are obviously neater and cleaner, the pedestrians are also relatively well-dressed and beautiful, and they look polite when walking, talking and laughing.

A single-family mansion is not far ahead, which is Hogbak’s mansion.

Farther away is a wide staircase with higher terrain, and above the staircase is the magnificent palace.

In the carriage, Lin Qi secretly thought: In the world of One Piece, it seems that the palaces of all countries are built on high points… even the isolated country of Wano is no exception.


“What the **** is he!”

“It’s an evil spirit! The evil spirit has followed us back!!”

In the Black Powder Security Company, gang members screamed.

The cigar floats in the air, with green smoke curling from the top and red sparks flickering on and off.

“Damn it!” The branch boss who had his cigar snatched away angrily grabbed the ashtray and threw it at it, but it hit nothing. The place where the cigar was floating was not like he thought, there was an invisible man.

There is no one at all.

The cigar floated leisurely, and then, Lynch’s sketch paper, Robin’s reward order, and a pile of business documents also floated inexplicably on the table.

The branch boss gritted his teeth and turned over the table, kicking towards the cigar and documents.

Those things were avoided deftly, and the branch boss missed them. He fell to the ground and looked back. The end of his lit cigar had been leaning against the edge of the pile of papers, lighting them up.

The sparks jumped up, spread and burned, and soon turned into a ball of flame.

Even though he knew that this was most likely the power of the Devil Fruit… and would not be a truly terrifying wraith… there was still a chill that ran up the branch boss’s spine.

Damn it, how do you fight this kind of enemy! ?

The already **** gang members have already dumped the bodies. Whoever wants to contact the undertaker to collect the bodies can do so. They want to escape now anyway!

They had not taken a few steps when their shoulders suddenly felt severe pain.


It was as if a cold hand reached into their shoulders, forcefully separating and tearing their flesh, grabbing their bones, and squeezing them mercilessly.

This kind of pain can only be vented by screaming.


“You, don’t come over!!”

A pitiful scream came from the room.

On the street outside the house, passers-by passed by and heard the noise coming from inside.

But… people who live nearby know more or less what this house is.

Although everyone is quite used to gang affairs, it’s better to have less contact with them…

In the room. Pieces of paper one after another, whether it was sketch paper, reward orders, transaction sheets, various account books, and other documents, were taken out from the bodies of these people by invisible hands, and from various drawers in the room. , flew out of the bookshelf, and was thrown into the fire on the ground. Puff, puff, puff… the flames became more intense.

“I, my Bailey…”

The gang members, whose faces were covered with blood, fell in a pool of blood on the ground, watching with pain on their faces as the banknotes in their pockets were taken out by invisible hands.

Piles of Baileys were found. Several gang members whose arms were taken down by invisible evil spirits watched their bills fly to the side of the fire. They seemed to hesitate for a moment before finally throwing them in. .

There was even a reward warrant that was found in the drawer.

It was a yellowed reward order, obviously very old.

The photo shows a beautiful girl with long, wavy pink hair. She looks sideways at something, with the corners of her mouth raised wide, full of evil charm.

No matter life or death!

Bounty 1.49 billion!

The name is——Charlotte Lingling!

After the younger brothers saw it clearly, they all trembled and looked at their boss.

There is actually a reward order from when BIG.MOM, one of the cruel sea emperors, was young!

Does it mean that when the boss is smoking a cigar in the house, he will take out the reward notice from his youth from time to time to admire it? !

Too boring!

Charlotte Lingling’s reward order fell and slowly landed on the fire.

The branch boss’s face was full of blood and he was full of reluctance. Even though his whole body was in pain, he was still full of reluctance to prevent the treasured reward order from being burned to ashes.

But as soon as he got up, the “evil spirit” who ruthlessly executed the order reached into his arm, pinched his elbow bone hard, and dislocated it!


“B.I.B”‘s eyes glowed with white light, and the flames at his feet spread and burned, but he could not touch it, and naturally he could not burn it at all.

It kicked each gang member again, picked up a wooden stick, dipped it in the blood on the floor, came to a wall, and took off the scroll hanging on it.

“B.I.B” recalled what its main body told it after the gunshots were fired on the street before taking action.

[Lynch glanced at Robin, grabbed “B.I.B” and said in its ear: “After defeating these people, follow them…find their lair and teach them a lesson. ! By the way, if you find any reward orders or anything like that, burn them all! …Finally, um… before you come back, write a sentence on their wall…”]


“B.I.B” held up the wooden stick dripping with blood and was silent for a moment, but did not start writing.

The gang members groaned in pain and rolled in a pool of blood, looking at the **** wooden stick hovering on the wall in horror.

A thread of blood trickled down the wall, branching and flowing along the tiny cracks in the wall… vaguely weaving into some horrifying picture…

What does this mean?

What else is this terrible evil spirit going to do? !

The fire spread and burned the table legs. The **** wooden stick suddenly flew back and hit each of the frightened gangsters on the head. Finally, the wooden stick was thrown away and landed in a pool of blood…

The gang members trembled and refrained from making any move.

For a long time, there was no movement in the room except for the sound of crackling flames.

“It, is it gone?”


After “B.I.B” left the Black Powder Security Company, he stood at the door like a ghost. Based on his subtle induction, he recognized the direction of his current location.

It doesn’t care what street or route it is, it just walks directly through the wall.

Of course it is faster to walk in a straight line!

“B.I.B” is a ball of energy. Ordinary walls cannot constitute an obstacle at all. It shuttles through half of the city like a ball of wind.

The old man sleeping in the house, the nobles eating at the dining table, the girl reading at the table, the urchins playing ball in the courtyard, the men and women playing in the swimming pool, and even the multi-person sports in the bedroom…

When “B.I.B” found a luxurious single-family house in an upper-class neighborhood at the foot of the palace, he entered and found his true body waiting in an empty room.

“You, you wait…”

Lin Qi was chatting with Robin when he felt something in his heart. He turned around and saw the dark armor rushing towards him like a ghost.

The stand-in Blue Flame’s left hand pulled out the flower fruit chip from Lynch’s body, placed it in the inverted triangle area of ​​his chest, and then immediately poured it into the main body.

“Ah…! Hum…”

Lynch trembled like an epileptic maniac and moaned in ecstasy.

Robin next to him shut up, and a question mark slowly appeared on his head.

“Damn, what a rush…”

Lin Qi gritted his teeth and took a breath.

At this moment, a tingling strange feeling was growing in his limbs, and the substitute’s experience, fatigue, and gains were perfectly compatible with him.

At the same time, the memories of the stand-in’s time abroad also instantly entered Lin Qi’s mind.

“But it is true that this way of reporting is much simpler and more intuitive than speaking! You are quite smart, as expected of me!”

Lin Qi laughed, dark energy flames surged from his body, and released “B.I.B” again.

“But if you are an illiterate and can’t write, it’s such a shameful thing, so don’t come back to me, right?!” He gritted his teeth, avoiding the question-marked Robin next to him, and lowered his voice and said in shame, “You don’t Will you ask those people on the ground? ”

(Starting today, strive for two updates!)

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